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Characteristics and behavior of geomembranes

Behavior of the various families of geomembranes

HDPE: high chemical resistance, fabricated in wide roles to reduce the number of welds in an installation, welding by
fusion (double welding) or extrusion.
F-PP: compromise between flexibility and chemical resistance, fabricated in wide rolls to reduce the number of welds
in an installation, welding by fusion (double welding) or extrusion.
P-PVC: flexibility, large choice of colors, possible to prefabricate, welding by fusion (double welding).

In each case, the designer must ensure that the project characteristics are compatible with the type of
geomembrane. Several geomembranes may be used for a given project.
The principle characteristics of various geomembranes are specified by family and by thickness in tables below:

High-density polyethylene geomembranes

High-density polyethylene
Minimal average characteristics Standard Units
Thickness EN 1849-2 mm 1.5 to 1.99 2.0 to 2.9 ≥2.5
Static puncture (resistance NF P 84
N 470 600 800
to 507
maximal force)
Tensile PD* 23 30 38
resistance EN 12311-2 kN/m
yield point TD** 23 30 38
Permeability EN 14150 <1 × 10−5
Weldability (peeling tension)
Automated welding – Welding factor NF P84 501 0.7 0.7 0.7
Extrusion – Welding factor NF P84 501 0.6 0.6 0.6
Rupture mode Excluding seal Excluding seal Excluding seal

Flexible polypropylene geomembranes

Minimal average characteristics Standard Units Flexible polypropylene (F-PP) geomembranes
1 to 1.2 to 1.5 to 1.8 to
Thickness EN 1849-2 mm ≥2
1.19 1.49 1.79 1.99
Static puncture (resistance at
N 125 150 175 210 240
NF P 84 507
Static puncture (displacement at
mm 11
Tensile PD* 6.0 7.0 8.5 10.0 11.0
resistance at
EN 12311-2 kN/m
TD** 5.4 6.25 7.5 8.75 9.6
Permeability EN 14150 <1 × 10−5
Weldability (peeling tension)
NF P84502-2 7 8 9 10 11
Automated welding – Resistance
NF P84502-2 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5
Automated welding – Minimum individual
Excluding Excluding Excluding Excluding Excluding
NF P84502-2 seal 5 seal 6 seal 7 seal 8 seal 9
Automated welding – Rupture mode
NF P84502-2 3 4 5 6 7
Manual welding – Resistance
Peeling Peeling Peeling Peeling Peeling
Manual welding – Minimum individual value
only not only not only not only not only not
Manual welding – Rupture mode
authorize authorize authorize authorize authorize
d d d d d
Plasticized polyvinyl chloride geomembranes

Plasticized polyvinyl chloride (P-PVC)

Minimal average characteristics Standard Units
geomembranes– resistant or not to UV
1.0 to 1.2 to 1.5 to 1.8 to
Thickness EN 1849-2 mm ≥2
1.19 1.49 1.79 1.99
Static puncture (resistance to
NF P 84 507 N 220 264 330 396 440
maximal force)
Tensile PD* 13.0 15.6 19.50 23.4 26.0
resistance at
EN 12311-2 kN/m
TD** 12.5 15.0 18.75 22.5 25.0
Permeability EN 14150 <1 × 10−5
Weldability (peeling tension) NF P84502-2
6 7 8 9 10
Automated welding – Resistance NF P84502-2
4 5 6 7 8
Automated welding – Minimum individual
Excluding Excluding Excluding Excluding Excluding
value NF P84502-2
seal 4 seal 4 seal 5 seal 5 seal 6
Automated welding – Rupture mode NF P84502-2
3 3 4 4 5
Manual welding – Resistance
Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive
Manual welding – Minimum individual value
mode mode mode mode mode
Manual welding – Rupture mode
only not only not only not only not only not
authorize authorize authorize authorize authorize
d d d d d

*PD: production direction**TD: traverse direction

Welding of the geomembranes

General measures
The quality of a geomembrane is partially a function of the quality of the welding. The geomembranes should be
assembled to ensure a watertight, resistant, and durable seam. However, note that the mechanical characteristics of
the seams are strongly related to the mechanical characteristics of the geomembrane itself. Therefore, the choice of
geomembrane should not be determined by comparing the mechanical characteristics of the seams between
different types of geomembranes.

Welding equipment
The means used for welding are presented in Table 1.

1 per welder + 1 1 per welder + 1 1 per welder + 1

in reserve per in reserve per in reserve per
WELDING APPARATUS Automated double- work work work
welding machine
site site site

Manual hot air welding 1 per team 1 per team

machine NA

1 per welder + 1 1 per welder + 1

in reserve per in reserve per
Manual extruder NA work work

site site

WELDING MATERIAL Thread or Thread or

granules for granules for

extrusion extrusion

Table 1 — Means required for welding.

The width of the overlaps depends on the material and the welding material (for automated welds). The width of the
overlaps and those of the assemblies are presented in Table 2 as a function of the materials and the welding modes.


Automated double Overlap ≥10 cm ≥15 cm ≥15 cm

Width of weld 2 times 12 mm 2 times 2 times
minimum (+ central
12 mm minimum (+ 12 mm minimum
canal) central canal) (+ central canal)

Manual weld Overlap ≥10 cm ≥15 cm

Width of weld 25 to 50 mm 25 to 50 mm

Extrusion Overlap ≥3 cm ≥3 cm

Width of weld Width of welding Width of welding

wire wire

Table 2 — Width of overlaps and of assemblies

Common rules
The actual welding operation requires that the panels overlap each other. The minimum overlap is a function of the
nature of the geomembrane and of the welding technique to be used. It exceeds the effective width of the welding.
The seams constitute delicate points. They must be implemented with extreme care. It is prohibited to do them :

Under rain or underwater,

In the snow,

In the mud,

During strong winds, and

In extreme temperatures

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