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The Space Power Manual

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Intended purpose 3 Space power contributions framework 14 Space lift 18

Importance of space 4 Force generation 14 How we intend to operate 19

The space domain 5 Space command and control 14 Space power coordination 20

Physical description 5 Space control 15 National space power 21

Orbits 6 Space intelligence and ISR 15 Space Domain Lead - Chief of Air Force 21

Space system segments 7 Space operations 15 Defence Space Command 21

Human dimension 9  elationship between the

R The Australian Space Agency 22
space power contributions 16
The strategic context 9 The Australian Space Operations Centre 22
Space power roles and space mission areas 17
Legal aspects 10 Joint Operations Command 22
Space power roles 17
Ethical and social context 10 International coordination 23
Space mission areas 18
Threats to space 11 How we will grow space power 24
Positioning, navigation and timing 18
The natural environment and space debris 11 Enhancing capability and growing the force 24
Space-based ISR 18
Competitors and counter-space capabilities 11 Highlighting the criticality of space 25
Satellite communications 18
Space power concepts 12 Growing National Space Enterprise 25
Space domain awarenes 18
What is space power? 12 Evolving the Defence Space Enterprise 25
Missile warning 18
Space power characteristics 13
Space weather 18
Perspective 13
Satellite operations 18
Reach 13
Space control 18
Adaptability 13

Space Power eManual: 1st Edition, 2022

© Commonwealth of Australia 2022. This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part maybe reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Department of Defence.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 2

Intended Purpose

The Space Power Manual is the foundational

Defence reference on the employment of
space power, complementing and supporting
all levels of Defence education and doctrine.
The Space Power eManual’s core purpose is to support
the training and education of those who will employ
and enable space power. The eManual presents the
theory of space power and introduces the space power
contributions model. The eManual also describes the
practical aspects of its employment and integration
through space power roles and mission areas,
consistent with the space power considerations of
Defence’s major Combined Space Operations partners.
The eManual introduces the terminology, definitions
and concepts that underpin space power and situate
its employment within the Australian strategic context;
it clearly explains that space power is not an end in or
of itself — its purpose is to achieve national objectives.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 3

Importance of Space

The immutable nature of the space domain Like all modern nation-states, Australia has become protection; intelligence gathering and targeting ability;
provides advantages to humanity that are reliant on space; from the simple networked way over-the-horizon and long-range communications
of life Australians lead, to the national and global and command and control. Defence recognises the
unattainable from other physical domains.
infrastructure of the world’s economy. Access to space importance of this environment as both an essential
These advantages have permeated into systems and space-derived information and data has enabler of military terrestrial operations and an
almost all aspects of human society, become crucial to Australia’s social, economic and operating domain in its own right.
from the celestial navigation techniques national security interests, and place in the world.
developed and employed by the very first The space domain and its component capabilities,
Expansive exploitation of this domain has given rise services and technologies are critical enablers of
seafarers, to the modern reliance on space-
to an expectation of continuous connection. Space the ADF, underpinning Australia’s ability to project
based positioning, navigation and timing services are ubiquitous, persistent and omnipresent; military force across the spectrum of conflict (figure
(PNT) systems. ideally suited to meeting the connection and 1). Defence recognises the degradation or restriction
information needs of Australian society. of space capabilities by an adversary, or a natural
phenomena that restricts the use of space, would
For the military, access to space systems and threaten the ADF’s operational capability. This
services is critical to enabling military capabilities and would impede Defence from supporting Government
activities. The space domain provides, amongst other decision-making.
key services: positioning, navigation and timing; force

Figure 1 – Spectrum of conflict


The framework used to describe the complex range of geostrategic interactions of national power that range
dynamically between cooperation, competition and conflict.


Cooperation Competition Conflict

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 4

The Space Domain

Understanding the nature of the space

domain is necessary in order to understand
the complex utilisation of space in a space
power context and how threats to the
domain may manifest.
Physical Description

As a physical dimension, space is the expanse of

volume beginning at 100km altitude above the surface
of Earth and which does not end1. Space is generally
accepted as a global commons.

This physical expanse of space is dominated by

phenomena not ordinarily experienced on the surface
of the Earth or any other physical domain. The
influence of gravity, the presence of radiation and
charged particles and the lack of atmosphere in the
state of vacuum are all unique aspects of the space

Space is generally
accepted as a
global commons

1. Australia accepts that space commences at 100km above sea level but this is not universally accepted.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 5

Figure 2 – Identification of Orbits

Within the context of modern space power, we can define the space domain using an Roll over the orbits below to discover more:
orbital regime taxonomy. The nature of the gravity well the Earth produces and the
Low Earth Orbit
way humankind interacts with it allows for objects in orbit around Earth to be simply
and collectively grouped. The most common orbits are described (figure 2) by the Medium Earth Orbit
average altitudes and shapes of each orbital regime. Geosynchronous Orbit

Highly Elliptical Orbit


Low Earth Orbit 100km – 2000km ISR, Environmental Monitoring,

(LEO) Communications, Human

Medium Earth 2000km – 35785km PNT, Communications

Orbit (MEO)

Geosynchronous Average of 35785km Communications, Missile Warning,

Orbit (GEO) ISR, Environmental Monitoring
Click here to see all orbits
Highly Elliptical Approximately High Latitude Communications,
Orbit (HEO) 1000km to 40000km Missile Warning and ISR

There are numerous special cases of orbital regimes, spacecraft missions and
activities that do not fit this taxonomy. Details of these special cases are addressed in
space fundamental training courses.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 6

Space System Segments

Descriptions of the space domain should not be limited

to its purely physical nature nor simply as a description
of orbital regimes and the satellites that inhabit it.
Instead, the activity occurring in and through space,
predominately caused by human endeavour on Earth,
can be described through the systems that enable the
activity. Defence uses the concept of space system
segments to do this. These segments are identified on
the next page and visually represented in Figure 3.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 7

Space segment
Figure 3 – Space System Segments
This is the spacecraft in the system – either individual or a
constellation. The satellite bus provides the structure and
supporting subsystems – including power, communications,
thermal control and attitude/orbit control – to support
the payload (the equipment that actually performs the
spacecraft’s mission). A single satellite may carry multiple SATELLITES SATELLITES SATELLITES SATELLITES
payloads and payloads may serve many customers. GEOSYNCHRONOUS ORBIT
35,786 km
User segment capabilities can be hand-held, or mounted in MEDIUM EARTH ORBIT
vehicles, on maritime vessels and in aircraft. 2,000 km up to GSO
Link segment SATELLITES
The link segment is the communications network that
100 to 2,000 km
connects the other segments and includes both the
electromagnetic spectrum and cyber considerations. LINK SEGMENT

Ground segment USER Ground

Differentiated from the user segment, the ground segment SEGMENT SEGMENT
is the ground-based infrastructure and associated services
or support mechanisms and personnel critical to the
functioning of the space system, such as satellite monitoring
and control, uplink and downlink ground stations and
mission operations centres.

These four segments can be found interspersed throughout

all five operating domains and, when used in real world SUBJECTS MISSION SYSTEM TELEMETRY, TRACKING & CONTROL

operations, the definitions of each segment can be porous

and malleable. It is the human element that applies
understanding to the complexities of operations.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 8


An appreciation of the human-centric The Strategic Context

attributes of the space domain are vital in The space operating environment is as strategically
understanding the space domain. complex as any other domain. Defence acknowledges
These include the: the space domain is congested and contested, assured
access to space is becoming more challenging, and
· legal frameworks governing the Defence’s reliance on the domain is growing. These
exploitation of the space domain factors influence the options Defence can offer to
· space domain’s political and strategic Government. The ability to draw upon Australian
sovereign space capability will similarly influence
nature, and
Whole of Government treatment of the domain, and
· ethical and social impacts of the space guide Defence’s approach to the generation of space
domain on humankind. capabilities.

Additionally, Defence recognises a whole-of-

government approach in pursuit of national objectives
in the space domain is essential. As such, Defence
International law will generate and employ military space power as
applies in space and a contributor to and supporting element of national
is subject to the
rules and laws that
govern state-to-
state behaviour in
any other domain.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 9

Legal Aspects Ethical and Social Context Figure 4 – ADF’s Ethical Framework

Space is not a lawless domain. International law Within any legal frameworks as they may exist,
applies in space and is subject to the rules and laws members of the ADF are part of the profession of INTENT
that govern state-to-state behaviour in any other arms, regardless of the domain in which they may
domain. Space is a global commons and therefore operate and produce effects. The ADF will regulate
not subject to national appropriation by claim of its conduct in the space domain within the legislative Purpose
sovereignty. Importantly, this translates to the concept and policy frameworks created by Government. This
of legal overflight unhindered by political boundaries. defines what is legally right and wrong, and is the
This concept is captured and enshrined within the instrument of trust that allows the ADF to perform

Outer Space Treaty, the foundation of international actions otherwise restricted in society. Courage
Australian Law
ETHICAL International Law
space law*. Respect
Moral and social obligations exist to temper, limit and Integrity
Armed Conflict
guide actions in the space domain; some of which are Excellence

entwined in the Outer Space Treaty and others within

the longstanding treaties and agreements governing Discriminate
the behaviours of militaries and nation states. Necessity
These obligations may further limit what is legally
allowed. The ADF acknowledges this and will rely upon
the ADF’s Ethical Framework and decision-making JU ST
model to add social and moral value to decision-
making in the space domain (figure 4).

*There are many other legal frameworks that are applicable to space, including: Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of
Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space, Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space, Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
and Agreement on Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes (INTERCOSMOS).

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 10


Space is not a benign environment; either The natural environment and Competitors and counter-space
physically, politically, or as a finite and space debris capabilities
economically exploitable resource. A wide The space domain is a naturally hostile environment. Defence acknowledges space is an operational domain
range of threats to the space domain exist Spacecraft need to be specifically designed to operate where adversarial conduct does occur. Capabilities and
from the artificial, to the natural, within in a vacuum and protect sensitive components from actions, both active and passive, can be employed by
the electro-magnetic spectrum and cyber charged particles and radiation, and effects from competitors to interfere with and influence satellites.
domains, terrestrially and within the space weather. The increasing problem of space These actions can range from the physical through hit-
debris further complicates the military use of space. to-kill weapons, non-kinetic effects through electronic
economic endeavours that utilise space.
Both human-made orbital debris and natural micro- attack capabilities against the electro-magnetic
meteoroids may collide with spacecraft and damage spectrum, and can manifest in any domain.
or destroy components. For spacecraft travelling at
extreme velocities, collisions with even small pieces of
orbital debris can cause considerable damage.

A wide range of
threats to the
space domain exist
from the artificial,
to the natural...

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 11

Space Power Concepts
What is space power?

Space power is the total strength of a nation’s ability

to conduct and influence activities to, in, through and
from space to achieve its objectives.

Space power is one part of military power, the purpose

of which is to provide the Government options to
achieve strategic outcomes. M2 launches on Rocket Lab’s
‘They Go Up So Fast’ mission

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 12

Space Power Characteristics

Parallels can be drawn between the air and space domains; endeavours in each look to exploit the advantages offered by the vertical dimension. The following are
characteristics that identify the uniqueness and value of space. Roll over the icons below to discover more:

GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE, as a space power REACH, as a space power characteristic – the ADAPTABILITY, as a space power characteristic –
characteristic – the greater field of view and distance over which a military capability or system the ability of space systems to alter functionality
extended horizon of the operational environment can contribute to desired effects. in anticipation of, or response to, changes to
obtained by virtue of a platform’s orbital altitude. missions, threats and natural environments, either
by flexible design, internal adjustment or planned
functional modification.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 13

Space Power Contributions Force Generation Space Command and Control
The joint force conducts Defence operations by Command and control is means for the exercise of
The space power contributions framework is designed bringing together the best array of available capability authority over, and lawful direction of, assigned forces.
to open up thinking on the possible application and options, across all of the operational domains. It unites the people, systems and processes used to
utility of space power. It aims to ensure that Defence The Service Chiefs, through the authority granted to make policy, develop capability, enact operational
space power, as a part of military power, is continually them by CDF, are accountable for the force generation decisions and prepare forces for operations to achieve
enhanced to best support national objectives. of capabilities and for preparing them to contribute to national objectives.
the joint force.
Defence space power contributes to joint effects Command and Control contributions from the space
in support of whole-Government-efforts through Force generation contributions from the space domain include, but are not limited to; theatre space
force generation, space command and control, domain include, but are not limited to; community command and control, space battle management,
space control, space intelligence and ISR and space engagement, international engagement, space satellite communication (SATCOM), and positioning,
operations. systems engineering, and force preparation, education navigation and timing (PNT) capabilities.
and training. Generating and preparing forces will
always be the cornerstone of military power, with the Space command and control utilises a complex
wer Contrib central element being people. Space power is but one system that involves personnel, platforms, information
e Po ut management technology, communications networks
c TO JOINT io element that contributes to this whole-of-Defence
enterprise endeavour. and decision support and operational environment

awareness tools.
















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Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 14

Space Control Space Intelligence and ISR Space Operations

Space control involves offensive and defensive Intelligence is an enduring function carried out As is the case for other domains, the provision of space
operations to ensure freedom of action in space by through constant activity across all domains as part capabilities requires relevant systems to be deployed
defeating efforts to interfere with or attack Australian of a Whole of Government enterprise. The Defence and sustained. Space operations include space
or allied space systems and, when directed, deny Intelligence Enterprise (DIE) comprises all activities mobility and logistics to launch, sustain and recover
space services to a competitor. Space control activities conducted by collection elements and by intelligence space systems—spacecraft operations to manoeuvre,
may occur in any operating domain and are comprised organisations that process and exploit data to produce configure and operate spacecraft on orbit.
of offensive space control, defensive space control, fused intelligence products.
space electronic warfare and the aspects of navigation
warfare that deal with space based PNT. Effective space intelligence enables decision
superiority over an adversary with respect to the
Space control contributions need to be considered operational use of the space domain, providing the
across all operational domains. It is essential for joint analysis of available information required to enable
planners to harmonise effects across all domains to commanders and operators to make better informed
achieve the desired outcome via the most effective decisions at a tempo faster than the adversary does.
means for each specific operational context. It is
critical to note that space control may be conducted There is a link between intelligence, and Intelligence,
with or against any of the space system segments — Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) activities. ISR
not only space, but also ground, link or user segments. is not part of the intelligence cycle but supports the
collection phase of that cycle. ISR synchronises and
integrates the direction, planning and operation of
collection capabilities and processing, exploitation
and dissemination systems. ISR links to the collection
phase of the intelligence cycle.

Space intelligence contributions synchronise and

integrate the planning and operation of sensors,
assets and systems in direct support of current and
future operations. Space intelligence specialists are a
critical part of any joint force.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 15

RelationshipS between the
Space Power Contributions

While we have presented the space power

contributions as different entities, they should never
be viewed as standing alone. The space power
contributions framework is not intended to create
arbitrary divisions that result in capability stovepipes
nor an implied hierarchy. To be most effective, each
space power contribution must be integrated with the
others, and with their counterparts in other domains.

The space power contributions framework is designed

to open up thinking on the possible employment
of space power in support of national objectives.
The reader is encouraged to reflect on how each
contribution presented could be applied to shape,
deter and respond as part of the joint force and in
support of Whole of Government efforts. To support
combined space operations alignment with allies and
international partners, the implementation of space
power contributions is addressed through the lens of
space power roles and space mission areas that are
addressed in the following section.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 16

Space power roles and space mission areas

Defence considers the space power roles as Figure 5 – Relationship of Space Power Roles and Space Mission Areas
efforts that encapsulate the core motivations
for military engagement in the space SPACE POWER ROLES
domain. This can be contrasted with the
space mission areas that encapsulate the
core tasks of the space power efforts that
result in the roles being fulfilled.
Space power roles SUPPORT TO THE
Defence recognises four distinct space power roles, AWARENESS CONTROL LOGISTICS
within which the ADF will conduct space operations:
· Intelligence,
· Space domain awareness · Detect, track and · Offensive Space
surveillance and · Space Lift
· Space control identify Control
· Support to the Joint Force and national security

· Space logistics · Positioning,

· Threat warning and · Defensive Space
Navigation and · Satellite Operations
Freedom of action and the ability to directly influence attack assessment Control
adversaries is enabled by space control capabilities
and underpinned by and enabled through space
domain awareness. Operational effectiveness across · Data integration · Satellite
all domains is enhanced by space support to the joint and exploitation Communications
force and national security, and access to space and
satellite operations is enabled by space logistics.
· Missile Warning
Given the complexities, interdependencies and
coordination required to effectively employ space
power concepts, a common understanding of space
power roles with partners is advantageous. · Environmental

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 17

Space Mission Areas

In support of the space power roles, the ADF conducts space operations within the following space mission areas (Figure 5). Roll over the icons below to discover more:

Positioning, Space-based Satellite

navigation and timing ISR communications

Missile Space
Space domain
warning weather

Satellite Space Space

operations control lift

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 18

How we intend to operate

Throughout this document the space

domain has been discussed in a singular
fashion; definable by physical space, utility
and its unique nature. The ADF concept
of operational domains is used solely
as a way to organise, understand, and
coalesce thought and practice of military
endeavour. In practice, as with the other
operational domains, the space domain is
interdependent on the other domains. The
space domain is, by its functional nature, a
joint domain. The ADF’s doctrinal approach
to multi-domain warfare will drive practical

The space
domain is, by its
functional nature,
a joint domain.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 19

Space Power Coordination

The military is but one instrument of national power.

The military use of space requires integration across
the operational environment and across all phases
of the spectrum of warfare to achieve the diplomatic,
information, military and economic outcomes required
by Government.

Space enables operations in other domains to be

expeditionary, connected, informed, efficient and
lethal. Space systems operating in the space domain
may have segments in all of the domains – space
segment (in the space domain), link segment (in the
cyber domain), ground segment, (typically in the land
and cyber domains) and user segments (in all of the

Ultimately, the aim for the ADF is a joint force that can
achieve the highest level of interoperability across all
operational domains.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 20


The following sections identify significant contributors

to Australian space power.

Space Domain Lead - Chief of Air Force Defence Space Command

Chief of Air Force is designated the Space Domain The Space Domain Lead executes their responsibilities
Lead for Defence with responsibilities identified through Defence Space Command (DSpC) that has
in a charter from the Chief of the Defence Force. been established to effectively and efficiently manage
Beyond capability lifecycle responsibilities, Chief of Defence space equities. DSpC provides focused
Air Force has a broader mandate of foundational leadership and operational coordination to deliver
responsibility including domain leadership, supporting capabilities in support of the joint force and national
the development of space doctrine and strategy, space security. Commander Defence Space Command
workforce management and growth and engagement is assigned Technical Authority for all operational
with industry. Defence space capabilities.

DSpC will coordinate space support across multiple

theatres and across all phases of conflict from peace
to war and provide space forces and expertise to Joint
Operations Command. These operational efforts will
be coordinated by the Australian Space Operations
Centre (AUSSpOC), which is permanently force
assigned to Commander Joint Operations (CJOPS).

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 21


The Australian Space Agency The Australian Space Operations Centre Joint Operations Command

The Australian Space Agency is the Government body The AUSSpOC is the focal point for the generation Theatre command of assigned space forces resides
charged with managing civil space policy and activity. of space domain awareness, planning and execution with Commander Joint Operations Command
Strategic decision-making regarding the use of space, of space control measures and integration and (CJOPS). CJOPS delegates command and control
industry potential and development, international coordination of other space operations in support of responsibilities of space forces to Director General Air
cooperation and carriage of the Australian Civil Space the joint force. The AUSSpOC is permanently force and Space; the subordinate theatre commander.
Strategy are the purview of the ASA. assigned to CJOPS, through Director General Air and
Space, the environmental commander.
The ASA is key to generating an integrated Whole of
Government approach to a national space enterprise
and a national security approach to space. This
approach will account for the various Government We must be able to generate space power
organisations that contribute to space power elements
including Geoscience Australia, Department of to support the joint force, whole-of-
Foreign Affairs and Trade, Bureau of Meteorology, and
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
government, allies and international
Organisation. partners.
M.E.G. Hupfeld AO DSC, Air Marshal Chief of Air Force Space Domain Lead

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 22

International coordination The Combined Space Operations (CSpO) initiative
Memorandum of Understanding provides the
Coordination with allies and international partners framework for Five Eyes plus France and Germany
is critical to the success of Australia’s space domain international cooperation, coordination and integration
operations. Australia has limited sovereign space in a space context. Partnering with the US-led coalition
capabilities and leverages agreements with the United operation, Operation OLYMPIC DEFENDER (OOD)
States, other international partners and commercial is the key pathway for practical space operations
entities for many of its required space capabilities. coordination. Operation DYURRA is Australia’s
These agreements include Australia’s role in the contribution to OOD and addresses space operations
Wideband Global Satellite (WGS) constellation and support to Joint Operations Command for peacetime
the hosting of space domain awareness capabilities activities. This arrangement formalises coalition
at the Harold E. Holt Naval Communications Station. > WATCH VIDEO
linkages in the space domain for the conduct of space
Planned and future space-related projects will deliver operations, and allows for day-to-day coordination
capabilities that will enhance Australia’s sovereign efforts between the coalition space operations
space capabilities in line with Government direction centres such as the AUSSpOC, United Kingdom
and intent. Space Operations Centre, Canada Space Operations
Centre and the United States based Combined Space
Operations Center.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 23

How we will grow Space Power

Space power as a concept is not stationary. Enhancing Capability and Growing

As the strategic space environment, space the Force
technology and application skills evolve, so Defence will continue to enhance Australia’s ability to
too will understanding of the space domain generate military effects utilising the space domain,
and space power. accounting for the contested nature of the space
Defence will account for this through various
lines of effort aimed at achieving assured This will be achieved through efforts that include
developing capabilities resilient in denied environments,
access to space, and integrating military
assuring access to space and reconstitution. The
effects across the operating domain with development of operational doctrine, concepts and
allies, international partners and with the strategies that align with allies and international
support of Australian space industry. partners, will articulate the value of sovereign and
independent actions in space, illustrate the value
of Australia’s contribution to those partnerships
and alliances, and will influence efforts to enhance
As the strategic capability.
space environment, As the human dimension of the space domain is a point
space technology of critical failure; training and education, workforce
management and exercising the force are fundamental
and application requirements of capability development and growth.
skills evolve, so too Defence will continue to develop a workforce plan to
include genuine and motivational career paths.
will understanding
Through individual and collective training and exercise
of the space domain events, Defence will continue to develop space power
and space power. concepts and doctrine and build upon operational
experience and culture. Defence will utilise space power
and multi-domain education opportunities throughout
Defence’s ab initio training and education organisations
regardless of service.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 24

Highlighting the Criticality of Growing National Space Evolving the Defence Space
Space Enterprise Enterprise

Defence has a role in understanding the criticality of Led by the Australian Space Agency, Defence will Space power will be enhanced through Defence’s
space for the conduct of military operations. Defence support the growth and sustainment of the Australian plan to evolve the Defence Space Enterprise. The
also has a role in understanding the criticality of space space enterprise. The development and publishing of development and refinement of the concept of
from a national security, national critical infrastructure a set of Defence priorities for the space industry, along operation of Defence’s space command and control
and resiliency perspective. with a science and technology innovation strategy and system will enhance Defence’s multi-domain
establishment of specific engagement points with approach to operations. This will lead to organisational
Defence recognises a responsibility to raise the national industry will support this endeavour. transformation in decision-making at all levels of
awareness and understanding of the criticality of command, not just for the space domain.
space to Australia. Through the publication of doctrine,
the Defence Space Strategy and other targeted Leveraging the space experience and capabilities
engagements, Defence will continue to be an advocate of allies and international partners will be crucial
for recognising the criticality of space and will≈ support in raising Defence’s baseline capability. Evolving,
the national effort in establishing norms of behaviour in expanding and engaging with international partners,
space and protecting Australia’s strategic interests. in particular the US, to take advantage of cultural
and training opportunities will enhance operational
expertise and culture. Continuing to develop and refine
strategy and doctrine as these opportunities are taken
will mature Defence’s understanding of the space
domain and space power application.

Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 25


Defence Space Command: Space Power eManual 26

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