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SHOTCUT Keyboard Shortcut Reference

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SHOTCUT Keyboard Shortcut Reference

Main Menu
Action Windows/Linux macOS
File > New Ctrl+N command+N
File > Open Ctrl+O command+O
File > Open Other Ctrl+Shift+O shift+command+O
File > Save Ctrl+S command+S
File > Save As Ctrl+Shift+S shift+command+S
File > Export Video Ctrl+E command+E
File > Export Frame Ctrl+Shift+E shift+command+E
File > Close Ctrl+W command+W
File > Quit Ctrl+Q command+Q
Edit > Undo Ctrl+Z command+Z
Edit > Redo Ctrl+Y / Ctrl+Shift+Z shift+command+Z
View > Fullscreen F11 / Ctrl+Shift+F control+command+F / F11
View > Audio Peak Meter Ctrl+1 command+1
View > Properties Ctrl+2 command+2
View > Recent Ctrl+3 command+3
View > Playlist Ctrl+4 command+4
View > Timeline Ctrl+5 command+5
View > Filters Ctrl+6 command+6
View > Keyframes Ctrl+7 command+7
View > History Ctrl+8 command+8
View > Export Ctrl+9 command+9
View > Jobs Ctrl+0 command+0
Help > Keyboard Shortcuts ? ?
Help > Topic F1 F1
Rename clip (Properties) F2 F2
Find (Recent) F3 F3
Settings > Proxy > Use Proxy F4 F4
Reload F5 F5
Settings > Preview Scaling > None F6 F6
Settings > Preview Scaling > 360p F7 F7
Settings > Preview Scaling > 540p F8 F8
Settings > Preview Scaling > 720p F9 F9

Action Windows/Linux macOS
Play L or Space L or space
Pause K or Space K or space
Rewind J J
Fast Forward L L
Set In I I
Set Out O O
Next Frame Right or K+L right or K+L
Previous Frame Left or K+J left or K+J
Forward One Second Page Down page down
Backward One Second Page Up page up
Forward Two Seconds Shift+Page Down shift+page down
Backward Two Second Shift+Page Up shift+page up
Forward 5 Seconds Ctrl+Page Down command+page down
Backward 5 Seconds Ctrl+Page Up command+Page up
Forward 10 Seconds Ctrl+Shift+Page Down shift+command+page down
Backward 10 Seconds Ctrl+Shift+Page Up shift+command+page up
Action Windows/Linux macOS
Seek Start Home home
Seek End End end
Seek Next Edit Alt+Right option+right
Seek Previous Edit Alt+Left option+left
Switch Source/Program Esc esc
Grab Focus Shift+Esc shift+esc

Action Windows/Linux macOS
Cut Ctrl+X command+X
Copy Ctrl+C or C command+C or C
Paste Ctrl+V command+V
Add Audio Track Ctrl+U command+U
Add Video Track Ctrl+I command+I
Close Ctrl+W command+W
Append A A
Ripple Delete X or Shift+Del or Shift+Backspace X or shift+delete
Lift Z or Del or Backspace Z or delete
Insert V V
Overwrite B B
Replace R R
Split S S
Trim clip in I I
Ripple trim clip in Shift+I shift+I
Trim clip out O O
Ripple trim clip out Shift+O shift+O
Select Track Below Down down
Select Track Above Up up
Zoom In = =
Zoom Out - -
Zoom Fit 0 0
Make Tracks Shorter Ctrl+- command+-
Make Tracks Taller Ctrl+= command+=
Reload F5 F5
Select clip single left-click mouse single-click mouse
Select and seek clip double left-click mouse double-click mouse
Select under playhead Ctrl+Space command+space
Select All Ctrl+A command+A
Select None Ctrl+D command+D
Move selection left Ctrl+Left command+left
Move selection right Ctrl+Right command+right
Move selection up Ctrl+Up command+up
Move selection down Ctrl+Down command+down
Seek start of selected double-click double-click
Toggle Mute track Ctrl+M control+M
Toggle Hide track Ctrl+H control+H
Toggle Lock track Ctrl+L control+L
Toggle Snapping Ctrl+P command+P
Toggle Ripple mode Ctrl+R command+R
Toggle Ripple All Tracks Ctrl+Alt+R option+command+R
Toggle Ripple mode and all tracks Ctrl+Shift+R shift+command+R
Insert Track Ctrl+Alt+I option+command+I
Remove Track Ctrl+Alt+U option+command+U
Copy Timeline to Source Ctrl+Alt+C option+command+C
Center the Playhead Ctrl+Shift+P shift+command+P
Scroll to Playhead on Zoom Ctrl+Alt+P option+command+P
Action Windows/Linux macOS
Append Shift+A shift+A
Copy Shift+C shift+C
Delete Shift+X shift+X
Insert Shift+V shift+V
Update Shift+B shift+B
Move Up Ctrl+Shift+Up shift+command+up
Move Down Ctrl+Shift+Down shift+command+down
Open Next Alt+Down option+down
Open Previous Alt+Up option+up
Select All Ctrl+Shift+A shift+command+A
Select Item N 123456789 123456789
Selection None Ctrl+Shift+D shift+command+D
Open Selected Ctrl+Enter or double-click command+return or double-click
Goto/Seek Shift+Enter or Shift+double-click shift+return or shift+double-click

Action Windows/Linux macOS
Choose a Filter F F
Select Previous Filter Up up
Select Next Filter Down down
Add Selected Filter Enter return
Remove Filter Shift+F shift+F

Action Windows/Linux macOS
Zoom In Alt+= option+=
Zoom Out Alt+- option+-
Reset Zoom Alt+0 option+0
Set Filter Start [ [
Set Filter End ] ]
Set First Simple Keyframe { {
Set Second Simple Keyframe } }
Seek Previous Simple Keyframe Alt+[ option+[
Seek Next Simple Keyframe Alt+] option+]
Toggle Keyframe at playhead ; ;

Rich Text Editor

Action Windows/Linux macOS
Undo Ctrl+Z command+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y/Ctrl+Shift+Z shift+command+Z
Cut Ctrl+X command+X
Copy Ctrl+C command+C
Paste Ctrl+V command+V
Paste Text Only Ctrl+Shift+V shift+command+V
Select All Ctrl+A command+A
Move cursor to the right Right right
Move cursor to the left Left left
Move cursor to previous line Up up
Move cursor to the next line Down down
Move cursor to next word Ctrl+Left option+left
Action Windows/Linux macOS
Move cursor to previous word Ctrl+Right option+right
Move cursor to start of line Home command+home or command+left
Move cursor to end of line End command+end or command+right
Move cursor to start Ctrl+Home home or command+up
Move cursor to end Ctrl+End end or command+down
Select Shift shift

Other Notes
Press and hold Shift+Alt to skim - scrub/seek using the horizontal position of the mouse cursor without clicking
and dragging.

 While dragging shot or trimming, press and hold Alt to temporarily suspend snapping. On Linux, pressing
Alt before dragging will usually move the app window; so, press Alt after you start dragging.
 Press and hold Shift+Alt to skim - scrub/seek using the horizontal position of the mouse cursor without
clicking and dragging.
 Double-click a fade in/out control (circle) to toggle it between one second and none.

Multiple Selection in Playlist and Timeline

 To select a range (multiple consecutive clips) click the first (or last) clip, press and hold Shift and click the
last (or first) clip.
 To select or deselect multiple clips individually hold Ctrl (command on macOS) while clicking the clips.

 Hold Ctrl (command on macOS) while dragging a keyframe to lock the time and change only its value.
 Hold Alt while dragging a keyframe to lock the value and change only its time.
 Double-click a regular keyframe curve/line to add or remove a keyframe. (Not all parameters support a
curve/line for its keyframes.)
 Double-click a simple keyframe to toggle it between one second and none.

Mouse Wheel

 scroll vertically
 use Alt to scroll horizontally

Timeline and Keyframes

 scroll horizontally*
 use Alt to scroll vertically
 use Shift to change track height
 use Ctrl (command on macOS) to zoom in/out (change time scale)

* NOTE: On macOS, in order to scroll Timeline or Keyframes horizontally with a mouse wheel (not Magic Mouse or
track pad), you must also use one of the following:

 control (not command)

 control+option
 control+command
 option+command

Entering Time Values

Timecode fields—such as the prominent one at the bottom of the player—do not require you to enter a full timecode
value. There are some short-hand ways to enter time values. First of all, a number with no colons (e.g., 100) is a
frame number. Remember, frame numbers start at 0; so 100 is the 101-th frame! Including a colon (:) makes it
interpret as timecode (HH:MM:SS:FF where FF = frames) or a clock value (HH:MM:SS.MS where MS = milliseconds
or any fraction of a second). The difference between the two is that the last field is delimited by a colon or decimal
point (a comma in some locales). Next, not all of the fields of the time value need to be included. For example, you
can enter “::1.0” for one second. However, not all of the separators need to be included - they are evaluated from
right-to-left. Thus, for our example, “1:” is short for one second; however, “:1.0” or “:1.” is also one second but not “1.0”
because it does not contain a colon. “:1.5” is one and a half seconds. “1::” is one minute. “1:30:” is one minute and
thirty seconds. “1:::” is one hour.

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