ETL Process
ETL Process
ETL Process
Count check
Reconcile records with the source data
Data type check
Ensure no spam data loaded
Remove duplicate data
Check all the keys are in place
Data Loading
Data is loaded from the staging area to the target system. It involves the
following operations −
Record count check from the intermediate table to the target system.
Ensure the key field data is not missing or Null.
Check if the aggregate values and calculated measures are loaded in
the fact tables.
Check modeling views based on the target tables.
Check if CDC has been applied on the incremental load table.
Data check in dimension table and history table check.
Check the BI reports based on the loaded fact and dimension table and
as per the expected results.
Incremental Testing
Incremental testing is performed to verify if Insert and Update statements are
executed as per the expected result. This testing is performed step-by-step
with old and new data.
Regression Testing
When we make changes to data transformation and aggregation rules to add
new functionality which also helps the tester to find new errors, it is called
Regression Testing. The bugs in data that that comes in regression testing
are called Regression.
When you run the tests after fixing the codes, it is called retesting.
Navigation Testing
Navigation testing is also known as testing the front-end of the system. It
involves enduser point of view testing by checking all the aspects of the front-
end report − includes data in various fields, calculation and aggregates, etc.