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Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2022)

IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22K25-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-1028-1

Simulation of Pick and Place Robotic Arm using

S. Rooban IwinThanakumar Joseph S R M animegalai
Department ofElectronicsand Department of Computer Science and Department of Computer Science and
Communication Engineering Engineering Engineering,
Koneru LakshmaiahEducation Koneru LakshmaiahEducation PSG Institute of Technology and Applied
Foundation, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, Foundation, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, Research,
522502, INDIA. 522502, INDIA. Coimbatore District, T.N,641062,
[email protected] [email protected] INDIA.
[email protected]
Idupulapati venkata sai eshwar R Uma M ageswari
Department of Electronics and Department of Computer Science and
Communication Engineering Engineering,Vardhaman College of
Engineering, Shamshabad, Hyderabad,
Koneru Lakshmaiah Education
Foundation, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,501218, INDIA.
522502, INDIA [email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract— Technology is growing in a fast pace in terms of furthermore increasing the number of wheels simp ly increases
higher technical aspects to meet the requirements of the present the static balance for navigation. More weight of the robotic
industrial revolution. Technically sound human being alone not arm demands the extra power to make the robotic arm to
sufficient to co-op with the industrial revolution. To meet the
navigate. Because of these reasons, robot arm attracts more
growing demands of any industry through the available human
in is a toughest task. Current industry revolution 4.0 is being interest for many years. Wheel loco motion is simp le for
implemented all over the world with the help of robotic navigation when compared to legged motion. But loco motion
technology. To perform the routine works and simple tasks on wheels, makes use of movement in forward direction and
increase the use of robotic arm handlings. At present there is a backward direct ion only. If the wheels are regular, robot
vast requirement for these types of robots in industries to cannot move in angular direction [1]. In the latest technology,
perform repeatable actions like moving objects, welding, robotics is one of the fast-growing methodologies used to
painting, packing goods, assembling of parts 3D printing etc., solve many real time applications with reduced cost and less
These types of robots are called robotic arm which are used complexity in constructions [2]. Emerging engineering
precisely in industries to complete the work easier, quicker with
technology and automation in the stream of robotics makes
perfection. The robotic arm is formed by connecting all the
joints, motors to activate each joint of the robotic arm. Robotic
unemploy ment, however, it addit ionally p rovides the facility
arm is controlled by the micro controllers through program. The to complete the task in reg ions and conditions which are
robotic arm is generally five to seven degrees of freedom and dangerous for human beings. There are many types of robot
capable of rotate in all the directions. End effector is connected at arms, in terms of construction materials, actuator, controllers,
the edge of the robot which is used to pick the objects. End and based on the environment in which those arms are used. In
effector is like the fingers in our human arm, in robotics how [3],assembling of various jo ints and end effector are d iscussed
better the program controls the end effector decides the to form the arm of robots [3]. Nowadays as the technology is
performance of the robotic arm. This work discusses the design moving closer to robotics, those who are learn ing generally
of the robot arm through the coppeliasim. The designed
require some preliminaries to understand the complex robotic
manipulator gives the accurate and reliable output for picking
systems. Implementation of robotic systems direct ly in
and placing the object.
hardware during learning may results harm to the learner if
Keywords—Coppeliasim, robotic arm, picking, placing. anything goes wrong. To avoid that, imp lementation with the
hardware can be co mp leted after study analyze the robotics
I. INTRODUCTION system fu lly. The simu lator coppeliasim can be used to
In many cro wded locations like exh ibit ions, bus stations, and simu late the design before the imp lementation [4]. Four and
inside the international airports, machines are mo re correct seven-axis devices are availab le in market with lots of
and reliable than the human for performing any continuous flexib ility and dexterity for perfectly suited to the project
operation. This robot arm can be placed on four wheels to requirement. Those available robot arm can be incorporated in
make the arm utilizat ion for many applications. Most of the the required project with minor modification based on the
research are focused to use diverse management structures additional facility or constraint of the project[5]. Art iculated
strategies to increase the overall performance of the robotic, robots are having rotary joints. The number of joints in

978-1-6654-1028-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 600

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22K25-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-1028-1

articulated robots are vary fro m the simple t wo jo ints to ten to do their endorsed physical sports exercises accurately [15-
are more based on the application in which the robot is utilized 17]. In this work, an entire physical treat ment apparatus for
[6]. The Selective Co mpliance Articulated Robot Arm the utilizat ion of the Proficio auto mated arm. Our device
(SCARA)is used widely in industry for many applications. translates the 3D motor and kinemat ic of a person's
Major applications for SCARA robot are the place in wh ich development with the Proficio arm, assesses the common
high velocity and high accuracy are mandatory. SCA RA generally execution of the indiv idual, and prescribes alternate
performs the pick and place and assemble operations solution [18].
effectively with the required speed and precision. Co mmon ly
used 4 Degree of Freedom (DOF) SCA RA robots are built The Proficio obviously connected to imp rove benefactor by
with three rotary jo ints and one prismatic joint [7]. More moving their arm steadily with the program. Th is simu lation
precise motion can be performed by using DELTA robot. Base analyzes the direction of the benefactor and performs
is connected in the form o f parellograms. The structure of the assessments with respect to the pose and development of the
delta robot makes the joints which are connected in middle to body[19]. The p roposed robot design additionally sends report
bend inward to increase the precision [8]. about the work to the operator remotely show each day
working in real-t ime essentially so he or she can be able to
II. LITERATURE SURVEY convey comments and motivation [20-23].
To assemble the elements of the robotic system it's essential to
undergo diverse structure and methodologies to achieve The shapes of mechanical arms are changing to fulfil the
perfect mo mentum of designed robotic structure. The design requirement. The requirement has no limits. Robot palms
flow o f robotic system includes programming the task and the canvases in farming, flying, postal admin istrations, recording
working environment. Robot design includes mechanical studios, and more than one thousand distinctive applications.
units, sensor units, actuation units and supervision units. In Axis layout X-axis characterizes level development. Y-axis
Program sends commands to robotic system which determines characterizes vert ical develop ment. Z-axis characterizes
actions on the environment. Mechanical units of robot include concentrated development. Most businesses depended on
end effectors, wrist and supporting structure. Sensor units of simp le 2-axis robots. 4-axis robots offer the most extreme
robot include proprioceptive which is internal robot state, solid and useful capability for most extreme needs. The
exteroceptive which is external wo rld. Actuation unit of robot similarity among a 4-axis automated and the hu man arm
includes motors such as electrical, hydraulic, pneumat ic and constitute the capacity to duplicate the development
motion control algorith ms. Supervision units of robot include effortlessly. Distinctive programming dialects control the
task planning and control, artificial intelligence and reasoning. mechanical palms.
different types of robots can be classified based on degrees of
freedom wh ich is translational envelopes, rotational III. PROPOSED WORK
envelopes. we are able to get overall execution and best
precision, the framework may be flexib le and powerfully A. Role ofCoppeliaSim
steady. Essentially, the test system is flexible to carry out best CoppeliaSim is basically a simu lator with few toolbo xes
functionalities which are likely difficult in normal way [9]. which are necessary to simu late a robot. By using thes e types
The most important goal is to simu late the robot arm this is of simulations, software-based model can be created based on
used for choosing and placing the gadgets from one area to the project requirements. With the help of this emu lator
any other area in specific environment. It is used withinside various parameters of the software robot are verified virtually
the mo re than one co mmercial programs, fro m weld ing, fabric with various terrain. Figure 1 shows the initialized
handling, and thermal spraying, to portray and drilling [10]. CoppeliaSim.
The software language which we used in Coppelia Sim to
program is LUA - an excessive-degree language. We can
create robot arms and choose the gadgets, also can create our
personal ext raordinary forms of gadgets shapes with
extraordinary sizes based on our requirement [11]. The format
and advancement of a robot arm controller that allow the
utilizat ion of a robot arms as a sensible research facility form
for insisting and getting to know about mechanical arm
calculations are displayed. The proposed gadget incorporates
an OWI robot. The robotic-assisted period has given analysts
modern openings to brighten conventional physical recovery
with mechanically progressed gadgets [12-14]. The
application of robot is to enhance the possibility of physical
treatment and speed up the recovery period o f patients.
Mechanical frameworks can address a pivotal work in
physical treatment - help ing, directing, and propelling patients Fig.1.Coppeliasim Initialization Integrated simulator

978-1-6654-1028-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 601

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22K25-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-1028-1

The robot simulator CoppeliaSim is an integrated development

module operated by the controlled framework. Controlling of
this framework is developed in embedded script. Robot is
controlled via script through various high-level functionalit ies.
The CoppeliaSim scenario are dynamically updated by
calculation modules.

B. Wheeled locomotion
Robot nav igat ion is ach iev ed th rough the mov ement o f the
wheels, wh ich can move in fo rward and reverse direction s.
Robot movements are cons idered on the scale of
revo lut ions of the moto r fixed at left -side and right -side
wheel, by regu lat ing that moto r cont rol we are ab le
decrease or increase the speed of the movement. Fig.3. Structure of wheel

C. Pick And Place Module

Obtain ing the stable behav io r of robot wh ile lifting
different shapes o f ob jects is cru cial. Figure 4 sho ws the
robotic arm hand ling the ob ject in CoppeliaSim. Path
plann ing is very essential to maint ain stab ility wh ile
picking objects and reduces uneven features of robot.

Fig.2. Wheeled Locomotion integrated simulation framework.

Wheels are designed by using the geometric shapes options

available in CoppeliaSim software shown in Figure 2. While
designing the wheel a special technique can be used rather
than going to normal wheel that is circular in shape. The
proposed design uses the spherical shaped wheel wh ich can
perform various special operations is shown in Figure 3. The
wheel with 4 revolute jo ints makes the wheel mo re efficient
and accurate while mov ing and makes the things easy to
perform for different operations. Creating a dialog bo x by
relegating the button as function, the robot Positioning the
objects from one end of place to other place within the Fig.4. Robotic arm.
wheeled motion. Picking the object and placing the objects at
Cop pelia Si m is an efficient robots o f so ft ware p lat fo rm
the goal is one of the operations of the mechanical robotic arm
simu lat or wh ich sup p lies a set o f to o ls fo r d ev ices to
in manufacturing plant automations. Robot possesses various
simu lat e the ro bot . Th is so ft ware is prog ra mmed to
role such as supervising of other robot, initializing the robot to
create and bu ild a v irtu al 3-d i mension almo del. Th is
arrangement of charts, Scripts, Way arranging, and Client
simu lat or is used t o des ig n a v irtu al rob ot by ut ilizin g t he
applications. Actuators is related to Forward kinematics,
real t ime charact erist ic featu res . Various ob ject iv es
inverse kinemat ics, and navigation which are required fo r the
wh ich are su ppo rt ed b y t he Cop peliaSi m Si mu lat io n are
continuous movement hence permits for mo re adaptable
Mo vab le veh icle, Pick an d p lace robot , int eract ion
recreation. SHAPES: shapes are circle molded networks and
bet ween v eh icle an d rob ot, an d creat io n o f ob jects. The
geometry plans which are used for inflexib le body
Cop pelia Si m so ft ware cons ists o f vast t ypes o f t oo ls,
representation or computation modules depend on collision
ro bots, lib raries, ob jects , and t op er-for m fo r t he
location, and least distance calculation.
simulat ions.
D. Types Of Joints
Revolute jo ints are utilized in various applications such as
entryway pivots, components, and other uniaxial revolution
gadgets. Figure 5 shows the revolute joint. It is also called as
stick jo int or p ivot joint. It has one DoF and are ut ilized to
portray rotational developments between objects. Their setup

978-1-6654-1028-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 602

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22K25-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-1028-1

is characterized by the sum of revolution joint with respect to provided by all the jo ints. The DOF is used to decide what
the reference frame's z-axis. number of orientations and approaches that the arm can pass.

Fig.7. Frame allocation for the Joint 1

Fig.5. Revolute joint

Prismatic joint it may be an association between two objects

that permits relative movement along a single hub. Prismat ic Maintaining the stability is the crucial ro le for any robot
joint is shown in Figure 6. A kaleidoscopic joint is regularly wh ile carry ing d ifferent mo lds and shapes of ob jects.
called a slider crank-slider lin kage. The position between two Figure 7 sho ws the Frame allocation for the Joint 1. Path
bodies associated by a joint can be characterized by the sum making p lans keeps balance even as when lift ing items and
of straight slide of one in relative to the other one. This one decreases choppy traits of robot. Robotic arm works on the
commands programmed using the Lua-high level
parameter development recognizes this joint as a one.
programming language. Figure 8 shows the basic internal
structure of the robot. The wheels are the combination of
prismat ic joints and revolute joints which helps in moving in
horizontal d irections (right or left).The co mmands us ed in lua
are used for automation of arm for p icking the objects and
placing the object to the destination position.

Fig.6. Prismatic joint

E. Degree Of Fredom
Degrees of freedom (DoF) decide the capability of the robot in
3D space. There are six general levels of freedo m. Three
corresponds to rotational motion across x, y, and z axis,
usually termed as pitch, yaw, and ro ll respectively. Nu mber of
fundamental approaches in an inflexible item can pass through Fig.8. basic internal structure of robotic arm.
3D Space. The DOF is same for all the same jo ints
irrespective of their position in the arm. But the overall degree The robotic arm which is having different types of joints helps
of freedom of the arm is based on the cu mulative DOF the robot to pick the objects of different shapes and place them
in another place which is useful in the industries and factories

978-1-6654-1028-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 603

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22K25-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-1028-1

as it increases the efficiency when compared with hu mans

allocated for the same task. The Proposed robotic arm has 5
revolute joints and 1 prismat ic joint which helps to hold the
object. The degree of freedo m of robot is equal to the degree
of freedom of the number of joints which is equal to 6.

Fig.10. 3-d dimensional robotic arm with holding an object

Creat ion and interfacing of various modules, objects, parts,

lin ks, joints, shapes and so on, are performed.Also,the
integration of loco motion or vehicle part and robotic arm part
Fig.9. Fixed Robotic Arm. is completed. The proposed structure is s hown in Fig11.

F. Mechanism
Figure 9 shows the robotic arm fixed with the floor. Fixed
robotic arm works on the commands by Lua for applications
specifically to pick the object fro m the moving environ ment
such as the conveyor belt.Fixed robotic arm is also used to
place the specific ob ject fro m one moving conveyor which is
picked fro m another conveyor with all group of objects based
on the sorting commands programmed into that robot.

Figure 10 shows the fixed arm is placed over the moving

wheel to increase the capability of the robot.

Fig.11. Internal structural representation of full robot .

The robotic arm has 3 degrees of freedo m.Those three degrees

of flexib ility working together gives a wide range of positions
where the mechanical arm can accomplish.

The robot which is designed in the simulator operates the

robotic arm to move in forward and backward also left side
and right side without any deviation as shown in the Figure12.

978-1-6654-1028-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 604

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22K25-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-1028-1


The proposed work of robotic arm to pick and place objects

fro m one place to another place is simulated using software
simu lation techniques in CoppeliaSim. Programming
techniques are applied in CoppeliaSim to improve the
behavior of real time robot performance, functioning,
hardware limitat ions and restrictions. Simu lation techniques
decrease the number of paths and repetition which are used to
verify the robot in real time with hardware co mponents. These
types of experimental processing reduce the burden to
implementation comp lexity and analysis which is most helpful
to investigate new robot design.


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