Jseam 2018 32
Jseam 2018 32
Jseam 2018 32
The numerical investigations have been carried out on simulating bond-slip behaviour between concrete and
steel reinforcing bar using ABAQUS explicit finite element code. The major contribution of this paper is to
study the influence of varying concrete strength and diameter of reinforcing bar on bond slip behaviour. The
inelastic behaviour of concrete and steel reinforcing bar were defined using concrete damaged plasticity
model and Johnson-Cook model respectively which is available in ABAQUS/CAE. A spring-translator
element available in ABAQUS, was used to simulate the bond slip phenomena in reinforced concrete during
pull-out. The results thus predicted through simulations were compared with the experimental results
available in literature. It was observed that the translator used in the present study simulates the bond
behaviour efficiently. It was also observed that the predicted and measured deformed profile was found in
good agreement. Further, the simulations were conducted on principal parameters to study the influence of
concrete compressive strength and the bar diameter. In case of 40MPa concrete the bond stress improved by
60% when 16 mm diameter bars were replaced by 20 mm diameter bars. Increasing the bar diameter is an
efficient method to improve the bond strength characteristics. However, the improvement in bond stress was
found to be insignificant when concrete strength was increased from 60 MPa to 100 MPa.
Bond-slip simulation; Numerical model; Concrete strength; Size of reinforcing bar; Deformation
Received: 25 July 2018; Accepted: 07 September 2018
ISSN: 2630-5763 (online) © 2018 Golden Light Publishing® All rights reserved.
Corresponding author
E-mail: [email protected]
Influence of concrete strength and diameter of reinforcing bar… 106
reinforcing bars into two halves and placing in two reinforced polymer (FRP) sheets. On the basis of
opposite sides of the cross section to study the local comparisons, a unified expression for the local
slip, secondary cracking and strain distribution in bond strength of confined concrete is derived, and
concrete surrounding the interface. Soroushian and a general model for the local bond stress versus slip
Choi [2] reported on local bond strength of response is proposed and used to conduct an
deformed bars with different diameters in confined analytical estimation of the effect of confinement
concrete. It was also observed that the influence of on development/splice strength. The results
strength of concrete with different confinements. It predicted through the analysis were in good
was concluded that the bond strength found to be agreement with experimental results. Li [7]
decreased as the bar diameter increases. Abrishami conducted a finite element analysis on the bond-slip
and Mitchell [3] developed a new testing technique, relationship between concrete and reinforcement to
which simulates uniform bond stress distribution simulate the bond behavior using ABAQUS. It is
along a reinforcing bar. These testing technique concluded that the spring like translator was very
have been used to investigate the bond performance good in predicting the bond behavior either for
of reinforcing bars and pre-stressing strands. linear, bilinear or even nonlinear conditions.
Malvar [4] conducted experiments on twelve Shafaie et al. [8] conducted finite element analysis
specimens of 75 mm diameter cylinder having six on modeling of the transition region between steel
number of reinforcing bar to determine the local and concrete as a cohesion layer using ANSYS
bond stress-slip response. The radial confining commercial finite element tool. The accuracy of the
stress around the concrete specimen and radial models was assessed by comparison of the finite
deformation, together with bond stress and slip, element simulation results with the experiments.
were assumed to be fundamental variables needed The finite element studies on short embedment
to describe the interface behavior properly. The length shows relatively good agreement as compare
configuration independent bond stress versus slip to experimental results. Study on the pullout
relationships for a short five lug embedded length strength of ribbed bars in high strength concrete
were obtained for various degrees of confining was carried out by [9]. The influence of bond
pressure. It was concluded that maximum bond lengths of 50 and 150 mm with varying bar
stresses found increased almost threefold by diameter, strength of concrete and type of
increasing the confinement stress from 500 to 4500 confinement and with confinement using spiral ties
psi at the bar level. was studied. It was observed that the maximum
Yankelevsky et al. [5] developed mathematical bond stress for unconfined concrete about 60% of
model to predict the bond versus slip relationship that of those confined with spirals. Also it was
of the systems against cyclic loading is represented observed that the influence of bar diameter on the
by three major resistance components that appear local bond stress slip relationship was rather small
to control the behavior and changing their in the tested range. The bond strength also
influence, at various loading stages. The model was decreased as the embedment length increased.
developed according to experimental bond versus Barbosa and Filho [10] carried out experiments on
slip tests for well-confined concrete available in the pull out specimens with high strength concrete and
literature. The results thus predicted through model three different bars of diameter. The experimental
are compared with experimental results and found result in terms of bond stress versus slipping were
in good agreement. Harajli et al. [6] conducted also compared with CEB provisions and with some
experiments on local bond between steel bars and theoretical formulations available in literature. It
concrete confined with ordinary transverse steel was observed that the bond stress versus slipping
and the results were compared with the results of response for ordinary and the high strength
similar specimens confined either internally using concrete were same. It was also observed that with
steel fiber reinforcement or externally using fiber- increase of bar diameter the bond stress increases.
107 Senthil et al.
Filho and Debs [11] carried out numerical the bond slip behavior of reinforced concrete
investigations on the bond stress behavior of 10 and systems experienced between concrete and steel
16 mm diameter steel bars embedded in 305 and have been studied using the finite element packages
611 kgf/cm2 self-compacting concrete (SCC) and in ABAQUS. The accuracy of model is verified by
Ordinary Concrete. The pre peak branch of the load comparing the numerical results with that results
versus slip curve for all specimen with different measured from the experiments available in
concrete and strength and bar size showed literature, [13]. In addition to that, the parametric
satisfactory results. Prince and Singh [12] studied study has been conducted to study the factors
on the bond behavior of normal and high strength influencing the bond stress behavior such as
recycled aggregate concrete (RCA) with the varying strength of concrete and the diameter of
replacement levels of 25, 50, 75 and 100%. The steel reinforcement bar.
measured bond versus slip relationships indicates
similar mechanisms of bond resistance in the RAC 2. Numerical study
and the natural aggregate concrete for all the grades The present section covers numerical and analytical
and relatively the most accurate and least modelling of bond behavior on reinforced concrete
conservative predictions of the measured bond systems. The numerical modelling was based on the
strengths were obtained from the local bond versus finite element software ABAQUS/CAE was
slip model in the FIP Model 2010. Xing et al. [13] capable of modelling reinforced concrete response,
conducted experiments on pull out test to including the bond-slip behavior experienced
assessment of bond performance and influence of between concrete and steel is discussed here.
embedment length, surface type (Plain and
deformed) of reinforcing bars, and bar diameter. 2.1. Geometric modelling
The results indicated that the bond stress
The specimen is a cube of dimension (200 x 200 x
experienced by plain bars is quite lower than that of
200 mm3) with a deformed reinforcing bar of 16
the deformed bars given equal structural
mm embedded in it and both was modelled as
characteristics. In general, plain bars appeared to
deformable body. The dimensions of the model
develop only 18.3% of the bond stress of deformed
were so given that it was the same as used in the
experimental work. Modelling of the reinforced
Based on the detailed literature survey, it has
concrete cube involves the three dimensional
been observed that the experiments have been well
modelling of the concrete cube and that of the rebar.
documented in specific literature. However, to
These independent parts are created and then
better understand the bond behavior a reliable bond
assembled together and assigned suitable
model that can be employed in three dimensional
interaction properties and constraints between their
finite element analysis is needed. Also, it is
surfaces to form the numerical model.
observed that few studies available in literature are
carried out using finite element method however
2.2. Constitutive modelling
the parameters influencing the bond stress were not
studied. Finite element techniques are becoming Constitutive behavior of concrete is very difficult
popular since a number of parameters can be varied to capture by using elastic damage models or elastic
with ease when compared with experiments which plastic laws. In elastic damage model irreversible
are costlier and time consuming. The need of better strains cannot be captured. It can be seen that a zero
representation of bond behavior of steel concrete stress corresponds to a zero strain which makes
interface the absence of data for the evaluation of damage to be overestimated. On the other hand,
bond strength and very few literatures on the when elastic plastic relation is adopted the strain
numerical modelling of pullout test gave the will be overestimated since the unloading curve
motivation for this research. In the present study, will follow the elastic slope. Concrete Damaged
Influence of concrete strength and diameter of reinforcing bar… 108
Plasticity model which combines these two It includes the effect of linear thermo-elasticity,
approaches can capture the constitutive behavior of yielding, plastic flow, isotropic strain hardening,
experimental unloading. Concrete Damaged strain rate hardening, softening due to adiabatic
Plasticity (CDP) model is one of the possible heating and damage. The Johnson-Cook parameters
constitutive models to predict the constitutive for steel reinforcement bar considered in the
behavior of concrete. It describes the constitutive present study was obtained from the work carried
behavior of concrete by introducing scalar damage out by Borvik et al. [16].
variables. Interface behavior between rebar and
concrete is modelled by implementing tension 2.3. Modelling of connector and application of
stiffening in the concrete modelling to simulate loading
load transfer across the cracks through the rebar. The most important step in modelling was in
Tension stiffening also allows to model strain deciding the method for building a contact between
softening behavior for cracked concrete. Thus it is concrete and steel. Nilson [17] used a double spring
necessary to define Tension stiffening in Concrete element to model the bond slip phenomena, with
Damage Plasticity model. ABAQUS [14] allows us one spring acting parallel to the bar axis and one
to specify Tension Stiffening by post failure stress- acting perpendicular to it. In ABAQUS a special
strain relation or by applying a fracture energy element i.e. spring element whose stiffness is based
cracking criterion. Concrete of M20 cube was on force displacement is available. The element
considered in the modelling. Mass density of will be the best choice for representing Nilson’s
concrete was taken as 2400 kg/m3. The young’s double spring bond model. The behavior of spring
modulus of the concrete was taken as equal to can be defined both in linear and nonlinear
25491 N/mm2. Poisson’s ratio was taken as 0.18. behavior. Another commonly used tool in
Concrete damage plasticity model was considered ABAQUS to describe the contact behavior of two
with dilation angle is 31, eccentricity 0.1, K is surfaces is friction. The process of using the friction
0.667 and fb/fco is equal to 1.16. The stress versus model is that it uses surface to surface contact
strain for compression (Series 1) and tension unlike the spring element which uses node to node
(Series 2) of concrete was considered is shown in interaction. But the main drawback of this method
Fig. 1. is that this model cannot simulate nonlinear bond
The material behavior of the steel reinforcement behavior as well as the degrading portion of the
was incorporated using the well-known Johnson– graph. In Fig. 2a it is seen clearly that the relation
Cook [15] elasto-viscoplastic material model that is between the yellow and blue portion quite
capable of predicting the flow and fracture behavior resembles the bond relationship between concrete
of the ductile materials. and the reinforced steel bar. The translator element
was used to connect the nodes one by one at the
interface between steel and the concrete at equal
20 intervals along the length of the rebar. The bond
slip was assumed to follow a spring like behavior
in the pull out direction that is the longitudinal
Stress, MPa
the steel part so as to like the translator in ABAQUS results obtained with the three cases of mesh of
node to node. The wire feature was used to connect finite element simulations were compared with the
the nodes. As shown in Fig. 2b translator was experimental results, see Fig. 4. Overall, the results
assigned at four different location on the rod and were found to be insensitive of mesh size.
throughout the length of the bar. The loading was However, the fine mesh with approximate global
applied at the free end of the reinforcing bar as was size of 10 mm among the chosen configurations
done in the experimental setup. The applied loading was found to give accurate result which was very
consisted of an axial displacement imposed at the much satisfactory and converging. The very fine
exposed end of the rebar applied in the pull out mesh with global size of 5 mm was also found to
direction. A displacement controlled loading of give converging result similar to that of 10 mm.
1.51 mm/min was applied at the free end. The Although, the variation between the fine mesh and
loading was given with the help of load module and very fine mesh results were very negligible. So
boundary condition manager. The load was given mesh size with approximate global size of 10 mm
in the boundary condition manager so that the was adopted for further study.
displacement only occurs in the direction of pull i.e.
U3 and the other two directions it is fixed. To 3. Comparison of experimental and numerical
accurately simulate the effect of pull out test as in results
experimental setup a fixed boundary condition was The deformed profiles obtained through numerical
assigned on the four surfaces of the block as shown simulations was compared with the experimental
in Fig. 2c. results [13]. It was observed that the deformed
profile in both experimental and numerical results
2.4. Mesh convergence study are found in good agreement, see Fig. 5. The side
Concrete and steel has been modeled as a view as well as top view of the deformed profile of
deformable body with geometrical dimensions the model in the Y-Z and X-Y directions,
same as followed in the experimental setup [13]. respectively were shown in Fig. 6. From the
The material property of concrete was given as per deformed profile it can be clearly stated that the
concrete damage plasticity model and that of steel regions nearer to the loaded end experienced higher
as given by Jonson-cook-damage model. The mesh stress. It was seen from the deformed profile that
convergence has been carried out to understand the regions closer to the rebar experienced higher stress
mesh sensitivity of simulated concrete block. The than that of the regions farther away from it. The
mesh convergence study models of varying mesh grey colored portion in the deformed profile
sizes of 5, 10 and 40 mm are shown in Fig. 3. The represents the reinforcing bars.
Bearing Stress (MPa)
0 0,5 1 1,5 2
Slip (mm)
Fig. 4. Mesh convergence study
The red region represents the regions of maximum The influence of varying concrete strength 20, 40,
von mises stress in the concrete specimens. The 60, 80 and 100 MPa on the pull out behavior of
stress was found to be as high as 55 MPa in the varying diameter of reinforcing bar diameter was
concrete, see Fig. 6b. studied. In first phase, the numerical results of the
The CU (relative displacement between the model of 16 mm diameter bar was compared with
endpoints in the spring-like translator connector varying the concrete strength, see Fig. 8a. It is
element) and the CTF (total force in the spring-like observed that the bond stress was found to increase
translator connector element) was obtained from with increase in strength. The 20MPa concrete
the visualization module in the ABAQUS. The “X showed a bond stress of 12.5 MPa whereas the
–Y data” function of ABAQUS was used to obtain 40MPa concrete showed peak bond stress of 19.4
stress versus slip. The total force was obtained i.e. MPa. The bond stress of 24.4 MPa was achieved by
the CTF were converted to bond stress values in 60 MPa concrete embedded with 16 mm diameter
MPa and was plotted to the bearing stress – slip bars. It was predicted further, that the 80 MPa
graph with the help of Microsoft Excel. Fig. 7 concrete showed bond strength of 29MPa.
shows the comparison of experimental and However, it was observed that the peak bond stress
predicted results of the bond stress versus slip. It value was achieved by that of 100 MPa concrete
was found that the predicted results were found to with a value of 30.1 MPa. Analyzing the above
be matching very well with the experimental values, it can be clearly seen that keeping the
results. diameter of the bar constant, increase in concrete
strength aided in the improvement of bond
4. Results and discussion properties of concrete and steel. The value of slip
The validated finite element model was used to for 20MPa was found to be 1.4 mm where as that
identify the parameters influencing bond behavior of 40 and 60 MPa was almost 1.6 mm. The value of
pattern in reinforced concrete. The response of slip was also found to increase as the concrete
pullout for bars of different diameter has been strength increased from 20 to 80 MPa. The
studied. The variation of pullout response with maximum value of slip among the five cases were
strength of the concrete is also studied and 1.8 mm exhibited by 80 MPa concrete embedded
presented here. The parameters considered for the with 16mm diameter bar.
study were diameter of the bars and the strength of In second phase, the numerical values of the
concrete and the results of parametric study are model of 20 mm diameter bar was compared by
discussed in this Section. varying the concrete strength, see Fig. 8b. It was
observed that the bond stress was found to increase
16 with increase of strength. The bond stress reached
14 as high as 45 MPa for 20 mm diameter bar along
12 with 100 MPa concrete. Fig. 8b shows the
Bond Stress (MPa)
44.1 MPa. The highest bond stress 44 MPa was significant improvement in the bond strength was
observed against the 100 MPa grade concrete. achieved between 20 and 40 MPa grade concrete.
In third phase, the numerical values of the An increase in bond stress less than 2% was
model of 25 mm diameter bar was compared by achieved when concrete strength was increased
varying the concrete strength and was found that from 60 to 100 MPa. Therefore, it is concluded that
with increase of strength the bond stress was also the bond stress was found to be unaffected with
found to increase. Fig. 8c shows the results of increase in concrete strength for high strength
parametric study conducted in ABAQUS on concrete like 60 to 100 MPa. The maximum
numerical models 25mm diameter bars with deflection was observed between that of 20 and 40
varying composition of concrete with strength MPa concrete along with 20 mm diameter bar, see
20MPa, 40MPa, 60MPa, 80MPa and 100MPa. The Fig. 8(b). It was observed that the bond properties
bond slip value for 20 MPa concrete was found to between concrete and steel greatly improved when
be 1.6 mm. The other grades of concrete were found 40 MPa concrete as compared to 20MPa grade
to have bond slip values approximately equal to 2 concrete embedded in case of 20 mm diameter bar.
mm. The bond strength of 20MPa grade concrete The bond stress was found to be unaffected with
was found to be 28.9 MPa, whereas in case of 40 increase in concrete strength for high strength
MPa concrete was 48.4 MPa. The concrete strength concrete like 60 MPa, 80 MPa and 100 MPa
of 60, 80 and 100 MPa was found to have bond embedded with 25 mm diameter bar. Therefore, it
stress values almost equal to the 60 MPa. There was is concluded that the improvement in bond stress
only slight improvement of bond strength noticed was found to be insignificant when concrete
when the concrete grade was increased from the 60 strength was increased from 60 to 100 MPa.
to 100 MPa. Therefore, it is concluded that the
45 50
20MPa 20MPa
40 45 40MPa
35 40
Bond Stress (MPa)
Bond Stress (MPa)
60Mpa 60MPa
30 35 80MPa
30 100MPa
25 100MPa
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5
Slip (mm) Slip (mm)
a) 16 mm diameter b) 20 mm diameter
70 20MPa
60 40MPa
Bond Stress (MPa)
50 80MPa
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5
Slip (mm)
a) 25 mm diameter
Fig. 8. Parametric study by varying concrete strength
113 Senthil et al.
The influence of varying reinforcement bar 60 MPa concrete was compared, see Fig. 9c. It was
diameter against 20 MPa concrete was studied in found that with increase of diameter of the bar the
light of bond stress versus slip is shown in Fig. 9. It there was a considerable increase in the bond stress.
was found that with increase of diameter of the bar In case of 60 MPa concrete with 16 mm diameter
the bond strength also increased as shown in Fig. bars showed a bond stress of 24.4 MPa. The bond
9a. The maximum bond stress corresponding slip stress was found to be improved significantly for
characteristics embedded with 16 mm, 20 mm and the case of 20 mm bars to 37 MPa. It was observed
25 mm diameter bars was 12, 16 and 31 MPa, that the maximum bond stress among the three
respectively. The 16 mm bars when embedded in cases was that for the 25 mm diameter bars equal to
20 MPa concrete showed a bond stress value of 60 MPa. Hence it was concluded that with increase
12.5 MPa. For the 20 mm diameter bars and 25mm in bar size the bonding properties between concrete
diameter bars the bond stress values were found to greatly improved. The slip of reinforcing bar was
be 16.1 and 31 MPa, respectively. Therefore, it was also found to increase with increase in bar diameter.
concluded that the bond stress was found to be The slip of 16 and 20 mm diameter bar was almost
increased with increase of reinforcing bar diameter. found to be equal. There was notable difference in
There is a clear increase in slip was observed on 16 slip when the reinforcing bar compared between 20
and 20 mm diameter reinforcing bars and the and 25 mm diameter i.e. 0.5 mm.
maximum difference in slip almost 0.5 mm. For all The top view of concrete specimens with 60
the three cases, the difference in slip between the MPa strength with 16mm, 20mm and 25mm
20 mm and 25 mm diameter bars was found to be diameter bars was considered and the von-Mises
negligible. It is also observed that the slip of stresses on the deformed concrete are shown in Fig.
reinforcing bar was found to be increased with 10. Fig. 10a shows the deformed profile of 60 MPa
increase in bar diameter of up to 20 mm. concrete embedded with 16 mm diameter bars. The
The variation of bond stress with the variation grey color in the profile shows the rebar region and
of bar diameter against 40 MPa concrete is shown the area around the concrete region. The maximum
in Fig 9(b). It was found that with increase of stress observed in the concrete was around 40 MPa.
diameter of the bar there was a considerable The stress variation was observed from the near end
increase in the bond stress. The bond stress for 16 to far end of the rebar. Fig. 10b shows the deformed
mm diameter bar with 40 MPa concrete was found profile of the concrete embedded with 20 mm
to be 19.4 MPa whereas the 20 mm diameter bar diameter bars. Maximum stress was observed in the
showed a value of 35.6 MPa. The 25 mm diameter rebar shown by the grey color. A maximum of 50
bars embedded in concrete of strength 40 MPa MPa stress was observed on the concrete surface
showed the maximum bond strength with bond shown by the red region. The gradual decrease of
stress value of 48.4 MPa. The improvement in bond von mises stress was observed away from the rebar
stress when bar diameter was increased from 16 to represented by the green and yellow color. The
20 mm was found to be around 60%. These data are minimum von mises stress was observed at the
a clear indication that with the increase of size of region farther away represented by the dark blue
diameter of bars keeping the concrete strength color. Fig. 10c shows the deformed profile of
constant the bonding properties of concrete concrete embedded with 25 mm diameter bars. The
increased. The slip was also followed an increasing maximum von mises stress on the concrete was
trend from 16 to 25 mm diameter bars. The found to be in the range of 60 MPa represented by
maximum difference in slip between 16 and 20 mm the red color.
diameter bars was found to be as large as 0.45 mm.
The variation of bond stress with the varying
reinforcing bar diameter (16mm, 20mm, 25mm) for
Influence of concrete strength and diameter of reinforcing bar… 114
35 60
16 mm dia bars 16 mm dia bars
30 20mm dia bars 50 20mm Dia bars
25 mm dia Bars
25 40
0 0
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5
Slip (mm) Slip (mm)
a) 20MPa concrete b) 40MPa concrete
16 mm dia bars
60 20mm dia bars
25 mm dia Bars
Bond Stress (MPa)
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5
Slip (mm)
c) 60MPa concrete
Fig. 9. Parametric study by varying bar diameter
c) 25 mm diameter bars
Fig. 10. Von-Mises stresses (MPa) of concrete
115 Senthil et al.
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