Field Trip Permission Slip

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Nutcracker Performance Field Trip Permission Slip

To: Parents/Guardians of William H. Ray Elementary 4th Grade Students.

Location: University of Chicago- Mandel Hall, 1131 East 57th Street
DATE: Wednesday, December 9, 2022

I give permission for ____________________________ to participate in this field trip. I

understand that the mode of transportation will be walking.

I authorize school personnel to act for me in any emergency, accident or illness and
release the Board of Education of the City of Chicago, its officers, members,
employees, agents and volunteers from any liability or claims arising out of or in
any way connected with this field trip.

I assume full responsibility for the actions of my son, daughter or ward while
participating in this trip.

Parent/Guardian ____________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________

Daytime Phone # _______________________________

Evening Phone #

Please indicate any medical needs which school personnel should be aware of
during this trip:
Cost of trip $ 10.00

****Return permission slip and money no later than Friday, December 2. CPS policy
states all money for field trips must be collected no later than 1 week prior to the
trip. Permission slips and fees must be turned in by 12/2. Anything received after
that date cannot be accepted.***

We will be leaving promptly at 9:00 a.m..

We will be returning around 11:30 a.m.
Students will eat lunch at Ray when they return to school.

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