Module 19 Activity

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Advance Organizer

For Modules (19-21)

Module 19:
Meaning and Types of

 Take the

In this module, challenge yourself to attain the following outcomes:

 Make an outline of this module and give a lecturette on motivation by
following your outline.
 Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation
 Justify the role of extrinsic motivation in view of the development of
intrinsic motivation.


Studying is a hard task. However, it ceases to be a task if you have the right kind
and the right amount of motivation.


How motivated are you? Here is a test. Score yourself by checking the
appropriate column.
1- Never
2- Seldom
3- Sometimes
4- Often
5- Always
Behavior 1 2 3 4 5
1. I study even when there is no quiz/exam. /
2. I enjoy working on homework. /
3. I look forward to school days. /
4. I read for learning, not only for grades /
5. In every school task I do, I always do my /
6. I give/do more than what is required. /
7. I listen intently to my teacher’s lecture and /
8. I participate actively in class. /
9. I like homework. /
10. When something is not clear, I ask questions /
to clarify.
11. I do not allow myself to be discouraged by my /
classmates’ unfavourable remarks.
12. My teacher’s unfavourable remarks do not /
turn me off; rather they challenge me to do
my best.
13. I believe that success can be reached by /
anyone who works hard.
14. I always feel excited about learning. /
15. I submit course requirements not only for the /
sake of compliance.
16. I study not only for grades but more for /
17. I believe that nothing is difficult if we spend /
hours learning.
18. I believe that how much I learn from class /
depends ultimately on me.
19. I believe I can cope with my teacher’s /
20. I am always eager to learn new things. /
21. I am very much interested to improve myself. /
22. I read outside my assignments and lessons /
because it helps me improve myself.
23. I love to be in the company of people who /
inspire me to keep on growing.
24. I avoid people who have no desire to improve /
25. I see the relevance of my lessons to the /
realization of my dream in life.
26. I am willing to give up the satisfaction of an /
immediate goal for the sake of a more
important remote goal. E.g. give up watching
tv in order to study
Total per column 0 0 9 52 50


1. Go over the 26 items of the questionnaire checklist. Convert them into

indicators of poor/low motivation for contrast.
2. Add the list of 26 indicators of high motivation.
Interpret your scores:
- One hundred thirty (130) is the perfect score. If you got 65, that means you
are midway but not highly orvery motivated. The closer you are to 130, the
better motivated you are.
- Share with your small group your discovery about yourself. Do you agree with
your score? In what itemsdid you score comparatively lower? What message do
you get from those items where you scored low?

1,3,4,1,11,12. Sometimes I get easily discourage when I learned that my effort is

not enough to attain high remarks and sometimes I am not confident to my
capabilities. But to pay back I need to try harder to be deserving.
- When can you that a student is highly motivated to learn? What are indicators
of a students’ level of motivation?
te even
the smallest things that has connection in improving themselves that assures
them to achieve their goals in life and some indicators might be giving extra
time, effort and attention to do a certain task with perseverance and
- when a person is intrinsically Motivated, his motivation comes from within
him/her or from the activity or task itself. When a person is extrinsically
motivated s/he is motivated by something or someone outside herself/himself
3. Reflect on your learning experiences. Can you recall some examples of extrinsic
and intrinsic motivation in your life as a student?
Intrinsic I always practicing advance reading. I always fell excited about learning.
Extrinsic I asked some inspirational message from my friends. I always seek support and
motivational speech from my family.
4. In what instances is extrinsic motivation necessary? Give examples.
Extrinsic motivation refers to behavior that is driven by external factors such as a reward
or avoidance of negative outcomes. Money is the most obvious example of an
extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation factors can be either tangible and intangible.
Tangible factors are factors with a physical form
5. Critics argue that using rewards sends students the wrong message about
learning and they cite research suggesting that rewards actually decrease
interest in intrinsically motivating tasks. Explain.
Some students neglect the purpose of studying; they are being dazzled with the
rewards they will get in return.

Synapse Strengtheners

1. According to psychologist Carol Dweck “motivation is often more important

than initial ability in determining our success.” Do you agree? Why?
 YES, motivation acts more important than to our initial ability because
motivation determine our course of action, and serves as an input
mechanism that converted into an output outlook
4. To what do you compare motivation to make its facilitating function in
learning concrete? Come up with metaphors. (An example of a metaphor is
“teaching is lighting a torch...) Show this by completing this: Motivation is
 “Motivation is a hidden gem”
5. Surf the Internet on telic and paratelic motivational modes of Michael Apter.
How do these relate to extrinsic and intrinsic motivation?
 Psychologist Michael Apter's studies of motivation led him to describe what
he called the "telic" (from Greek telos or "goal") and "paratelic" motivational
modes, or states. In the telic state, a person is motivated primarily by a
particular goal or objective--such as earning payment for work done. In the
paratelic mode, a person is motivated primarily by the activity itself--intrinsic
6. Read on biographies of great men and women. Find out how they became
great. Report on one biography in class. Narrate the part of the biography
that you like most.
 Sometimes using a reward is useful and meaningful but in some cases it is
not because students neglect the essence of learning, all in their minds is
the things in return. And if happened that the reward is gone same goes to
their motivation. It is better to show them how fun and exciting schooling is
without the presence of rewards.

Assessment Task/s

1. Make an outline of this Module on motivation and , following your outline, give a
*Definition of Motivation
*Types of Motivation
*Intrinsic Motivation
*Extrinsic Motivation
Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. In
everyday usage, the term "motivation" is frequently used to describe why a person does
something. It is the driving force behind human actions.
Types of Motivation
Intrinsic motivation refers to the act of doing something that does not have any obvious
external rewards. You do it because it’s enjoyable and interesting to you, not because of any
outside incentive or pressures, like rewards or deadlines. In short, intrinsic motivation is
performing an activity for its own sake rather than the desire for some external reward or out of
some external pressure. Essentially, the behavior itself is its own reward.
Extrinsic motivation refers to the behavior of individuals to perform tasks and learn new
skills because of external rewards or avoidance of punishment. In this case, you engage in
behavior not because you enjoy it or because you find it appealing or satisfying, but in order to
obtain something of value in return or avoid something unpleasant.
2. Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Give an example for each.
Intrinsic Motivation Examples Playing sports because you enjoy how they make you feel Staying
longer at work because you believe in your work

Using positive affirmations because you want to change your mindset positively
Investing money because you want to become financially independent

Extrinsic Motivation Examples

Going to work because you want to earn money
Studying because you want to get a good grade
Helping others because you hope for praise
Volunteering because it looks good on a resume
Going to the same store because you benefit from loyalty programs
Cleaning your apartment because you do not want your partner to get mad

3. justify the role that extrinsic motivation plays in the development of intrinsic

Extrinsic motivation is our desire to perform a task because of incentives or rewards. So,
because of that reward that triggers you to do a certain task, it develops your motivation from
within or the so called intrinsic motivation.
5-minute non-stop writing

Your 5-minute non-stop writing begins NOW!

From the Module on Meaning and Types of Motivation, I realized that... _

I realized that Motivation is an inner drive that causes to do something to the

extent of our capabilities. I also realized that there are various types of motivation which are the
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, where in Intrinsic Motivation his motivation comes from within
him/her or from the activity or task itself. On the other hand, Extrinsic Motivation is when that
which motivates a person is someone or something outside him/her. I also learned that Intrinsic
is more relevant that extrinsic since it comes from within so, even though the source of his/her
motivation is gone it will remain to


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