Ord - 2006-041 Waste Disposal
Ord - 2006-041 Waste Disposal
Ord - 2006-041 Waste Disposal
Province of Aklan
Municipality of Kalibo
Hon. Nilda B. Tambong - Vice Mayor, Presiding Officer
Hon. Mark V. Quimpo - SB Member
Hon. Lillian Q. Tirol - SB Member
Hon. Melanie V. Tolentino - SB Member
Hon. Ariel O. Fernandez - SB Member
Hon. Gregorio R. Malapad, Jr. - SB Member
Hon. Glenn G. Sucro - SB Member
Hon. Arnaldo M. Tejada - SB Member
Hon. Madeline A. Regalado - SB Member
Hon. Jerry R. Malbas - SB Member, ABC Vice Pres.
Hon. Edjo Benjie Y. Aranas - SB Member, SK President
WHEREAS, Republic Act 9003 also known as “The Ecological Solid Waste Management
Act of 2000” mandates all Local Government Units to ensure the protection of public health and
environment being primarily responsible for the enforcement of solid waste management;
WHEREAS, the Local Government of Kalibo is committed to the preservation of a clean and
healthy environment;
WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the Local Government to put in place responsive and
effective regulatory system to attain the waste management vision and mission;
Title of Ordinance
Title of Ordinance. This Ordinance shall be known as the Anti-Littering Ordinance of the
Municipality of Kalibo.
This Ordinance shall apply to all individual residents, transients, visitors; residential houses;
commercial establishments such as groceries, department stores, private or public markets, talipapa,
sari-sari stores, restaurants, hotels; institutions like schools, hospitals, churches, offices; industrial
establishments of any kind; in all public places such as parks, drainage canals, culverts, roadsides,
rivers, riverbanks, creeks, beaches, streets, alleys, and other areas not duly designated herein as
garbage disposal site, within the territorial jurisdiction of Kalibo.
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Kalibo Sangguniang Bayan
“ORDINANCE NO. 2006-041
General Provisions
Section 1. Definition of Terms. The following words and/or phrases when used in this
Ordinance shall mean:
a) Garbage or Waste - used interchangeably in this Ordinance, refers to solid waste matters,
trash, litters, junks, debris, rubbish, excrements, manure, bits and pieces of surplus or
leftovers, both biodegradable and non- biodegradable; also includes liquid matter such as
urine, used oil, and other liquid wastes.
c) Duly Designated Areas - refers to specific areas identified as landfill site, compost pit, or
materials recovery facilities; also refers to garbage disposal device or equipment such as
trash bins/receptacles and garbage collection vehicles put in place by the general services
office in certain public areas, including the garbage receptacles inside commercial
establishments or institutional buildings provided by the owners thereof.
e) Garbage Disposal Site - refers to Engineered Landfill Site, and Materials Recovery
f) Sanitary landfill - shall refer to a waste disposal site designed, constructed, operated and
maintained in a manner that exerts engineering control over significant potential
environmental impacts arising from the development and operation of the facility.
g) Materials Recovery Facility - is a place where wastes are either made into compost and/or
recycled. It shall include solid waste transfer station or sorting station, drop-off center, a
composting facility, and a recycling facility.
h) Compost Pit - is a sunken area, hole or cavity in the ground for organic or biodegradable
l) Hazardous Waste - refers to batteries, paints, hospital wastes such as syringes, worn-
out/broken radios/television sets, refrigerators, and other appliances or equipment.
Section 2. a. Proper Garbage Disposal. Garbage or wastes are disposed properly by placing
them in sealed and labeled plastic bags or other covered garbage receptacles for sanitary and
efficient collection by the garbage collectors. Proper disposal of garbage shall be observed at all
times by all persons utilizing four (4) garbage receptacles, to wit: green receptacles for
biodegradable wastes, yellow receptacles for non-biodegradable wastes, and if applicable, red
receptacles for hazardous wastes, and black receptacles for residual wastes.
b. The receptacles for four (4) types of waste mentioned in Section 2. a. shall be provided in
every household and commercial or institutional establishments. In instances when designation by
color cannot be made, the four (4) trash receptacles shall be properly labeled as biodegradable, non-
biodegradable, hazardous or residual wastes.
Section 3. Prohibited Acts. No person shall be allowed to scatter, dump, or dispose garbage
or waste matter in any public place and other areas not designated in this ordinance as garbage
disposal site or waste disposal device or equipment. It is likewise prohibited for any person to spit
or urinate in public places or areas not proper for spitting or urinating, or not designated for spitting
and urinating.
Section 4. Household or establishment owners shall also be liable for acts prohibited herein
committed by their household help, employees, crew or staff.
Section 5. Penalty. Any person or entity found violating the provisions of this ordinance
shall have the option to pay the Administrative Fine in the event said violator chooses not to be
prosecuted in the proper court:
The Administrative Fine shall be paid to the Office of the Municipal Treasurer within three
(3) days from date of apprehension, otherwise, the Violator shall be prosecuted in court and
imposed a maximum penalty of Two Thousand Pesos (P2,000.00) or made to render a maximum of
forty (40) hours Community Service or both fine and Community Service at the discretion of the
The imposition of Community Service shall be under the supervision of the Municipal
General Services Officer or his/her authorized representative.
Minors apprehended shall be instructed to pick-up their litters or waste scattered for proper
disposal and the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer or authorized representative
shall call the attention of the parents/guardian or concerned school teacher/authority for counseling.
Section 6. Citation Ticket. For violating the provisions of this Ordinance, the Apprehending
Officer shall issue a Citation Ticket.
Section 7. Enforcement. The Local Chief Executive is hereby empowered to authorize and
deputize Apprehending Officers other than police officers and ordinance officers such as Municipal
Auxiliary Police, Sanitary Inspectors, General Services Office personnel, market personnel,
collectors, Barangay tanods, and members of environmental groups or Civil Society Organizations.
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Kalibo Sangguniang Bayan
“ORDINANCE NO. 2006-041
Section 9. Proceeds of Fines Collected. Administrative Fines collected through the Citation
Ticket issued shall accrue to the Municipality under a Special Fund exclusively to be expended for
sanitation, waste management, clean and green program, linis bayan, environment and health
project developments of the Municipality and the Barangays.
Section 10. Repealing Clause. Any provision of existing ordinance or parts thereof which
are inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance are hereby deemed amended, repealed and/or
Section 11. Effectivity. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its approval and publication.
Sanggunian Secretary
Vice Mayor
Municipal Mayor