IEEE Standard Test Procedure For Thermal Evaluation of Liquid-Immersed Distribution and Power Transformers
IEEE Standard Test Procedure For Thermal Evaluation of Liquid-Immersed Distribution and Power Transformers
IEEE Standard Test Procedure For Thermal Evaluation of Liquid-Immersed Distribution and Power Transformers
(Revision of
IEEE Std C57.100-1986)
Transformers Committee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society
Abstract: A test procedure is established to provide a uniform method for investigating the effect
of operating temperature on the life expectancy of liquid-immersed transformers. The test proce-
dures are intended to provide data for the selection of a limiting hottest-spot temperature for rating
purposes, provide data which may serve as the basis for a guide for loading, and permit the com-
parative evaluation of a proposed insulation system with reference to a system that has proven to
be acceptable in service.
Keywords: aging, distribution transformers, life tests, liquid immersed, power transformers, test
procedures, thermal evaluation
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(This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C57.100-1999, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Thermal Evaluation of
Liquid-Immersed Distribution and Power Transformers.)
This standard is intended to establish test procedures for evaluating the insulation systems of liquid-
immersed transformers. The electrical insulation of transformers is subject to many electrical, mechanical,
and thermal stresses occurring in different parts of the structure. How long the insulation system will be
serviceable depends on the effectiveness of the physical support for the insulation and the severity of the
forces acting on it, as well as on the materials themselves and the service environment. Therefore, the length
of useful life of the insulation system depends on the way that its individual components are arranged, their
interactions upon each other, the contribution of each component to the electrical and mechanical integrity of
the system, and the way the transformer is manufactured and maintained.
Experience has shown that the thermal life characteristics of composite insulation systems cannot be reliably
inferred solely from information concerning individual component materials. To assure satisfactory service
life, transformer designs need to be verified by service experience or accelerated life tests. Tests on complete
insulation systems, representative of each transformer design, are necessary to confirm the performance of
materials for their specific functions in the transformer.
During the preparation of prior editions of this standard, manufacturers built and tested more than one
hundred complete distribution transformers. The results of these tests, while not specifically published,
confirmed the practicality of the test procedures in this standard for liquid-immersed distribution
It was recognized by prior working groups that a need existed for a similar test procedure for power
transformers. To fulfill this need, two projects on “Basic Transformer Life Characteristics” were completed
by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in 1982. The goal was to find a way to evaluate the effect of
overload on the insulation life of power transformers. Testing was performed on insulated coils, models, and
model assemblies. The information obtained from these EPRI projects was used to extend the test
procedures in this standard to power transformers. It was recognized by the working group that the effect of
bubbles is a factor during overloading. However, the objective of this standard is to evaluate the effect of
operating temperature on the life expectancy and not to test for the effect of bubbles that may occur during,
or following, overloads.
The correct value for end point dielectric tests has been a subject of debate for many years, and it is very
difficult to arrive at the correct value. At one extreme are those who believe that useful life ended only when
the transformer was unable to carry rated load at rated voltage. At the other extreme are those who believe
that transformers that could not sustain the standard tests given to new transformers were unfit for further
use, since they believe that the probability of failure on abnormal currents or voltage would then be high. For
distribution transformers, the consensus was that the end point test level should be 65% of the values
specified for a new transformer. For power transformer models, the consensus was that the end point test
level should be 65% of the design level. Since such tests, presumably, are intended to insure serviceability of
the apparatus, the 65% should be adequate for end point tests.
Manufacturers occasionally must make changes in the insulation used in transformers. This occurs due to the
development of a new material or a change in vendors. In some cases, a preferred material will no longer be
available, or a preliminary evaluation of the potential of a new insulation system is needed. Therefore, it is
reasonable to permit a reduced scale thermal test to determine that the change will not reduce the life of the
transformer. For these reasons an annex to this procedure has been added defining a sealed tube aging test.
Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Copyright © 1999 IEEE. All rights reserved.
Provided by IHS under license with IEEE
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When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 26 June 1999, it had the following
*Member Emeritus
Robert E. Hebner
Greg Kohn
IEEE Standards Project Editor
1.1 Scope............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Purpose......................................................................................................................................... 1
2. References............................................................................................................................................ 2
Annex A (normative) Standard test procedure for sealed tube aging of liquid-immersed
transformer insulation ...................................................................................................................... 9
A.1 Purpose................................................................................................................................. 9
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This test procedure is intended to give a direct evaluation of the thermal aging characteristics of the
composite insulation system of a liquid-immersed distribution or power transformer. The evolution of
bubbles or their effect on dielectric strength is not considered. It is to be noted that the liquid in which the
transformer is immersed is to be considered a part of the insulation system.
It is the intent of the procedure to provide that each component of the insulation structure operate during the
test under conditions that are, as nearly as possible, the same as those that it would encounter in service.
Thus, it is intended that each component be evaluated in accordance with its actual function.
1.2 Purpose
The objective of this test procedure is to establish a uniform method for investigating the effect of operating
temperature on the life expectancy of liquid-immersed transformers. The purposes of this standard are as
a) Provide data for the selection of a limiting hottest-spot temperature for rating purposes. Acceptable
thermal aging performance may be assumed if the hottest-spot temperature, at rated load as defined in
IEEE Std C57.12.00-1993,1 demonstrates a minimum life expectancy of at least 20.5 y (180 000 h) as
determined by this test procedure;
b) Provide data that may serve as the basis for a guide for loading; and
c) Permit the comparative evaluation of a proposed insulation system with reference to a system that
has proven to be acceptable in service. The minimum life expectancy curve to be used for
comparison purposes is given by Equation (1) and displayed in Figure 1.
15 000
------------------- – 27.064
T + 273
LIFE = EXP (1)
Figure 1—Minimum life expectancy curve for liquid-immersed distribution, power, and
regulating transformers rated in accordance with IEEE Std C57.12.00-1993,
65 ºC average rise, 80 ºC hottest-spot rise
2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the following standards are
superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.
ASTM D-4243-86 (Reaff 1993), Standard Method for Measurement of Average Viscometric Degree of
Polymerization of New and Aged Electrical Papers and Boards.2
IEEE Std 1-1986 (Reaff 1992), IEEE General Principles for Temperature Limits in the Rating of Electric
Equipment and for the Evaluation of Electrical Insulation.3
IEEE Std 99-1980 (Reaff 1992), IEEE Recommended Practice for the Preparation of Test Procedure for the
Thermal Evaluation of Insulation Systems for Electric Equipment.
IEEE Std 101-1987 (Reaff 1995), IEEE Guide for the Statistical Analysis of Thermal Life Test Data.
2ASTM publications are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,
PA 19428-2959, USA (
3IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway,
NJ 08855-1331, USA (
Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Copyright © 1999 IEEE. All rights reserved.
Provided by IHS under license with IEEE
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
IEEE Std C57.12.00-1993, IEEE Standard General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power,
and Regulating Transformers.
IEEE Std C57.12.90-1999, IEEE Standard Test Code for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and
Regulating Transformers.
3. Aging influences
The primary aging factors employed in this procedure are temperature and time. Since few transformers
operate for extended periods at constant temperatures, provision is made for thermal cycling in this
It is recognized that environmental conditions, such as corrosive atmosphere and excessive vibration, may
affect actual service life. It seems appropriate to evaluate such extraneous influences separately from the
effects of temperature, and they are not included in this procedure.
The load on most transformers is cyclic, with both daily and annual cycles. For this reason, the peak thermal
loading (that which develops the highest temperature in the transformer windings) occurs on relatively few
days during the year and for a relatively small portion of each of these days. Thus, the cumulative time at or
above the rated hottest-spot temperature is considerably less than the total elapsed time. Further, it is
generally agreed that thermal degradation of insulation is a function of both temperature and time at the
temperature. Consequently, the life expectancy (elapsed time) in actual service will be very much greater
than the life determined by the essentially continuous loading procedure prescribed in this standard.
Experience and experimental evidence indicate that an insulation system capable of operating 180 000 h,
(approximately 20.5 y) at rated hottest-spot temperature should give satisfactory life expectancy under the
normal operating conditions described in the preceding paragraph.
In this test, the life of a particular test specimen is considered to be ended when thermal degradation has
progressed to a point such that the specimen cannot withstand any one of a series of tests intended to
simulate the abnormal currents or voltages that are commonly experienced in actual service. The
degradation or aging is produced by a series of temperature cycles, each consisting of a specified time at a
specified hottest-spot temperature followed by a return to approximately ambient temperature. Such a series
of temperature cycles, followed by end-of-life tests, will hereafter be referred to as a test period.
Since it is impractical to determine the exact point in the test period procedure when the sample reached the
level at which it could not withstand the end-point tests, its life at the test temperature should be considered
to be the duration of one test period multiplied by the number of periods to failure less one half of one
Because of the nature of this test, the word failure, as used herein, assumes a special connotation. It is used
here to describe an insulation breakdown such that a service outage would result if it occurred in the field.
Consequently, some of the criteria of failure that are commonly used in tests on new transformers do not
apply. For example, minor disturbances in the oscillograms obtained on impulse tests, or increases in the
leakage current on applied potential tests are not necessarily indicative of failure as defined here. Specific
instructions for the treatment of such marginal cases are given in 9.3.
If a test sample should fail prematurely, that is, long before its anticipated life expectancy and if subsequent
examination conclusively shows the failure to be the result of defects in material or workmanship rather than
thermal degradation, failure of this sample may be ignored in determining the test results and another sample
substituted for it.
6. Test temperatures
The accuracy of an evaluation will increase as the number of test temperatures increases, but its cost will
also increase. In general, tests should be made at the maximum number of temperatures that can be justified
economically with the following qualifications:
a) When insufficient previous information exists regarding the shape of the life expectancy temperature
curve for the system being evaluated, tests should be made at a minimum of three temperatures
selected as recommended in IEEE Std 99-1980. If the results are not such as to permit the necessary
extrapolation with confidence, tests at additional temperatures should be made; and
b) When the shape of the life expectancy temperature curve is known, evaluation tests at a single
temperature may be adequate. Such tests may be of value, for example, in experimental studies or in
demonstrating that a minor change in the system has not, in fact, altered its life expectancy. They must
be used with caution and never for the evaluation of new materials in highly stressed areas. The test
temperature should be the minimum consistent with obtaining results in a reasonable length of time.
Test samples should be complete transformers and should be typical of the design being evaluated insofar as
insulation structure and processing, liquid content, and manner of sealing are concerned. A minimum of
three samples should be tested at each test temperature.
The test procedure involves subjecting the test samples to repeated test periods consisting of the following
two parts:
It will normally be impracticable to test full-size transformers for thermal evaluation of their insulation
systems. However, transformer experts believe that model winding configurations utilizing typical
conductors, insulation, and supporting structures can provide performance representative of power
transformer thermal endurance. The models are based on the assumption that the conductor turn insulation is
subjected to the most critical thermal degradation that limits the transformers’ dielectric and/or through-fault
The models shall be calibrated and monitored to establish accurate thermal gradients and hottest-spot
temperatures so that correlation of time and temperature can be established over the duration of the aging
Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Copyright © 1999 IEEE. All rights reserved.
Provided by IHS under license with IEEE
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
period. Preliminary models should be tested to dielectric breakdown and through-fault displacement in order
to establish the model rating. The model rating is the benchmark for establishing the “end point” test levels.
It is recommended that the test tanks containing the aging models use a conservator (or other constant
pressure) liquid preservation system. Experience has demonstrated that temperature cycling of models with
a gas blanket liquid preservation system may introduce gas into the insulation and result in premature
dielectric failure. (See Electric Power Research Institute [B3]4 and McNutt and Kaufmann [B11].)
The test procedure, like the procedure for distribution transformers, involves subjecting the samples to
repeated test periods consisting of the following two parts:
a) Exposure to elevated temperatures by circulating current through the windings, i.e., the conductor
resistance provides the heat source; and
b) Application of end-point tests to determine end of life, as defined in Clause 5. Dielectric tests should
be performed at or near room temperature and at an appropriate time after aging to assure that free
gasses evolved at higher temperatures will not affect the test results.
8. Test period
The test temperature, measured in degrees Celsius, should be produced by circulating alternating current of
rated frequency through the windings and should be maintained constant within ±1.5% during the aging
period in all samples. It should be the temperature indicated by a sensing means located at the hottest spot
within the insulation structure.
One method of meeting these requirements is to construct a monitor unit identical to the test samples, except
that it has a thermocouple embedded in the transformer winding at the hottest insulation spot. The
thermocouple leads are brought out of the sample through a suitable sealed plug in the tank to an appropriate
measuring and control device. To ensure equal current in all samples, corresponding windings of all test
samples and those of the monitor unit are connected in series. Other methods of controlling hottest-spot
temperature in the test samples may be used, if desired.
During the aging period, the liquid temperature should be allowed to attain its natural value as determined by
the transformer design unless this will produce a fire or explosion hazard. To avoid these hazards, forced-air
cooling of natural convection cooled (ONAN) transformers is permissible for the sake of consistency with
other test points; however, the amount of artificial cooling should be no more than that required to hold the
top liquid temperature in the test samples to a safe temperature. In the presentation of test data, points
obtained with artificial cooling should be so identified.
The duration of each test period should be approximately 10% of the anticipated life expectancy of the
sample at the test temperature with two permissible exceptions as follows:
a) When the test period thus determined is long, it may be desirable to perform a set of end-point tests
before the end of the first test period in order to eliminate samples with gross defects before the test
has proceeded too far; or
b) If no failure has occurred by the end of the tenth test period, the length of succeeding periods may be
increased to increase the number of hours at temperature obtained per unit of elapsed time.
8.4 Cycling
At least four times during each test period, and also prior to making end-point tests, the power supply to
the test samples should be disconnected and the samples allowed to cool to a top liquid temperature
between 25 ºC and 40 ºC.
Some aging will occur during the heating and cooling periods involved in each temperature cycle so that the
actual life will be somewhat greater than the total elapsed time at temperature as defined in Clause 5. In
general, aging during the cooling period will be a negligible fraction of the total aging per cycle.
Aging during the heating period (and the total duration of the test program) will be substantially reduced if
the initial value of the load current is chosen as 1.5 to 2.0 per unit of the value required to maintain the
hottest-spot temperature at the desired value. It will then also be a negligible fraction of the total aging per
A rough calculation of the error involved in neglecting the aging during transient heating and cooling should
be made using the method and equations found in Clause 5 of IEEE C57.91-1995, as well as using the
planned load cycle, the known thermal characteristics of the test specimen, and an aging curve based on
previous tests or anticipated test results. If the error, so calculated, exceeds 5%, either
a) The preheating rate should be further accelerated to reduce the error below 5%; or
b) The hottest-spot temperature should be monitored during a typical temperature cycle and actual
correction computed using the above appropriate references and the uncorrected life-expectancy
data obtained from the test results. This correction should then be added to the results obtained,
using Clause 5 of IEEE C57.91-1995.
9. End-point tests
At the end of each test period, each sample should be given the following end-point tests in the following
Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Copyright © 1999 IEEE. All rights reserved.
Provided by IHS under license with IEEE
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At the end of each test period, each sample should be given the following end-point tests in the following
a) Short-circuit test. The current level should apply stresses to the windings that are representative of
those experienced in the full size transformers represented by the model. The short-circuit duration
should be at least 1 s and provide an asymmetrical offset of at least 130% of symmetrical; and
b) The dielectric test should be at least 65% of the design level of the model. Design level is defined as
70% of the mean breakdown voltage between turns, turn sections, or layers, as appropriate to the
model. Either two applications of full-wave impulse test voltage or two applications of a 1 min low-
frequency test voltage are acceptable for end-point tests.
9.3 Abnormalities
If a major abnormality occurs on any of these tests, the unit should be considered to have failed.
In marginal cases, as defined in Clause 5, the unit may be returned to life test with the provision that, should
a definite failure occur on the next series at end-point tests, the reported end of life should be as of the
preceding test period.
The tests specified herein are of an accelerated nature as compared to normal service. Hence, extrapolation
of the life-temperature relationship obtained by the tests will usually be necessary. Furthermore, some
variation in the life of individual samples tested at the same temperature is to be expected. The evaluation
procedure must demonstrate the attainment of a minimum life expectancy of 180 000 h at the continuously
rated hottest-spot temperature. Three methods for presentation of test results are as follows:
a) When all units have been tested to failure and the test results are sufficiently consistent, statistical
analysis as indicated in IEEE Std 101-1987 may be employed. Rated hottest-spot temperatures and
life-expectancy claims should be based on the resulting lower 95% confidence bound;
b) When the difference between the elapsed times to failure of the tested samples at the various test
temperatures is so great as to make statistical analysis of the test results impractical, a relationship
between life expectancy and temperature may be assumed. This relationship should be of the form
described in IEEE Std 101-1987 and should be so selected that no failure at any test temperature
should have occurred at less than five times the life expectancy indicated by the assumed
relationship for distribution transformers, and two times for power transformers (see NOTE below).
Such a relationship should be designated as minimum life expectancy and may be used to establish
maximum rating temperature, or as the basis for guides for loading; or
c) When the purpose of the evaluation tests is solely to demonstrate that the tested design has achieved
a pre-selected minimum life expectancy, the tests should continue until the total elapsed time at each
test temperature is at least five times the pre-selected value at that temperature for distribution trans-
formers, and two times for power transformers (see NOTE below). If no failure (as qualified in
Clause 5) has occurred by this time at any test temperature, demonstration of the pre-selected mini-
mum life expectancy may be claimed.
The report of tests made under this standard shall clearly identify the method that was employed.
NOTE—The 5:1 ratio of elapsed time at test temperature for distribution transformers, and 2:1 ratio for power trans-
formers, between minimum time to failure and the pre-selected, or assumed life expectancy, is intended to allow for the
effects of a limited number of samples and the necessity for some extrapolation. This criteria is believed to be conserva-
tive. The ratios are based on demonstrated withstand of actual tests of distribution transformers, and model power
While the effects of electrical and mechanical stresses on the life expectancy of an insulation structure have
not been clearly established, it seems reasonable to expect that failure may occur sooner if these stresses are
high rather than if they are low. Furthermore, the temperature distribution through structures of different
design may be different at the same hottest-spot temperature. For these reasons, caution should be exercised
in applying the results of thermal evaluation tests to designs other than those actually tested. In particular,
when it is intended that an evaluation apply to a number of different transformer ratings, the test samples
preferably should be of the rating in which the design stresses are the highest.
When the transformer or models fail, or tests are complete, the Degree of Polymerization (DP) measurement
according to ASTM D-4243-86 of material samples from the hottest-spot region is recommended as a sup-
plementary test, to determine its correlation with transformer aging. The DP test is recommended with the
goal of eventually using it as a criterion as a main, or alternative, test in the future.
The DP measurement, while applicable to cellulose insulation materials, is not necessarily applicable to
other polymeric materials, such as polymeric enamels or aramid papers. For materials not cellulosic in com-
position there may be other tests which have more relevant correlation to the aging process. Although there
are no proven tests which have been correlated with thermal aging and tensile strength reduction, several
techniques are available which would be more relevant than DP for synthetic polymers. Possible suggestions
would be measurement of “average molecular weight” or “molecular weight distribution,” or other compari-
sons such as results obtained from Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) or Thermal Gravimetric Analy-
sis (TGA).
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Copyright © 1999 IEEE. All rights reserved.
Provided by IHS under license with IEEE
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Annex A
A.1 Purpose
Manufacturers occasionally must make changes in the insulation, or treatment, used in their transformers.
This occurs due to the development of a new material, a change in vendors, or due to the unavailability of a
preferred material. If the change is minor, it is reasonable to permit a reduced scale thermal test to determine
that the change does not reduce the life of the transformer.
It is therefore appropriate to perform a sealed tube aging procedure. This procedure is also an effective
method for making a preliminary evaluation of the potential of a new insulation system. A sealed tube aging
procedure is more rapid, less expensive, and provides samples with a controlled thermal history. It is also
more amenable to the exploration of the materials and their condition during aging.
The procedure involves aging the new materials within sealed tubes. It requires that the tested material
include all other significant materials used in the system. Also, for comparison, the test program should
include samples of the materials used in the present system.
The test tubes are typically of stainless steel, but alternatively may be of glass. The tubes are typically about
28 cm long with an inside diameter of 4.0 cm, and a wall thickness of 5.0 mm. The tubes have gasketed
screw-on caps and may be fitted with a valve for venting.
The insulation shall be dried to approximate the treatment that is used for a full scale transformer. A
minimum moisture content of 0.25% and a maximum of 0.50% by weight of solid insulation is required as
measured by the Karl Fischer method.
The insulation in each tube should be apportioned to approximate their relative content in a full-scale
transformer. An appropriate air or gas space should be left in each tube, and a minimum of four samples shall
be aged at each temperature.
The samples shall be aged at a minimum of three temperatures selected as recommended in IEEE Std
99-1980. An oven or liquid bath may be used to age the samples. The temperatures and aging time should be
selected to approximate the Arrhenius curve appropriate for the system.
New materials that have not been thermally qualified by complete system life tests in transformers or
transformer models shall be qualified for use in an insulation system designed for operation at a specified
rated hottest-spot temperature by means of the sealed tube aging test described in previous clauses. It shall be
demonstrated that paper materials retain at least 50% of initial tensile strength at an extrapolated life of 65
000 h at the rated hottest-spot temperature. Tests of wire enamel shall demonstrate retention of at least 80%
of its initial dielectric strength at an extrapolated life of 65 000 h at the rated hottest-spot temperature. To
extrapolate from test temperatures to the rated hottest-spot temperature, the aging tests must be performed
over a sufficiently wide temperature range to establish the “A” and “B” constants in the equation
------------------- – A
T + 273
LIFE = EX P (A-1)
It is recommended that DP test measurements be made according to ASTM D-4243-86, for cellulose
materials as a supplementary test for correlation with the mechanical test results.
When this procedure is utilized for qualifying cellulose insulation for substitution in transformers rated in
accordance with IEEE C57.12.00-1993, 65 ºC average rise, 80 ºC hottest-spot rise, the tested life shall be
equal to or exceed the life expectancy curve displayed in Figure A.1, which is defined by equation A-2.
15 000
------------------- – 28.082
T + 273
LIFE = EX P (A-2)
When wire enamel insulation is evaluated, the same life expectancy curve is used except the test criteria is
80% of initial dielectric strength.
Figure A.1—Minimum life expectancy curve for sealed tube tests of liquid-immersed
cellulose insulating materials (50% reduction of tensile strength)
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Copyright © 1999 IEEE. All rights reserved.
Provided by IHS under license with IEEE
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Annex B
[B1] Berberich, L. J., and Dakin, T. W., “Guiding principles in the thermal evaluation of electrical insula-
tion,” AIEE Transactions (Power Apparatus and Systems), vol. 75, pp. 752–761, Aug. 1956.
[B2] Dakin, T. W., “Electric insulation deterioration treated as a chemical rate phenomenon,” AIEE
Transactions, vol. 67, pt. 1, pp. 113–122, 1948.
[B3] Electric Power Research Institute, “Basic transformer life characteristics Vol. 1: Overload characteris-
tics and life test evaluation,” EPRI E1-2443, project 1289-1 final report, June 1982.
[B4] Electric Power Research Institute, “Basic research on transformer life characteristics,” EPRI EL-2622,
project 1289-2, final report, Sept. 1982.
[B5] Electric Power Research Institute, “Evaluation of alternative insulating oils for use in transformers and
other electrical apparatus,” EPRI EL-809-S4, project 562-1, summary report, Feb. 1980.
[B6] Fessler, W. A., Nichols, F. S., and Rouse, T. O., “Tube aging and oxidation of napthenic and paraffinic
transformer oils,” 1978 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Philadelphia, Pa., IEEE
Pub. 78CH1287-2EI, pp. 265–274, June 12-14, 1978.
[B7] Fessler, W. A., Kaufmann, G. H., and Rouse, T. O., “Accelerated aging studies of distribution
transformers containing naphthenic and paraffinic mineral oils,” 1978 IEEE International Symposium on
Electrical Insulation, Philadelphia, Pa., IEEE Pub. 78CH1287-2EI, pp. 279–290, June 12-14, 1978.
[B8] Kaufmann, G. H., “Impulse testing of distribution transformers under load,” IEEE Transactions on
Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-96, no. 5, pp. 1583–1595, Sept./Oct. 1977 (ERDA CONS/2151-1
National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Sept. 1976).
[B9] McNutt, W. J., “A proposed functional life test model for power transformers,” IEEE Transactions on
Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-96, no. 5, pp. 1648–1658, Sept./Oct. 1977.
[B10] McNutt, W. J., “Insulation thermal life considerations for transformer loading guides,” IEEE Transac-
tions on Power Delivery, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 392–401, Jan. 1992.
[B11] McNutt, W. J., and Kaufmann, G. H., “Evaluation of a functional life test model for power
transformers,” IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-102, no. 5, pp. 1151–1162,
May 1983.
[B12] “Progress report on test procedures for thermal evaluation of oil-immersed distribution transformers,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, special supplement, vol. 82S, pp. 58–66, 1963.
[B13] “Proposed IEEE test procedure for thermal evaluation of oil-immersed distribution transformer,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, special supplement, vol. 82S, pp. 67–71, 1963.
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