Ais Reviewer Midterms
Ais Reviewer Midterms
Ais Reviewer Midterms
Materials Management (MM) – module activities in the order entry/sales process, the
which constraint relation functions to the billing/accounts receivable/cash receipts
acquisition oof goods from vendors and process, and the applicable parts of the
management of the goods while they are in general ledger process
stock; 3 major steps: creating purchase
order -> receiving of goods -> recording • STEP 1 – Presales Activities -
the vendor invoice includes responding to customer
inquiries and customers’ RFQs
Financial Accounting (FI) – module which • STEP 2 – Sales order Processing
plays the center and major role in the system, - capturing and recording customer
for which in this module it includes the orders. At this point in the process,
different events from other modules like an enterprise system links together
sales and distribution and materials customer, inventory, purchasing,
management into the general ledger and vendor data to determine
accounts and included in external whether the customer is in good
statements, balance sheet or the statement standing and likely to pay the bill and
of financial position, profit and loss statement where and when the inventory will be
or the income statement and the statement available to send to the customer.
of cash flow • STEP 3 – Pick and Pack - picking
the goods from the shelf in the
Controlling and Profitability Analysis
warehouse and packing the goods
(CO/PA) – module which handles related
for shipment then, ERP System
functions of internal accounting including the
maintain a record of the progress
cost center accounting, profitability analysis
and to retain control over the
for sales, activity-based accounting and
location of the goods.
• STEP 4 – Shipping - transferring
Human Capital Management (HCM) – the goods to the organization’s
module which are traditionally known as transportation function, or to a third-
Human Resources or the HR, which includes party carrier, for shipment to the
related functions to the recruitment, customer.
management, and administration of • STEP 5 – Billing - includes
personnel, payroll processing and personnel preparing the customer invoice and
training which includes benefits like travel. recording sales and accounts
receivable data in the general
Enterprise Systems Support for Major ledger.
Business Event Processes
• STEP 6 – Payment - capturing and
major business events into two processes: recording cash receipts and
the order- to-cash (or revenue) process updating cash and accounts
and the purchase-to-pay (or expenditure) receivable amounts in the general
process. ledger.
Master Data – are repositories of relatively Online Transaction Entry System (OLTEs)
permanent data maintained over an – use of data entry devices allows business
extended period of time. Master data contain event data to be entered directly into the
data related to entities—persons and information system at the time and place
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that the business event occurs. Such a purpose of supporting management decision
system is considered online because the making and facilitating business event data
data entry device is connected to the processing. EDM systems provide a
computer. relatively inexpensive alternative to paper
Instead na magprocess, under OLTE pinag
isa na yung gagawin, malalaman mo agad • Document Storage and Retrieval –
magkano billing mo, then transferred to the mortgages, deed and liens are
main database, then gagana na yung Central archived and made available to the
Computer, malalaman kung may new sales public for such uses as title searches.
ka na. Ni-cut ang three processes into one. birth certificates, death certificates,
marriage licenses, banking-account
Online Real-Time Processing (OLRT) - signature cards, user manuals, price
gather business event data at the time of lists, and catalogs, PDF Files
occurrence, update the master data • Business Event Data Processing –
essentially instantaneously, and provide the loan and insurance applications must
results arising from the business event within pass through several stages, such as
a very short amount of time—that is, in real origination, underwriting, and closing.
time. OLRT systems complete all stages of
business event data processing in Typical benefits of EDM Systems
immediate mode.
• Reduced cost of handling and storing
Nag uupdate agad like GCASH, pay to paper
mobile banking or transfer, Maya but checks • Improved staff productivity
are subject to clearing, automatic na • Superior customer service
maguupdate, nakapost agad, • Enhanced management of
operational workflow
1. Business event occurs; Record • Faster processing
business event data
2. Update Master Data Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) – the
3. Generate Reports (and support computer-to-computer exchange of business
queries) data (i.e., documents) in structured formats
that allow direct processing of those
FOUR METHODS OF CONDUCTING E- electronic documents by the receiving
BUSINESS computer system.
1. Application Software – An
Electronic Mail (E-Mail) – the electronic originating application prepares an
transmission of nonstandardized messages electronic business document, such
between two individuals who are linked via a as a PO. At the destination
communications network (usually an intranet organization, an application
or the Internet). E-mail represents a weak processes the business data.
form for E-business because the message Purchasing which prepares the
format is nonstandardized. electronic document.
2. Translation Software – An
Electronic Document Management (EDM) application’s electronic business
– capture, storage, management, and control document must be translated to the
of electronic document images for the structured EDI format that will be
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EDI and Business Event Data Processing 2. Network Providers - companies that
– significant reduction in the need for provide a link to the Internet by
interaction between humans (e.g., making their directly connected
aabot ako sa midterms
networks available for access by fee- Public exchanges bring together suppliers
paying customers, such as: cable and buyers and allow essentially any
(TV), DSL, direct Ethernet, satellite organization to participate, subject
dish, or the traditional telephone line sometimes to credit approval and
to connect with the network provider’s background checks.
Circle 2 (network provider) –
physical connection to circle 1
Circle 5 (network provider) – server
to connect to CPA firm