SS-2-Marks Questions With Answers
SS-2-Marks Questions With Answers
SS-2-Marks Questions With Answers
2-Marks Questions
1. Define Signal.
Signal is a physical quantity that varies with respect to time, space or any other
independent variable (or) it is a mathematical representation of the system.
Ex: y(t) = t. and x(t)= sin t.
2. Define system..
A set of components that are connected together to perform the particular task.
3. Name some elementary signals?
1. Real exponential signal
2. Complex exponential signal
3. Signum function
4. Sampling function
4. Define discrete time signals and classify them.
Discrete time signals are defined only at discrete times, and for these signals,
theindependent variable takes on only a discrete set of values.
Classification of discrete time signal:
1.Periodic and Aperiodic signal
5. Define continuous time signals and classify them.
Continuous time signals are defined for a continuous of values of theindependent
variable. In the case of continuous time signals the independentvariable is continuous.For
(i) A speech signal as a function of time
(ii) Atmospheric pressure as a function of altitude
Classification of continuous time signal:
(i) Periodic and Aperiodic signal
(ii) Even and Odd signal
bn=1/T x(t)cosnωotdt
4. Write short notes on dirichlets conditions for fourier series.
a. x(t) must be absolutely integrable
b. The function x(t) should be single valued within the interval T.
c. The function x(t) should have finite number of discontinuities in any finite interval of time T.
d. The function x(t) should have finite number of maxima &minima in theinterval T.
5. State Time Shifting property in relation to fourier series.
x(t-to) FS ak e-jkωot
Time shifting property states that; when a periodic signal is shifted intime, the magnitudesof
its fourier series coefficients, remain unaltered.
6. What is meant by linear system?
A linear system should satisfy superposition principle. A linear systemshould satisfy
F[ax1(t)+bx2(t)] a y1(t)+by2(t) y1(t)=F[x1(t)] y2(t)=F[x2(t)]
7. Define time invariant system.
A system is time invariant if the behavior and characteristics of the systemare fixed
over time. A system is time invariant if a time shift in the input signal results in anidentical
time shift in the output signal.
For example,a time invariant system should produce y(t-t0)as the output
when x(t-to) is the input.
8. Define stable system?
When the system produces bounded output for bounded input, then the systemis called
bounded input& bounded output stable.
If the signal is bounded, then its magnitude will always be finite.
9. Define memory and memoryless system.
The output of a memory system at any specified time depends on theinputs at that
specified time and at other times.Such systems have memory orenergy storage elements.
The system is said to be static or memoryless if its output depends uponthe present input only.
10. Define invertible system.
A system is said to be invertible if the input is get from the output input.
Otherwise the system is noninvertible system.
11. What is superposition property?
If an input consists of the weighted sum of several signals, then the output
is the superposition that is, the weighted sum of the responses of the system toeach of those signals.
12. What is recurssive system.
If the present output is dependent upon the present and past value of input then the
system is said to be recursive system
13. What is Non recursive system.
If the present output is dependent upon the present and past value of input and past
value of output then the system is said to be non recursssive system.
14. Compare double sided and single sided spectrums.
The method of representing spectrums of positive as well as negative frequencies are
called double sided spectrums.
The method of representing spectrums only in the positive frequencies is known as single
sided spectrums.
C e
j 2nt / To
n =1
The method of representing a signal by the above form is known as exponential fourier series.
9. Define Z transform.
The Z transform of a discrete time signal x[n] is denoted by X(z) and it isgiven as
X(z)=∑x[n] z-n and the value n range from -∞ to +∞. Here ‘z’ is the
complex variable.This Z transform is also called as bilateral or two sided Ztransform.
10. What are the two types of Z transform?
(i) Unilateral Z transform
(ii) Bilateral Z transform
11. Define unilateral Z transform.
The unilateral Z transform of signal x[n] is given as
X(z)=∑x[n] z-n
The unilateral and bilateral Z transforms are same for causal signals.
12. What is region of Convergence.
The region of convergence or ROC is specified for Z transform ,where itconverges.
13. What are the Properties of ROC.
i. The ROC of a finite duration sequence includes the entire z- plane,
except z= 0 and |z|=∞.
ii. ROC does not contain any poles.
iii. ROC is the ring in the z-plane centered about origin.
iv. ROC of causal sequence (right handed sequence) is of the form |z| > r.
v. ROC of left handed sequence is of the form |z| < r.
vi. ROC of two sided sequence is the concentric ring in the z plane.
14. What is the time shifting property of Z transform.
x[n] X(Z) then
x[n-k] Z-k X[Z].
15. What is the differentiation property in Z domain.
x[n] X(Z) then
nx[n] -z d/dz{X[Z].}.
16. State convolution property of Z transform.
The convolution property states that if
x1[n] X1(Z) and
x2[n] X2(Z) then
x1[n] *x2[n] X1(Z) X2(Z)
That is convolution of two sequences in time domain is equivalent tomultiplication of their Z
17. State the methods to find inverse Z transform.
a. Partial fraction expansion
b. Contour integration
c. Power series expansion
d. Convolution method.
18. State multiplication property in relation to Z transform.
This property states that if ,
x1[n] X1(Z) and
x2[n] X2(Z) then
x1[n] x2[n] ½ Πj X1(v). X2(Z/v)v-1dv
Here c is a closed contour .It encloses the origin and lies in the Roc which is
common to both X1(v). X2(1/v)
19. State parseval’s relation for Z transform.
If x1[n] and x2[n] are complex valued sequences, then the parseval’s relationstates that
∑x1[n] x2*[n]= ½ Πj X1(v). X2*(1/v*)v-1dv.
20. What is the relationship between Z transform and fourier transform.
X(z)=∑x[n] z-n.------------------1.
X(w)= ∑x[n]e-jωn. ----------------2
X(z) at z = ejωis = X (w).
When z- transform is evaluated on unit circle (ie.| z |= 1) then it becomes fourier
21. What are the different types of structure realization.
( i.)Direct form I (ii.) Direcct form II (iii.) Cascade form (iv.) Parallel Form.