BS ReferenceGuide 18jul22

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At the start of a round the model with the highest initiative Attack – The enemy performs an attack against a hero in its
takes their turn. Once a model has finished its turn, tilt attack range.
their initiative card 90° to the left. A card that is tilted this Charge – The enemy moves up to its speed towards a hero,
way has been exhausted. and then attacks.
Move Towards – The enemy moves up to its speed towards
The next model to take a turn is determined by the card with the listed model.
the highest initiative that is not exhausted. Repeat this until
each card has been exhausted, then the end phase begins.
HERO TURNS Attack Range – A hero in the enemy’s attack range.
Unengaged Zone – A hero that doesn’t have an enemy in their
Heroes can perform two actions during their turn, unless zone.
they have third action token. Free actions do not count Engaged Zone – A hero that has an enemy in their zone.
towards the number of actions a hero can take. Closest – The closest hero, measured by counting zones.

Move – The hero moves up to their speed. If there are multiple eligible targets, the enemy will always
Use Ability – Resolve an active ability card. Individual cards target the hero with the highest initiative.
can only be used once per turn.
Explore – Draw a card from the corresponding dungeon
deck, and connect the tile shown to the portal the hero is in.
Open / Close Door – Flip a door token in the hero’s zone. 1. Resolve any condition token effects.
a. Heroes resolve condition effects

ENEMY TURNS b. Enemies resolve condition effects

2. Resolve any aspect cards from left to right.
During enemy turns, every enemy of that type takes a 3. Make an event roll.
turn, starting with the north-most model, then working a. If the roll was a 6, resolve terrain hazards.
clockwise around the playing area. Once each enemy has b. If the roll is 1 or 2, activate the echo token.
taken a turn, their card is exhausted. 4. Shuffle and deal a new marching order.
5. Resolve hero ability cards, in an order of the heroes’
Enemy behaviour cards determine enemy actions and their choice.
targets. Entries are resolved from top to bottom. 6. Resolve any other effects.
7. The round ends, and the next begins.

Advantage - Roll an extra d20, and use the die with the
Enemies always perform mandatory actions unless they are
highest result.
unable to do so.
Disadvantage - Roll an extra d20, and use the die with the
lowest result.
Conditional Reroll – Roll all of the dice again, and use the new result.
A roll can only rerolled once.
Empower - Roll a d4 and add the number shown to the result.
Conditional actions appear as a series of actions within a Upgrade - Roll the die with the next highest facing size,
bracket. Start with the top entry. If the enemy can’t perform to a maximum of d12.
the action, proceed to the action directly below, repeating
the process if necessary. Once the enemy has performed an
action, do not resolve any other actions in the bracket.

Physical Attack – See Enemy TN Modifiers P
 hysically Resilient - physical attacks ( ) against this
enemy have disadvantage.
Magical Attack – See Enemy TN Modifiers
 hysically Vulnerable - physical attacks ( ) against this
 owerful Attack – Defence rolls have disadvantage enemy have advantage.
against this attack. M
 agically Resilient - magical attacks ( ) against this
enemy have disadvantage.
 rea of Effect – After resolving attack, apply effects to
 agically Vulnerable - magical attacks ( ) against this
every other enemy in the target’s zone.
enemy have advantage.
 ulse – The enemy attacks every hero in their attack
 ane – The next time this enemy is attacked, the attack
roll has advantage, then discard this token.
Wound - The target suffers a wound.
 leed – Subtract -1 from the event roll for each hero
Serious Wound - The target suffers a serious wound. suffering this condition. Discard this token when the
heroes rest.
Push – The target can be placed in an adjacent zone.
 lessing – This hero gains advantage on their next
 odge – The attacking model can be placed in an
action roll, then discard this token.
adjacent zone.
 urn – At the end of the round, this model suffers a
Inspire – Flip an exhausted fate token to the active side.
wound, then discard this token.
 uicken – Move the model’s initiative card one space
 atigue - This hero suffers disadvantage on their next
left on the marching order.
action roll, then discard this token.
 aste – Move the model’s initiative card to the space
 rostbite – When this hero suffers a wound, they suffer
with the highest initiative.
a serious wound instead, then discard this token. When
 low – Move the target’s initiative card one space right this enemy suffers a wound, they suffer an additional
on the marching order. wound, then discard this token.

 top – Move the target’s initiative card to the space with P
 inned – When the marching order is shuffled, this card
the lowest initiative. is left in the space it already occupies. After the new
marching order is dealt, discard this token.
 ane – The target gains a bane token.
 oison – A model may have multiple poison tokens.
Bleed – The target gains a bleed token.
When a model suffers poison, before the poison token
Blessing - The attacking model gains a blessing token. is placed next to their model, they suffer a number of
wounds equal to the number of poison tokens they
Burn – The target gains a burn token.
already have, then gain the token. Discard all poison
Fatigue – The target gains a fatigue token. tokens when the heroes rest.

Frostbite – The target gains a frostbite token. S

 ilence – this hero’s player can’t speak or communicate
with the other players.
Pinned – The target gains a pinned token.
 tunned – A hero may have multiple stunned tokens.
Poison – The target gains a poison token.
Reduce this hero’s actions by one for each stunned
Silence – The target gains a silence token. token on them. At the end of each of this hero’s turns,
discard one token.
Stunned – The target gains a stunned token.
 undered – This hero doesn’t add modifiers to their next
Sundered – The target gains a sundered token.
defence roll, then discard this token.
Weaken – The target gains a weaken token.
 eaken – The next time this enemy attacks, the hero’s
defence roll has advantage, then discard this token.

 model that is pushed into a zone containing a
A I f a hero moves or is pushed into a zone
firepit token suffers . If a hero suffers a push containing a stalagmite token, they suffer .
from an enemy attack and is adjacent to a zone If a hero suffers a push from an enemy attack
containing a firepit token, they must be pushed and is adjacent to a zone containing a stalagmite
into that zone. token, they must be pushed into that zone. When
an enemy is pushed into a zone containing a
WATER stalagmite token, roll a d6. If a 4, 5, or 6 is rolled,
If a hero moves or is pushed into a zone the enemy suffers .
containing a water token, they make an event roll.
GAS  model that ends their turn in the same zone
A model that ends their turn in the same zone as a as a drift token suffers . If a model in a zone
gas token suffers . containing a drift token suffers , discard the
drift token.
 hen a hero in the same zone as a rubble token
is attacked, empower their defence roll, then I f the event roll is a 6, each model on the same tile
discard the token. as one or more mushroom tokens suffers ,
then remove the mushroom patch token(s). If
ELEVATION there are no enemy cards on the marching order,
 hen a hero in the same zone as the elevation
W a hero in the same zone as a mushroom patch may
token attacks an enemy in another zone, empower discard the token and earn three gold. If they do,
the attack roll. they make a TN14 action roll. If they fail, they
suffer .
 he first enemy card to become exhausted each
round suffers , and then is unexhausted. This token’s rules are detailed on an aspect card.
Heroes in the same zone as the banner token can
spend an action to discard the token, if there are PIPE
no enemies in the zone. This token’s rules are detailed on an aspect card.


I f a hero attempts to leave a zone containing a This token’s rules are detailed on an aspect card.
grasping vines token during a move action, they
suffer a TN10 parting blow. If they fail this roll, they
suffer . If there are enemies in the same zone,
ignore this token.


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