Module 7 Activity

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iorism: Pavlov,

Thorndike, Skinner

In this Module, challenge yourself to attain the following learning outcomes:

 explain the basic principles of behaviorism.

 make a simple plan applying the primary laws of learning.

 determine how to use rewards in the learning process more effectively.

The theory of Behaviorism focuses on the study of observable and measurable

behavior. It emphasizes that behavior is mostly learned through conditioning and
reinforcement (rewards and punishment). It does not need much attention to the mind
and the possibility of thought process occurring in the mind. Contributions in the
development of Behaviorist Theory largely came from Pavlov, Watson, Thorndike and
1. Think of a teacher that’s unforgettable to you in elementary or high school.

When I think back to my most memorable teacher, I immediately recall Sir Narte, my science
teacher during my junior year in high school

2. Are there things that you encounter at present (see, hear, touch, smell) make you
“go back to the past” and recall this teacher? What are these things?

Yes, there are things that made me recall my science teacher. Every time someone ask me my
favorite teacher or teacher that I look up my answer will be him. For me, he is really a good
teacher. Whenever I recall him, I always remember how I enjoyed science subject back then,
how my performance inn class became good.

3. What kinds of rewards and punishments did he/she apply in your class? For what
student behaviors were the rewards and punishments for?

Student Behavior Reward/Punishment a low score on quizzes Every time we had a quiz, those 5 students
who got low score would give 1 peso to
those students who got high scores. high score o quizzes Every time we had a quiz. Those 5

students who got high scores received the
5 pesos from those who got low scores.

3.cutting without any valid reason Marked as absent or cutting

1. What makes this teacher unforgettable for you?

What I remember about Sir Narte is that he treated me and everyone else in the class with so
much respect. He showed so much love for his profession and so great an awareness of what
his role in the classroom was, he was such a considerate and understanding person.

2. Why do you answers in no. 1 make you recall this teacher? Describe the connection
these things have on your past teacher.

The question in number 1 made me recall him because he is such a great teacher for me. He
treated us with respect that not all teachers would do. I was never active in class before not
until Sir narte.

3. Were the rewards and punishments given effective? Please elaborate.

Yes evey time we had a discussion, I always take notes and if there were quizzes to
1. Read more about operant and classical conditioning. Find out about their similarities
and differences. Prepare a concept map or graphic organizer to highlight these
similarities and differences.

Name: _________________________________ Year & Section: __________

1. Observation

a. Choose a place where you can observe adult-child interactions – such as the
mall, in church, at the playground, etc. Spend one hour observing such adult-child
interaction. Focus your attention on the stimulus-response-consequence patterns you

b. Describe the consequences you observe. (It is better to write or scribble the
details on the spot or as soon as you finish your observation).

c. Answer these questions.

1. What kinds of stimuli for children and adult did you observe?
2. What are the behaviors on the part of children elicit reinforcement and
punishment consequences from the adult?

3. What kinds of behaviors of adults are reinforced or punished by the children?

4. What kinds of reinforcements and punishments seem to be the most


5. Given this experience, what are your thoughts about operant conditioning? Do
you think children reinforce and punish adults as adults reinforce and punish
them? How might be the two be interdependent?

2. Thorndike’s Connectionism

a. Choose a topic you want to teach.

b. Think of ways you can apply the three primary laws while you teach the


Primary Law How I would apply the Primary Law

Law of Readiness
Law of Effect. Indicate specifically how
you will use positive/negative

Law of Exercise

1. Explain the basic principles of behaviorism.

2. Make a simple plan applying the principles of learning.

3. Explain how to use rewards in the learning process effectively.

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