Codex of The Infinite Planes Vol 02 Plane of Water
Codex of The Infinite Planes Vol 02 Plane of Water
Codex of The Infinite Planes Vol 02 Plane of Water
Infinite Planes
Volume II:
Plane of Water
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Volume II: Plane of Water Sea of Worlds
Islands comprised of rock, earth, and even coral break the
“The greatest ocean in all the Material Planes is but a surface of the Sea of Worlds, though few are permanent.
drop of water compared to the fathomless depths of the The nature of the watery plane breaks down hard surfaces,
Plane of Water. I believe that it is the source of all water eroding them and sending them back to the depths. Few
in the multiverse, that at some point every raindrop and things last above the sea, as super storms are known to
every stream began in this watery paradise. But, just like suddenly appear without warning to drag everything back
any body of water, the real interesting things are located down. There are no native creatures that do not swim in
below the surface, where fantastic treasures and creatures the Plane of Water, though swarms of winged quippers
swim in an aquatic wonderland that is both calming and break the surface of the sea to ride the stormy winds.
terrifying at the same time.”
Sea of Light
Astromarchus the Sage The upper region of underwater is known as the Sea of
Light. Here, much of the sunlight from above the sea filters
The Plane of Water is a vast realm of deep mysteries, down, creating a brightly lit aquatic wonderland. Great
shadowed darkness, and wondrous life, all combined swaths of coral reefs clinging to unanchored rocks dot the
into one of the most recognizable elements across the Sea of Light, and within these are found the fortresses,
multiverse. Life flourishes in this plane, which many strongholds, and cities of the most common planar natives,
travelers can relate to on some level – after all, most including the sahuagin and kuo-toa. Nominally, the marid
Material Plane worlds have seas and oceans, so it’s too genies rule over much of this layer, but they care little for
hard to imagine a vast, endless version of it. the machinations of non-marid.
But the Plane of Water holds so much more, and it is Even at night, the Sea of Light is illuminated, bathed by
one of the most hospitable of the Inner Planes to natural a soft green light that seems to infuse the water. The water
life (second only to the Plane of Air). With a little magic, temperature is near perfection at all times, not too hot and
travelers can dive into the Sea of Worlds and seek out not too cold, though pockets of intense heat, slime, and
the wonders and treasures of the Great Coral Forest, the chill float through the currents. Throughout the waters,
wrecks of lost ships in the Graveyard of Sails, the reckless “up” is considered to be towards the surface of the Sea of
and arrogant halls of the marid genies in the Citadel of Worlds, while “down” is considered away from the light.
Ten Thousand Pearls, or even trade goods and services In all portions of the Plane of Water below the surface,
under the icy dome of the City of Glass. Deeper still lies however, it can be difficult to easily determine “up” from
dangerous lairs of cold, unyielding monsters, such as the “down” especially since the effects of gravity are lessened
Fathomless Caves and the Trench of Death. in the water.
Sahuagin, marid genies, kuo-toa, merrow, and all
manner of other creatures occupy the Plane of Water, and Darkened Depths
some have built cities and bases beneath the waves. And The deepest sections of the Plane of Water are reserved
while most of the planar activity is underwater, contrary for a lightless realm known as the Darkened Depths. It is
to most beliefs, the Plane of Water has a surface, and this here dwell the greatest and most monstrous of creatures,
surface is broken by several islands. The most famous of including elder krakens and the lairs of the elemental lords
these islands is the Isle of Dread, surrounded by a fierce of water. Olhydra, the Princess of Evil Water Elementals, is
storm that extends to many Material Planes, which has the best known among these primordial powers, and she
the capability to draw in ships and strand them. The island is fickle and without mercy. Light from above the Sea of
itself is a dangerous, jungle-filled wilderness with great Worlds does not filter down to the Darkened Depths, and
dinosaurs competing for food. whatever infusion illuminates the Sea of Light above is
The treasures and sites of the Plane of Water are there lessened here.
for travelers willing to brave the monsters and dangers of
an endless sea of unrelenting change. Sea of Ice
The Plane of Water borders two other Inner Planes at its
extreme edges. Where it borders the Plane of Air, the Sea
Lay of the Land of Worlds grows frigid and great icebergs bob slowly in the
water. This is the Sea of Ice, and travelers that continue
The Plane of Water has three major layers to its endless through it eventually reach the Frostfell (also known as the
geography and two side regions where it borders other Plane of Ice). White dragons and remorhazes are known
Inner Planes. The first is actually above the waters of the to lair in the icebergs of the Sea of Ice. Particularly large
Sea of Worlds, where a sun and stars sit similar to most rogue icebergs have been known to break from this area
Material Planes. Ships that inadvertently travel through a to float into the Sea of Worlds, though the warmer waters
portal to this Inner Plane can drift forever on the waves, ensure the massive ice formations don’t last forever.
though it is more likely they run afoul of one of the many
terrible storms that rocks the region. This elemental Silt Flats
realm is a plane of constant change, with seas shifting At the other end, the sea grows shallower where the Plane
dramatically from calm to stormy in the blink of an eye. of Water is near the Plane of Earth. This area is known as
the Silt Flats before giving way to the Swamp of Oblivion
(also referred to as the Plane of Ooze). In the Silt Flats,
Eye Rays. The eye of the deep shoots both of its magical eye
rays, choosing targets for each it can see within 120 feet of it.
Luring Song (Recharge 5-6). The caller from the deep emits
a magical lure in the form of a powerful subsonic song. The
luring song can be felt by creatures up to 120 feet, and all non-
elementals in range must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw.
On a failure, they must move their full movement towards the
caller from the deep on each of their turns for 1 minute. Each
victim can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 17 (3d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4+5) piercing damage.
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 24 (+7) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 8 (-1)
Hot Spot
Vortices and planar pockets exist all across the multiverse,
and that is no different for the Plane of Water. Sometimes,
those pockets lead to a much hotter location, such as the
Plane of Fire, Magma, or one of the Lower Planes. This
creates a floating hot spot in the sea. A hot spot is typically
a rough sphere 2d10 x 100 feet in diameter. Creatures in a
hot spot suffer 5 (1d10) fire damage each round.
Ice Pocket
Similar to the hot spot, an ice pocket is a supernaturally
cold vortex that travels in the Plane of Water. The watery
conditions are more conducive to the cold than the heat,
and as such the ice pockets are large spheres 2d10 x 500
feet in diameter. Creatures in an ice pocket suffer 3 (1d6)
cold damage each round and they must make a DC 14
Constitution saving throw. On a failure they suffer a level
of exhaustion. Ice pockets often have floating ice chunks
drifting along with the current making identification of this
danger a little easier.
Reaver Speed
Starting at 14th level, you can use your reaction to move
your walking speed in a burst of movement.
Suggested Characteristics
Use the tables for the criminal background in the Player’s
Handbook as the basis for your traits and motivations,
modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your
identity as a blue diver.
d6 Ideal
1 Freedom. Life can be taken away at any
moment, so live while you can. (Chaotic)