Gear Pumps One main 2-section gear-type pump Two-Part Paint Coating System
and one single gear-type pump provide hydraulic Setting another new industry standard,
power. A mechanical disconnect on the 2-section Link-Belt is utilizing a two-part coating
technology coupled with a pre-assembly
pump saves wear on the hydraulic system and
paint process to provide the finest quality
reduces the load placed on the engine when
coating system available today. This new
travelling long distances. coating technology provides superior
Added Value Carrier Features Large grab adhesion and abrasion resistance. In
handles and steps strategically located around the addition, because all parts are painted
before assembly, 100% coverage of each
new RTC-8035 provide superior accessibility to
part is realized, virtually eliminating
carrier deck areas and engine for routine mainte-
corrosion bleed-through that is common
nance and service. Safety strips adhered on top of with old paint processes.
the deck and fenders provide a non-slip surface
The combination of this paint’s superior
for maintenance personnel.
abrasion resistance and the pre-assembly
A standard oversize storage compartment is ideal paint technique dramatically enhances
for tools, slings, and accessories. Additionally, the aesthetic appeal
lightweight aluminum outrigger floats with a of the final machine
"quick latch" feature, rigid front axle for greater as nuts, bolts, hoses,
stability in rough terrain, air over dual hydraulic and a whole multi-
disc service brakes for improved braking, spring tude of piece parts
applied/air released emergency brakes, air service are no longer painted.
As a result, paint
ports, and complete light package continue Link-
chipping, cracking,
Belt rough terrain crane standards.... superior
and paint deterior-
customer benefits for superior customer value. ation is substantially
A driver controlled differential lock on both axles reduced when service work
is available for maximum traction. and disassembly is required.
... Traditional Link-Belt Standards!
Superior Hydraulics... Piston Motor Hydraulic Hoist System
Delivers superior hoisting to the
for smooth, precise control 35 ton (32 metric ton)
hydraulic rough terrain
Multi-Function Control For greater productivity crane class The stan-
and control, the three pump hydraulic circuit allows dard load hoist
simultaneous function of boomhoist, winch and swing.... system consists
setting the standard in the 35-ton (32 metric ton) class. of a 2M main
Simplified Routings The new RTC-8035 incorpo- winch with two-
rates simplified hydraulic routings for easy access. speed motor and
Fittings and connections are staggered where necessary automatic brake
for quick and easy servicing. for power up/down
mode of operation. A bi-directional
Serviceability Standard quick disconnects installed piston-type hydraulic motor, driven through a plan-
at various locations in the hydraulic system allow the etary reduction unit provides precise, smooth load
hydraulic pressure to be quickly and easily checked with control with minimal rpm. Asynchronous, parallel
Link-Belt’s exclusive diagnostic gauge kit (optional). double cross-over grooved drums minimize rope
harmonic motion, improving spooling and increasing
rope service life. Rotation resistant rope is standard.
A two-speed 2M auxiliary winch is available. On the
two-winch machines, an independent winch function
lockout is provided. When this mode is selected, the
operator won’t inadvertently operate a winch which
has been shut down preventing a two-blocking or rope
“bird nesting” situation.
Matched sizes of main and auxiliary winches provide
equal maximum available line pulls of 10,360 lbs.
(4 699 kg) and maximum line speeds of 473 f.p.m.
(144 m/min.) on 10-5/8" (.27 m) root diameter
grooved drums.
The new RTC-8035 rough terrain crane is specifically designed to allow contractors to work
in confined work areas where full outrigger extension is not possible. The CALC system
provides the operator with three outrigger positions (full extension, intermediate, and fully
retracted). Outriggers may be extended to an intermediate position where working area is
limited or, in extremely tight quarters, lifts can be made with outriggers fully retracted. In
the fully retracted outrigger mode, lift capacities are significantly improved over the ‘on tires’
configuration because of the ability to fully level the machine, no matter the ground conditions.
The outrigger position levers (located on the outrigger boxes) are easily applied.
Once the levers are engaged, the operator can set the crane in the intermediate or
fully retracted outrigger mode without having to leave the cab.
Under full extension, the outrigger beams extend to a wide 20' 6-1/4" (6.25 m)
spread centerline to centerline. Centerline to centerline spread dimension for
intermediate outriggers measures 14' 8" (4.47 m) and 8' 8-1/4" (2.64 m) for fully
retracted... narrow enough to fit in extremely tight working areas but with the
stability and capacities provided by being set on outriggers.
A thorough, easy-to-read crane rating manual gives the operator comprehensive
capacities covering the three outrigger positions with all attachments plus ‘pick
and carry’ capacities.
The CALC System... another industry innovation from Link-Belt designed for
exceptional customer value.
Attachment Flexibility
• Full power, fully synchronized 28' 9" – 91' 0" (8.76 m – 27.74 m) Added Value Attachment Features
four-section boom. • Hammerhead Boom Nose Allows the operator to
• 25' 0" (7.62 m) fixed stowable one piece lattice type fly. work at high boom angles without fouling wire
• 25' 0" (7.62 m) offsettable (2°, 15°, or 30°) stowable one piece rope.
lattice type fly. • Quick Reeve Boom Head Allows rope to be easily
• 25' 0" – 43' 0" (7.62 m – 13.10 m) offsettable (2°, 15°, or 30°) reeved over boom head without removing rope
stowable lattice type fly with telescoping box section. socket from wedge.
• Deflector Rollers Rollers prevent premature
wire rope wear when working at low boom
• Lightweight Nylon Head Sheaves Reduce overall
machine weight and increase lift capacities.
• Available Auxiliary Lifting Sheave Can be used for
quick lifts with one or two parts of line when
the boom head has multiple reeving. And it
does not have to be removed when fly is
erected in working position.
Stowable Attachments Swing-away lattice flys are easily stored
for transportability or can be removed to meet specific road laws.