Input and Output Devices: Government College University Lahore
Input and Output Devices: Government College University Lahore
Input and Output Devices: Government College University Lahore
The input devices are used to enter data and provide information to a processing
system such as computers, laptops and other smart devices. These devices can be
categorized on the basis of modality of input e.g mechanical motion,audio,visiual etc
sometimes we face data in the form of discrete e.g pressing of key or in the form of
continous e.g mouse’s position ,though digitilized into a discrete quantity ,is fast enough
to be considerd continous .Examples of input devices includes keyboard which is used
to enter information in the form of alphabet, alphanumeric digits and other multiple keys
mouse which is used to point something over the screen it also includes microphone
which is mostly reliable for giving data in the form of a voice ,scanner which is used for
providing scanned document to the computer ,joystick gives help for playing games
over computer ,stylus pen for pointing data over smart screen ,touch pad is fixed in
laptops for moving the cursor over the screen ,web camera ,bar code reader and finger
print reader and many more .Detailed description of these devices is given below.
The keyboard is a human interface device represented by layout of
buttons .Every button over the keyboard is used to enter linguistic character to a
computer .Keyboards is mainly text entry interface for most
users . It is typewriter like device.
The devices which are used for pointing data over the screen are most
commonly used now a days.Thes devices are human
interface devices that allows a user to input spatial data
to a computer. Mouse and touch pads are usually
achieved by detecting movement across a physical
specify a position in space .With direct input ,the input space concides with the display
space i.e pointing is done in the space where the visiual feedback or the pointer
other assistive technology. The joystick which got it’s name from the
control stick used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane, is a
hand-held lever that pivots on one end and transmits its coordinates to a computer.
A joystick is a cursor control device used in computers for playing games and performs
A microphone is a device which is commonly pronounced as mica
or mike a transducer which converts sound into an electrical signal .Microphones are
used for many applications such as telephones, hearing aids, public address systems
for concert halls and public events. This is also used for providing input data in the form
of voice.
diaphragm.These are most commonly used to be connected to a premplifier before the
signal can be recorded or reproduced.
The barcode reader is an
optical scanner which is used to read printed
barcodes and decode the data contained in the bar
code and send it to the computer .It works like
scanners and uses a light source ,a lense and a light
sensor translating for optical impulses into electrical
All barcode readers contain decode circuitry that can analyze the bar code’s image data
provided by the sensor and sending the barcode’s content to the scanner’s output port.
Barcodes are most commonly used in shopping malls,grocery stores and other shops
for reading or scanning the barcode available over certain things it provides the
information over the screen of the computer .It is very helpful for scanning or decoding
the data given in the form of barcode .The barcode readers are available in different
shapes in market .
The stylus pen acts like a a pen and it is an input device.Instead of
writing with pen it sends digital signals to the touchscreen ,which interprets the pressure
as drawing on the screen the pressure which used in the plastic tip of stylus pen is used
for drqwing digital image on the screen.
A stylus pen consist of a rubber tip which moves over the touch screen effortleslly this is
used for the navigation of the tablet or a phone it is used by placing it over the touch
screen .It contains buttons over it which perform different functions for click at your own
side and for erasing the content which is not useful .The touch screens are usually
opertated by touching over the screen by the finger tips while a stylus pen provides
more accurate and reliable input it is alternate of a mouse and trackball and other
pointing devies.
The webcam is mostly used for capturing photos and video scenes
in front of it mosly built in latops and computers and for the sake of outside assistance it
is connected by a usb wire.A webcam is a video camera that feeds or streams an image
or video in real time to or through a computer to a computer network,such as the
internet.These webcams are most probably used for videi chat sessions in a group
which includes two or three persons .
The resolution of the webcams is lower than most handled video cameras becaue
higher resolution is reduced during transmission.Due to the lower resolution of the
webcams it inexpensive and easily available but fulfil the desire of a video chat and
digital imaging.The term “webcam” may also be used in its orignal sense of a video
camera connected to the web continously for an indefinite time,rather than for a
particular session,generally supplying a view for anyone who visits its web page.
A touchpad or track pad is a pointing device featuring a tactile
sensor, a specialized surface that can translate the motion and position of a user’s
fingers to a relative position on the operating system that is made output to the screen.It
is mosly built in feature of laptops and are also used as a substitute for a mouse where
desk space is scarce.
The scanner is type of inpur device which scans text an photographs
and converts it into digital format this helps in creating electronic version of the
respective document which can be viewed and
edited on a computer.Mostly scanners are
available in the shape of a flatbed that can
easily scan photographs and magzines etc.
These fingerprint readers are mostly used for that purposes where the security lies at a
risk where there is a threat of code copying and provides more security than id and
password because it is a natural miracle that finger prints of a one human being does’nt
matches the fingerprints of other human being on the earth so it engances the security
of the respective account or document.Fingerprint readers are now a days used for
many purposes such as instead of entering your pin at the time of money transaction at
atm u can only press your finger over fingerprint reader and make your transaction
secure and reliable it is also used for attendance purposees in certain offices at private
and state level.
A graphics tablet
also known as a digitizer is an input device
which is use to draw certain shapes and
animations most likely a person draw over a
paper with pencil with the help of a stylus pen
these tablets are used for capturing signatures
and hand written data over there on the
computer screen.
The device contains a flat surface over there we can write or draw some pattern with the
help of a stylus pen moslty attached by it these devices are nearly seeing to remove
usage of pointing devices such as mouse or touchpad etc.It can also be used to trace
an image from a piece of paper which is taped or otherwise secured to the tablet
surface capturing data in this way ,by tracing or entering the corners of linear poly lines
or shapes is called digitizing.
A trackball is a pointing device consisting of a ball held by a
socket containing sensors to detect a rotation of the ball about two axes like an upside-
down mouse with an exposed protruding ball its buttons are designed according to the
requirement of the user
These trackballs are mostly made up of heavey material such as glass so that can spun
to it’s position before the invention of touch pads and touch screens and mouse there
reamin a small ball available at a keyboard with two buttons for specefic
operations.Large trackballs are common at CAD workstations for easy precision this
trackball is use to move the cursor over screen accordin to the requirement of the user
at the desired destination.
The refrences to the above context of input devices is given below
The devices which are used to transform data taken from computer and display it
over an other device are called output devices that form may be audio ,visual,textual or
hard copy such as a printed document.Major difference between an input device and an
output device is input devices gives data to the computer whereas an output device
takes data from computer system and output devices are such devices which converts
data into human readable form.It includes many types of device such as visual display
devices like monitor and liquid crystal display (LCD) graphic display devices such as
printers and plotters audio dispkay devices like speakers and headphones a new type of
output device is been developed these days, known as speech synthesizer a
mechanism attached to the computer which produces verbal output sounding alomost
like human speeches.Projectors are used now a days in big meetings for visual effect at
large scale GPS is used for navigation system in many small devices and large devices
which locate something very precisely it also includes sound cards and video cards.
A computer monitor is a visual
display output device it is the most important
output device because it is used for many
output displaying purposes and displays
information in pictorial form it usually consist of
visual display,circuitry,casing and power
supply.Now a days liquid crystal display with
LED backlighting replaced older cold-cathode
fluorescent lamp.
Monitors are connected to the computer via VGA,Digital Visual Interface(DVI) ,HDMI
Display Port ,Thunderbolt,low-voltage differential signaling(LVDS) or other proprietry
connectors and signals.In early times monitors were used for data processing and
television were used for entertainment purposes but from1980s onward computers have
been used for both data processing and entertainment while the television are built with
omputer functioning tools the computer monitors are not built in with speakers usually
external devices are connected for sound output purposes such as speakers.
The printer is most common output device which is used to print
output in the form of text and pictures and both most common types of printers are injet
printers and laser printers and it uses a special ink for printing purposes which is also
called a toner injet printers are mostly used for consumers at smallet scale while laser
printers are used for bussiness purposes.
Dot matrix printers are very rare now a days are still used for basic printing purposes
the output produced by a printer is called a hard copy which is the physical version of an
electronic copy these printers most print with black and white hard copies while mostly
produce colour copies of the document.Infact many home printers can now produce
high quality photo prints that rival professionally developed photos this is because
modern printers have a high DPI(dots per inch) setting which allowa document to print
with very fine resolution these printers are connected to the computer with the help of
usb port and other canbles .
Headphones are small speakers which can easily be worn in the
ears of the humans traditional headphones contains two ear cups attacted by a band
that can support over the head smaller head phones also called ear buds are fi in within
the ear canal easily likewise speakers it contains a transducer which converts an audio
signal into sound waves different companies are making headphones in the market with
better quality than others in the market.
Headphones produce a lower sound with better base effect but speakers produce a
large audio with is audible from far away the small earbuds nowadays usually come with
a small microphone built with in it which facilitate the user with both mike and speaker .
Today headphones are available in markets with blutooth tethring without any extension
or wire these are connected to the respective device with the help of waves present in
the air .Therefore headphone components are much smaller and more precise than
speaker components which can even support the full 20 hertz to 20,000 hz frequency
A projector is an output
device which takes images and video data
from a computer and through blue ray and
display it over a flat surface and lightly
coloured surface.
This system was initially developed by the United States millitary for many defence
puroses for detecting certain things with the help of this device but after 1980’s the
United States government make it available for civilians purposes.It is capable of
receiving information from GNNS the global positioning system is one of the handful of
global navigation satellite systems(GNNS) made up of a network of a minimum of
24,but currently 30, satellites placed into orbit by the U.S Deparment of Defence.
Speakers are one of the most common output device which is used to
listen audio with a high sound it is mostly used for high bass desire in cinemass it is
used to produce high sound for the sake of listnerr’s requirement and other can hear it
easily these are usually connected to a computer with the help of an extension wire and
other usb port in many electrical appliances which are used for visual displays it is buit
in with in the device.
Mostly speakers which are available in the market now a days are blutooth tetthring
spaekers which uses radiowaves for there operation within a specefic range in the
cinemass speakers are used to meet the requirement of the viewers an it is also built in
many other appliances which are used for entertainment purposes in various aspects
and other fields these are avilable in multiple shapes in the market for listening
The plotters are used for creating print at a large scale and are mostly
used for engineering purposes and for creating a copy of digitally created design and
tese are used by artitectures and construction engineers the user gave information to
the plotter with the help of graphic card and forms the design with the help of a pen and
draws pictures with the help of straight lines.
It produces a vector graphics drawings and draws lines on paper using a pen and
produces continous lines which makes it ideal for printing architectural
blueprints,engineering designs and CAD drawings. There are two types of plotters
flatbed and drum plotters in drum plotter the paper moves back and forth over the
cylinderical drum and a pen makes design over it with the help of a ink and in flatbed
plotter a large horizontal surface is available on it the paper is placed and a treravelling
bar draws lines on the paper as it moves across the surface.
A video card connects to the motherboard of the computer system
and produces output images to diplay video cards are also reffered as graphics card
video card include a processing unit ,memory and a cooling system which includes a
fan for cooling the system and connections to a display device.
This video card is an expansion card to generate a feed of output images to a display
device these are used for dispaying purposes to
generate output in the form of images and
photos these are advertised as discrete or
dedicated grahics card a cooling system is also
available over it which is used to cool the
system and protect the system from any loss
due to heat produced in the system.
An actuator is an output
device which is holding response for creating real world movements in a computer
controlled system also actuator is a device or motor which is probably used in
compnaies which deal with the robotics and in the construction companies which are
involved in the formation of gear and metal movements .Furthermore the example of an
actuator is an automatic shop door and airplane landing gears
These actuators are mostly used in robotic companies and other companies for meeting
the purposes of a motor and also used in many automatic systems suchb as doors
which detects the presence of a peron and open by itself .
Microfilm is a special type of photographic film which is used to
store images at a reduced size (about 1/50th of the orignal size) in the earlier times the
different companies that require a lot of documents to be saved were stored in the form
of a micro film and the small images were stored instead of whole document .
Images which are stored on a microfilm are viewed with the help of a special reader that
magnifies the image and display it over the screen suitable readers are are easy to
purchase computers can output information directly to microfilm for long-term storage
known as computer output on Microfilm .Nowadays microfilms are rarely used because
these are replaced by scanners which scan the document and save it in the form of
electronic form into the computer system documents stored electronically can be
indexed and searched more efficiently than documents stored photographically on
The sound cards is an internal expansion card that provides
output of audio signals from computer under control of computer programms the term
sound card is also applied to external audio interfaces used for professional audio
applications. .
Sound functionality can also be integrated onto the motherboard using components
similar to those found on plug in cards typicall usage of sound card is to provide output
in the form of music sound and other audible things and multimedia applications sound
processing hardware is also present on modern video cards with HDMI to output sound
along with the video using that connector previously they used as S/PDIF connection to
the motherboard or sound card.
A touchscreen is an output device which is used to perform
tasks done by the press of the finger over the touchscreen and the result is displayed
over the screen it is mostly known it works both like an input and output device to
display the result.Some touchscreen are worked by the speacially coated gloves while
others can use special stylus or a pen . It enables a user to interact with the device
witout any assistance of a mouse touchpad or a pointing device now a days most
smartphones are worked with this smat screen.
Today there are laptops available in the market whose screen can be detached from it
and it performs the function as tablet or a touchscreen touchscreens are common in
devices such as game consoles,personal computers ,electronic voltage machines, and
point of sale systems they play a prominent role in the dsign of digital appliances such
as personal assistance some re readers and also important in educatioanl settings etc.
The refrences to the above context of input devices is given below