Quiz 01-April Met-01 Tracy Quiñonez Silva

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Name: Tracy Alesandra Quiñonez Silva April 18th



1. - What do you understand for Activity or task? Write 05 examples.

It’s something that the students do in order to reach a specific goal, and they
can get through it by understanding the topic and using it in real life situations.


a.- Students solve exercises related to grammar

they have learned that day.
b.- Students write an email to a friend using the
new vocabulary related to holidays.
c.- Students prepare questions and answers for a
discussion about a controversial topic.
d.- Students make and present a conversation to
the class based on the topic they have studied,
in this case buying clothes at a store.
e.- Students answers questions about a recorded
conversation, this is known as listening

2. -In your opinion which factors below are important for getting a job? Choose the
most important. Write a check(/)

Age/ sex Contacts and Hobbies /

Appearance Family background Intelligence /
Astrological Marital status Personality /
Experience / Sickness record / Qualifications /
Handwriting Blood group References

Is there anything missing from the list: Skills and abilities, what the person is
good at.

3.- What’s the difference between Exploiting an activity, and Interpreting a

lesson description?

Exploiting an activity Interpreting a lesson

3. description -

This is a resource that help us to But interpreting a lesson description

look at a simple activity in detail, andis a little different, because you have
give us the instructions of what to do the option to change some
in the class, and the order that we instructions, make alterations to the
have to follow. activity and adapt this to the
necessities of the students, this
involves more that just read the
indications and do the task.
What is the the route map for an activity in class?
It’s an organized and detailed table that bring us specific, clear and direct
instructions, steps and guide that we need to follow in order to teach the class.

4. -Who are the learners?

The truth is that there are different types of people, personalities, beliefs, etc, in
class, so we need time to get to know better our students, the way they do the
thing reveal some aspects of their life… but something is sure, they all have one
thing in common, and it is that they’re in a language learning class.

5. -What are the multiple intelligences?

These are the ones that every person possess, it involves a whole system and that
they can develop in different proportions and ways.
There are seven intelligences:
3. musical
4. logical

6.- What’s a NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programing)?

It’s a field that studies how humans perceive the world through different sensory
preferences, it’s known that there are 3 types of sensory preferences, some people
learn better when they hear things(auditory), others when they see them(visual),
and others when they have contact with physical objects(kinesthetic).

7.--What’s the conclusion about learner’s level?

The conclusion is that every learner has an individual range of level, and that
leads to mixed-level classes, because every person has their own way of learning,
their own speed to do things, their own capacities…


Advanced C2 Mastery
Post-Intermediate C1 Operational proficiency
Upper Intermediate B2 Vantage
Intermediate B1 Threshold
Pre-Intermediate A2 Waystage
Elementary A1 Breakthrough
Here are three different teachers view. Who do you feel more in common?
I feel more in common with the third point of view, because I’m aware that
every student has a different level, different abilities, different perspectives about
the language, and also different but unique kinds of intelligences, so to get the best
of each one , I need to adapt my way of teaching to their necessities, in order to
have a balanced but also engaging class to everyone.

You can really take all these individual differences into

account. The important thing is to “Teach the class”

I teach very little to the class as a whole- but my class

has lots of individual tasks and small- group work. I
think the classroom is always a set of private lessons-as
many as there are individuals.

You can adapt class lessons to respond to many

individuals needs and differences within the group.

9. - Read the sentences and write (W) if it is a writing activity and (S) if it is for
a.- Fill in a questionnaire. (W)
b- Interview learners individually or in pairs. (S)
c.-Choose the best answer from a selection. (W)
d.-Plan activities to focus learners on specific issues, leading to discussion. (S)
e.-Gap-fill ( or complete) sentences. (W)
f.-Take language test. (W)
g.-Organize social event which informal discussion on needs arise. (S)
h .-Ask learners to describe/ draw/ or make a model. (S)

10.-When the feedback is useful?

Feedback is useful when the channels are open all the time, this involves a
clear communication between teachers and students, when the teacher is willing to
accept corrections, improve, and let feedback affect what they’re doing and how
they’re doing it. That would be really helpful for learners and the teachers

0-10 = 0 11-13 = 1 14 – 16 = 2 17-20 = 3

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