Phys 3792

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1865 respectively received the brevets of brigadier-general

Other vegetable products of importance are: Gum arabic, obtained

was made cardinal by Sixtus V. on the 7th of August 1587,

Indians. Rodolfo Hauthal, Walter E. Roth and Dr R. Lehmann

for him more than one opportunity of quitting the comparative

in United Kingdom, 1895-1904.

length, containing a small printing-office, a photographic

it from being a cause of loss. The summer exhibition

series. It has been held by some, however, that the first

disposed of the ``Alabama'' claims. His knowledge of the

ascending the streams running down the eastern declivities of

constituents of the cell-nucleus, are combinations of albumins

and a work entitled Essays on the Nature and Principles of

less rugged character of its surface; it contains considerable

``blessing.'' This court is 140 ft. long by 74 ft. broad;

known as Portland Canal and Lynn Canal (continuing Chatham

1752. In her youth she was a canoness of Ste. Wandru at Mons,

reproached the tsar to his face for a ``conscience'' which

poets. Of his numerous works there remain to us only a few

dealing with his nobles. His descent from the Hohenstaufen

elected by the state legislature, as United States senator to

stormed by Wayne with the American light infantry on the 16th of

the label notifying the admixture was hidden by a sheet of

own views or claims were in debate, with a sure underlying

produce evidence of attendance at classes of Scots law and

the phenomenon might perhaps be regarded as an alternation of

The Indies were expected to supply precious metals and raw

day. It was a rule of the academy that no work could be

(Hanover and Berlin, 1826-1892). He also wrote a Vita

of most importance are the sarai and gardens of Khasru, the

the functions of a justice of the peace. The aldermen are

of the United Provinces, situated on a mountain-ridge of

king's son, Kamran, by a gross outrage on the Saddozai family.

are apt to be regarded by German historians as devoid of

in association with its annual show of fat stock, and it

the intervals between them. Their number was usually five,

surrounding; a word implying a moving rather than a stationary

much exercised by the spread of Nihilist doctrines and the

of Alberta was found to be 185,412. It has grown from

the 13th degree of longitude with the 10th degree of north

necessities for a medium, there were more mundane uses to be

to ``Perseus'' and asserts that Chemmis was remark-. able

known commercially as ``concentrated alum'' or ``sulphate of

Besides the above a great many works under the title of Ana

philosophy in the university of Altorf, in Franconia, in 1672, on

a characteristic which, as Buhler notes (Indian Studies,

been in use for a comparatively few years, attempts might

ADAM'S BRIDGE, or RAMA'S BRIDGE, a chain of sandbanks

perhaps we may say, not altogether unfortunate necessity.

He was privately educated and for many years was engaged in

ramparts, and contains two circular, Vaulted chambers, used as

about L. 30 to the rent of the land. The ardour with which these

be present to reduce the ``solids not fat'' to the amount

to the returns obtained by the Local Government Board,

north by the Mohmands, on the west by the Shinwaris and on

Butchers have palmed off upon their customers imported

grooves are a constant feature of the family, one running

when the sulpho-group is replaced by a hydroxyl group, and a

Virginia; Lee, thus released from any fear for the safety of

The amethyst was used as a gem-stone by the ancient Egyptians,

du contentieux of the Conseil d'Etat to prepare the

and other animals served an excellent purpose. In north-west

in colour olive brown, with white markings. Other species of

steamers come to anchor, about one mile below Ahvaz. It has

Olga Victoria, married the hereditary prince Ernest of

As said before, the division is primarily linguistic and,

for his own men. This interchangeability of war material

immediately after was proclaimed king by his soldiers.

Constance, daughter of John Donne, the poet and dean of St

astronomy, the altitude of a heavenly body is the apparent

prolixity of the Puritan expositors and commentators. His

ultimately evacuated a month later. Thus the first campaign

on this day mere approximately 14,000 British to about 20,000

the picturesque and feverish rush that followed the location

below). Yet the application of a knowledge of physiological

Waterloo. On the 24th of August Lee ordered Jackson to

Siouan tribes, as a rule, in all the Mississippi drainage were

black band on each side of the head stretching forwards and

a supposed injustice, joined with Others in an unsuccessful

furtherance of the intrigues, Allen and Parsons went to Rome

repeated and scattered discoveries were made on the Lewes,

in ancient sculptures, Addison opened the easy course of

1896 27,565,985 25.7 707,346,404 18.7 132,485,033

metallic, no transfer of matter attending the passage of the

period the chancellor ran the risk of provoking war. The

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