Government of Balochistan Agriculture & Cooperatives Department

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Government of Balochistan

Agriculture & Cooperatives Department


Proposal of Agriculture Department Balochistan as Discussed Today on 7-7-

2022 Under the Chairmanship of Secretary MNFS&R (Ministry of National
Food Security & Research) Islamabad: which are as follows.

1. Subsidy: Currently 27% on electric tube wells subsidy is proposed to be provided by

the Federal Government. It may be enhanced up to 50% because in Balochistan
Province about 30,000 Nos of tube wells are being run on flat rate / subsidy @
20:40:40 (20% farmer, 40% Provincial Govt, 40% Federal Govt). it would be hardly
possible to be replaced the existing tube wells which are already on subsidy,
therefore, to mobilize and convince the farmers subsidy may be enhanced.

2. Solarization of Diesel Engine Operated Tube Wells: As the tube wells operated on
Diesel may be considered for Solarization.

3. Standardization: Standardization of solar panels / machinery / equipment is very

necessary and must be given priority with policy decisions.

4. Extension of Solarization Facility to New Tube Wells: Solarization facility should not
be limited to the existing tube wells and should be extended other farmers who are
interested in getting solar system. They should develop source of water from their
own resources and Governement should provide the Solarization facility.

5. Efficiency Enhancement of Water Resources: Efficiency enhancement of the

irrigation system is very important. In Balochistan the ground water aquifers are
already under huge threat. Farmers are extracting ground water. Discharge –
Recharge ratio us broader. Irrigation Department Balochistan may be taken on
board, Water Resource Development is Mandate of Irrigation Department.
Therefore, Government of Balochistan, Irrigation Department is constructing Dams
which will help in narrowing / minimizing Discharge – Recharge gap. On the other
side, Agriculture Department (OFWM) mandate is to conserve water resources.
Agriculture Department (OFWM), will work on efficiency enhancement of water
resources. Therefore, it should be mandatory that each solar tube well should be
linked with installation of HEIS with promotion of low delta crops.

6. Credit Facilities: Currently Agriculture is not a profitable profession. Cost of

production is very high, high rates of inputs (seed, fertilizers, pesticides, machinery &
equipment and water). Farmers cannot afford that will effect yield badly, farmers do
not own the agriculture as a first priority profession on sustainable basis. Therefore,
land and water productivity is also become low. All the banks may be asked to
provide credit facilities to the farmers other the Solarization components.

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