Elex 1
Elex 1
Elex 1
a. a shorted resistor
b. an open resistor
1. A network designed to pass signals with frequencies between c. a broken wire
two specified cut-off frequencies is called a ____ filter. d. both a broken wire and an open resistor
a. decrease the current in the armature Answer: Galvanizing iron helps to prevent corrosion
b. decrease the flux
c. increase the power from the field windings 9. In an RC differentiator, the output pulse closely resembles the
d. increase the power from the motor input when
Answer: decrease the current in the armature a. T is less than the pulse width
b. T is much less than the pulse width
3. The electron activation of a movable shaft is the basis for: c. T is much larger than the pulse width
d. T is equal to the pulse width
a. relays
b. Magnetic switches Answer: T is much larger than the pulse width
c. Circuit breaker
d. Solenoids 10. Pentavalent impurities:
a. the RC has the widest output pulse Answer: increase a condition of a semiconductor material
b. you can tell the difference by observing the output waveforms
c. the output of one is an increasing and the output of the other is 11. Iron losses in a transformer are due to:
a decreasing exponential
d. the RL has the most narrow spikes on the output a. Flux leakage
b. The resistance of the primary and secondary windings
Answer: you can tell the difference by observing the output c. Eddy currents only
waveforms d. Both eddy current and hysteresis losses
5. When one of four series resistors is removed from a circuit and Answer: Both eddy current and hysteresis losses
the circuit reconnected, the current
12. Which of the following is not a basic Boolean operation?
a. decreases by the amount of current through the removed
resistor a. FOR
b. increases b. NOT
c. quadruples c. AND
d. decreases by one-fourth d. OR
16. A coil of wire is placed in a changing magnetic field. If the Answer: One 100 ohms resistor
number of turns in the coil is increased, the voltage induced
across the coil will _____. 24. When the collector resistor in a CE amplifier is increased in
value, the voltage gain:
Answer: increase
a. Become erratic
17. A sudden decrease in a total current into a parallel circuit may b. Increases
indicate: c. Decreases
d. Is not affected
a. Either an open resistor or a drop in source voltage
b. A short Answer: Increase
c. An open resistor (NOTE: Av = Rc / Re)
d. A drop in source voltage
25. Why is an exclusive-NOR gate also called an equality gate?
Answer: Either an open resistor or a drop in source voltage
a. The output is false if the inputs are equal
18. The output voltage of balanced Wheatstone bridge is: b. None of the choices
c. The output is true if the inputs are equal
a. Equal to a source voltage d. The outputs is true if the inputs are opposite
b. Equal to zero
c. Dependent on all the of the resistor values in the bridge Answer: The output is true if the inputs are equal
d. Dependent on the value of the unknown resistor
Answer: Equal to zero 26. If you measure all the voltage drops and the source voltage in
a series circuit and add them together, taking into consideration
19. When the frequency of the source voltage is increased, the the polarities, you will get a result equal to:
impedance of a parallel RC circuit ____.
a. The total of the voltage drops
Answer: decreases b. Zero
(By trial and error) c. The source voltage
d. The total of the source voltage and the voltage drops
20. Which of the following statements is false?
Answer: Zero
a. The supply current is a minimum at resonance in a parallel (Kirchoff’s Voltage Law)
b. The Q factor at resonance in a parallel circuit is the voltage 27. In the crankshaft position sensor in the figure below, the
magnification induced voltage across the coils is caused by:
c. Improving power factor reduces the current flowing a system
d. The circuit impedance is a maximum at resonance in a parallel
32. A TTL totem-pole circuit is designed so that the output b. CMOS
transistors: c. DIP
d. QFP
a. provide phase splitting
b. are never on together Answer: DIP
c. provide voltage regulation
d. are always on together 39. The slip speed of an induction motor:
Answer: are never on together a. is 100 per cent until the rotor moves and then falls to a low
33. In a photodiode, light produces ___________. b. is zero until the rotor moves and then rises to 100 percent
c. is zero until the rotor moves and then rises slightly
a. electroluminescence d. is 100 percent until the rotor moves and then falls to a low
b. forward current value
c. dark current
d. reverse current Answer: is 100 per cent until the rotor moves and then falls to a
low value
Answer: reverse current
40. The resonant frequency of parallel circuit is the same as a
series circuit using the same components when:
a. None of the choices
b. The Q is very low Answer: using Boolean algebra
c. There is no resistance
d. The Q is very high 46. In a class A amplifier, the output signal is _____.
Answer: 7400 has four two-input NAND gates; 7411 has three
three-input AND gates
which of the following formulas?
44. Atoms within a semiconductor crystal are held together by:
a. Atomic glue
b. Subatomic particles
c. Covalent bonds
d. The valence bond