Bounties of Allah
Bounties of Allah
Bounties of Allah
So when you press on from Arafat, remember Allah near the Holy Monument, and remember Him as He has guided you, though before that you were certainly of the erring ones. 4:73 And if bounty from Allah comes to you, he would cry, as if there were no friendship between you and him: Would that I had been with them, then I should have achieved a mighty success! 16:14 And He it is Who has made the sea subservient that you may eat fresh fle sh from it and bring forth from it ornaments which you wear. And thou seest the ships cleaving through it, so that you seek of His bounty and that you may give thanks. 17:20 All do We aid these as well as those out of the bounty of thy Lord, and the bounty of thy Lord is not limited. 17:87 But it is a mercy from thy Lord. Surely His bounty to thee is abundant.
30:23 And of His signs is your sleep by night and by day and your seeking of H is bounty. Surely there are signs in this for a people who would hear. 35:12 And the two seas are not alike: the one sweet, very sweet, pleasant to d rink; and the other salt, bitter. Yet from both you eat fresh flesh and bring fo rth ornaments which you wear. And thou seest the ships cleave through it, that y ou may seek of His bounty and that you may give thanks. 40:3 Forgiver of sin and Acceptor of repentance, Severe to punish, Lord of bo unty. There is no God but He; to Him is the eventual coming. 56:89 Then happiness and bounty and a Garden of bliss.
73:20 Thy Lord knows indeed that thou passest in prayer nearly two-thirds of t he night, and (sometimes) half of it, and (sometimes) a third of it, as do a par ty of those with thee. And Allah measures the night and the day. He knows that ( all of) you are not able to do it, so He has turned to you (mercifully); so read of the Quran that which is easy for you. He knows that there are sick among you , and others who travel in the land seeking of Allahs bounty, and others who figh t in Allahs way. So read as much of it as is easy (for you), and keep up prayer a nd pay the poor-rate and offer to Allah a goodly gift. And whatever of good you send on beforehand for yourselves, you will find it with Allah that is best and greatest in reward. And ask forgiveness of Allah. Surely Allah is Forgiving, Mer ciful. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Holy Quran translation: PROVISION 2:36 But the devil made them slip from it, and caused them to depart from the state in which they were. And We said: Go forth, some of you are the enemies of others. And there is for you in the earth an abode and a provision for a time. 2:60 And when Moses prayed for water for his people, We said: March on to the rock with thy staff. So there flowed from it twelve springs. Each tribe knew th eir drinking-place. Eat and drink of the provisions of Allah, and act not corrup tly, making mischief in the land. 2:197 The months of the pilgrimage are well known; so whoever determines to pe rform pilgrimage therein there shall be no immodest speech, nor abusing, nor alt ercation in the pilgrimage. And whatever good you do, Allah knows it. And make p
rovision for yourselves, the best provision being to keep ones duty. And keep you r duty to Me, O men of understanding. 2:236 There is no blame on you if you divorce women while yet you have not tou ched them, nor appointed for them a portion. And provide for them, the wealthy a ccording to his means and the straitened according to his means, a provision acc ording to usage. (This is) a duty on the doers of good. 2:241 And for the divorced women, provision (must be made) in kindness. This i s incumbent on those who have regard for duty. 3:14 Fair-seeming to men is made the love of desires, of women and sons and h oarded treasures of gold and silver and well-bred horses and cattle and tilth. T his is the provision of the life of this world. And Allah with Him is the good g oal (of life). 3:185 Every soul will taste of death. And you will be paid your reward fully o nly on the Resurrection day. Then whoever is removed far from the Fire and is ma de to enter the Garden, he indeed attains the object. And the life of this world is nothing but a provision of vanities. 5:96 Lawful to you is the game of the sea and its food, a provision for you a nd for the travellers, and the game of the land is forbidden to you so long as y ou are on pilgrimage, and keep your duty to Allah, to Whom you shall be 7:24 He said: Go forth some of you, the enemies of others. And there is for y ou in the earth an abode and a provision for a time. 7:32 Say: Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah, which He has brought fort h for His servants, and the good provisions? Say: These are for the believers in the life of this world, purely (theirs) on the Resurrection day. Thus do We mak e the messages clear for a people who know. 8:74 And those who believed and fled and struggled hard in Allahs way, and tho se who gave shelter and helped these are the believers truly. For them is forgiv eness and an honourable provision. 9:38 O you who believe, what (excuse) have you that when it is said to you, G o forth in Allahs way, you should incline heavily to earth? Are you contented wit h this worlds life instead of the Hereafter? The provision of this worlds life is but little as compared with the Hereafter. 10:23 But when He delivers them, lo! they are unjustly rebellious in the earth . O men, your rebellion is against yourselves a provision (only) of this worlds l ife. Then to Us is your return, so We shall inform you of what you did. 10:98 And why was there not a town which believed, so that their belief should have profited them, but the people of Jonah? When they believed, We removed fro m them the chastisement of disgrace in this worlds life, and We gave them provisi on for a while. 11:3 And ask forgiveness of your Lord, then turn to Him. He will provide you with a goodly provision to an appointed term, and will bestow His grace on every one endowed with grace. And if you turn away, I fear for you the chastisement o f a great day. 11:48 It was said: O Noah, descend with peace from Us and blessing on thee and on nations (springing) from those with thee. And there are nations whom We affo rd provisions, then a painful punishment from Us afflicts them.
12:59 And when he furnished them with their provision, he said: Bring to me a brother of yours from your father. See you not that I give full measure and that I am the best of hosts? 12:70 Then when he furnished them with their provision, (someone) placed the d rinking-cup in his brothers bag. Then a crier cried out: O caravan, you are surel y thieves! 13:26 Allah amplifies and straitens provision for whom He pleases. And they re joice in this worlds life. And this worlds life, compared with the Hereafter, is o nly a temporary enjoyment. 16:67 And of the fruits of the palms and the grapes, you obtain from them into xicants and goodly provision. There is surely a sign in this for a people who po nder. 16:75 Allah sets forth a parable: There is a slave, the property of another, c ontrolling naught, and there is one to whom We have granted from Ourselves goodl y provisions, so he spends from it secretly and openly. Are the two alike? Prais e be to Allah! Nay, most of them know not. 16:80 And Allah has given you an abode in your houses, and He has given you ho uses of the skins of cattle, which you find light to carry on the day of your ma rch and on the day of your halting, and of their wool and their fur and their ha ir, household stuff and a provision for a time. 18:19 And thus did We rouse them that they might question each other. A speake r from among them said: How long have you tarried? They said: We have tarried fo r a day or a part of a day. (Others) said: Your Lord knows best how long you hav e tarried. Now send one of you with this silver (coin) of yours to the city, the n let him see what food is purest, and bring you provision from it, and let him behave with gentleness, and not make your case known to anyone. 21:44 Nay, We gave provision to these and their fathers, until life was prolon ged to them. See they not then that We are visiting the land, curtailing it of i ts sides? Can they then prevail? 21:111 And I know not if this may be a trial for you and a provision till a tim e. 28:60 And whatever things you have been given are only a provision of this wor lds life and its adornment, and whatever is with Allah is better and more lasting . Do you not then understand? 28:61 Is he to whom We have promised a goodly promise, which he will meet with , like him whom We have provided with the provisions of this worlds life, then on the day of Resurrection he will be of those brought up (for punishment)? 30:37 See they not that Allah enlarges provision and straitens (it) for whom H e pleases? Certainly there are signs in this for a people who believe. 33:28 O Prophet, say to thy wives: If you desire this worlds life and its adorn ment, come, I will give you a provision and allow you to depart a goodly departi ng. 33:49 O you who believe, when you marry believing women, then divorce them bef ore you touch them, you have in their case no term which you should reckon. But make provision for them and set them free in a goodly manner. 33:51 Thou mayest put off whom thou pleasest of them, and take to thee whom th ou pleasest. And whom thou desirest of those whom thou hadst separated provision ally, no blame attaches to thee. This is most proper so that their eyes may be c ool and they may not grieve, and that they should be pleased, all of them, with
what thou givest them. And Allah knows what is in your hearts. And Allah is ever Knowing, Forbearing. 34:36 Say: Surely my Lord amplifies and straitens provision for whom He please s, but most men know not. 34:39 Say: Surely my Lord amplifies provision for whom He pleases of His serva nts and straitens (it) for him. And whatsoever you spend, He increases it in rew ard, and He is the Best of Providers. 37:148 And they believed, so We gave them provision till a time. 42:27 And if Allah were to amplify the provision for His servants, they would rebel in the earth; but He sends (it) down by measure, as He pleases. Surely He is Aware, Seer of His servants. 42:36 So whatever you are given is but a provision of this worlds life, and tha t which Allah has is better and more lasting for those who believe and rely on t heir Lord; 43:35 And of gold. And all this is naught but a provision of this worlds life; and the Hereafter is with thy Lord only for the dutiful. 79:33 80:32 A provision for you and for your cattle. A provision for you and your cattle.
Total matching verses = 39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Holy Quran translation: PROVIDE 2:126 And when Abraham said: My Lord, make this a secure town and provide its people with fruits, such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day. He said: And whoever disbelieves, I shall grant him enjoyment for a short while, then I s hall drive him to the chastisement of the Fire. And it is an evil destination. 2:172 O you who believe, eat of the good things that We have provided you with , and give thanks to Allah if He it is Whom you serve. 2:236 There is no blame on you if you divorce women while yet you have not tou ched them, nor appointed for them a portion. And provide for them, the wealthy a ccording to his means and the straitened according to his means, a provision acc ording to usage. (This is) a duty on the doers of good. 3:169 And think not of those who are killed in Allahs way as dead. Nay, they ar e alive being provided sustenance from their Lord, 4:24 And all married women except those whom your right hands possess (are fo rbidden); (this is) Allahs ordinance to you. And lawful for you are (all women) b esides those, provided that you seek (them) with your property, taking (them) in marriage, not committing fornication. Then as to those whom you profit by (by m arrying), give them their dowries as appointed. And there is no blame on you abo ut what you mutually agree after what is appointed (of dowry). Surely Allah is e ver Knowing, Wise. 6:140 They are losers indeed who kill their children foolishly without knowled ge, and forbid that which Allah has provided for them, forging a lie against All ah. They indeed go astray, and are not guided.
6:151 Say: Come! I will recite what your Lord has forbidden to you: Associate naught with Him and do good to parents and slay not your children for (fear of) poverty We provide for you and for them and draw not nigh to indecencies, open o r secret, and kill not the soul which Allah has made sacred except in the course of justice. This He enjoins upon you that you may understand. 7:50 And the companions of the Fire call out to the owners of the Garden: Pou r on us some water or some of that which Allah has provided for you. They say: S urely Allah has forbidden them both to the disbelievers, 9:46 And if they had intended to go forth, they would certainly have provided equipment for it; but Allah did not like their going forth. So He withheld them , and it was said: Hold back with those who hold back. 10:93 And certainly We lodged the Children of Israel in a goodly abode and pro vided them with good things. Then they differed not till the knowledge came to t hem. Surely thy Lord will judge between them on the day of Resurrection concerni ng that in which they differed. 11:3 And ask forgiveness of your Lord, then turn to Him. He will provide you with a goodly provision to an appointed term, and will bestow His grace on every one endowed with grace. And if you turn away, I fear for you the chastisement o f a great day. 14:37 Our Lord, I have settled a part of my offspring in a valley unproductive of fruit near Thy Sacred House, our Lord, that they may keep up prayer; so make the hearts of some people yearn towards them, and provide them with fruits; hap ly they may be grateful. 15:20 And We have made in it means of subsistence for you and for him for whom you provide not. 16:72 And Allah has made wives for you from among yourselves, and has given yo u sons and daughters from your wives, and has provided you with good things. Wil l they then believe in falsehood and deny the favour of Allah? 17:31 And kill not your children for fear of poverty We provide for them and f or you. Surely the killing of them is a great wrong. 17:70 And surely We have honoured the children of Adam, and We carry them in t he land and the sea, and We provide them with good things, and We have made them to excel highly most of those whom We have created. 18:10 When the youths sought refuge in the Cave, they said: Our Lord, grant us mercy from Thyself, and provide for us a right course in our affair. 18:16 And when you withdraw from them and what they worship save Allah, take r efuge in the Cave; your Lord will spread forth for you of His mercy, and provide for you a profitable course in your affair. 19:24 So a voice came to her from beneath her: Grieve not, surely thy Lord has provided a stream beneath thee. 20:81 Eat of the good things We have provided for you, and be not inordinate i n respect thereof, lest My wrath come upon you; and he on whom My wrath comes, h e perishes indeed. 20:131 And strain not thine eyes toward that with which We have provided differ ent classes of them, (of) the splendour of this worlds life, that We may thereby try them. And the sustenance of thy Lord is better and more abiding.
20:132 And enjoin prayer on thy people, and steadily adhere to it. We ask not o f thee a sustenance. We provide for thee. And the (good) end is for guarding aga inst evil. 22:28 That they may witness benefits (provided) for them, and mention the name of Allah on appointed days over what He has given them of the cattle quadrupeds ; then eat of them and feed the distressed one, the needy. 22:58 And those who flee in Allahs way and are then slain or die, Allah will ce rtainly grant them a goodly sustenance. And surely Allah is the Best of provider s. 23:72 Or dost thou ask them a recompense? But the recompense of thy Lord is be st, and He is the Best of providers. 24:38 That Allah may give them the best reward for what they did, and give the m more out of His grace. And Allah provides without measure for whom He pleases. 28:61 Is he to whom We have promised a goodly promise, which he will meet with , like him whom We have provided with the provisions of this worlds life, then on the day of Resurrection he will be of those brought up (for punishment)? 30:28 He sets forth to you a parable relating to ose whom your right hands possess partners in that th, so that with respect to it you are alike you r? Thus do We make the messages clear for a people yourselves. Have you among th which We have provided you wi fear them as you fear each othe who understand.
34:39 Say: Surely my Lord amplifies provision for whom He pleases of His serva nts and straitens (it) for him. And whatsoever you spend, He increases it in rew ard, and He is the Best of Providers. 35:3 O men, call to mind the favour of Allah to you. Is there any Creator bes ides Allah who provides for you from the heaven and the earth? There is no God b ut He. How are you then turned away? 40:64 Allah is He Who made the earth a resting-place for you and the heaven a structure, and He formed you, then made goodly your forms, and He provided you w ith goodly things. That is Allah, your Lord so blessed is Allah, the Lord of the worlds. 43:33 And were it not that all people would become one (disbelieving) communit y, We would provide for those who disbelieve in the Beneficent, roofs of silver for their houses and stairs (of silver) by which they ascend, 45:16 And certainly We gave the Children of Israel the Book and judgment and p rophethood and provided them with good things, and made them excel the nations. 62:11 And when they see merchandise or sport, they break away to it, and leave thee standing. Say: What is with Allah is better than sport and merchandise. An d Allah is the best of Providers. Total matching verses = 34 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Holy Quran translation: PROVIDERS 22:58 And those who flee in Allahs way and are then slain or die, Allah will ce rtainly grant them a goodly sustenance. And surely Allah is the Best of provider s. 23:72 Or dost thou ask them a recompense? But the recompense of thy Lord is be st, and He is the Best of providers.
34:39 Say: Surely my Lord amplifies provision for whom He pleases of His serva nts and straitens (it) for him. And whatsoever you spend, He increases it in rew ard, and He is the Best of Providers. 62:11 And when they see merchandise or sport, they break away to it, and leave thee standing. Say: What is with Allah is better than sport and merchandise. An d Allah is the best of Providers. Total matching verses = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Holy Quran translation: SUSTENANCE 2:22 Who made the earth a resting-place for you and the heaven a structure, a nd sends down rain from the clouds then brings forth with it fruits for your sus tenance; so do not set up rivals to Allah while you know. 3:27 Thou makest the night to pass into the day and Thou makest the day to pa ss into the night; and Thou bringest forth the living from the dead and Thou bri ngest forth the dead from the living; and Thou givest sustenance to whom Thou pl easest without measure. 3:169 And think not of those who are killed in Allahs way as dead. Nay, they ar e alive being provided sustenance from their Lord, 5:114 Jesus, son of Mary, said: O Allah, our Lord, send down to us food from h eaven which should be to us an ever-recurring happiness to the first of us and t he last of us, and a sign from Thee, and give us sustenance and Thou art the Bes t of the sustainers. 8:4 These are the believers in truth. For them are with their Lord exalted g rades and protection and an honourable sustenance. 10:31 Say: Who gives you sustenance from the heaven and the earth, or who cont rols the hearing and the sight, and who brings forth the living from the dead, a nd brings forth the dead from the living? And who regulates the affair? They wil l say: Allah. Say then: Will you not then guard against evil? 10:59 Say: See you what Allah has sent down for you of sustenance, then you ma ke (a part) of it unlawful and (a part) lawful. Say: Has Allah commanded you or do you forge a lie against Allah? 11:6 And there is no animal in the earth but on Allah is the sustenance of it , and He knows its resting-place and its depository. All is in a clear record. 11:88 He said: O my people, see you if I have a clear proof from my Lord and H e has given me a goodly sustenance from Himself. And I desire not to act in oppo sition to you, in that which I forbid you. I desire nothing but reform, so far a s I am able. And with none but Allah is the direction of my affair to a right is sue. In Him I trust and to Him I turn. 14:32 Allah is He Who created the heavens and the earth and sent down water fr om the clouds, then brought forth with it fruits as a sustenance for you, and He has made the ships subservient to you to run their course in the sea by His com mand, and He has made the rivers subservient to you. 16:71 And Allah has made some of you excel others in the means of subsistence; so those who are made to excel give not away their sustenance to those whom the ir right hands possess, so that they may be equal therein. Will they then deny t
he favour of Allah? 16:73 And they serve besides Allah that which controls for them no sustenance at all from the heavens and the earth; nor have they any power. 19:62 They will hear therein no vain discourse, but only, Peace! And they have their sustenance therein, morning and evening. 20:131 And strain not thine eyes toward that with which We have provided differ ent classes of them, (of) the splendour of this worlds life, that We may thereby try them. And the sustenance of thy Lord is better and more abiding. 20:132 And enjoin prayer on thy people, and steadily adhere to it. We ask not o f thee a sustenance. We provide for thee. And the (good) end is for guarding aga inst evil. 22:50 So those who believe and do good, for them is forgiveness and an honoura ble sustenance. 22:58 And those who flee in Allahs way and are then slain or die, Allah will ce rtainly grant them a goodly sustenance. And surely Allah is the Best of provider s. 24:26 Unclean things are for unclean ones and unclean ones are for unclean thi ngs, and good things are for good ones and good ones are for good things; these are free from what they say. For them is forgiveness and an honourable sustenanc e. 27:64 Or, Who originates the creation, then reproduces it, and Who gives you s ustenance from the heaven and the earth? Is there a god with Allah? Say: Bring y our proof, if you are truthful. 28:57 And they say: If we follow the guidance with thee, we should be carried off from our country. Have We not settled them in a safe, sacred territory to wh ich fruits of every kind are drawn? A sustenance from Us but most of them know n ot. 29:17 You only worship idols besides Allah and you invent a lie. Surely they w hom you serve besides Allah control no sustenance for you; so seek sustenance fr om Allah and serve Him and be grateful to Him. To Him you will be brought back. 29:60 And how many a living creature carries not its sustenance! Allah sustain s it and yourselves. And He is the Hearing, the Knowing. 33:31 And whoever of you is obedient to Allah and His Messenger and does good, We shall give her a double reward, and We have prepared for her an honourable s ustenance. 34:4 That He may reward those who believe and do good. For them is forgivenes s and an honourable sustenance. 34:15 Certainly there was a sign for Saba in their abode two gardens on the rig ht and the left. Eat of the sustenance of your Lord and give thanks to Him. A go od land and a Forgiving Lord! 34:24 Say: Who gives you sustenance from the heavens and the earth? Say: Allah . And surely we or you are on a right way or in manifest error. 37:41 For them is a known sustenance:
40:13 He it is Who shows you His signs and sends down for you sustenance from heaven, and none minds but he who turns (to Him). 40:40 Whoever does evil, he is requited only with the like of it; and whoever does good, whether male or female, and he is a believer, these shall enter the G arden, to be given therein sustenance without measure. 42:19 Allah is Benignant to His servants; He gives sustenance to whom He pleas es; and He is the Strong, the Mighty. 45:5 And (in) the variation of the night and the day and (in) the sustenance which Allah sends down from the heaven, then gives life thereby to the earth aft er its death, and (in) the changing of the winds, are signs for a people who und erstand. 50:11 A sustenance for the servants, and We give life thereby to a dead land. Thus is the rising. 51:22 51:57 Me. 51:58 g. And in the heavens is your sustenance and that which you are promised. I desire no sustenance from them, nor do I desire that they should feed Surely Allah is the Bestower of sustenance, the Lord of Power, the Stron
65:3 And gives him sustenance from whence he imagines not. And whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him. Surely Allah attains His purpose. Allah ind eed has appointed a measure for everything. 65:11 A Messenger who recites to you the clear messages of Allah, so that he m ay bring forth those who believe and do good deeds from darkness into light. And whoever believes in Allah and does good deeds, He will cause him to enter Garde ns wherein rivers flow, to abide therein forever. Allah has indeed given him a g oodly sustenance. 67:15 He it is Who made the earth subservient to you, so go about in the spaci ous sides thereof, and eat of His sustenance. And to Him is the rising (after de ath). 67:21 Or who is it that will give you sustenance, if He should withhold His su stenance? Nay, they persist in disdain and aversion. Total matching verses = 40 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Holy Quran translation: WEALTH 2:177 It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards the East and th e West, but righteous is the one who believes in Allah, and the Last Day, and th e angels and the Book and the prophets, and gives away wealth out of love for Hi m to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask and to set slaves free and keeps up prayer and pays the poor-rate; and the performers of their promise when they make a promise, and the patient in dis tress and affliction and in the time of conflict. These are they who are truthfu l; and these are they who keep their duty. 2:180 It is prescribed for you, when death approaches one of you, if he leaves behind wealth for parents and near relatives, to make a bequest in a kindly man
ner; it is incumbent upon the dutiful. 2:215 They ask thee as to what they should spend. Say: Whatever wealth you spe nd, it is for the parents and the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer. And whatever good you do, Allah surely is Knower of it. 2:236 There is no blame on you if you divorce women while yet you have not tou ched them, nor appointed for them a portion. And provide for them, the wealthy a ccording to his means and the straitened according to his means, a provision acc ording to usage. (This is) a duty on the doers of good. 2:247 And their prophet said to them: Surely Allah has raised Saul to be a kin g over you. They said: How can he have kingdom over us while we have a greater r ight to kingdom than he, and he has not been granted abundance of wealth? He sai d: Surely Allah has chosen him above you, and has increased him abundantly in kn owledge and physique. And Allah grants His kingdom to whom He pleases. And Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing. 2:261 The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is as th e parable of a grain growing seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. And Alla h multiplies (further) for whom He pleases. And Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing. 2:262 Those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, then follow not up wha t they have spent with reproach or injury, their reward is with their Lord, and they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve. 2:264 O you who believe, make not your charity worthless by reproach and injur y, like him who spends his wealth to be seen of men and believes not in Allah an d the Last Day. So his parable is as the parable of a smooth rock with earth upo n it, then heavy rain falls upon it, so it leaves it bare! They are not able to gain anything of that which they earn. And Allah guides not the disbelieving peo ple. 2:265 And the parable of those who spend their wealth to seek Allahs pleasure a nd for the strengthening of their souls is as the parable of a garden on elevate d ground, upon which heavy rain falls, so it brings forth its fruit twofold; but if heavy rain falls not on it, light rain (suffices). And Allah is Seer of what you do. 2:274 Those who spend their wealth by night and day, privately and publicly, t heir reward is with their Lord; and they have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 3:10 Those who disbelieve, neither their wealth nor their children will avail them aught against Allah. And they will be fuel for fire 3:75 And among the People of the Book there is he who, if thou entrust him wi th a heap of wealth, would pay it back to thee; and among them is he who, if tho u entrust him with a dinar would not pay it back to thee, unless thou kept on de manding it. This is because they say there is no blame on us in the matter of th e unlearned people and they forge a lie against Allah while they know. 3:116 Those who disbelieve, neither their wealth nor their children will avail them aught against Allah. And these are the companions of the Fire; therein the y abide. 4:34 Men are the maintainers of women, with what Allah has made some of them to excel others and with what they spend out of their wealth. So the good women are obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded. And (as to) those on who se part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the beds and chastise them. So if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Surely Allah is
ever Exalted, Great. 4:38 And those who spend their wealth to be seen of men and believe not in Al lah nor in the Last Day. And as for him whose companion is the devil, an evil co mpanion is he! 8:28 And know that your wealth and your children are a temptation, and that A llah is He with Whom there is a mighty reward. 8:36 Surely those who disbelieve spend their wealth to hinder (people) from t he way of Allah. So they will go on spending it, then it will be to them a regre t, then they will be overcome. And those who disbelieve will be gathered togethe r to hell, 8:72 Surely those who believed and fled (their homes) and struggled hard in A llahs way with their wealth and their lives, and those who gave shelter and helpe d these are friends one of another. And those who believed and did not flee, you are not responsible for their protection until they flee. And if they seek help from you in the matter of religion, it is your duty to help (them) except again st a people between whom and you there is a treaty. And Allah is Seer of what yo u do. 9:20 Those who believed and fled (their homes), and strove hard in Allahs way with their wealth and their lives, are much higher in rank with Allah. And it is these that shall triumph. 9:24 Say: If your fathers and your sons and your brethren and your wives and your kinsfolk and the wealth you have acquired, and trade whose dullness you fea r, and dwellings you love, are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger and st riving in His way, then wait till Allah brings His command to pass. And Allah gu ides not the transgressing people. 9:41 Go forth, light and heavy, and strive hard in Allahs way with your wealth and your lives. This is better for you, if you know. 9:44 Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day ask not leave of thee (to st ay away) from striving hard with their wealth and their persons. And Allah is Kn ower of those who keep their duty. 9:55 Let not then their wealth nor their children excite thine admiration. Al lah only wishes to chastise them therewith in this worlds life and (that) their s ouls may depart while they are disbelievers. 9:69 Like those before you they were stronger than you in power and had more wealth and children. So they enjoyed their portion; thus have you enjoyed your p ortion as those before you enjoyed their portion, and you indulge in idle talk a s they did. These are they whose works are null in this world and the Hereafter, and these are they who are the losers. 9:85 And let not their wealth and their children excite thy admiration. Allah only intends to chastise them thereby in this world, and (that) their souls may depart while they are disbelievers. 9:86 And when a chapter is revealed, saying, Believe in Allah and strive hard along with His Messenger, the wealthy among them ask permission of thee and say : Leave us (behind), that we may be with those who sit (at home). 11:29 And, O my people, I ask you not for wealth (in return) for it. My reward is only with Allah, and I am not going to drive away those who believe. Surely they will meet their Lord, but I see you a people who are ignorant. 17:6 Then We gave you back the turn against them, and aided you with wealth a nd children and made you a numerous band. 17:64 And incite whom thou canst of them with thy voice, and collect against t hem thy horse and thy foot, and share with them in wealth and children, and prom
ise them. And the devil promises them only to deceive. 18:34 And he had fruit. So he said to his companion, while he argued with him: I have greater wealth than thou, and am mightier in followers. 18:39 And wherefore didst thou not say, when thou enteredst thy garden: It is as Allah has pleased there is no power save in Allah? If thou consider me as les s than thee in wealth and children 18:46 Wealth and children are an adornment of the life of this world; but the ever-abiding, the good works, are better with thy Lord in reward and better in h ope. 19:77 Hast thou seen him who disbelieves in Our messages and says: I shall cer tainly be given wealth and children? 23:55 Think they that by the wealth and children wherewith We aid them,
24:33 And let those who cannot find a match keep chaste, until Allah makes the m free from want out of His grace. And those of your slaves who ask for a writin g (of freedom), give them the writing, if you know any good in them, and give th em of the wealth of Allah which He has given you. And compel not your slave-girl s to prostitution when they desire to keep chaste, in order to seek the frail go ods of this worlds life. And whoever compels them, then surely after their compul sion Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 26:88 The day when wealth will not avail, nor sons,
27:36 So when (the envoy) came to Solomon, he said: Will you help me with weal th? But what Allah has given me is better than that which He has given you. Nay, you are exultant because of your present. 28:76 Korah was surely of the people of Moses, but he oppressed them, and We g ave him treasures, so much so that his hoards of wealth would weigh down a body of strong men. When his people said to him: Exult not; surely Allah loves not th e exultant. 33:19 Being niggardly with respect to you. But when fear comes, thou wilt see them looking to thee, their eyes rolling like one swooning because of death. But when fear is gone they smite you with sharp tongues, being covetous of wealth. These have not believed, so Allah makes their deeds naught. And that is easy for Allah. 34:35 d. And they say: We have more wealth and children, and we cannot be punishe
34:37 And it is not your wealth, nor your children, that bring you near to Us in rank; but whoever believes and does good, for such is a double reward for wha t they do, and they are secure in the highest places. 43:23 And thus, We sent not before thee a warner in a town, but its wealthy on es said: Surely we found our fathers following a religion, and we follow their f ootsteps. 47:36 The life of this world is but idle sport and play, and, if you believe a nd keep your duty, He will give you your reward, and He does not ask of you your wealth. 49:15 The believers are those only who believe in Allah and His Messenger, the n they doubt not, and struggle hard with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah. Such are the truthful ones.
51:19 And in their wealth there was a due share for the beggar and for one who is denied (good). 53:48 And that He it is Who gives wealth and contentment:
57:20 Know that this worlds life is only sport and play and gaiety and boasting among yourselves and a vying in the multiplication of wealth and children. It i s as rain, whose causing the vegetation to grow pleases the husbandmen, then it withers away so that thou seest it turning yellow, then it becomes chaff. And in the Hereafter is a severe chastisement, and (also) forgiveness from Allah and ( His) pleasure. And this worlds life is naught but a source of vanity. 58:17 Of no avail against Allah, will be to them their wealth or their childre n. They are the companions of the Fire; therein they will abide. 61:11 You should believe in Allah and His Messenger, and strive hard in Allahs way with your wealth and your lives. That is better for you, did you but know! 63:9 O you who believe, let not your wealth nor your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah; and whoever does that, these are the losers. 64:15 Your wealth and your children are only a trial, and Allah with Him is a great reward. 68:14 69:28 70:24 Because he possesses wealth and sons. My wealth has not availed me. And in whose wealth there is a known right
71:12 And help you with wealth and sons, and make for you gardens, and make fo r you rivers. 71:21 Noah said: My Lord, surely they disobey me and follow him whose wealth a nd children have increased him in naught but loss. 89:20 90:6 92:11 92:18 100:8 104:2 104:3 111:2 And you love wealth with exceeding love. He will say: I have wasted much wealth. And his wealth will not avail him when he perishes. Who gives his wealth, purifying himself, And truly on account of the love of wealth he is niggardly. Who amasses wealth and counts it He thinks that his wealth will make him abide. His wealth and that which he earns will not avail him.
Total matching verses = 64 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Holy Quran translation: RICH 2:273 (Charity) is for the poor who are confined in the way of Allah, they can not go about in the land; the ignorant man thinks them to be rich on account of (their) abstaining (from begging). Thou canst recognize them by their mark they beg not of men importunately. And whatever good thing you spend, surely Allah is
Knower of it. 3:181 Allah has certainly heard the saying of those who said: Allah is poor an d we are rich. We shall record what they say, and their killing the prophets unj ustly, and We shall say: Taste the chastisement of burning. 4:6 And test the orphans until they reach the age of marriage. Then if you f ind in them maturity of intellect, make over to them their property, and consume it not extravagantly and hastily against their growing up. And whoever is rich, let him abstain, and whoever is poor let him consume reasonably. And when you m ake over to them their property, call witnesses in their presence. And Allah is enough as a Reckoner. 4:135 O you who believe, be maintainers of justice, bearers of witness for All ah, even though it be against your own selves or (your) parents or near relative s whether he be rich or poor, Allah has a better right over them both. So follow not (your) low desires, lest you deviate. And if you distort or turn away from (truth), surely Allah is ever Aware of what you do. 9:28 O you who believe, the idolaters are surely unclean, so they shall not a pproach the Sacred Mosque after this year of theirs. And if you fear poverty, th en Allah will enrich you out of His grace, if He please. Surely Allah is Knowing , Wise. 9:74 They swear by Allah that they said nothing. And certainly they did speak the word of disbelief, and disbelieved after their Islam, and they purposed tha t which they could not attain. And they sought revenge only because Allah as wel l as His Messenger had enriched them out of His grace. So if they repent, it wil l be good for them; and if they turn away, Allah will chastise them with a painf ul chastisement in this world and the Hereafter; and they shall have in the eart h neither a friend nor a helper. 9:93 The way (to blame) is only against those who ask permission of thee, tho ugh they are rich. They have chosen to be with those who remained behind; and Al lah has sealed their hearts, so they know not. 10:88 And Moses said: Our Lord, surely Thou hast given Pharaoh and his chiefs finery and riches in this worlds life, our Lord, that they may lead (people) astr ay from Thy way. Our Lord, destroy their riches and harden their hearts, so that they believe not till they see the painful chastisement. 59:7 Whatever Allah restored to His Messenger from the people of the towns, i t is for Allah and for the Messenger, and for the near of kin and the orphans an d the needy and the wayfarer, so that it be not taken by turns by the rich among you. And whatever the Messenger gives you, accept it, and whatever he forbids y ou, abstain (therefrom); and keep your duty to Allah. Surely Allah is Severe in retribution. 74:12 93:8 And gave him vast riches, And find thee in want, so He enriched thee?