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School Villa Kananga Integrated School Grade Level Grade 7

Teacher JONNAH A. CUARTEROS Learning Area Mathematics

COT Teaching
Dates and October 22, 2022 Quarter 2nd


A. Content Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of algebraic

Standards expressions, the properties of real numbers as applied in linear
equations, and inequalities in one variable.
B. Performance Is able to model situations using oral, written, graphical, and
Standards algebraic methods in solving problems involving algebraic
expressions, linear equations and inequalities in one variable.

C. Learning KRA3: Objective 8:

Competencies/ Set achievable and
Objectives appropriate learning
outcomes that are
aligned with earning

At the end of the discussion, students are expected to: MOV--- Knowledge,
skill and attitude or
KSA is applied in
1. identify like terms lesson planning
objectives in order to
2. adds polynomials./M7AL-IId-2 meet curriculum
requirements based
on the Budget of
Works for the Most
Essential Learning
Competencies. Parts
of the LP are based
on the PPST Modules.


A. References

1. Teacher’s Math G7 TG pp. 161-165

Guide pages
2. Learner’s Math G7 LM pp. 130-133
Materials pages
3. Textbook Math G7 LM pp. 130-133
4. Additional Look for additional materials at LR portals
Materials for
Resources (LR)
B. Other Nivera, G. (2014). Grade 7 Mathematics: Patterns and
Learning Practicalities. Antonio Arnaiz cor. Chino Roces Avenues, Makati
City: Salesiana Books by Don Bosco Press, Inc.

A. Reviewing Preliminary Activity
(MY PROMISE) The teacher manages
lesson or
the learners’ behavior
presenting the (Integration of positive and non-violent discipline)
constructively by
new lesson.
Presenting the classroom standards: applying positive and
non-violent discipline
I promise to: to ensure learning-
1. Be kind, polite, and courteous to others. (Say Thank you, focused environment.
Please, etc.) MOV---To avoid and
2. Be respectful of classmates, teachers, and property of
prevent misbehavior,
school and others.
house rules/
3. Raise my hand and wait for my turn to speak.
4. Always follow the directions given by my teacher. standards/guidelines
5. Work hard and always do my best. are set before the
6. Be safe. class starts or before
Be ready to take the consequences if I break the rules. doing an activity.

After the activity, review past lesson about number of terms, like
terms, coefficients, variables, and constants with their
TERMS- are the elements of an expression separated by
VARIABLES- letters that represent a number or value
COEFFICIENTS- numbers that are multiplied by the variable.
Think of the coefficients as the number connected to the
CONSTANTS- numbers that stand alone(a term with no
Then the teacher, ask each student to answer orally the
following worksheet.

B. Establishing a They already know how to simplify expressions. Now, they KRA 1:
purpose for the are ready to perform operations on polynomials. Their
lesson. Objective 1:-Applies
knowledge of simplifying expressions will be very useful in
knowledge of content
adding polynomials.
within and across
In adding polynomials, this is what we should keep always curriculum teaching
keep in mind: areas.
Adding the Opposite Method. Integer Addition sums are much MOV---Theorems and
easier to do than Subtractions, so we always apply the “Add the important ideas are
Opposite” rule to turn every Subtraction question into integrated and
an Addition sum. Keep Flip Change “KFC” Rule. Adding the emphasized during
Opposite can be simplified into what is called the “KFC” Rule the introduction of a
STEPS to Combining Like Terms when Simplifying

C. Presenting To add polynomials, to wit:

instances of the
new lesson.

D. Discussing new From this activity, lead the students to the discussion of the KRA 1:Objective 3:-
concepts and topic on adding polynomials. To visually understand the process, Applied a range of
practicing new the teacher will show the two ways of adding polynomials by teaching strategies to
skills #1. vertical or horizontal method. develop critical and
creative thinking, as
Teach the students on how to arrange the polynomials in
well as other higher-
various ways and solve it. A. Vertical Method
order thinking skills
MOV---The pupils will
differentiate the two
ways of adding

B. Horizontal Method

Video Presentation Standards in viewing a

video presentation
(A video presentation will be shown about the two ways of will be shown to avoid
adding polynomials) and prevent
misbehavior before
Standards in viewing a video presentation. watching the video

KRA 3:Objective 7:-

Selected, developed,
organized and used
appropriate teaching
and learning
resources, including
ICT, to address
learning goals.
MOV---The lesson is
Video Presentation Link: delivered through the
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E9gPpBWfxk video presentation

Activity 4 KRA 1:Objective 3:-

Applied a range of
(Level 4- “VIEW ME, ANSWER ME”) (After watching the teaching strategies to
video, follow- up questions will be given and 5 points will be develop critical and
added in every correct answer) creative thinking, as
GUIDED QUESTIONS/TASKS:(Pupils will take note with the well as other higher-
guided questions to while watching the video.) order thinking skills

1. In adding polynomials, what is the acronym which MOV---The questions

serves as your guide? presented to check
2. How do you add polynomials with parenthesis? pupils’
3. How do you add polynomials with parenthesis? comprehension on
4. Can you directly add polynomials if you encounter pictures and video clip
problems like 5 ( x 2−3 ) + ( x 2−5 x +2 ) ? presented are
arranged from lower
5. How would you add a problem cited in question number 4? level to higher level
What is the first thing to do? thinking skills. Pupils
are challenged to
think creatively.

E. Discussing (Integration of positive & non-violent discipline and KRA 2:

new concepts Differentiated/Tiered Activity)
Objective 4:
and practicing
Activity 6 Established a learner-
new skills #2.
centered culture by
(Level 6- “WE CAN DO THIS ALTOGETHER”) using teaching
strategies that
(20 points every member of the group who can report in
respond to their
front of the class) linguistic, cultural,
Group Activity-Directions: socio-economic and
religious backgrounds
1. Group yourselves into four.
2. Choose your leader. MOV: The teacher
3. The leader gets the activity sheets and the engaged learners
assessment card from the teacher. individually or in
4. Go to your respective area assigned to you. groups in meaningful
5. Begin doing the activity following the group exploration, discovery,
standards. and hands-on
6. Be mindful of the rubrics presented. activities within a
7. Finish in 5 minutes, and then present your output range of physical
in less than 3 minutes. learning
Standards in doing Math activity: environments.

The learners are given
activities according to
their strengths and

Following is a Riddle activity:

By applying
activities with rubrics,
learners are ensured
of their active
Rubric in Assessing Group Performance in Simple Math
Activity (Group-Assessment)

F. Developing (Integration of Contextualization, Localization and Gender- KRA 2: Objective 4:

Mastery Fair) Established a learner-
( Leads to centered culture by
Formative using teaching
Assessment 3) Group Presentation/Reporting strategies that
respond to their
(Learners are given utmost recognition in the task they are linguistic, cultural,
presented.) socio-economic and
religious backgrounds

Self-Assessment of the Group Activity MOV:

(Each group presents their group output rating by presenting The teacher engaged
their Self-Assessment Card.) learners individually
or in groups in
(refer to power point presentation) exploration, discovery,
and hands-on
activities within a
range of physical
G. Finding practical Engage the students into practice activities by letting them work
applications of
concepts and skills
on the Exercises on pages 214-217.
in daily living.
Encourage them to ask clarification about the topic. KRA 1:Objective 3:-
Applied a range of
teaching strategies to
1. What is the first thing to do in adding polynomials? develop critical and
creative thinking, as
well as other higher-
order thinking skills
MOV---The pupils will
explain make
generalizations and
H. Making abstractions about the
generalizations lesson.
2. In today’s pandemic, what are the things that we are grateful
and of? KRA 2:Objective 5:-
Planned and delivered
about the
lesson. teaching strategies
that are responsive to
the special
educational needs of
learners in the
difficult circumstances
MOV---The pupils will
explain practical
application of
concepts and skills in
daily living

I. Evaluating KRA 2:Objective 6:-

Learning Practice the questions given in the worksheet on addition of Used strategies for
polynomials. The questions are based on arranging the expressions providing timely,
to find the sum of monomials, binomials, trinomials and accurate and
constructive feedback
1. Arrange and add the monomials: to improve learner
(i) –8abc and 10abc performance
(ii) 5x2yz2 and 9x2yz2
(iii) -6z7, and 5z7
2. Arrange and add the binomials: MOV---The pupils will
(i) 2p + 3q and 7p + 8q answer the evaluation.
(ii) 14x -3y and -5x + 11y Then, it will be
(iii) 2x2y and -8x2y
checked with teacher’s
3. Arrange and add the trinomials: constructive feedback.
(i) 4x + 5y – 3z and 9x – 6y + 4z
(ii)3x2 + 4xy + 5y2 and 9y2 – 10x2 – 6xy
(iii) 14xy + 17yz + 13xz and 8xy – 15yz + 12xz

Now we will proceed from basic to intricate problems on arranging

and adding polynomials provided in the worksheet on addition of

4. Find the sum of:

(i) 3x2 – 2xy + 4y2 and – x2 + 4xy – 2y2
(ii) 3p + 4q + 7r, -5p + 3q – 6r and 4p – 2q – 4r
(iii) 2a2 + ab - b2, -a2 + 2ab + 3b2 and 3a2 – 10ab + 4b2
(iv) k2 – k + 1, -5k2 + 2k – 2 and 3k2 – 3k + 1
(v) x2 – xy + yz, 2xy + yz – 2x2 and -3yz + 3x2 + xy
(vi) 4u2 + 7 – 3u, 4u – u2 + 8 and -10 + 5u – 2u2

5. Add the following expressions:

(i) 3xyz + 4yz + 5zx, 7xz – 6yz + 4xyz and -9xyz – 11zy + 9xz
(ii) x3 – 2y3 + x, y3 – 2x3 + y and -2y + 2y3 – 5x + 4x3
(iii) 7p2 – 4p2q + 8q2, 5q2 – 2p2 + 6p2q and 3p2q + 10p2
(iv) 9x2 – 7x + 5, -14x2 – 6 + 15x and 20x2 + 40x - 17
(v) –m2 – 3mn + 3n2 + 8, 3m2 – 5n2 – 3 + 4mn and -6mn + 2m2 – 2 +
J. Additional Assignment: Simplify the following:
activities for  If P = a2 – 2bc + b2, Q = -b2 + bc – c2  and
application or R = c2 + cb + a2 , Then, find the value of P + Q + R.


A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%.
C. Do the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/ discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared By:


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