PED025 Syllabus

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PEN CODE PED 025 Credit 2 units

PEN Subject title Movement Enhancement
(Focus: Individualized Fitness Program)

A. Subject description: This deals with the self-application of the self-designed fitness program that comprises of
cardiopulmonary conditioning and musculoskeletal strength and endurance training in the context of
Prochaska, DiClemente, and Norcross’ model of change.

Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students shall have achieved their physical fitness level in terms
of cardiopulmonary conditioning and musculoskeletal strength and endurance required to maintain healthy
status and to engage in advanced conditioning and sports training, and have achieved skills as a demonstration
of their readiness to train other individuals to become fit.

B. Skills: The students will be honed on screening their readiness for physical activity, formulating exercise
prescription, designing a fitness program, assessing the progress of their training, and applying Prochaska,
DiClemente, and Norcross’ model of change by implicit self-motivation and explicit self-actualization.

Assessment: The students will compile their outputs and other documents in a portfolio (print or electronic)
including the accomplished forms that show records of their serial anthropometric girth measurements,
body mass index, and peak heart rate.

Certification: The manifestation of the outcomes set for this course at the start of the semester makes the
students qualified to receive the Fitness Training Completion Certificate.

I. Subject Outline and Schedule

Week Module Activities

1 Module 1 Orientation
Interview (Relative and Non-relative)
2 Module 2 Self-Assessment Questionnaire
3 Module 2 Accomplishing Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAR-Q) Test
4 Module 2 Interpretation of Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAR-Q) Test
5 1st Periodic Examination (Compilation of Activities)
6 Module 3 Risk Stratification and Anthropometric Measurements
7 Module 3 Exercise Prescription using FITT Principle (Cardiovascular Conditioning and
8 Module 4 Implementation of the Designed Exercise Prescription
9 Module 4 Fitness Routine/ Practice
10 2nd Periodic Examination (Compilation of Activities)
11 Module 5 Reinforcing Factors and Stumbling Blocks
12 Module 5 Recording New Anthropometric Measurements
13 Module 5 Revising Exercise Prescription using FITT Principle (Cardiovascular
Conditioning and Strengthening)
14 Module 5 Implementation of the Revised Designed Exercise Prescription
15 Module 5 Fitness Routine/ Practice
14 Module 6 Evaluation (2nd Training Prescription, Instructors’ Motivational Approach)
Module 6 PE1 - PED025 Reflection
15 Module 6 Recording New Anthropometric Measurements
16 Module 6 Revising New Exercise Prescription using FITT Principle (Cardiovascular
Conditioning and Strengthening)
17 Module 6 Implementation of the New Revised Designed Exercise Prescription
18 3rd Periodic Examination (Compilation of Activities)
19 Compilation/Portfolio

II. Reference
A. Most of the content of these modules were lifted from the Exercise is Medicine, Philippines Pre-Course Book 2017
with the following references:

 ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription 8th Edition

 ACSM’s Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription Sixth Edition
 ACSM’s Exercise Management for Persons with Chronic Diseases and Disabilities; J. Larry Dustine, Geoffrey
E. Moore, Patricia L. Painter and Scott O. Roberts
 ACSM’s Exercise is Medicine; A Clinician’s Guide to Exercise Prescription by Steven Jonas and Edward Phillips
 ACSM’s Exercise is Medicine; A quick guide to Exercise Prescription by Technogym Medical Scientific
 2011 National Physical Activity Guidelines Health Promotion Board Singapore
 Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes: American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes
Association: Joint Position Statement by the American College of Sports Medicine and the American
Diabetes Association; approved by Executive Committee of the American Diabetes Association Medicine
& Science in Sports & ExerciseR and Diabetes Care; July 2010
 Appropriate Physical Activity Intervention Strategies for Weight Loss and Prevention of Weight Regain for
Adults; ACSM Position Stand ; Donnelly, Joseph E. Ed.D (Chair); Blair, Steven N. Ped; Jakicic, John M.
Ph.D.; Manore, Melinda M. Ph.D., R.D.; Rankin, Janet W. Ph.D.; Smith, Bryan K. Ph.D.; Med Sci Sports
Exerc. 2009; 41(2):459-71
 Exercise and Hypertension; ACSM Position Stand by; Pescatello, Linda S. Ph.D., FACSM, (Co-Chair);
Franklin, Barry A. Ph.D., FACSM, (Co-Chair); Fagard, Robert M.D., Ph.D. FACSM; Farquhar, William B.
Ph.D.; Kelley, George A. D.A., FACSM; Ray, Chester A. Ph.D., FACSM; Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise: March 2004 - Volume 36 - Issue 3 - pp 533-553
 Harmonizing the Metabolic Syndrome: A Joint Interim Statement of the International Diabetes Federation
Task Force on Epidemiology and Prevention; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; American Heart
Association; World Heart Federation; International Atherosclerosis Society; and International Association
for the Study of Obesity; K.G.M.M. Alberti, FRCP; Robert H. Eckel, MD, FAHA; Scott M. Grundy, MD, PhD,
FAHA; Paul Z. Zimmet, MD, PhD, FRACP; James I. Cleeman, MD; Karen A. Donato, SM; Jean-Charles
Fruchart, PharmD, PhD; W. Philip T. James, MD; Catherine M. Loria, PhD, MS, MA, FAHA; Sidney C.
Smith, Jr, MD, FAHA; Circulation 2009, 120:1640-1645
 National Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans 2008: Office of Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion of US Department of Health and Human Services
 Ministry of Health Clinical Practice Guidelines, Management of Asthma 1/2008
 Australian Association for Exercise and Sports Science position statement on exercise and asthma Alan R.
Morton, Kenneth D. Fitch Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 14 (2011) 312-316
 Department of Health (2010, March-April). Philippine National Guidelines on Physical Activity: Galaw-
galaw baka pumanaw. Healthbeat, 58, 6-8 Retrieved from:
 Department of Health, National Epidemiological Center. (2009). ‘‘The 2009 Philippine Health Statistics’’.
Retrieved from PHILIPPINE%20HEALTH
 Department of Health (2013, April 26). ‘‘Leading causes of
Mortality.’’ Retrieved from
 Masoli, M., Fabian, D.; Holt , S. , Richard, B. (2004, May) ‘‘Global Burden of Asthma’’. Retrieved from: Pdf
 National Statistics Office & ICF Macro. (2009, December) ìPhilippines -National Demographic and Health
Survey 2008î. Retrieved from: /pubs/pdf/FR224/FR224.pdf
 Philippine Statistics Authority (2012, August 30). The Age and Sex Structure of the Philippine Population:
(Facts from the 2010 Census). Retrieved from
philippine- population-facts-2010-census
 The Problem of Mental Health in the Philippines (n.d.) Retrieved on May 15, 2014) from wikispaces:
B. American Council on Exercise website. 9 signs of overtraining. education-and-
resources/lifestyle/blog/6466/9-signs-of-overtraining?pageID=634. Accessed August 8, 2018.
C. Carfagno DG, Hendrix JC 3rd. Overtraining syndrome in the athlete: current clinical practice. Curr Sports Med Rep.
2014;13(1):45-51. PMID: 24412891 pubmed/24412891.
D. Meeusen R, Duclos M, Foster C, et al. Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the overtraining syndrome: joint
consensus statement of the European College of Sport Science and the American College of Sports Medicine. Med
Sci Sports Exerc. 2013;45(1):186-205. PMID: 23247672
E. Rothmier JD, Harmon KG, O'Kane JW. Sports medicine. In: Rakel RE, Rakel DP, eds. Textbook of Family Medicine. 9th
ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2016: chap 29.
F. Preventive Cardiology, Cardiac Rehabilitation and Sports Cardiology Course: From Set-up to Frontiers, European
Society of Cardiology and European Association of Sports Cardiology, Inselspital Bern University Hospital,

III. Grading System:

The Final Grade is computed as follows:

FG= (0.33xP1)+(0.33xP2)+(0.34xP3)
FG refers to Final Grade
P1 refers to First Periodic Grade
P2 refers to Second Periodic Grade
P3 refers to Third Periodic Grade
P1+P2+ P3 = 15%SAS + 20% Quiz + 30% Performance Task+ 35% PExam
Passing Grade: 50% of the total raw score

Contact information:
Teacher: ______________________________ `
Consultation hours: ______________________
Email: ________________________________

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