Induction Notes MurliSir

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4 | tof $e rea) INDUCTION MACHINES o| Iasuiction Cent aut eee (ner popular eee Wa neat Concrete) — (Conmucerat [ Bowsltc Some sgt “py (vo-ae1 Ue Mee Prpetan | Im ou) AC Guurater ) Ruse keg trduncion relax Ub popular 1) Saale vovulhuvetion (Sqr cage werrciion ncctiot) © No nurcuiage » nO CrCuWbr Ammen ") Rosust | aide Cunetiawaste) W) Las maintenance ancl Mpart (Fk tnd forget) Ly tack VY) Teehatenl speecgceale ove B rey re geet 1 aarcl spurl beans Vy No ammrakiny ALaclion , comnuctalion usuus (Wo lomnuutation)) Vi) Opirakis or AC spay (Mo DE Amped) WW) eb Se wy Masking una 3g aprenhonous malth » | Bh uadtuction mel — ¥ __ dasrtuitia .™ : G ot cs pepulas eo oi it’ oval 7 Bisel cay, Tm hore lows starting Mrqun and it hion't Ao tp Spire wontkel (Ru with Vig etal Ke care yee yew tpurcl contrat) DMs > Malet Spplcte > Curar attr rut dows 4 ena So Mutual deductions” like & WAwutfornats Mug CALC — PramsforrwA (nicth those intuit ‘condang) 7 Ragrernnons machine Scanned with CamScanner > sal teeabek Pua > ali magnate fie ROTATING MAGNETIC FIELD Raima, TULA publcsreclh @& PARLE Un ALEC gs fetgpessn produce 2I0F beeing = Pebgpadt AL malerk OL GHoELntecl KK Rie Thue ane hoo bane MYUUnrini ploducy kme 1y A babonetcl — patyohme uy Mth Aue 4 athe ex AeipLoctnnk « if d Pret pier hone "YA bakoneicl : | ied, epee 8g ch am i ps a +h sappy Lao Hine displarenunt) wh Opalids actors oW ae : eS space ep kacennsnt) Hun tA Want eee % pur ratolu~ hath O enitant Apud rad wy wih a constant tude. > y enous Cos Fm @) ES Bm) Wat MALE fe Aiuision bath dupedi on psu eq ULL » > Ty Sm CWE Fig = Fm eAlWt- 120) Ties Tm Ws (wt 240) Nin — Npn 4 Ng = Npy woalO- (20) Ne = Nn eos (0-240) penal reed “4 2 -phaset Fa = TaNa = Sm Ws wl - pn Are Fp = Ja Na = Fm vas (wt Wo) » Nip taal ® - 16) Fes Tene s Tin coy (wt: BUd) + NpnttAO “Bu0) Tekh Ree AU ont mnafe Exe? open jot WIE 4 LOA (Wk 129 eH O- (do) + coi (ae tuv Jeos (> 24s) Scanned with CamScanner SOUL UCU UUs. e o Fret = Sr Npnd -t (eirtto cer lit-6)] 12 fycilit 01 6 Ize) + Wet (Kt- 10 - . 3 2 fetences ' a(S trem Fg ea lest- tur o- aud cot (tat -B40- 0 4 uy] Cases 6-GR0) = SmNpn aor O42 ot (ete) | WIA eRe 4 3 scarry 4 testa DY © 3 Fm Npn 4 (6-1L) [Fr = 1 Sfg ilo} Rieswttente Rau © bS Fim Walo-wO) 1) (ae KEE 0) 1S fin use ") ck we =90 : LS Fm Une ah war mort haat od wm Speck ar HB We aw ee | tn tpan WE, Nite a PLuifie spied = Os by = Gr tinvsk bar bm Ka (nk 120) bes Gm tn (wt-duc) Scanned with CamScanner a \ f x 72k 7 ae 7 ANNAAAARA @ pa & anes Soe | "Se Sie Bm Winn OAL, (0430 = OA i oc oA-& Boe 5 € . 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Fractional stot OF (snore _piteeed) (2 - rT Sanam na ean eeG AHA AHhAAHeaan a One Oil Mole tn Ore stot v « tn one Abel” . Cait men 2 tM ik canact be KAction) eth an < pote pit Sank pikchid teil Scanned with CamScanner Eine EQUATION dk flux are polo Spud = Ne of P 1 Ack UP 4 pats ' Zon! bonduweers | Phase kas AU buon frrek Kp: Pike factor Kw) Kp-Ka = Mineding frelon w® FLEMT een RMS valut = value Form factor Emma = ate Kho 8.92 BE fox Zp, wrductors rnd), = 890 6F Zn , (&) ' Erm) = bf New Npn: Tuane | phrase (Wer= =) ; Coemi),. = UY OF NPA Kp , Scanned with CamScanner ROTOR = > Spinel cage Read [stip acg "S Susisadl cage, v0tee Soft Ae SE Oomil ie CMEL mle) f @ Ailagck be bark (arg mic) Teer,’ a a wiehRbte . : * \plo go) Appuas tie a cays Guithent sou) sour eee funni voted A Relay Ket are “SKetel’ b fader, neggeng 4 Osewrbeg i > uu hae UK deal hua dupt > dw Xz Tay % S Ty Not douine contain : nid tidy ee AL bans ee aun plirvaninkly, shone eiceuileds tn tne Moke. The POL BNE fosmid autonaate Othe (paste mn en upp Muswen -atut, race ust be ee) pol SoM, te duuilep lal or te ee alee ea wept Co aD fees» Shit all nai paler must . . i albo an aulorate’ Appa om ually 2G tte dawte tbe auckoste for pole ebay peel contiok oa tow Coating Trquy (Tee RD. tans Ao bunching ond es tua or which mak UE dena Acbusl anol miintarence. Me het deertlink cunning unKnalnn ou conmpaud To stip meg Pound Jol urditical melas ate iquucel ay nuncelig LW) suse (es Scanned with CamScanner PPMP RARER A AAA RAAAAANAAANAAAAAAGCR tor (clowed), mei Lah skuved sta aT —————_] oe Phosphar (Bass ten ~ Tenalitipes “is Jy (pla Ue plautdad, bles btewahes Reto, 34 Kunete’ Prrfbed tn yo 7 bln ngy Sout by Mind wang staken » [eps tebe (oleit Bruker > ak Sealer Ae My tnt pr prase , Kiny ? Meincling preter Me KOU Na Meaucing faker, tun ALE PAOLO | King | (Gen = WU £O,Ni Ki, volts (Gpn = WHY FO. Ma Kon Vel THEORY OF WORKING _OF > Faraday ' law $ emz RAL ton duce CUTS” ees Weel umf ob phoclueel om a fer Aipranaccatiy, e= Bev une Cmaings Ru at, Scanned with CamScanner Rm Reto Priors, Ror AoA arlretockause Pores Avo katolin —___ O&Ns — RMF? aa eit) Flux ak Me ‘CUTS A cuKsent xsi const gaa in ie ftds tee a free Fe RIL Naot (Paairge Lie ats} tee cliuele’on 5 ame [f retiine Goud (rr-o) (cause) " statibratg Kelae } EG & trol oppose - denz) ae & _— Law ~ J TH Rotate — (Re) L > When ee us reer CO AO ALL BAD spud) (RMF sh Wh 3b moulin raln > RMF at No cuts me (Neo), and crcuuerdy vellnge coe aenoge thy SACO, eimamana | uA He a OLLON S| RME. (bok Ue sto Mow Ne “ay sh Mth a Klaine spec well co es fades haw of Cray Scanned with CamScanner ~a2e4A88 08 eR RE RRR PeeP eee s, DBs He fakes, U clotect, cutkent Ce procteed (Lite on oe) © & Fumcig'e RH fete) Caen eascy “Ca emduclhr pled tra magnetic fre OAc, A Raer what Leow i Reewtdeng Co Plikaingh FH Rat. By “re Ue Che foher tA te MAO ek the UiKLckton RINE. percrdeag to dtnz's law, He Milliant Fe Ackex Aakatcon Oppore Hee cater ie AMAL metro 1 Hunsforr , hake Acko tis UA Hee oliteltion of RMF > Aeticatty Ir Kalas mitnticl te tater thu “attol ef the CN Head Te As bul i stipe back anc muni row bo Sprowonod speed, A wUl heges L meer Aunt vey clove Lprehb oncut dried ™ no lad “ef be Hynes ow LIP. Se Me Wf Relation Gautol > pu Nc Ne-N = SNe = up sud &) ALL pc ‘hee Men Ng XIoo Nz Ne(I-s) > Ns Urs) Ne z > Sip GB wank AAhuentiag satin loeb pater Pur oad He crmductor (ait gap [ ond Hwy Kater) . ie Magi & wilkel aly ce chetolig the PUfEtmanee of Uiduuetion. Nel loaded + NY sp qe Pre, f+ Song Ns= to00 Ap m Mo leads taud = 995 4pm * 8s (000-995 0-005- tooo. 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VRB of Rela Pf at stoner & lw Palak PE AE Aanentng ak Nig _, {heter gawe at ACoEY : me & a te . 3° eae 144 # > Refs aa mtthoos a} Ea —— contd tarling Curkent VR (SP I a ¢ ls Tar (K-3) AIR Gpp FLUX | NET FLUX | RESULTANT FLUX ae £ Stator 1 RMF X Rng ; uquiney f ey) \ Rotor Rue Pragyaney se & Rotor spud (M) 4 Game WHE SERA a Ne US f,P) kate ak Ng CE 6, PD Romp rae te RMP P @) por (Staten ot R wake HCO oink ene di See No-Ntn Scanned with CamScanner Pa gap tux] Same § Rages tne Stale, af Ne © Nut flux | ee Ras lanst flax Same # Reme , MAE 0tee ey Sg or RU (pud 7 Tht tus rutie feulelt tn on tnctuclton mrotdy produced SOLES ane Y poten Ot alway salina wht G tachy thu BE ty sep CA a ‘puct Ceerpt S¥o a NIE Ne Th Us beduu Ke monet poles tr alr ancl Aol Aue ual By seh U) SAL ce FU, 5s Ha ae Jap mhtch Metals at LW chs pret a nnsainsg content fom no Load te pole loa ( Worle Une oO Gans fotnur) THis lank flux tela oA Se La He WH analyser + Ranleb ook Ost) (a) SER acat Neg RiotruL steal 0 $: 1000 Apm kof KOE Kk Sutex meagalic field = ¢0D-loco ea tae — Epr= UU Fd Neh Kw By Eye uuY Fog Ni Kor Ey: GUY & be Na Kwa “4 PIMA Ah staluomany Neo) G'= uuu (sf) by Na Kwa ty Kalen Muka NI at ship ) Be Pk Gap flux] Rusuttant | niet flux 4a | Grme GINS) Me ( a rotact ak Me ent) Scanned with CamScanner Tr panne Chacifarnus onal, sndurction maschin Ke ake PP fur $= Bp ene 7 ») E=-Ndo (Far ndaey hana’o laws Maow ee (eel sug notation > E= -N a (Gy, ant) ae = NM tye owe = N Bq & Sin(4o- Ke) > €= N By w Kn (Hse - 90) Aevotaiing Ge Hs wow ent ow [ by dnduetdct tow a we pew 6y 20 € Wan frnus of ne loach dudion mathtan at no Lead) "7 v = (e671 Rots} § Hae = — Tor V-€) , zy A fh Me Loagl _ Za S20 Nee SQ 2 o, sQy RD SY Scanned with CamScanner rrr a eee eee @ Pe TPR PPPOE EEE ROPER EEE EE Ve mataeged: Ey SG H'( Rayan) @: fussy fpedane, ‘ oof sea a! 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Ke Nim Ein 2 oe NG pn Sao, Rotor tuon | pase Ke Sip Cap, ok Mond sy » Fruquance Uru Ww 4 v Faaquuney U fare tn Ahelin, Goel ed Orel hatin, ore at Rardstoll 4) No a nae 7 fad 8) RMF Ce Mecent bheares He, bude he Saracdingy ic ae an dikibutiel Concer atc 44 ww) Fug U meuntauid tonifant 19) flux ch wAintaned constant form NIL to hattel Loot: un fom Ni @ hale load wv Hoe cow Ye an gap Y Pow filth on wo oad uw NW) Powe packet Ov No Lond UW Us bak Uaproure Mi lead Lar but nnpsouu mth loael oD beakage (wou ane Wt R) Rebatiaatye mee Kar Piru b aiduiction mrclet ou Guile MALL in duis mg ancl bthalout Wo Wack fo Kalids Load mith Purple MuKUAL inditsli'on onal macat antag fur consti’. 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Tsk ok Mee ee > Tee ma % 4 ronition + $1 vy Low Ato load f Aalid | 0-006 to 0-006 ()* << ™ Ty & SE.* > iG = |S te ae & Sut R, ike Fox ee juee supply Vv Re women” [EEK a Vi-—$r—€, qy, : Taw f (oll, ll, lol, tol. london fol marin funniog Baur ath Th x SRe aS RA (9u)” uc 1, i Scanned with CamScanner fmox & Ss (erry (Sa) ony > Threw Sy QOL Th wey oh a ee —“—ir—s—Cs__ AOL Kiactanen at Mandy stil Ot), Marin qu Y Iraipenddint tater, MCUAree bat HAs ip a hh He Mowinnuine Ww ora Spinal mM & Tina 06 ~ ayy TORE SUP CHARACTERISTICS dow sip? (8a) Ryo Taxsuscped ? Tdiracnd | NC) TA sere, & SER Tauateptdt Mumord NE Ra era Ra TTaantlepid > Taerwad 4 for 0 Guy Vom Ra Modurake sip: Csmyu RY Yeon Aina Han ap gone: (SRF FR Tem % SG*R2 xg SEF Rr Re Sixt ae Heputers ee om S*,* Scanned with CamScanner a fea a givin Ra, %a.V . 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