Paper Group 3 GC Career
Paper Group 3 GC Career
Paper Group 3 GC Career
Dr. Afdal, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Gusni Dian Suri, M.Pd.
Written By :
Reno Mutiara Arte (21006027)
Theresia Riannita Sijabat (21006091)
Samina Kotipura (21006156)
Praise and gratitude we always say for the presence of Allah SWT.
because of His grace and guidance, so that we were able to complete the paper
assignment for the Career Guidance and Counseling course with the title “Theory
Of Career Development Of Teenage End And Adult Adolescents” Hopefully with
this paper it can add to our knowledge and knowledge about the Theory Of Career
Development Of Teenage End And Adult Adolescents.
TABLE OF CONTENT.........................................................................................ii
B. PROBLEM FORMULATION..................................................................2
C. PURPOSE...................................................................................................3
D. BENEFITS..................................................................................................3
A. CONCLUSION.........................................................................................10
B. SUGGESTIONS.......................................................................................10
As time goes by, the level of awareness to continue education
increases in students. Students at the vocational high school (VHS) high
school (SHS) level experience doubts about careers in their lives, they are
faced with the choice to continue their studies or go straight to the world
of work. According to (Putranti, 2018) students who sit at the VHS SHS
level are included in the category of teenagers, one of which is an
important field in the lives of teenagers is the career field, especially
regarding career readiness. This is a logical consequence of teenagers
where there are demands for them to prepare for their careers.
In vocational/high school students' interest in careers to college is
increasing from year to year, it indicates that students are able to plan their
careers carefully. According to Parsons in (Anisah, 2015) formulating
career planning as a process that must be passed before making a career
choice. There are three aspects that must be met in making a career plan,
namely: (1) self-knowledge and understanding, (2) knowledge and
understanding of the world of work (3) realistic reasoning on the
relationship between knowledge and understanding of oneself with
knowledge and understanding of the world of work . In the process of
maturation of the mindset of students, of course, the role of guidance and
counseling teachers is very much needed, especially in providing career
guidance services to students. The purpose of career guidance services is
so that students can plan activities for completing studies, career
development and life in the future. Students can develop all the potential
and strengths of students optimally, and students can adapt themselves in
the educational environment, community environment, and work
environment later.
The problem formulation of this paper is as follows:
1. What are the basic concepts of late adolescent and adult career
development theory?
2. What are the characteristics of the theory of late adolescent and
adult career development?
3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of late adolescent and adult
career development theory?
4. How is the application of the theory of late adolescent and adult
development in guidance and counseling services?
The objectives of writing this paper are as follows:
1. To find out how the basic concepts of the theory of late adolescent
and adult career development.
2. To find out how the characteristics of the theory of late adolescent
and adult career development.
3. To find out what are the strengths and weaknesses of the theory of
late adolescent and adult career development.
4. To find out how the application of the theory of late adolescent and
adult development in guidance and counseling services.
Can add to our knowledge about the Theory Of Career
Development Of Teenage End And Adult Adolescents.
2. Weaknesses
In this super theory, it does not describe how individuals at each
stage of their career development can develop optimally, and does not
provide a description of individuals who fail at each stage of their
career development, so they cannot understand how an individual rises
from his failure in each stage of his career development. . In addition,
this theory does not describe how the career of a person with a
physical disability is described, so this theory does not explain whether
this theory applies to all economic levels of society and is
D. Application In Guidance And Counseling Services
This Super Theory is very suitable to be implied by guidance and
counseling teachers in schools in providing assistance services to students
The career development of adolescents or early adults used in
career guidance programs is based on Super theory in the concept of life
stages. Super summarizes the concept of life stages into 12 propositions.
Based on these 12 propositions, Super divides the stages of career
development into five stages, namely: a) the growth stage; b) exploration
stage (exploration); c) establishment stage (establishment); d) maintenance
phase (maintenance); d) and e) the decline stage (decline).
In the student period, it can be classified as late adolescence to
early adulthood or middle adulthood, the point of which at this time is the
establishment of life establishment, so that career-related developmental
tasks, namely choosing and preparing for a career are still a student
development task. Individuals begin to think about their future in career
planning. Career is a very important aspect in human life. Which in the
next stage (early adulthood), the task of development will be a person who
is able to choose a partner; then able to learn to live with a partner. Then
start living with a partner; Students should also be able to care for and look
after children; Able to manage household.;after that start work; Take
responsibility as a citizen; and find a suitable group. The career
development of adolescents or early adults used in career guidance
programs is based on Super theory in the concept of life stages.
The author realizes that this paper still has many shortcomings, in
the future the author will be more focused and detailed in explaining the
above paper with more sources which of course can be accounted for,
therefore the author expects criticism and suggestions from readers.
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