Warcry CheatSheet

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9 0 -

[Double] Rush: Add 1 to
the Move characteristic of
this fighter until the end of
their activation.

[Double] Onslaught: Add

1 to the Attacks characteristic
of attack actions made by
this fighter that have a Range
characteristic of 3 or less until
the end of their activation.

[Triple] Respite: A fighter
cannot use this ability if they
are within 1" of any enemy
fighters. Remove a number
of damage points allocated
to this fighter equal to the
value of this ability.

[Triple] Inspiring Presence:

Pick a friendly fighter that
has not activated yet this
battle round and that is
within 6" of this fighter.
You can activate that
fighter immediately after
the activation of this fighter

[Quad] Rampage:
This fighter makes a
bonus move action. Then,
they can make a bonus
attack action.

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