Integrate Reading Writing Basic 2 TG
Integrate Reading Writing Basic 2 TG
Integrate Reading Writing Basic 2 TG
Answer Key
Basic 2
Table of Contents
Section Page Number
Components 3
Wordlists and more supplementary materials are available on the homepage.
Visit our homepage for additional information:
Teacher Development
Pedagogical Notes for Reference and Teacher’s Development
Four-strand theory
• Intensive reading → Reading fluency development
• Input → Output
• Linked skills: Reading → Listening → Writing → Speaking
Vocabulary Tiers
Tier 3 Vocabulary
Domain-specific academic vocabulary
(e.g. photosynthesis, Isosceles)
Tier 3
Tier 2 Vocabulary
General, interdisciplanry, academic vocabulary
(e.g. obvious, complex)
Tier 2
Tier 1 Vocabulary
General, high-frequency vocabulary
(e.g. happy, clock)
Tier 1
Integrate Reading & Writing covers a range of different types of vocabulary. The new words in
each unit can be classified into one of the three vocabulary tiers from the chart above. Oftentimes,
the higher the vocabulary tier a word is in, the more attention must be given to the word based
onits frequency and the cognitive ability and language of the learners. Be mindful of the school
subject in each unit and which words you may need additional preparation for before instruction.
Language Through Learning Pedagogy
learning and
Language language using
for through
learning learning
Language of learning
New, key vocabulary and language related to the subject, theme, or topic
• Content-specific language, new words e.g. carnivore, herbivore, omnivore
Scope and Sequence
Topic Area Unit/Page Details
Title / Word Count New Cities Lesson A [125W] Lesson B [116W]
New eco-cities are environmentally friendly. Learn about how eco-cities
are good for the environment.
Understand that humans and the environment are related and affect
Academic Objective
each other.
Reading Format Internet blog
Structure Be verb: is, are
environment, pollution, natural, reduce, recycle, limited
Bonus: destroy, produce
Reading Skill Main Idea and Supporting Details Writing Skill Contrasting
Integrate IT QR Code Video
Title / Word Count My House Lesson A [135W] Lesson B [124W]
A girl who lives in the desert writes a letter to her friend describing her
house, which is made entirely of recycled bottles, sand, and clay.
Academic Objective Understand the differences between life in cities and in rural areas.
Reading Format Letter
Structure Comparative adjectives: stronger, colder, better
Vocabulary bottle, sand, tight, cover, repeat, row Bonus: clay, mud
Reading Skill Sequencing Writing Skill Main Idea and Supporting Details
Integrate IT QR Code Video
Title / Word Count Ecosystems Lesson A [125W] Lesson B [120W]
Producers, consumers, and decomposers are all essential parts of an
ecosystem. They all need energy, and they all give one another energy.
Academic Objective Understand the structure and function of an ecosystem.
Reading Format Magazine article
Structure Modals: Obligation & Necessity: need to
Title / Word Count Hard Workers Lesson A [125W] Lesson B [118W]
Topic Kids on a hiking trip observe termites doing their part in an ecosystem.
Academic Objective Identify animals by observing their characteristics.
Reading Format Comic strip
Structure Demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, those
Vocabulary termites, nutrients, hike, busy, glad, grow Bonus: clean, hard
Reading Skill Main Idea and Supporting Details Writing Skill Categorizing
Integrate IT QR Code Video
Topic Area Unit/Page Details
Title / Word Count F1 Speed Lesson A [132W] Lesson B [128W]
Topic Light weight and aerodynamics help F1 cars and other vehicles go fast.
Understand units of weight in kilograms and express them using real-life
Academic Objective
Reading Format Magazine article
Structure Comparatives: faster, lighter
Vocabulary light, weigh, aerodynamic, spend, turn left/right, crash Bonus: reason, normal
Reading Skill Compare and Contrast Writing Skill Introduction and Conclusion
Integrate IT AR Images
Title / Word Count The Car Race Lesson A [129W] Lesson B [117W]
A boy sends an e-mail to a friend to describe an auto race and describes the
different parts of a race car.
Academic Objective Express and compare units of speed in kilometers per hour.
Reading Format E-mail
Structure Adjectives: soft, big
Vocabulary tires, brakes, engine, parts, body, driver Bonus: excited, weekend
Reading Skill Identifying Details Writing Skill Main Idea
Integrate IT QR Code Video
Title / Word Count Multicultural Countries Lesson A [127W] Lesson B [111W]
Multicultural countries have many different kinds of people, unlike countries that
Special Subject
Title / Word Count The Birthday Party Lesson A [127W] Lesson B [113W]
A boy goes to a birthday party at his neighbor’s house and enjoys
experiencing their cultural traditions.
Academic Objective Learn to accept and appreciate other cultures.
Reading Format Journal entry
Structure Irregular past tense verbs: ate, hit, broke, went
Vocabulary turn, delicious, chance, keep, break, band Bonus: stick, fall
Reading Skill Classifying Writing Skill Cause and Effect
Integrate IT QR Code Video
How to use
Units are divided into two lessons, A and B, so that students have
Unit structure more time to learn, practice, and demonstrate competency.
Lesson A intro
Lesson A passage
Lesson A post-reading
Lesson B intro
Integrate IT Self-assessment
Review Units
The practice book provides students ample opportunity to use
Practice book vocabulary and grammar structures from the unit.
Choral reading: The teacher starts the activity at the same time
with all the students. Students read aloud and in unison.
In addition to our free Classbooster app, Integrate Reading & Writing
APP offers an additional free mobile app that is intended for use with the IT
page in the student book.
Use the different functions and features. Allow the students to enjoy viewing while thinking
about the inference and the discussion questions from the student book. Talk about those
questions while viewing the AR content to enhance the educational experience.
For units with QR codes, simply open the app, select the QR code scanner,
and point your mobile device’s camera at the target QR code.
Grading Rubric
Area Grading Area Location in SB
• The academic objective in each unit is based on actual learning • Sections related to the academic
standards and is related to the academic subject area. Students should objective are in the following
Academic Objective
complete each unit with a significant level of understanding of the places in every unit: the unit
academic concept in each unit and in English. introduction page, the 2nd page
• In addition, comprehension questions may also frequently ask of Lesson A, the 4th page of
students questions related to the academic concepts and objectives in Lesson A, Part C of the self-
each unit. assessment page
• Use the proper locations in the student book in the right column
along with the grading rubric criteria on the next page to help you
accurately assess each student.
• The language learning objectives in each unit are based on • Sections related to language
content-specific language determined by the topic of each unit. learning are in the following
Language Learning
• In lesson A, the activities are intended to help students become places in every unit: the 1st and
familiar with the meaning of new words. 2nd pages of Lesson A, the
• In lesson B, the activities are intended to help students with using reading passages in Lesson A
new words in context. and B, the 1st page of Lesson B,
• Use the proper locations in the student book in the right column Parts A and B of the self-
along with the grading rubric criteria on the next page to help you assessment page
accurately assess each student.
• The reading and writing skill objectives and reading fluency • Reading and writing skills and
development objectives in each unit are strategically chosen and fluency development are in the
placed within each unit. following places in every unit:
Reading & Writing Skills
• In lesson A, the reading skill activity helps students develop cognitive the 5th page of Lesson A, the
Fluency Development
skills to use while reading about certain topics and with certain reading passages in Lesson B,
reading formats. the 3rd page of Lesson B, Part C
• In lesson B, the writing skill activity helps students develop cognitive of the self-assessment page
skills to use while writing about information from the reading passage.
• Reading and writing skills are combined and used in the writing plan
in each unit so that students can transfer the cognitive skills they have
developed and use them to independently complete a summarizing task.
• Reading fluency skills are developed with the lesson B passage and
tracked with the reading speed chart. (See page 119 of this Teacher’s
Guide for additional information.)
• IT skills and literacy are increasingly important for teaching modern • IT skills and literacy are in the
IT Skills & Literacy
students. The level of emphasis a teacher wants to place on this area following places in every unit:
of assessment depends on the access to IT in the classroom, the ability the 4th page of Lesson B and
of the students to use it, and the teacher’s preference. Part C of the self-assessment
• Use the Integrate app, Class Booster, the premium CD, and others page
either with mobile devices or desktop computers at your own
Grading Rubric
Area Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard
• Student often struggles to • Student often struggles to • Student often understands both
understand both the academic understand either the academic the academic concepts and the
Academic Objective
concepts and the target English. concepts or the target English . target English.
• Student still needs to ask • Student needs to ask questions • Student asks questions about
questions about the concepts about concepts or language to concepts or language to clarify
and language to understand. understand. understanding.
Student often struggles with Student sometimes struggles with Student doesn’t usually struggle
and needs help to understand: and needs help to understand: with understanding:
Language Learning
problems-solutions, main idea & problems-solutions, main idea & problems-solutions, main idea &
supporting details, decode supporting details, decode supporting details, decode
multisyllabic words, distinguish multisyllabic words, distinguish multisyllabic words, distinguish
genres, identify literary elements, genres, identify literary elements, genres, identify literary elements,
use graphic organizers to sort use graphic organizers to sort use graphic organizers to sort
information. information. information.
the context of the reading or the context of the reading of the reading passage and asks
passage and needs to ask passage and needs to ask clarification questions .
questions about formats to questions to understand. • Student understands that IT is
understand context. • Student sometimes understands used to access additional
• Student doesn’t understand that IT is used to access information.
that IT is used to access additional information.
additional information.
01 New Cities
Unit Summary Unit Introduction
Introduce the topic with the picture on the unit introduction page. Get students thinking and talking about
the topic.
Review the academic objective on the page.
Preview the learning objectives in Lesson A.
Lesson A
Unit Summary
Unit 1 Introduction
New Words: environment,
pollution, natural, reduce recycle,
Discuss the three warm-up questions to see how much background information students possess about the
subject, objectives, topics, and language learning points.
1. What do you see in this picture?
Sample answer: I see houses in a city.
2. How do cities change nature?
Sample answer: They make nature smaller.
3. How can we use nature to build cities?
Sample answer: We can have more parks in cities.
Teaching Tips
A New Words
Unit 1 Lesson A
Use the picture to activate students’ prior knowledge about the topic of the unit. Ask the students what kind of
place they see in the picture. Focus the attention of the students on the elements of nature in the picture and
then the human-made elements, and then ask them:
1. Which things in this picture are natural?
Sample answer: The trees and river are natural.
For the second question, ask students to make an inference or guess.
2. Which things are human-made?
Sample answer: The buildings are human made.
3. Is this city design good or bad for the environment?
Sample answer: It looks good because there is a lot of nature in the city.
Explain to the students that they will learn about how humans affect the environment when they build things.
Tell them that there are new and different ways to build cities which are better for the environment. Explain that
they will learn new words related to this topic.
Play audio track 02 and ask students to say and write each word as they hear it.
Grammatical Structure Teaching Tips
Unit 1 Lesson A
Low-Level Students: Use the
free downloadable worksheet
for additional practice with the
structure before reading.
2 3 5 4 1
5 2 4 1 3
This section of each unit is meant to highlight a key grammatical structure that is covered in the reading
The intended purpose of highlighting the structure is to review and demonstrate how the structure is used in
an authentic way.
Read the structure together as a class.
Write a few more examples on the board to help familiarize students with the structure.
Complete the matching activity as a class and review the correct answers with the students.
Before turning the page, ask the students the academic objective question. This question focuses on the
academic content learning goals of the unit. Focus more on that than on the language learning goals when
you discuss answers with students. Use the students’ native language if necessary. Teach students unknown
words that may arise as they try to answer the academic objective question. Probe the class to see if there
are differing opinions or if everyone agrees on a consensus answer. Ask the students to keep this question in
mind as they read the passage on the next page.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Passage
Unit 1 Lesson A
Introduce the background of the reading using the background information at the top of the page.
Explain to the students that the reading format of this passage is a blog. Tell the students that blogs are
written by people on the Internet. Explain that blogs usually focus on certain subjects or topics. Ask them
what they think the topic of this blog is about.
Review the title of the reading: “New Cities.” Ask the students why they think this is the title. Explain this is
because these days there are new and different ways to build cities which are better for the environment.
Reading Passage Passage Details
Unit 1 Lesson A
Academic Objective: Understand
that humans and the environment
are related and affect each other.
Tell students to read along quietly while they listen to the audio track. Tell them to circle any unknown words
while they listen. Play audio track 03.
After the track is finished, ask the students if they circled any unknown words. Review the meaning of those
words and how they are used in the passage. Use the students’ native language to do this if necessary.
Call on students to read the captions with each picture. Ask the class if the things in each picture are good
for the environment and come from new cities, or if they are bad for the environment and come from older
Ask the students to recall the academic objective question from the second page of lesson A. Now ask them
to read the academic objective in context at the bottom of this page. This should help the students with the
academic content learning goal of this unit. Discuss and explain further if necessary.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Comprehension & Reading Skill Development
Unit 1 Lesson A
We should build eco-cities because they are good for the environment.
Reading Comprehension:
Ask the students to recall the correct information from the passage. Go through each question and correct
answer together as a class. Ask students to record how many answers they get correct or incorrect with
circles and slashes over each question number.
Reading Skill:
Explain to the students that main idea and supporting details means putting the information from the
passage in an order that helps make things clearer for the reader. Tell the students that the main idea
should always come first. Other ideas which support the main idea come next. Ask the students to put
the supporting ideas in the same order as they read them in the passage. Ask students to complete the
summary. After allowing students enough time to write all the answers in the summary section, randomly
call on students to read their answers.
Lesson B Introduction & Vocabulary Review
Lesson B
Teaching Tips
Unit 1 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Tell the
students to turn back to the new
words in Lesson A and review the
meaning of each word. Then use
the free downloadable worksheet
for additional vocabulary practice
before completing the vocabulary
review on this page.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Reading Fluency Development & Bonus Words
Unit 1 Lesson B
Read the background question at the top of the page. Ask students if they remember what the reading is
Sample answer: It’s about new eco-cities which are good for the environment.
Find the two bonus words in the table of contents. Teach the students what these words mean. Ask the
students to listen and write the correct vocabulary words and bonus words in the blanks.
Tell the students to listen and read along with the audio. Play audio track 04.
After listening to the audio, tell the students to do the reading activity in activity B. Record the class reading
time in the reading speed chart in the back of the book.
Ask the students if they remember what the reading format of this passage is. Briefly discuss it and circle the
correct answer.
Reading + Writing Skill Transference & Writing Plan Teaching Tips
Unit 1 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Complete
the writing plan together as a
class. Then have students transfer
the information in the chart from
the student book to the practice
Bad for the environment Good for the environment
book. Have students close the
Produce a lot of waste Reduce waste
student book and double-check the
Make lots of pollution Limit pollution
accuracy of the writing plan in their
practice books.
Writing Skill:
Introduce the writing skill to the students. Tell them that contrasting means thinking about how two similar
things are different. Tell them that they need to write the information into the chart to think about how the
old cities and eco-cities are different. Explain that organizing information in this way will make them good
Writing Plan:
Ask the students to recall the reading skill from this unit: Main Idea and Supporting Details. Tell the students
that they will use that reading skill again with the writing skill to compare the main idea and details of old
cities and eco-cities. Complete the chart and review as a class. Tell the students to write with small, neat
letters so that all of the information can fit into the chart. After completing the writing plan chart, have the
students record that information into their practice books. Tell them to write a paragraph to summarize the
information in the writing plan. Explain that the writing plan is there to help guide them, but also that their
writing doesn’t need to follow the writing plan verbatim. Use the students’ native language as necessary.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Integrate IT Skills & Digital Literacy
Unit 1 Lesson B
Remind students that in an eco-city, energy is created in natural ways. Explain to the students that they will
now watch a video about how energy is created in natural ways. Read the quote from the preview and
brainstorm answers as a class. Come to an agreement about the inference answer that you will write down
as a class.
Sample answer: We can make energy from the sun.
Ask the students what the QR code is. Ask them to describe how it works. If possible, demonstrate it by
using the Integrate Viewer app. Before watching the video, read each question in part C together as a class.
Tell the students these questions will be answered as they watch the contents of the video. Show the video.
Give the students some time to discuss the questions. This can be done in pairs, in small groups, or together
as a class. Go over the answers as a class.
Self-Assessment & Unit Wrap-up Teaching Tips
Unit 1 Lesson B
Use the grading rubric to perform
your own assessment of each
student’s progress for this unit.
Adjust the rubric to match the level
of your students as necessary.
Complete the vocabulary check. Review the correct answers as a class. Ask students to record how many
answers they get correct or incorrect with circles and slashes over each question number.
Ask students to unscramble the sentence individually. Check the answers together as a class.
Review the academic objective statement. Ask the students who think the answer is true to raise their
hands. Do the same for students who think the statement is false. Tell students the correct answer and talk
about why that answer is correct.
Ask students to evaluate their own work on the reading skill section in Lesson A, the writing skill section in
Lesson B, and the questions on the Integrate IT page. Tell them to use the number of mistakes they made
to guide their self-assessment. If they couldn’t get anything correct, they should fill in the single smiley face;
if they made a few mistakes, two smiley faces; and if they only made a couple of small mistakes, or none
at all, they can fill in three smiley faces. This allows the students to assess where they need to improve,
and allows you to align your assessment as the teacher with the students’ understanding of their own
02 My Special House
Unit Summary Unit Introduction
Introduce the topic with the picture on the unit introduction page. Get students thinking and talking about
the topic.
Review the academic objective on the page. Preview the learning objectives in Lesson A.
Lesson A
Unit Summary
Unit 2 Introduction
New Words: bottle, sand, tightly,
cover, repeat, row
Discuss the three warm-up questions to see how much background information students possess about the
subject, objectives, topics, and language learning points. Ask students what their houses are made of.
1. How are the bottles in this picture being used?
Sample answer: They are being used as lights/lamps.
2. What are bottles like these made for?
Sample answer: They are made to hold something like juice.
3. Can you think of another use for them?
Sample answer: You can put soil inside them and plant a flower.
Teaching Tips
A New Words
Unit 2 Lesson A
Use the picture to activate students’ prior knowledge about the topic of the unit. Ask the students what kind of
building they see in the picture. Focus the attention of the students on what the house is made out of and ask
them the warm-up questions:
1. What do you see in this picture?
Sample answer: I see a house.
Ask a follow-up question to establish background knowledge and give attention to details.
2. What is it made out of?
Sample answer: It’s made out of plastic bottles.
3. Is this good or bad for the environment?
Sample answer: It’s good for the environment.
Explain to the students that they will learn about a special house made of bottles.
Tell them that there are many different kinds of materials that can be used to build a house. Explain that students
will learn about one special house in the desert.
Play audio track 05 and ask students to say and write each word as they hear it.
Grammatical Structure Teaching Tips
Unit 2 Lesson A
Low-Level Students: Use the
free downloadable worksheet
for additional practice with the
structure before reading.
2 4 1 5 4
1 4 3 5 3
This section of each unit is meant to highlight a key grammatical structure that is covered in the reading
The intended purpose of highlighting the structure is to review and demonstrate how the structure is used in
an authentic way.
Read the structure together as a class.
Write a few more examples on the board to help familiarize students with the structure.
Complete the matching activity as a class and review the correct answers with the students.
Before turning the page, ask the students the academic objective question. This question focuses on the
academic content learning goals of the unit. Focus more on that than on the language learning goals when
you discuss answers with students. Use the students’ native language if necessary. Teach students unknown
words that may arise as they try to answer the academic objective question. Probe the class to see if there
are differing opinions or if everyone agrees on a consensus answer. Ask the students to keep this question in
mind as they read the passage on the next page.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Passage
Unit 2 Lesson A
Introduce the background of the reading using the background information at the top of the page
Explain to the students that the reading format of this passage is a letter. Tell the students that people write
letters to their friends and family members to tell them things about their homes.
Review the title of the reading: “City Jobs.” Ask the students why they think this is the title. Explain this is
because they are going to read a letter about someone’s special house.
Reading Passage Passage Details
Unit 2 Lesson A
Academic Objective: Understand
the differences between life in cities
and in rural areas.
Tell students to read along quietly while they listen to the audio track. Tell them to circle any unknown
words while they listen. Play audio track 06.
After the track is finished, ask the students if they circled any unknown words. Review the meaning
of those words and how they are used in the passage. Use the students’ native language to do this if
Call on students to discuss the unique parts of the house and the environment in the reading. Talk about
them in detail. Discuss the special materials used to make the house and the different types of weather.
Draw a connection to the real world by discussing other special houses.
Ask the students to recall the academic objective question from the second page of lesson A. Now ask
them to read the academic objective in context at the bottom of this page. This should help the students
with the academic content learning goal of this unit. Discuss and explain further if necessary.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Comprehension & Reading Skill Development
Unit 2 Lesson A
Reading Comprehension:
Ask the students to recall the correct information from the passage. Go through each question and correct
answer together as a class. Ask students to record how many answers they get correct or incorrect with
circles and slashes over each question number.
Reading Skill:
Explain to the students that sequencing means putting things in the correct order from start to finish. Tell
the students to order the steps for how the special house was made from start to finish with numbers.
Complete the activity together as a class.
Ask students to write the sentences in order. After allowing students enough time to write all the answers in
the summary section, randomly call on students to read their answers.
Lesson B Introduction & Vocabulary Review
Lesson B
Teaching Tips
Unit 2 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Tell the
students to turn back to the new
words page in Lesson A and
review the meaning of each word.
Then use the free downloadable
worksheet for additional vocabulary
practice before completing the
vocabulary review on this page.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Reading Fluency Development & Bonus Words
Unit 2 Lesson B
Read the background question at the top of the page. Ask students if they remember what the reading is
Sample answer: It’s about a special house made of bottles.
Find the two bonus words in the table of contents. Teach the students what these words mean. Tell the
students to listen, read along, and write the words from the word box into the blanks of the passage as they
listen to the audio. Play audio track 07.
After listening to the audio, tell the students to do the reading activity in activity B. Record the class reading
time in the reading speed chart in the back of the book.
Ask the students if they remember what the reading format of this passage is. Briefly discuss it and circle the
correct answer.
Reading + Writing Skill Transference & Writing Plan Teaching Tips
Unit 2 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Complete
the writing plan together as a
class. Then have students transfer
the information in the chart from
the student book to the practice
book. Have students close the
d student book and double-check the
accuracy of the writing plan in their
a c b practice books.
Writing Skill:
Introduce the writing skill to the students. Tell them that main idea and supporting details means putting
the information from the passage in an order that helps make things clearer. Tell the students that the main
idea should always come first. Other ideas which support the main idea come next. Explain that organizing
information in this way will make them good writers.
Writing Plan:
Ask the students to recall the reading skill from this unit: sequencing. Tell the students that they will use that
reading skill again to put the main idea and details in the correct order. Complete the chart and review as
a class. Tell the students to write with small, neat letters so that all of the information can fit into the chart.
After completing the writing plan chart, have the students record that information in their practice books. Tell
them to write a paragraph to summarize the information in the writing plan. Explain that the writing plan is
there to help guide them, but also that their writing doesn’t need to follow the writing plan verbatim. Use the
students’ native language as necessary.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Integrate IT Skills & Digital Literacy
Unit 2 Lesson B
Explain to the students that they will now watch a video about other kinds of special houses. Read the quote
from the preview and brainstorm answers as a class. Come to an agreement about the inference answer
that you will write down as a class.
Sample answer: Igloos are special houses.
Ask the students if they remember what a QR code is. Point it out on the page. Ask them how it works. If
possible, demonstrate it using the Integrate Viewer app. Before watching the video, read each question in
part C together as a class. Tell the students these questions will be answered as they watch the contents of
the video. Show the video. Give the students some time to discuss the questions. This can be done in pairs,
in small groups, or together as a class. Go over the answers as a class.
Self-Assessment & Unit Wrap-up Teaching Tips
Unit 2 Lesson B
Use the grading rubric to perform
your own assessment of each
student’s progress for this unit.
Adjust the rubric to match the level
of your students as necessary.
Complete the vocabulary check. Review the correct answers as a class. Ask students to record how many
answers they get correct or incorrect with circles and slashes over each question number.
Ask students to unscramble the sentence individually. Check the answers together as a class.
Review the academic objective statement. Ask the students who think the answer is true to raise their
hands. Do the same for students who think the statement is false. Tell students the correct answer and talk
about why that answer is correct.
Ask students to evaluate their own work on the reading skill section in Lesson A, the writing skill section in
Lesson B, and the questions on the Integrate IT page. Tell them to use the number of mistakes they made to
guide their self-assessment. If they couldn’t get anything correct, they should fill in the single smiley face; if
they made a few mistakes, two smiley faces; and if they only made a couple of small mistakes, or none, they
can fill in three smiley faces. This allows the students to assess where they need to improve, and allows you
to align your assessment as the teacher with the students’ understanding of their own performance.
03 Ecosystem
Unit Summary Unit Introduction
Introduce the topic with the picture on the unit introduction page. Get students thinking and talking about
the topic.
Review the academic objective on the page.
Preview the learning objectives in Lesson A.
Lesson A
Unit Summary
Unit 3 Introduction
New Words: producer, consumer,
decomposer, waste, soil, ecosystem
Discuss the three warm-up questions to see how much background information students possess about the
subject, objectives, topics, and language learning points. Ask students what they know about ecosystems
to activate prior knowledge. Ask them how the different parts of an ecosystem help each other to live and
1. Where do you think this is?
Sample answer: I think it’s in a forest.
2. How do trees get energy?
Sample answer: They get energy from the sun.
3. What kinds of plants and animals live here?
Sample answer: Grass, trees, squirrels, and birds live in forests.
Teaching Tips
A New Words
Unit 3 Lesson A
Use the picture to activate students’ prior knowledge about the topic of the unit. Ask the students what
kinds of animals they see in the picture. Focus the attention of the students on the lion and ask them the
warm-up questions:
1. What do lions eat?
Sample answer: They eat meat.
Ask a follow-up question to establish background knowledge and give attention to details.
2. What do zebras eat?
Sample answer: They eat plants.
Explain to the students that they will learn about how plants and animals need each other to get energy and
stay alive.
Brainstorm a few examples: Zebras need to eat plants to get energy. Lions need to eat meat to get energy.
Play audio track 08 and ask students to say and write each word as they hear it.
Grammatical Structure Teaching Tips
Unit 3 Lesson A
Low-Level Students: Use the
free downloadable worksheet
for additional practice with the
structure before reading.
This section of each unit is meant to highlight a key grammatical structure that is covered in the reading
The intended purpose of highlighting the structure is to review and demonstrate how the structure is used in
an authentic way.
Read the structure together as a class.
Write a few more examples on the board to help familiarize students with the structure.
Complete the matching activity as a class and review the correct answers with the students.
Before turning the page, ask the students the academic objective question. This question focuses on the
academic content learning goals of the unit. Focus more on that than on the language learning goals when
you discuss answers with students. Use the students’ native language if necessary. Teach students unknown
words that may arise as they try to answer the academic objective question. Probe the class to see if there
are differing opinions or if everyone agrees on a consensus answer. Ask the students to keep this question in
mind as they read the passage on the next page.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Passage
Unit 3 Lesson A
Introduce the background of the reading using the background information at the top of the page.
Explain to the students that the reading format of this passage is a magazine article. Tell the students that
magazines are usually about one topic. Some common topics are sports, health, fitness, and science. Inside a
magazine there are articles that focus on a specific topic. Ask the students what the topic for this reading is.
Review the title of the reading: “Ecosystems.” Ask the students why they think this is the title. Ask
them if they can recall from unit 1 what “eco-” means. It means “environment.” Ask if they know what
“ecosystem” means. It means “environment system.”
Reading Passage Passage Details
Unit 3 Lesson A
Academic Objective: Understand
the structure and function of an
Tell students to read along quietly while they listen to the audio track. Tell them to circle any unknown
words while they listen. Play audio track 09.
After the track is finished, ask the students if they circled any unknown words. Review the meaning
of those words and how they are used in the passage. Use the students’ native language to do this if
Call on students to discuss the unique features of producers, consumers, and decomposers. Ask them how
each one depends on the others. Ask students what they think would happen if one of these three were
removed from an ecosystem. It would stop working and the other two would have to move or die.
Ask the students to recall the academic objective question from the second page of lesson A. Now ask
them to read the academic objective in context at the bottom of this page. This should help the students
with the academic content learning goal of this unit. Discuss and explain further if necessary.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Comprehension & Reading Skill Development
Unit 3 Lesson A
Reading Comprehension:
Ask the students to recall the correct information from the passage. Go through each question and correct
answer together as a class. Ask students to record how many answers they get correct or incorrect with
circles and slashes over each question number.
Reading Skill:
Explain to the students that categorizing is a way of organizing information. Explain that it means separating
things that are different into separate groups called categories and organizing pieces of information
according to their common categories. Tell the students to write the descriptions under the right category.
Complete the activity together as a class.
Ask students to use the descriptions to complete the sentences in the summary section, and then randomly
call on students to read their answers.
Lesson B Introduction & Vocabulary Review
Lesson B
Teaching Tips
Unit 3 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Tell the
students to turn back to the new
words page in Lesson A and
review the meaning of each word.
Then use the free downloadable
worksheet for additional vocabulary
practice before completing the
vocabulary review on this page.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Reading Fluency Development & Bonus Words
Unit 3 Lesson B
Read the background question at the top of the page. Ask students if they remember what the reading is
Sample answer: It’s about ecosystems and the three kinds of living things that are in them.
Find the two bonus words in the table of contents. Teach the students what these words mean. Tell the
students to listen, read along, and write the words from the word box into the blanks of the passage as they
listen to the audio. Play audio track 10.
After listening to the audio, tell the students to do the reading activity in activity B. Record the class reading
time in the reading speed chart in the back of the book.
Ask the students if they remember what the reading format of this passage is. Briefly discuss it and circle the
correct answer.
Reading + Writing Skill Transference & Writing Plan Teaching Tips
Unit 3 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Complete
the writing plan together as a
class. Then have students transfer
the information in the chart from
Soil Producers the student book to the practice
book. Have students close the
student book and double-check the
Decomposers consumers accuracy of the writing plan in their
practice books.
Writing Skill:
Introduce the writing skill to the students. Tell them that sequencing means putting things in the correct order
from start to finish. Tell the students to order the sequence of events that takes place in an ecosystem with
numbers. Complete the activity together as a class.
Writing Plan:
Ask the students to recall the reading skill from this unit: categorizing. Tell the students that they will use
that reading skill again to put the information from the writing skill activity into organized information about
ecosystems. Complete the chart and review as a class. Tell the students to write with small, neat letters so that
all of the information can fit into the chart. After completing the writing plan chart, have the students record
that information in their practice books. Tell them to write a paragraph to summarize the information in the
writing plan. Explain that the writing plan is there to help guide them, but also that their writing doesn’t need
to follow the writing plan verbatim. Use the students’ native language as necessary.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Integrate IT Skills & Digital Literacy
Unit 3 Lesson B
We call it an ecosystem.
Explain to the students that they will now watch a video about different kinds of ecosystems. Read the
quote from the preview and brainstorm answers as a class. Come to an agreement about the inference
answer that you will write down as a class.
Sample answer: A desert is a type of ecosystem.
Ask the students if they remember what a QR code is. Point it out on the page. Ask them how it works. If
possible, demonstrate it using the Integrate Viewer app. Before watching the video, read each question in
part C together as a class. Tell the students these questions will be answered as they watch the contents of
the video. Show the video. Give the students some time to discuss the questions. This can be done in pairs,
in small groups, or together as a class. Go over the answers as a class.
Self-Assessment & Unit Wrap-up Teaching Tips
Unit 3 Lesson B
Use the grading rubric to perform
your own assessment of each
student’s progress for this unit.
Adjust the rubric to match the level
of your students as necessary.
Complete the vocabulary check. Review the correct answers as a class. Ask students to record how many
answers they get correct or incorrect with circles and slashes over each question number.
Ask students to unscramble the sentence individually. Check the answers together as a class.
Review the academic objective statement. Ask the students who think the answer is true to raise their
hands. Do the same for students who think the statement is false. Tell students the correct answer and talk
about why that answer is correct.
Ask students to evaluate their own work on the reading skill section in Lesson A, the writing skill section in
Lesson B, and the questions on the Integrate IT page. Tell them to use the number of mistakes they made to
guide their self-assessment. If they couldn’t get anything correct, they should fill in the single smiley face; if
they made a few mistakes, two smiley faces; and if they only made a couple of small mistakes, or none, they
can fill in three smiley faces. This allows the students to assess where they need to improve, and allows you
to align your assessment as the teacher with the students’ understanding of their own performance.
04 Safari Tours
Unit Summary Unit Introduction
Introduce the topic with the picture on the unit introduction page. Get students thinking and talking about
the topic.
Review the academic objective on the page.
Preview the learning objectives in Lesson A.
Lesson A
Unit Summary
Unit 4 Introduction
New Words: termite, nutrient,
glad, busy, hike, grow
Discuss the three warm-up questions to see how much background information students possess about the
subject, objectives, topics, and language learning points. Ask students what special-looking animals they
know to activate prior knowledge. Ask them how the special features of an animal’s body help it to survive
in the wild. Explain to the students that they can see many special animals while hiking. Ask students if
they’ve ever tried hiking.
1. What do you think this is?
Sample answer: I think it’s an old tree.
2. What kind of animal lives inside?
Sample answer: Bugs live inside.
3. How is it built?
Sample answer: Bugs make it.
Teaching Tips
A New Words
Unit 4 Lesson A
Use the picture to activate students’ prior knowledge about the topic of the unit. Ask the students what the
people in the picture are doing. Focus the attention of the students on the environment and ask them the
warm-up questions:
1. What is this place?
Sample answer: It’s a mountain.
Ask a follow-up question to establish background knowledge and give attention to details.
2. What kinds of decomposers can you find here?
Sample answer: Mushrooms and worms.
Explain to the students that they will read a story about a family who is hiking and finds some interesting
decomposers. Ask students if they recall how we can classify different living things in an ecosystem.
Brainstorm a few examples: Producers are plants. They make their own energy. Tell the students that they
will learn about one special kind of decomposer in this unit.
Play audio track 11 and ask students to say and write each word as they hear it.
Grammatical Structure Teaching Tips
Unit 4 Lesson A
Low-Level Students: Use the
free downloadable worksheet
for additional practice with the
structure before reading.
What is that?
Look at this!
This section of each unit is meant to highlight a key grammatical structure that is covered in the reading
The intended purpose of highlighting the structure is to review and demonstrate how the structure is used in
an authentic way.
Read the structure together as a class.
Write a few more examples on the board to help familiarize students with the structure.
Complete the matching activity as a class and review the correct answers with the students.
Before turning the page, ask the students the academic objective question. This question focuses on the
academic content learning goals of the unit. Focus more on that than on the language learning goals when
you discuss answers with students. Use the students’ native language if necessary. Teach students unknown
words that may arise as they try to answer the academic objective question. Probe the class to see if there
are differing opinions or if everyone agrees on a consensus answer. Ask the students to keep this question in
mind as they read the passage on the next page.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Passage
Unit 4 Lesson A
Introduce the background of the reading using the background information at the top of the page.
Explain to the students that the reading format of this passage is a comic strip. Bring some actual comic
strips with you or print a few examples from the Internet to show to the students. Ask the students if they
read comics or have in the past. Ask them what comics they read.
Before reading, explain to students that the phrase “24-7” means 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
Explain that it means “always” or “all the time.”
Review the title of the reading: “Hard Workers.” Ask the students why they think this is the title. Explain this
is because termites work hard.
Reading Passage Passage Details
Unit 4 Lesson A
Academic Objective: Identify
animals by observing their
Tell students to read along quietly while they listen to the audio track. Tell them to circle any unknown
words while they listen. Play audio track 12.
After the track is finished, ask the students if they circled any unknown words. Review the meaning
of those words and how they are used in the passage. Use the students’ native language to do this if
necessary. Call on students to discuss the things that the family talked about while hiking. Ask students
how the mother described and classified termites. Ask students about how herbivores, carnivores, and
omnivores get their food. Ask them how producers, consumers, and decomposers get their food.
Ask the students to recall the academic objective question from the second page of lesson A. Now ask
them to read the academic objective in context at the bottom of this page. This should help the students
with the academic content learning goal of this unit. Discuss and explain further if necessary.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Comprehension & Reading Skill Development
Unit 4 Lesson A
Reading Comprehension:
Ask the students to recall the correct information from the passage. Go through each question and correct
answer together as a class. Ask students to record how many answers they get correct or incorrect with
circles and slashes over each question number.
Reading Skill:
Explain to the students that main idea and details means putting the information from the passage in an
order that helps make things clearer for the reader. Tell the students that the main idea should always come
first. Other ideas which support the main idea come next. Ask the students to put the supporting ideas in
the same order as they read them in the passage. Ask students to complete the summary. After allowing
students enough time to write all the answers in the summary section, randomly call on students to read
their answers.
Lesson B Introduction & Vocabulary Review
Lesson B
Teaching Tips
Unit 4 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Tell the
students to turn back to the new
words page in Lesson A and
review the meaning of each word.
Then use the free downloadable
worksheet for additional vocabulary
practice before completing the
vocabulary review on this page.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Reading Fluency Development & Bonus Words
Unit 4 Lesson B
Read the background question at the top of the page. Ask students if they remember what the reading is
Sample answer: It’s about termites.
Find the two bonus words in the table of contents. Teach the students what these words mean. Tell the
students to listen, read along, and write the words from the word box into the blanks of the passage as they
listen to the audio. Play audio track 13.
After listening to the audio, tell the students to do the reading activity in activity B. Record the class reading
time in the reading speed chart in the back of the book.
Ask the students if they remember what the reading format of this passage is. Briefly discuss it and circle the
correct answer.
Reading + Writing Skill Transference & Writing Plan Teaching Tips
Unit 4 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Complete
the writing plan together as a
class. Then have students transfer
the information in the chart from
the student book to the practice
book. Have students close the
student book and double-check the
accuracy of the writing plan in their
practice books.
Writing Skill:
Introduce the writing skill to the students. Tell them that sequencing means putting things in the correct order
from start to finish. Tell the students to order the steps for what termites do from start to finish with numbers.
Explain that sequencing information in this way will make them good writers.
Writing Plan:
Ask the students to recall the reading skill from this unit: main idea and supporting details. Tell the students
that they will use that reading skill again to put the information from the writing skill activity into organized
information about the story. Complete the chart and review as a class. Tell the students to write with small,
neat letters so that all of the information can fit into the chart. After completing the writing plan chart, have
the students record that information in their practice books. Tell them to write a paragraph to summarize the
information in the writing plan. Explain that the writing plan is there to help guide them, but also that their
writing doesn’t need to follow the writing plan verbatim. Use the students’ native language as necessary.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Integrate IT Skills & Digital Literacy
Unit 4 Lesson B
They clean things and create nutrients for new producers to grow.
Explain to the students that they will now watch a video about other kinds of decomposers from different
kinds of ecosystems. Read the quote from the preview and brainstorm answers as a class. Come to an
agreement about the inference answer that you will write down as a class.
Sample answer: Crabs are decomposers. They break down waste.
Ask the students if they remember what a QR code is. Point it out on the page. Ask them how it works. If
possible, demonstrate it using the Integrate Viewer app. Before watching the video, read each question in
part C together as a class. Tell the students these questions will be answered as they watch the contents of
the video. Show the video. Give the students some time to discuss the questions. This can be done in pairs,
in small groups, or together as a class. Go over the answers as a class.
Self-Assessment & Unit Wrap-up Teaching Tips
Unit 4 Lesson B
Use the grading rubric to perform
your own assessment of each
student’s progress for this unit.
Adjust the rubric to match the level
of your students as necessary.
Complete the vocabulary check. Review the correct answers as a class. Ask students to record how many
answers they get correct or incorrect with circles and slashes over each question number.
Ask students to unscramble the sentence individually. Check the answers together as a class.
Review the academic objective statement. Ask the students who think the answer is true to raise their
hands. Do the same for students who think the statement is false. Tell students the correct answer and talk
about why that answer is correct.
Ask students to evaluate their own work on the reading skill section in Lesson A, the writing skill section in
Lesson B, and the questions on the Integrate IT page. Tell them to use the number of mistakes they made to
guide their self-assessment. If they couldn’t get anything correct, they should fill in the single smiley face; if
they made a few mistakes, two smiley faces; and if they only made a couple of small mistakes, or none, they
can fill in three smiley faces. This allows the students to assess where they need to improve, and allows you
to align your assessment as the teacher with the students’ understanding of their own performance.
05 F1 Speed
Unit Summary Unit Introduction
Introduce the topic with the picture on the unit introduction page. Get students thinking and talking about
the topic.
Review the academic objective on the page.
Preview the learning objectives in Lesson A.
Lesson A
Unit Summary
Unit 5 Introduction
New Words: light, weigh,
aerodynamic, spend, turn, crash
Discuss the three warm-up questions to see how much background information students possess about the
subject, objectives, topics, and language learning points. Ask students how fast race cars go. Ask them how
they can go so fast.
1. What kinds of cars are these?
Sample answer: They are race cars.
2. Why do they look special?
Sample answer: They look special because they are made to go fast.
3. How much do you think these cars weigh?
Sample answer: Maybe about 1,000 kilograms.
(Note that it’s OK for students to guess incorrectly here. The point is to get them thinking about the weight
of different vehicles.)
Teaching Tips
A New Words
Unit 5 Lesson A
Use the picture to activate students’ prior knowledge about the topic of the unit. Ask the students what
they see in the picture. Focus the attention of the students on the car and ask them the warm-up questions:
1. How fast do you think this car can go?
Sample answer: I think it can go more than 100 km/h.
Ask a follow-up question to establish background knowledge and give attention to details.
2. Why?
Sample answer: Race cars are made to go very fast.
Explain to the students that they will learn about how Formula 1 race cars go fast.
Tell them that there are many reasons why. Brainstorm a few examples: The special engine. The weight of
the car.
Play audio track 14 and ask students to say and write each word as they hear it.
Grammatical Structure Teaching Tips
Unit 5 Lesson A
Low-Level Students: Use the
free downloadable worksheet
for additional practice with the
structure before reading.
1 4 3 2
2 3 1 4
3 2 4 1
A race car is lighter than a normal car.
It can go faster than a regular car.
Regular cars are slower than race cars.
This section of each unit is meant to highlight a key grammatical structure that is covered in the reading
The intended purpose of highlighting the structure is to review and demonstrate how the structure is used in
an authentic way.
Read the structure together as a class.
Write a few more examples on the board to help familiarize students with the structure.
Complete the matching activity as a class and review the correct answers with the students.
Before turning the page, ask the students the academic objective question. This question focuses on the
academic content learning goals of the unit. Focus more on that than on the language learning goals when
you discuss answers with students. Use the students’ native language if necessary. Teach students unknown
words that may arise as they try to answer the academic objective question. Probe the class to see if there
are differing opinions or if everyone agrees on a consensus answer. Ask the students to keep this question in
mind as they read the passage on the next page.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Passage
Unit 5 Lesson A
Introduce the background of the reading using the background information at the top of the page.
Explain to the students that the reading format of this passage is a magazine article. Tell the students that
magazines are usually about one topic. Ask them if they can recall the topic from unit 3. Some common
topics are sports, health, fitness, and science. Inside a magazine there are articles that focus on a specific
topic. Ask the students what the topic for this reading is.
Review the title of the reading: “F1 Speed.” Ask the students why they think this is the title. Explain this is
ecause the article is about how F1 race cars can go so fast.
Reading Passage Passage Details
Unit 5 Lesson A
Academic Objective: Understand
units of weight in kilograms
and express them using real-life
Tell students to read along quietly while they listen to the audio track. Tell them to circle any unknown
words while they listen. Play audio track 15.
After the track is finished, ask the students if they circled any unknown words. Review the meaning of
those words and how they are used in the passage. Take turns reading and discussing the captions below
the pictures. Use the students’ native language to do this if necessary. Call on students to discuss the
differences between normal cars and F1 race cars. Discuss the factors and reasons for why F1 cars can go
Ask the students to recall the academic objective question from the second page of lesson A. Now ask
them to read the academic objective in context at the bottom of this page. This should help the students
with the academic content learning goal of this unit. Discuss and explain further if necessary.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Comprehension & Reading Skill Development
Unit 5 Lesson A
Reading Comprehension:
Ask the students to recall the correct information from the passage. Go through each question and correct
answer together as a class. Ask students to record how many answers they get correct or incorrect with
circles and slashes over each question number.
Reading Skill:
Explain to the students that compare and contrast means thinking about how two similar things are the
same and how they are different. Tell them that they need to write the correct letters in the chart to think
in this way. Explain that some things are only true for regular cars or F1 race cars, and that these are the
differences we need to contrast. Explain also that some things are true for both, and that these are the
similarities we need to compare. Tell them that organizing information in this way will make them better
readers. Complete the activity together as a class.
Ask students to combine this information and complete the sentences. After allowing students enough time
to write all the answers in the summary section, randomly call on students to read their answers.
Lesson B Introduction & Vocabulary Review
Lesson B
Teaching Tips
Unit 5 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Tell the
students to turn back to the new
words page in Lesson A and
review the meaning of each word.
Then use the free downloadable
worksheet for additional vocabulary
practice before completing the
vocabulary review on this page.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Reading Fluency Development & Bonus Words
Unit 5 Lesson B
Read the background question at the top of the page. Ask students if they remember what the reading is
Sample answer: It’s about race cars.
Find the two bonus words in the table of contents. Teach the students what these words mean. Tell the
students to listen, read along, and write the words from the word box into the blanks of the passage as they
listen to the audio. Play audio track 16.
After listening to the audio, tell the students to do the reading activity in activity B. Record the class reading
time in the reading speed chart in the back of the book.
Ask the students if they remember what the reading format of this passage is. Briefly discuss it and circle the
correct answer.
Reading + Writing Skill Transference & Writing Plan Teaching Tips
Unit 5 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Complete
the writing plan together as a
class. Then have students transfer
the information in the chart from
the student book to the practice
book. Have students close the
a student book and double-check the
accuracy of the writing plan in their
b practice books.
High-Level Students: Have
students complete the writing plan
individually. Check the answers
together as a class. Then have
students transfer the information
in the writing plan from the
compare and student book to the practice
contrast F1 race cars and normal cars book. Encourage students to write
F1 cars are faster and lighter than normal cars.
an additional sentence in their
Regular cars are slower and heavier than race cars.
Both are aerodynamic.
This passage compared and contrasted
F1 race cars and normal cars.
Writing Skill:
Introduce the writing skill to the students. Tell them that introduction and conclusion means how to start
and finish writing a paragraph about a topic. Tell them that they need to explain the main idea, for the
introduction and then repeat it for the conclusion. Explain that organizing information in this way will help
them to explain things better and make them good writers.
Writing Plan:
Ask the students to recall the reading skill from this unit: compare and contrast. Tell the students that they will
use that reading skill again to put the information from the writing skill activity into organized information
about the story. Complete the chart and review as a class. After completing the writing plan chart, have the
students record that information in their practice books. Tell them to write a paragraph to summarize the
information in the writing plan. Explain that the writing plan is there to help guide them, but also that their
writing doesn’t need to follow the writing plan verbatim. Use the students’ native language as necessary. Tell
the students to write with small, neat letters so that all of the information can fit into the chart.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Integrate IT Skills & Digital Literacy
Unit 5 Lesson B
Explain to the students that they will now look at and listen to audio about the aerodynamic vehicles
they see on the page. Read the quote from the preview and brainstorm answers as a class. Come to an
agreement about the inference answer that you will write down as a class.
Sample answer: Airplanes are aerodynamic.
Explain to the students that they will look at a special kind of picture called AR, which stands for augmented
reality. If possible, demonstrate it using the Integrate Viewer app. Before looking at the images in detail,
read each question in part C together as a class. Tell the students these questions will be answered as they
view the AR pictures. Use the desktop version in your class if you can’t use a mobile device. Use before class
to gain familiarity. Give the students some time to discuss the questions. This can be done in pairs, in small
groups, or together as a class. Go over the answers as a class.
Self-Assessment & Unit Wrap-up Teaching Tips
Unit 5 Lesson B
Use the grading rubric to perform
your own assessment of each
student’s progress for this unit.
Adjust the rubric to match the level
of your students as necessary.
Complete the vocabulary check. Review the correct answers as a class. Ask students to record how many
answers they get correct or incorrect with circles and slashes over each question number.
Ask students to unscramble the sentence individually. Check the answers together as a class.
Review the academic objective statement. Ask the students who think the answer is true to raise their
hands. Do the same for students who think the statement is false. Tell students the correct answer and talk
about why that answer is correct.
Ask students to evaluate their own work on the reading skill section in Lesson A, the writing skill section in
Lesson B, and the questions on the Integrate IT page. Tell them to use the number of mistakes they made to
guide their self-assessment. If they couldn’t get anything correct, they should fill in the single smiley face; if
they made a few mistakes, two smiley faces; and if they only made a couple of small mistakes, or none, they
can fill in three smiley faces. This allows the students to assess where they need to improve, and allows you
to align your assessment as the teacher with the students’ understanding of their own performance.
06 The Car Race
Unit Summary Unit Introduction
Introduce the topic with the picture on the unit introduction page. Get students thinking and talking about
the topic.
Review the academic objective on the page.
Preview the learning objectives in Lesson A.
Lesson A
Unit Summary
Unit 6 Introduction
New Words: body, engine, driver,
parts, brake, tire
Discuss the three warm-up questions to see how much background information students possess about the
subject, objectives, topics, and language learning points. Ask students where baseball games are played and
what the players and people watching do during the game.
1. Where is this?
Sample answer: It’s at a car race.
2. What are these people doing?
Sample answer: They are going to fix the car. (Answers will vary.)
3. How fast do you think this car can go?
Sample answer: It can go 300 km/h.
Teaching Tips
A New Words
Unit 6 Lesson A
Use the picture to activate students’ prior knowledge about the topic of the unit. Ask the students what they
see in the picture. Focus the attention of the students on the cars and ask them the warm-up questions:
1. What kind of cars are these?
Sample answer: These are F1 race cars.
Ask a follow-up question to establish background knowledge and give attention to details.
2. Why can they go fast?
Sample answer: They can go fast because they are aerodynamic and light.
Explain to the students that they will learn more about what makes a race car go fast.
Ask them to recall information from unit 5 about how race cars go fast. Ask them to think about the other
things that make a car move.
Play audio track 17 and ask students to say and write each word as they hear it.
Grammatical Structure Teaching Tips
Unit 6 Lesson A
Low-Level Students: Use the
free downloadable worksheet
for additional practice with the
structure before reading.
1 4 2 3
2 3 1 4
4 3 2 1
They have a good driver
They have good parts
They have soft tires
This section of each unit is meant to highlight a key grammatical structure that is covered in the reading
The intended purpose of highlighting the structure is to review and demonstrate how the structure is used in
an authentic way.
Read the structure together as a class.
Write a few more examples on the board to help familiarize students with the structure.
Complete the matching activity as a class and review the correct answers with the students.
Before turning the page, ask the students the academic objective question. This question focuses on the
academic content learning goals of the unit. Focus more on that than on the language learning goals when
you discuss answers with students. Use the students’ native language if necessary. Teach students unknown
words that may arise as they try to answer the academic objective question. Probe the class to see if there
are differing opinions or if everyone agrees on a consensus answer. Ask the students to keep this question in
mind as they read the passage on the next page.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Passage
Unit 6 Lesson A
Introduce the background of the reading using the background information at the top of the page.
Explain to the students that the reading format of this passage is an e-mail between two friends. Tell
the students that there are many ways to send and receive e-mails, including desktop computers, laptop
computers, tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices. Ask students if they have sent e-mails, who they
sent them to, and what they use to send e-mails. Show them some real-life examples.
Review the title of the reading: “The Car Race.” Ask the students why they think this is the title. Explain this
is because the passage focuses on race cars and a car race.
Reading Passage Passage Details
Unit 6 Lesson A
Academic Objective: Express and
compare units of speed in km/h.
Tell students to read along quietly while they listen to the audio track. Tell them to circle any unknown
words while they listen. Play audio track 18.
After the track is finished, ask the students if they circled any unknown words. Review the meaning
of those words and how they are used in the passage. Use the students’ native language to do this if
Call on students to discuss the things and parts that make race cars go fast. Call on students to read the
captions under the pictures and discuss them as a class.
Ask the students to recall the academic objective question from the second page of lesson A. Now ask
them to read the academic objective in context at the bottom of this page. This should help the students
with the academic content learning goal of this unit. Discuss and explain further if necessary.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Comprehension & Reading Skill Development
Unit 6 Lesson A
special parts.
They have a big engine.
They have soft tires.
They have a light body.
They have strong brakes.
Reading Comprehension:
Ask the students to recall the correct information from the passage. Go through each question and correct
answer together as a class. Ask students to record how many answers they get correct or incorrect with
circles and slashes over each question number.
Reading Skill:
Explain to the students that identifying details means finding and matching special pieces of information
with the right things. Tell the students to match the describing words with the correct parts of the race car
from the story. Complete the activity together as a class.
Ask students to combine this information and complete the sentences. After allowing students enough time
to write all the answers in the summary section, randomly call on students to read their answers.
Lesson B Introduction & Vocabulary Review
Lesson B
Teaching Tips
Unit 6 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Tell the
students to turn back to the new
words page in Lesson A and
review the meaning of each word.
Then use the free downloadable
worksheet for additional vocabulary
practice before completing the
vocabulary review on this page.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Reading Fluency Development & Bonus Words
Unit 6 Lesson B
Read the background question at the top of the page. Ask students if they remember what the reading is
Sample answer: It’s about race cars.
Find the two bonus words in the table of contents. Teach the students what these words mean. Tell the
students to listen, read along, and write the words from the word box into the blanks of the passage as they
listen to the audio. Play audio track 19.
After listening to the audio, tell the students to do the reading activity in activity B. Record the class reading
time in the reading speed chart in the back of the book.
Ask the students if they remember what the reading format of this passage is. Briefly discuss it and circle the
correct answer.
Reading + Writing Skill Transference & Writing Plan Teaching Tips
Unit 6 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Complete
the writing plan together as a
class. Then have students transfer
the information in the chart from
the student book to the practice
book. Have students close the
Race cars have special parts. student book and double-check the
accuracy of the writing plan in their
practice books.
Writing Skill:
Introduce the writing skill to the students. Explain to the students that main idea means the big idea that
all the other details and ideas in the reading support. Tell the students to read the short paragraph, find the
main idea, circle it, and write it. Complete the activity together as a class. Talk about why this sentence is the
main idea.
Writing Plan:
Ask the students to recall the reading skill from this unit: identifying details. Tell the students that they will
use that reading skill again to put the information from the writing skill activity into othe writing plan chart.
Complete the chart and review as a class. Tell the students to write with small, neat letters so that all of the
information can fit into the chart. After completing the writing plan chart, have the students record that
information in their practice books. Tell them to write a paragraph to summarize the information in the
writing plan. Explain that the writing plan is there to help guide them, but also that their writing doesn’t
need to follow the writing plan verbatim. Use the students’ native language as necessary.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Integrate IT Skills & Digital Literacy
Unit 6 Lesson B
Explain to the students that they will now watch a video about race cars and car parts. Read the quote from
the preview and brainstorm answers as a class. Come to an agreement about the inference answer that you
will write down as a class.
Sample answer: Race cars have a big engine and strong brakes. (Answers will vary.)
Ask the students if they remember what a QR code is. Point it out on the page. Ask them how it works. If
possible, demonstrate it using the Integrate Viewer app. Before watching the video, read each question in
part C together as a class. Tell the students these questions will be answered as they watch the contents of
the video. Show the video. Give the students some time to discuss the questions. This can be done in pairs,
in small groups, or together as a class. Go over the answers as a class.
Self-Assessment & Unit Wrap-up Teaching Tips
Unit 6 Lesson B
Use the grading rubric to perform
your own assessment of each
student’s progress for this unit.
Adjust the rubric to match the level
of your students as necessary.
Complete the vocabulary check. Review the correct answers as a class. Ask students to record how many
answers they get correct or incorrect with circles and slashes over each question number.
Ask students to unscramble the sentence individually. Check the answers together as a class.
Review the academic objective statement. Ask the students who think the answer is true to raise their
hands. Do the same for students who think the statement is false. Tell students the correct answer and talk
about why that answer is correct.
Ask students to evaluate their own work on the reading skill section in Lesson A, the writing skill section in
Lesson B, and the questions on the Integrate IT page. Tell them to use the number of mistakes they made to
guide their self-assessment. If they couldn’t get anything correct, they should fill in the single smiley face; if
they made a few mistakes, two smiley faces; and if they only made a couple of small mistakes, or none, they
can fill in three smiley faces. This allows the students to assess where they need to improve, and allows you
to align your assessment as the teacher with the students’ understanding of their own performance.
07 Multicultural Countries
Unit Summary Unit Introduction
Introduce the topic with the picture on the unit introduction page. Get students thinking and talking about
the topic.
Review the academic objective on the page.
Preview the learning objectives in Lesson A.
Lesson A
Unit Summary
Unit 7 Introduction
New Words: country, tradition,
culture, mix, move, accept
Discuss the three warm-up questions to see how much background information students possess about
the subject, objectives, topics, and language learning points. Ask students what multicultural cities they
know, to activate prior knowledge. Ask them how different people can get along with each other in the
same country. Explain to the students that learning about other cultures and their traditions can help people
understand each other better.
1. Are the people in this picture the same?
Sample answer: No, they are different.
2. Do you think they like each other?
Sample answer: Yes, I think they like each other.
3. How are they different?
Sample answer: They are all different races. Some are male and some are female. (Answers will vary.)
Teaching Tips
A New Words
Unit 7 Lesson A
Use the picture to activate students’ prior knowledge about the topic of the unit. Ask the students what the
people in the picture are doing. Focus the attention of the students on the different people and ask them
the warm-up questions:
1. Where are these people from?
Sample answer: They are from different places.
Ask a follow-up question to establish background knowledge and give attention to details.
2. How are they similar?
Sample answer: They are all around the same age. They are all wearing white T-shirts.
3. How are they similar?
Sample answer: They are different races. They are from different countries. Some are men and some are
women. (Answers will vary.)
Explain to the students that they will read about countries that have a lot of different kinds of people in
them. Ask students if they know any places like this. Answers can include cities or districts with a high
population of foreigners within an ethnically homogenous country. Brainstorm a few examples. Tell the
students that they will learn about countries with many different kinds of people and how they get along.
88 Play audio track 20 and ask students to say and write each word as they hear it.
Grammatical Structure Teaching Tips
Unit 7 Lesson A
Low-Level Students: Use the
free downloadable worksheet
for additional practice with the
structure before reading.
This section of each unit is meant to highlight a key grammatical structure that is covered in the reading
The intended purpose of highlighting the structure is to review and demonstrate how the structure is used in
an authentic way.
Read the structure together as a class.
Write a few more examples on the board to help familiarize students with the structure.
Complete the matching activity as a class and review the correct answers with the students.
Before turning the page, ask the students the academic objective question. This question focuses on the
academic content learning goals of the unit. Focus more on that than on the language learning goals when
you discuss answers with students. Use the students’ native language if necessary. Teach students unknown
words that may arise as they try to answer the academic objective question. Probe the class to see if there
are differing opinions or if everyone agrees on a consensus answer. Ask the students to keep this question in
mind as they read the passage on the next page.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Passage
Unit 7 Lesson A
Introduce the background of the reading using the background information at the top of the page.
Explain to the students that the reading format of this passage is a traditional passage. Tell the students that
traditional passages are often found in school textbooks and other kinds of reading that are written to teach
people things.
Review the title of the reading: “Multicultural Countries.” Ask the students what culture is made of. Discuss
food, customs, traditions, style, clothes, music, dance, and other components of culture. Brainstorm a list
of ideas on the board. You may want to use visual support through pictures or objects to help support the
students’ understanding.
Reading Passage Passage Details
Unit 7 Lesson A
Tell students to read along quietly while they listen to the audio track. Tell them to circle any unknown
words while they listen. Play audio track 21.
After the track is finished, ask the students if they circled any unknown words. Review the meaning
of those words and how they are used in the passage. Use the students’ native language to do this if
Call on students to discuss the different components of culture that are in the reading. Circle things from
the brainstorming list you made that are in the reading, or add to your list things that were in the reading
but that you couldn’t think of before. Ask students how the reading describe some of these components
from their own culture, and then from other cultures, if they can.
Ask the students to recall the academic objective question from the second page of lesson A. Now ask
them to read the academic objective in context at the bottom of this page. This should help the students
with the academic content learning goal of this unit. Discuss and explain further if necessary.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Comprehension & Reading Skill Development
Unit 7 Lesson A
Reading Comprehension:
Ask the students to recall the correct information from the passage. Go through each question and correct
answer together as a class. Ask students to record how many answers they get correct or incorrect with
circles and slashes over each question number.
Reading Skill:
Explain to the students that compare and contrast means thinking about how two similar things are the
same and how they are different. Tell them that they need to write the correct letters in the chart to think
in this way. Explain that some things are only true for one-culture countries, and other things are only true
for multicultural countries, and that these are the differences we need to contrast. Also explain that some
things are true for both, and that these are the similarities we need to compare. Tell them that organizing
information in this way will make them better readers. Complete the activity together as a class.
Ask students to combine this information and complete the sentences. After allowing students enough time
to write all the answers in the summary section, randomly call on students to read their answers.
Lesson B Introduction & Vocabulary Review
Lesson B
Teaching Tips
Unit 7 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Tell the
students to turn back to the new
words page in Lesson A and
review the meaning of each word.
Then use the free downloadable
worksheet for additional vocabulary
practice before completing the
vocabulary review on this page.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Reading Fluency Development & Bonus Words
Unit 7 Lesson B
Read the background question at the top of the page. Ask students if they remember what the reading is
Sample answer: It’s about culture.
Find the two bonus words in the table of contents. Teach the students what these words mean. Tell the
students to listen, read along, and write the words from the word box into the blanks of the passage as they
listen to the audio. Play audio track 22.
After listening to the audio, tell the students to do the reading activity in activity B. Record the class reading
time in the reading speed chart in the back of the book.
Ask the students if they remember what the reading format of this passage is. Briefly discuss it and circle the
correct answer.
Reading + Writing Skill Transference & Writing Plan Teaching Tips
Unit 7 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Complete
the writing plan together as a
class. Then have students transfer
the information in the chart from
the student book to the practice
book. Have students close the
student book and double-check the
accuracy of the writing plan in their
practice books.
Writing Skill:
Introduce the writing skill to the students. Tell them that synthesizing means putting things together in
an organized and correct way. Tell them that they need to match the information about differences and
similarities with the right places. Explain that organizing information in this way will make them good writers.
Writing Plan:
Ask the students to recall the reading skill from this unit: compare and contrast. Tell them that they will use
that reading skill again to put the information from the writing skill activity into organized information about
the reading. Complete the chart and review as a class. Tell the students to write with small, neat letters so
that all the information can fit into the chart. After completing the writing plan chart, have the students
record that information in their practice books. Tell them to write a paragraph to summarize the information
in the writing plan. Explain that the writing plan is there to help guide them, but also that their writing
doesn’t need to follow the writing plan verbatim. Use the students’ native language as necessary.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Integrate IT Skills & Digital Literacy
Unit 7 Lesson B
Explain to the students that they will now watch a video about cultures and countries. Read the quote from
the preview and brainstorm answers as a class. Come to an agreement about the inference answer that you
will write down as a class.
Sample answer: People speaking many different languages.
Ask the students if they remember what a QR code is. Point it out on the page. Ask them how it works. If
possible, demonstrate it using the Integrate Viewer app. Before watching the video, read each question in
part C together as a class. Tell the students these questions will be answered as they watch the contents of
the video. Show the video. Give the students some time to discuss the questions. This can be done in pairs,
in small groups, or together as a class. Go over the answers as a class.
Self-Assessment & Unit Wrap-up Teaching Tips
Unit 7 Lesson B
Use the grading rubric to perform
your own assessment of each
student’s progress for this unit.
Adjust the rubric to match the level
of your students as necessary.
Complete the vocabulary check. Review the correct answers as a class. Ask students to record how many
answers they get correct or incorrect with circles and slashes over each question number.
Ask students to unscramble the sentence individually. Check the answers together as a class.
Review the academic objective statement. Ask the students who think the answer is true to raise their
hands. Do the same for students who think the statement is false. Tell students the correct answer and talk
about why that answer is correct.
Ask students to evaluate their own work on the reading skill section in Lesson A, the writing skill section in
Lesson B, and the questions on the Integrate IT page. Tell them to use the number of mistakes they made to
guide their self-assessment. If they couldn’t get anything correct, they should fill in the single smiley face; if
they made a few mistakes, two smiley faces; and if they only made a couple of small mistakes, or none, they
can fill in three smiley faces. This allows the students to assess where they need to improve, and allows you
to align your assessment as the teacher with the students’ understanding of their own performance.
08 The Birthday Party
Unit Summary Unit Introduction
Introduce the topic with the picture on the unit introduction page. Get students thinking and talking about
the topic.
Review the academic objective on the page.
Preview the learning objectives in Lesson A.
Lesson A
Unit Summary
Unit 8 Introduction
New Words: turn, delicious,
chance, break, keep, band
Discuss the three warm-up questions to see how much background information students possess about the
subject, objectives, topics, and language learning points. Ask students what they do on their birthdays. Ask
them how people in other cultures celebrate birthdays. Explain to the students what is in the picture. Show a
video from the Internet if possible.
1. What do you see in the picture?
Sample answer: It’s a piñata.
2. What do people do with this?
Sample answer: They play with it at a birthday party.
3. What culture does it come from?
Sample answer: It comes from Mexican culture.
Teaching Tips
A New Words
Unit 8 Lesson A
Use the picture to activate students’ prior knowledge about the topic of the unit. Ask the students what the
people in the picture are doing. Focus the attention of the students on the girl and the setting and ask them
the warm-up questions:
1. What do you do in your culture to celebrate birthdays?
Sample answer: We eat cake.
Ask a follow-up question to establish background knowledge and give attention to details.
2. Who do you celebrate your birthday with in your culture?
Sample answer: I celebrate with my family and friends.
Explain to the students that they will read a story about a boy who goes to his neighbor’s birthday party. Ask
students if they have been to a birthday party. Ask them what kind of food was there. Ask students what
they did at the birthday party. Tell the students that the party in the story is a Mexican birthday party. Ask
them if they know where Mexico is. Show them on a map. Talk about what language Mexicans speak and
other components of Mexican culture.
Play audio track 23 and ask students to say and write each word as they hear it.
Grammatical Structure Teaching Tips
Unit 8 Lesson A
Low-Level Students: Use the
free downloadable worksheet
for additional practice with the
structure before reading.
This section of each unit is meant to highlight a key grammatical structure that is covered in the reading
The intended purpose of highlighting the structure is to review and demonstrate how the structure is used in
an authentic way.
Read the structure together as a class.
Write a few more examples on the board to help familiarize students with the structure.
Complete the matching activity as a class and review the correct answers with the students.
Before turning the page, ask the students the academic objective question. This question focuses on the
academic content learning goals of the unit. Focus more on that than on the language learning goals when
you discuss answers with students. Use the students’ native language if necessary. Teach students unknown
words that may arise as they try to answer the academic objective question. Probe the class to see if there
are differing opinions or if everyone agrees on a consensus answer. Ask the students to keep this question in
mind as they read the passage on the next page.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Passage
Unit 8 Lesson A
Introduce the background of the reading using the background information at the top of the page.
Explain to the students that the reading format of this passage is a journal. Explain to the students what
a journal is. Ask the students if they keep a journal. Explain that this isn’t a real journal. Reinforce the
difference between fiction and nonfiction.
Review the literary elements of a story with the students before reading. Ask the students what the topic of
this story is, where the setting is, and who the characters are before reading. Use the illustrations to help.
Review the title of the reading: “The Birthday Party.” Ask the students why they think this is the title. Explain
this is because it’s about a birthday party.
Reading Passage Passage Details
Unit 8 Lesson A
Academic Objective: Learn
to accept and appreciate other
Tell students to read along quietly while they listen to the audio track. Tell them to circle any unknown
words while they listen. Play audio track 24.
After the track is finished, ask the students if they circled any unknown words. Review the meaning
of those words and how they are used in the passage. Use the students’ native language to do this if
Call on students to discuss what happened in the story. Ask students what they did at Ernesto’s sister’s
birthday party. Ask for details and information about the activities, food, and music. Explain that it can be
very fun to try the traditions of another culture.
Ask the students to recall the academic objective question from the second page of lesson A. Now ask
them to read the academic objective in context at the bottom of this page. This should help the students
with the academic content learning goal of this unit. Discuss and explain further if necessary.
Teaching Tips
A Reading Comprehension & Reading Skill Development
Unit 8 Lesson A
delicious Mexican
Reading Comprehension:
Ask the students to recall the correct information from the passage. Go through each question and correct
answer together as a class. Ask students to record how many answers they get correct or incorrect with
circles and slashes over each question number.
Reading Skill:
Explain to the students that classifying means dividing and matching up different pieces of information that
have something in common. Tell the students to match the details with the different things people did at the
party. Complete the activity together as a class.
Ask students to combine this information and complete the sentences. After allowing students enough time
to write all the answers in the summary section, randomly call on students to read their answers.
Lesson B Introduction & Vocabulary Review
Lesson B
Teaching Tips
Unit 8 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Tell the
students to turn back to the new
words page in Lesson A and
review the meaning of each word.
Then use the free downloadable
worksheet for additional vocabulary
practice before completing the
vocabulary review on this page.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Reading Fluency Development & Bonus Words
Unit 8 Lesson B
Read the background question at the top of the page. Ask students if they remember what the reading is
Sample answer: It’s about a birthday party.
Find the two bonus words in the table of contents. Teach the students what these words mean. Tell the
students to listen, read along, and write the words from the word box into the blanks of the passage as they
listen to the audio. Play audio track 25.
After listening to the audio, tell the students to do the reading activity in activity B. Record the class reading
time in the reading speed chart in the back of the book.
Ask the students if they remember what the reading format of this passage is. Briefly discuss it and circle the
correct answer.
Reading + Writing Skill Transference & Writing Plan Teaching Tips
Unit 8 Lesson B
Low-Level Students: Complete
the writing plan together as a
class. Then have students transfer
the information in the chart from
the student book to the practice
Girls turn fifteen years old. She has a special party. book. Have students close the
student book and double-check the
Hit the piñata. Candy falls out.
accuracy of the writing plan in their
practice books.
The band plays music. People dance..
Writing Skill:
Introduce the writing skill to the students. Tell them that cause and effect means the reason for something
(cause) and what happens as a result (effect). Tell them that they need to organize the information from the
chart in this way. Explain that organizing information in this will help them to explain things better and make
them good writers.
Writing Plan:
Ask the students to recall the reading skill from this unit: classifying. Tell them that they will use that reading
skill again to put the information from the writing skill activity into organized information about the reading.
Complete the chart and review as a class. Tell the students to write with small, neat letters so that all the
information can fit into the chart. After completing the writing plan chart, have the students record that
information in their practice books. Tell them to write a paragraph to summarize the information in the
writing plan. Explain that the writing plan is there to help guide them, but also that their writing doesn’t need
to follow the writing plan verbatim. Use the students’ native language as necessary.
Lesson B
Teaching Tips Integrate IT Skills & Digital Literacy
Unit 8 Lesson B
Explain to the students that they will now watch a video about birthday parties in different cultures. Read
the quote from the preview and brainstorm answers as a class. Come to an agreement about the inference
answer that you will write down as a class.
Sample answer: The games people play.
Ask the students if they remember what a QR code is. Point it out on the page. Ask them how it works. If
possible, demonstrate it using the Integrate Viewer app. Before watching the video, read each question in
part C together as a class. Tell the students these questions will be answered as they watch the contents of
the video. Show the video. Give the students some time to discuss the questions. This can be done in pairs,
in small groups, or together as a class. Go over the answers as a class.
Self-Assessment & Unit Wrap-up Teaching Tips
Unit 8 Lesson B
Use the grading rubric to perform
your own assessment of each
student’s progress for this unit.
Adjust the rubric to match the level
of your students as necessary.
Complete the vocabulary check. Review the correct answers as a class. Ask students to record how many
answers they get correct or incorrect with circles and slashes over each question number.
Ask students to unscramble the sentence individually. Check the answers together as a class.
Review the academic objective statement. Ask the students who think the answer is true to raise their
hands. Do the same for students who think the statement is false. Tell students the correct answer and talk
about why that answer is correct.
Ask students to evaluate their own work on the reading skill section in Lesson A, the writing skill section in
Lesson B, and the questions on the Integrate IT page. Tell them to use the number of mistakes they made to
guide their self-assessment. If they couldn’t get anything correct, they should fill in the single smiley face; if
they made a few mistakes, two smiley faces; and if they only made a couple of small mistakes, or none, they
can fill in three smiley faces. This allows the students to assess where they need to improve, and allows you
to align your assessment as the teacher with the students’ understanding of their own performance.
1-2 Review
Teaching Tips Unit 1-2 Review Lesson
Unit 1-2 Review
Review units are optional. Think about how best to utilize them if you decide to do them. Review units cover
the general topic, ideas, and vocabulary covered in one nonfiction and fiction pair of units about the same
school subject. Students should review the vocabulary and concepts before working on the review unit.
Review units can be completed after finishing the two units or for review prior to a test. The objective is to
get students to use the information and language they have learned in a creative way to complete a project.
Therefore, the outcome of each page will be varied. Teachers should provide students with the tools and
information that are necessary to complete the page. Complete an example of the project page to show to
Project-based Learning Teaching Tips
Review the information in units 1 and 2. Discuss what kinds of cities are covered in those units. Discuss
what people should do to help the environment, etc. Prepare some additional information for the students.
Discuss ways to make clean energy, etc.
Show the students an example of a completed project page. Explain the goal of the project and the tasks
they need to do to complete it.
You can prepare some pictures of the various jobs for the students before class or ask them to find a picture
on their own to complete the project as homework.
When the projects are completed, allow the students to present them. Projects can be included in a portfolio
and/or displayed in the classroom.
3-4 Review
Teaching Tips Unit 3-4 Review Lesson
Unit 3-4 Review
Review units are optional. Think about how best to utilize them if you decide to do them. Review units cover
the general topic, ideas, and vocabulary covered in one nonfiction and fiction pair of units about the same
school subject. Students should review the vocabulary and concepts before working on the review unit.
Review units can be completed after finishing the two units or for review prior to a test.
The objective is to get students to use the information and language they have learned, as well as additional
information, in a creative way to complete a project. Therefore, the outcome of each page will be varied.
Teachers should provide students with the tools and information that are necessary to complete the page.
Complete an example of the project page to show to students.
Project-based Learning Teaching Tips
Review the information in units 3 and 4. Review the format of the project: letter. Discuss what kinds of living
things are covered in those units. Discuss where they live, what they eat, how they get energy, etc. Prepare
some additional information for the students. Discuss which ecosystems the students find interesting and
Show the students an example of a completed project page. Explain the goal of the project and the tasks
they need to do to complete it.
You can prepare some pictures of the various plants and animals in ecosystems for the students before class,
or ask them to find a picture on their own to complete the project as homework.
When the projects are completed, allow the students to present them. Projects can be included in a portfolio
and/or displayed in the classroom.
5-6 Review
Teaching Tips Unit 5-6 Review Lesson
Unit 5-6 Review
Review units are optional. Think about how best to utilize them if you decide to do them. Review units cover
the general topic, ideas, and vocabulary covered in one nonfiction and fiction pair of units about the same
school subject. Students should review the vocabulary and concepts before working on the review unit.
Review units can be completed after finishing the two units or for review prior to a test.
The objective is to get students to use the information and language they have learned, and new information
they research on their own, in a creative way to complete a project. Therefore, the outcome of each page will
be varied. Teachers should provide students with the tools and information that are necessary to complete the
page. Complete an example of the project page to show to students.
Project-based Learning Teaching Tips
Review the information in units 5 and 6. Discuss the topics that are covered in those units. Review the
format of the project: e-mail. Discuss what makes race cars go fast, etc. Prepare some additional information
for the students. Discuss which things the students find interesting and why. Allow students to work in pairs
as e-mails are normally written back and forth to and from people.
Show the students an example of a completed project page. Explain the goal of the project and the tasks
they need to do to complete it. You can prepare some pictures of race cars and car parts for the students
before class, or ask them to find a picture on their own to complete the project as home work.
When the project are completed, allow the students to present them. Projects can be included in a portfolio
and/or displayed in the classroom.
7-8 Review
Teaching Tips Unit 5-6 Review Lesson
Unit 7-8 Review
Review units are optional. Think about how best to utilize them if you decide to do them. Review units cover
the general topic, ideas, and vocabulary covered in one nonfiction and fiction pair of units about the same
school subject. Students should review the vocabulary and concepts before working on the review unit.
Review units can be completed after finishing the two units or for review prior to a test.
The objective is to get students to use the information and language they have learned, as well as new
information, in a creative way to complete a project. Therefore, the outcome of each page will be varied.
Teachers should provide students with the tools and information that are necessary to complete the page.
Complete an example of the project page to show to students.
Project-based Learning Teaching Tips
Review the information in units 7 and 8. Discuss what kinds of cultures and cultural components are covered
in those units. Review the format of the project: journal. Review the reading and writing skills the students
learned in units 7 and 8. Discuss different countries, people, places, foods, music, traditions, and customs.
Prepare some additional examples for the students. Discuss how to write about their last birthday.
Show the students an example of a completed project page. Explain the goal of the project and the tasks
they need to do to complete it.
When the projects are completed, allow the students to present them. Projects can be included in a portfolio
and/or displayed in the classroom.
Reading Speed Chart
Teaching Tips Reading Speed Chart
Reading Speed Chart
The reading speed chart is designed to track reading speed and fluency development. There are two
columns per unit. Students can track their reading speed first as a class and then again for the same reading
independently. The reading speed chart is intended to be completed with the passage in lesson B after all
of the reading activities have been completed. Do not use the reading speed chart with lesson A passages,
as students will encounter too many new and unknown words and information. Reading speed and fluency
should only be recorded with passages that consist almost entirely of familiar language and content (roughly
98 percent). Therefore, only use this chart with the passages in lesson B. The reading passage in lesson B is
written to be slightly shorter and slightly easier than the passage in lesson A. Sometimes new or alternative
information is introduced to prevent too much redundancy.
Language Through Learning
Language Through Learning Notes
Use this page to record unknown, unanticipated words and Language Through Learning
language that students encounter throughout this book. Record Language
the words in the Language Through Learning column and add learning
any relevant notes to the Notes column, such as the date, page
number and whether the student asked the teacher or vice versa.
This will help you to plan for future lessons by better anticipating learning and
which language points you may need to prepare for. Language language using Language
for through
Use the language noted on this page wherever possible in future learning learning
lessons to help expand the students’ command of and ability to
use language acquired through learning. *See page 6 to understand language through learning.