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Dyac 199
Dyac 199
Original article
Received 22 April 2022; Editorial decision 20 September 2022; Accepted 30 September 2022
Background: Several SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have been shown to provide protection
against COVID-19 hospitalization and death. However, some evidence suggests that no-
table waning in effectiveness against these outcomes occurs within months of vaccina-
tion. We undertook a pooled analysis across the four nations of the UK to investigate
waning in vaccine effectiveness (VE) and relative vaccine effectiveness (rVE) against
severe COVID-19 outcomes.
Methods: We carried out a target trial design for first/second doses of ChAdOx1(Oxford–
AstraZeneca) and BNT162b2 (Pfizer–BioNTech) with a composite outcome of COVID-19
hospitalization or death over the period 8 December 2020 to 30 June 2021. Exposure
groups were matched by age, local authority area and propensity for vaccination. We
pooled event counts across the four UK nations.
C The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological Association.
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This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits
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2 International Journal of Epidemiology, 2022, Vol. 00, No. 00
Results: For Doses 1 and 2 of ChAdOx1 and Dose 1 of BNT162b2, VE/rVE reached zero by
approximately Days 60–80 and then went negative. By Day 70, VE/rVE was –25% (95% CI:
–80 to 14) and 10% (95% CI: –32 to 39) for Doses 1 and 2 of ChAdOx1, respectively, and
42% (95% CI: 9 to 64) and 53% (95% CI: 26 to 70) for Doses 1 and 2 of BNT162b2, respec-
tively. rVE for Dose 2 of BNT162b2 remained above zero throughout and reached 46%
(95% CI: 13 to 67) after 98 days of follow-up.
Conclusions: We found strong evidence of waning in VE/rVE for Doses 1 and 2 of
ChAdOx1, as well as Dose 1 of BNT162b2. This evidence may be used to inform policies
on timings of additional doses of vaccine.
Key Messages
• We undertook an observational epidemiological analysis of the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines across all four
nations of the UK, pooling data from a UK cohort of 12.9 million individuals.
• We carried out a target trial study of waning in vaccine effectiveness (VE)/relative vaccine effectiveness (rVE) against
COVID-19 hospitalization or death for first/second doses of ChAdOx1 (Oxford–AstraZeneca) and BNT162b2 (Pfizer–
• For Doses 1 and 2 of ChAdOx1, as well as Dose 1 of BNT162b2, VE/rVE reached zero by approximately Days 60–80
after vaccination, whereas for Dose 2 of BNT162b2, rVE remained above zero throughout 98 days of follow-up.
• Our methodology provides proof of concept for carrying out pooled studies where data are stored in different
based on a number of clinical and demographic character- graphically rather than focus on a binary definition. The data
istics. Differences in the composite outcome variable of sets consisted of linked primary care, secondary care, mortal-
COVID-19 hospitalization or death were then compared ity and virological testing data stored in secure TREs in each
between these groups. of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales (Figure 1).
We followed a pre-specified statistical analysis plan These data were deterministically linked using unique, anony-
(Supplementary File S1, Statistical analysis plan, available as mized patient identifiers—National Health Service (NHS)
Supplementary data at IJE online). Initially, we sought to number in England, Health and Care Number in Northern
study only first-dose waning. However, navigating permis- Ireland and Community Health Index number in Scotland. In
sions to undertake this analysis across national trusted re- Wales, a combination of deterministic linkage based on NHS
search environments (TREs) took far longer than anticipated number and probabilistic linkage based on personal identi-
and by the time we were able to carry out the analysis, many fiers was used. The study period was 8 December 2020 to
people had received their second dose. Therefore, we also 30 June 2021. Anyone whose most recently recorded age at
studied second dose and we looked at a longer study period the cohort start date was aged <18 years was excluded. We
than was originally specified in the statistical analysis plan. also excluded elderly care home residents because care home
We initially planned to do a secondary cohort analysis in or- residence may have been associated with strong confounding
der to make use of the full data set. However, as we navi- effects and there were very few care home residents who
gated permissions to undertake this work it became clear that were suitable to be used as controls because this population
it would not have been possible to do a pooled cohort study was a high priority group for vaccination.
as this would require sharing non-count data. Therefore, we
carried out the primary target trial analysis. We also planned Exposure
to use two separate binary definitions of vaccine waning. We defined an individual as exposed according to the type
However, after conducting the analysis, we decided that it of vaccine and dose number they received, starting from
would be most informative to present our main results the 14 days after it was administered.
4 International Journal of Epidemiology, 2022, Vol. 00, No. 00
waning. This analysis was repeated in each nation of the available as Supplementary data at IJE online) give event
UK. counts by vaccination status in each nation.
The data governance procedure of the TREs in each Table 1 shows the number and proportion of individu-
country did not allow individual-level data to be shared. als who were exposed to each vaccine dose that were suc-
However, we obtained permission from data controllers in cessfully matched with a control by nation. The proportion
each nation to confidentially share count data with the of exposed individuals that were matched ranged from
Scottish TRE on the condition that these would be com- 45–58% with the exception of second-dose matching in
bined in a pooled count. In each nation’s TRE, counts of Wales (17%). Descriptive tables of matched exposure
outcome events and person-days of follow-up were col- groups for each country are given in Tables S5a–h in
England 4 223 375 2 283 348 (54.1%) 3 632 725 1 658 061 (45.6%)
Northern Ireland 1 105 511 640 964 (58.0%) 844 018 393 820 (46.7%)
Scotland 3 481 808 1 650 088 (47.4%) 2 582 105 1 358 286 (52.6%)
Wales 1 629 997 912 704 (56.0%) 1 239 608 216 608 (17.5%)
6 International Journal of Epidemiology, 2022, Vol. 00, No. 00
Day First dose ChAdOx1a Second dose ChAdOx1a First dose BNT162b2b Second dose BNT162b2b
Figure 2 Pooled rate ratios for COVID-19 hospitalization or death, first-dose ChAdOx1 (Oxford–AstraZeneca), all ages
Figure 3 Pooled rate ratios for COVID-19 hospitalization or death, first-dose BNT162b2 (Pfizer–BioNTech), all ages
Figure 4 Pooled rate ratios for COVID-19 hospitalization or death, second-dose ChAdOx1 (Oxford–AstraZeneca), all ages
to allow a pooled study to be done with only count data becoming negative thereafter. Our rVE estimates for Dose
being shared between each country’s TREs. We found evi- 2 of BNT162b2 remained above zero throughout 98 days
dence of waning in VE/rVE for Doses 1 and 2 of ChAdOx1 of follow-up.
and Dose 1 of BNT162b2, with VE/rVE dropping to zero We believe that the most likely explanation for negative
60–80 days after the date of administration and VE/rVE is that vaccination caused recipients to believe
International Journal of Epidemiology, 2022, Vol. 00, No. 00 7
they were protected, leading them to change their behav- exposure groups in the population. This design together
iour in ways that increase their chance of contracting the with the Poisson regression modelling strategy meant that
infection. These changes in behaviours should initially the only data that were required in the analysis were
have been outweighed by the protection offered by the im- count-level data from the exposure groups in each nation.
mune response stimulated by the vaccine, but as time pro- We obtained permission to confidentially share counts of
gressed the protection is likely to have diminished such individuals stratified by categories between TREs in each
that the impact of behavioural changes may have become nation on the understanding that these would be combined
dominant. It is also possible that naturally acquired immu- in a pooled count. This enabled us to conduct a pooled
nity provides more robust protection than vaccination.24 analysis across the four nations of the UK. Typically, the
Our VE/rVE estimates were lower than estimates of vac- only way to combine results from separate analyses on
cine efficacy seen in clinical trials. Clinical trials for both individual-level data that cannot be shared is to do a meta-
ChAdOx1 and BNT162b2 reported 100% efficacy against analysis. Our use of splines in time allowed us to model
severe COVID-19 outcomes after a two-dose regimen.5,6 complex trajectories for VE/rVE. A final strength of this
There are several possible explanations for this. These clin- paper is that we used time-varying, incident density sam-
ical trials were carried out during different time periods pling in our propensity score matching procedure to ac-
and in different populations compared with our study. In count for changes in vaccine prioritization over time.
particular, the dominant variants in circulation were not A limitation in our analysis is that there was limited
the same. The clinical trials included a blinding procedure, follow-up in populations that were prioritized for vaccina-
where the control group was given a placebo injection. tion, particularly the elderly. Matched pairs in older age
Our study examined real-world effectiveness, where a pla- groups tended to be censored relatively quickly, contribut-
cebo was not administered. This could have led to behav- ing to imprecision in our estimates of VE/rVE. This was
ioural confounding that might be expected to make VE particularly true in the second-dose analysis in Wales, for
estimates lower than vaccine efficacy. Our first-dose VE which the matching percentage was only 17% due to an es-
estimates tended to be lower compared with other esti- pecially rapid rollout there. However, Scotland and
mates in the literature.25 One major difference is that we England contributed most of the data that were used in the
used a target trial methodology as opposed to other com- pooled analysis and data from Wales likely had a relatively
mon observational epidemiological designs such as cohort minor effect on the results. We considered allowing indi-
and case–control studies. We have previously carried out a viduals to be used multiple times in the matching, but we
cohort study of vaccine waning for two doses of ChAdOx1 believe this would have led to unacceptable distortion of
on the same EAVE II data set, in tandem with a separate CIs on our estimates. Target trials tend to offer better con-
data set from Brazil.9 Our rVE estimates are consistent trol over confounders at the cost of lower statistical power
with results from this previous study, as well as a cohort and it is not uncommon for a significant proportion of the
study of second-dose waning of BNT162b2 in Israel.26 study population to be lost when creating exposure groups
Our results may also be broadly consistent with a target in target trials. There was also a potential selection bias in
trial study of VE of BNT162b2 in Israel, although a direct that those who are matched are not representative of those
comparison cannot be made for second dose because we who are vaccinated. Comparison of Table S3 with S5
estimated VE relative to those who had received a first (available as Supplementary data at IJE online) provides
dose, as opposed to the unvaccinated.27 A key strength of information on this and generally there is reasonable agree-
this paper is the use of the target trial method, which seeks ment. It is possible that younger people were more likely to
to emulate a clinical trial by finding naturally occurring be matched and this may have been due to the elderly being
8 International Journal of Epidemiology, 2022, Vol. 00, No. 00
a smaller group that was prioritized for vaccination. It is vaccine. We have also used a novel methodology that
not clear in which direction this bias may have worked. allowed us to carry out a pooled study—for the first
Whereas England, Scotland and Wales had access to time—across all UK nations without having to share
QCovid risk group variables for use in the propensity individual-level data. This will we hope serve as a proof of
matching, Northern Ireland did not and BNF chapters pre- concept for further pooled multicentre/country studies in
scribed was used as a proxy. Although pooling data across the future.
the nations noticeably improved the precision in our esti-
mates, there was still significant uncertainty, particularly
in the age-stratified analyses and at large times elapsed Ethics approval
Development Division (Welsh Government), Public Health Agency a member of advisory boards for AstraZeneca, Seqirus and Sanofi.
(Northern Ireland), British Heart Foundation and the Wellcome I.R. is a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the
Trust. This work was supported by the ADR Wales programme of Government of the Republic of Croatia and co-Editor-in-Chief of
work. The ADR Wales programme of work is aligned to the priority the Journal of Global Health. R.A.L. is a member of the Welsh
themes as identified in the Welsh Government’s national strategy: Government COVID-19 Technical Advisory Group. D.T.B. was on
Prosperity for All. ADR Wales brings together data science experts secondment to the Department of Health (Northern Ireland) and
at Swansea University Medical School, staff from the Wales Institute was a member or observer on the Scientific Advisory Group for
of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) at Emergencies and several of its subgroups while conducting this
Cardiff University and specialist teams within the Welsh work.
Government to develop new evidence that supports Prosperity for
14. Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. Urban-Rural sectional study of multimorbidity and social care use in
Classification. https://www.nisra.gov.uk/support/geography/ur people aged over 65 years in Scotland. Age Ageing 2021;50:
ban-rural-classification (7 June 2022, date last accessed). 176–82.
15. GOV.SCOT. Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification 22. Strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiol-
2016. https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-government- ogy (STROBE). https://www.strobe-statement.org (15 April 2022,
urban-rural-classification-2016/pages/2/ (7 June 2022, date last date last accessed).
accessed). 23. Reporting of studies using observational routinely-collected data
16. GOV.UK. English Indices of Deprivation. https://www.gov.uk/gov (RECORD). https://www.record-statement.org/ (15 April 2022,
ernment/collections/english-indices-of-deprivation (7 June 2022, date date last accessed).
last accessed). 24. Gazit S, Shlezinger R, Perez G et al. Severe acute respiratory syn-