Module 19 Activity
Module 19 Activity
Module 19 Activity
Module 19:
Meaning and Types of
Take the
Studying is a hard task. However, it ceases to be a task if you have the right kind
and the right amount of motivation.
How motivated are you? Here is a test. Score yourself by checking the
appropriate column.
1- Never
2- Seldom
3- Sometimes
4- Often
5- Always
Behavior 1 2 3 4 5
1. I study even when there is no quiz/exam. /
2. I enjoy working on homework. /
3. I look forward to school days. /
4. I read for learning, not only for grades /
5. In every school task I do, I always do my /
6. I give/do more than what is required. /
7. I listen intently to my teacher’s lecture and /
8. I participate actively in class. /
9. I like homework. /
10. When something is not clear, I ask questions /
to clarify.
11. I do not allow myself to be discouraged by my /
classmates’ unfavourable remarks.
12. My teacher’s unfavourable remarks do not /
turn me off; rather they challenge me to do
my best.
13. I believe that success can be reached by /
anyone who works hard.
14. I always feel excited about learning. /
15. I submit course requirements not only for the /
sake of compliance.
16. I study not only for grades but more for /
17. I believe that nothing is difficult if we spend /
hours learning.
18. I believe that how much I learn from class /
depends ultimately on me.
19. I believe I can cope with my teacher’s /
20. I am always eager to learn new things. /
21. I am very much interested to improve myself. /
22. I read outside my assignments and lessons /
because it helps me improve myself.
23. I love to be in the company of people who /
inspire me to keep on growing.
24. I avoid people who have no desire to improve /
25. I see the relevance of my lessons to the /
realization of my dream in life.
26. I am willing to give up the satisfaction of an /
immediate goal for the sake of a more
important remote goal. E.g. give up watching
tv in order to study
Total per column 0 0 9 52 50
Synapse Strengtheners
Assessment Task/s
1. Make an outline of this Module on motivation and , following your outline, give a
*Definition of Motivation
*Types of Motivation
*Intrinsic Motivation
*Extrinsic Motivation
Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. In
everyday usage, the term "motivation" is frequently used to describe why a person does
something. It is the driving force behind human actions.
Types of Motivation
Intrinsic motivation refers to the act of doing something that does not have any obvious
external rewards. You do it because it’s enjoyable and interesting to you, not because of any
outside incentive or pressures, like rewards or deadlines. In short, intrinsic motivation is
performing an activity for its own sake rather than the desire for some external reward or out of
some external pressure. Essentially, the behavior itself is its own reward.
Extrinsic motivation refers to the behavior of individuals to perform tasks and learn new
skills because of external rewards or avoidance of punishment. In this case, you engage in
behavior not because you enjoy it or because you find it appealing or satisfying, but in order to
obtain something of value in return or avoid something unpleasant.
2. Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Give an example for each.
Intrinsic Motivation Examples Playing sports because you enjoy how they make you feel Staying
longer at work because you believe in your work
Using positive affirmations because you want to change your mindset positively
Investing money because you want to become financially independent
3. justify the role that extrinsic motivation plays in the development of intrinsic
Extrinsic motivation is our desire to perform a task because of incentives or rewards. So,
because of that reward that triggers you to do a certain task, it develops your motivation from
within or the so called intrinsic motivation.
5-minute non-stop writing