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According to many experts, Hinduism Hinduism is connected with two fundamental

the world's oldest religion, with origins symbols: the om and the swastika.
and rituals stretching back more than
4,000 years. Hinduism is the third The om sign is made up of three Sanskrit characters
that symbolize three sounds (a, u, and m) when joined
largest religion in the world today, to form a holy sound. The om sign is frequently seen
after Christianity and Islam, with in family shrines and Hindu temples.

around 900 million adherents. India is
home to around 95 percent of the world's Hindus.
It is difficult to trace the religion's beginnings and In Sanskrit, the term swastika means "good fortune" or
"being pleased," and the symbol denotes good fortune.
history because there is no one founder. Hinduism (When Germany's Nazi Party adopted the swastika as
is unusual in that it is a collection of various their emblem in 1920, a diagonal variation of it
became identified with them.)
traditions and concepts rather than a single


The Vedas, or core religious writings, were written approximately
1500 B.C. This collection of Sanskrit poetry and hymns comprises insights
obtained by ancient saints and sages. The Vedas are made up of: Some fundamental Hindu beliefs are as follows:
➢ Hinduism includes a wide range of religious beliefs. As a result,
rather than a single, structured religion, it is frequently referred
to as a "style of life" or a "family of religions."
➢ Most varieties of Hinduism are henotheistic, which implies that
they worship a single deity known as "Brahman" while
acknowledging other gods and goddesses. Followers think that
there are various routes to their deity.
➢ Hindus believe in samsara (the never-ending cycle of life, death,
and rebirth) and karma (the universal law of cause and effect).
➢ The concept of "atman," or the belief in soul, is central to
Hinduism. According to this belief, all living things have souls
and are part of the supreme soul. The objective is to attain
"moksha," or salvation, which terminates the cycle of rebirths
and allows the individual to become a part of the ultimate soul.
➢ The belief that people's actions and ideas directly impact their
present and future lives is a basic aspect of religion.
➢ Hindus aspire to achieve dharma, which is a rule of conduct that
promotes morality and good behavior.
➢ Hindus venerate all living things and see the cow as a sacred
➢ Food is a significant component of Hindu culture. Most people
avoid eating meat or pork, and are often vegetarians. Bautista, Alfie F.
HUM102-B199 (Ethics)
Most experts think Hinduism began about 2300 B.C. as well as 1500 B.C. near modern-day Pakistan, in the
Indus Valley Many Hindus, however, believe that their faith is ageless and has always been.
Unlike other faiths, Hinduism does not have a single founder, but rather is a synthesis of diverse ideas.
Around 1500 B.C., the Indo-Aryan people came to the Indus Valley, where their culture and language merged
with that of the region's native people. There is some disagreement over who affected who more during this
The deity accountable for the
time period. formation of the universe and all
The time when the Vedas were written down became known as the "Vedic Period," and it spanned from 1500 living beings.
B.C. to 1500 A.D. till 500 B.C. During the Vedic Period, rituals such as sacrifices and chanting were popular.
The deity who keeps and guards the
Between 500 B.C. to 500 A.D., the Epic, Puranic, and Classic Periods occurred. and the year 500 A.D. Hindus
began to stress deity worship, particularly Vishnu, Shiva, and Devi.
Dharma was introduced in new scriptures, and other faiths, such as Buddhism and Jainism, expanded
The deity who annihilates the
cosmos in order to regenerate it

The goddess who tries to reestablish

Hinduism's Medieval Period lasted around 500 to India was partitioned in 1947, and Gandhi was dharma
1500 A.D. During this period, new writings killed in 1948. British India was divided into what
appeared, and poet-saints expressed their spiritual are now the separate nations of India and The deity of kindness, compassion,
thoughts. Pakistan, and Hinduism became India's dominant and love
Muslim Arabs began raiding portions of India in the
7th century. During the Muslim Period, which Beginning in the 1960s, a large number of Hindus
The goddess of riches and purity
lasted from from 1200 to 1757, Islamic authorities immigrated to North America and the United
forbade Hindus from worshiping their deities, and Kingdom, bringing their faith and ideologies to the
some temples were demolished. western world.
The goddess of knowledge
Reference: HISTORY.COM

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