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Mahati Sreedhara - APUSH Period 4 Terms

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Chief Justice of the United States who

served for 34 years.
SIGNIFICANCE: He shaped the Ameri-
John Marshall can legal structure and made decisions
in monumental Supreme Court cases
such as Gibbons v. Ogden and McCul-
loch v. Maryland.
Thomas Jefferson's vice president dur-
ing his first term. He killed Alexander
Hamilton in a duel.
Aaron Burr
SIGNIFICANCE: He later plotted the
succession of New York and in the west,
eventually being put on trial for treason.
Speaker of the House under Madison,
SIGNIFICANCE: Father of the American
System --> banking system, protective
tariff, network of roads and canals. Ran
Henry Clay
unsuccessfully for president and sug-
gested the Tariff of 1833 as a compro-
mise after raising tensions due to the
Tariff of 1832.
young, aggressive Congressmen
SIGNIFICANCE: spoke out against the
War Hawks
Indian threat on the frontier and encour-
aged war
(1807) a US warship was attacked by the
British who claimed 4 traitors were on
Chesapeake-Leopard Affair board.
SIGNIFICANCE: Led to the Embargo
Act of 1807.
Supreme Court case
Marbury v. Madison SIGNIFICANCE: established judicial re-
forbade the export of all goods from the
Embargo Act of 1807 United States to any foreign nation; in
response to the Chesapeake Incident.

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SIGNIFICANCE: This slows down the
American economy.
An American war hero who defeated the
Creek Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe
Bend and the British at the Battle of New
SIGNIFICANCE: His victory at NO aided
in US unity after the War of 1812. He also
Andrew Jackson aided in seizing Florida from the Span-
ish. As president, "Old Hickory" person-
ified the new west and represented the
"Common Man". As president, he was
responsible for the removal of Indians to
Oklahoma (Trail of Tears) and getting rid
of the Bank of the United States.
Loyalty to one's own region of the coun-
try, rather than to the nation as a whole;
SIGNIFICANCE: Northerners became
Sectionalism increasingly concerned about industrial-
ization while southerners began to focus
more and more on growing cotton and
a national bank is overseen by the fed-
eral government. Congress had estab-
lished the bank in 1816, giving it a
20-year charter.
SIGNIFICANCE: The purpose of the
Second Bank of the United States
bank was to regulate state banks, which
had grown rapidly since the First Bank
of the US went out of existence in 1811.
Went out of existence during Jackson's
(1819) Maryland tried to destroy the
Bank of the U.S. by taxing its currency
McCulloch v. Maryland
SIGNIFICANCE: Marshall invoked im-
plied powers and denied Maryland's
right to tax the bank. Marshall also
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employed "loose construction", implying
that the Constitution was to last
for many ages, and thereby was con-
structed loosely, flexibly, to be
bent as times changed.
name for President Monroe's two terms;
a period of strong nationalism, economic
growth, and territorial expansion. Since
Era of Good Feelings
the Federalist party dissolved after the
War of 1812, there was only one political
party and no partisan conflicts.
doctrine stating that no further European
colonization of the Americas could occur
Monroe Doctrine and
SIGNIFICANCE: Europeans could not
interfere with Latin American affairs.
Missouri would be admitted as a slave
state while Maine would be admitted as
a free state
Missouri Compromise
SIGNIFICANCE: all new states north of
the 36Ë30' line would be free, and new
states southward would be a slave.
treaty signed on December 24, 1814, as
an armistice,
acknowledging a draw in the war
Treaty of Ghent SIGNIFICANCE: ignoring any other de-
mands of
either side. Each side simply stopped
leader of the Bank of the United States
SIGNIFICANCE: corrupted the banking
Nicholas Biddle
system by lending money to friends and
using it to bribe members of the press.
rewarding supporters with good posi-
Spoils System tions in office; SIGNIFICANCE: used
heavily during Jackson Administration.

Mahati Sreedhara - APUSH Period 4 Terms
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a new party appearing in the election of
SIGNIFICANCE: opposed to the secrecy
Anti-Masonic Party
of the Masonic order, against Jackson,
supported by churches hoping to pass
religious reform.
also called the Tariff of Abominations, it
raised the tariff on imported manufac-
Tariff of 1828 tured goods.
SIGNIFICANCE: The tariff protected the
North but harmed the South.
economic depression
SIGNIFICANCE: caused by the "wildcat
Panic of 1837
bank" loans, over-speculation, the "Bank
War" and the Specie Circular decree.
banks put in place by Jackson
SIGNIFICANCE: receive money Jack-
Pet Banks
son withdrew from the Bank of the United
States in order to kill it.
a law passed by Jackson
Indian Removal Act SIGNIFICANCE: requiring the migration
of all Indians to Oklahoma.
invented the cotton gin
SIGNIFICANCE: making cotton more
profitable, reviving the Southern econo-
Eli Whitney my, and breathing new life into slavery.
He also introduced machine-made inter-
changeable parts for muskets in 1850,
the foundation for assembly lines.
popular transcendentalist
SIGNIFICANCE: urged American writers
Ralph Waldo Emerson
to throw off European tradition. Most fa-
mous for his work Self Reliance.
founder of the Mormon faith
Joseph Smith
SIGNIFICANCE: he claimed to find gold-

Mahati Sreedhara - APUSH Period 4 Terms
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en tablets in NY with the Book of Mor-
mon inscribed on them.
the successor of Joseph Smith,
Bringham Young SIGNIFICANCEL leading Mormons in
Utah. Eventually became a governor.
a tidal wave of spiritual fervor spawned
by the liberalism in religion in the 1800s.
SIGNIFICANCE: It resulted in prison re-
Second Great Awakening
form, church reform, the temperance
movement, women's right movement,
and the abolitionist movement.
founded by Thomas Cole, first native
school of landscape painting in the U.S.;
Hudson River School
SIGNIFICANCE: attracted artists re-
belling against the neoclassical tradition.
convention held in Seneca Falls, NY
Seneca Falls Convention
SIGNIFICANCE: where the declaration
of sentiments was written
philosophy pioneered by Ralph Waldo
Emerson, in which each person has di-
rect communication with God and Na-
ture, and there is no need for organized
SIGNIFICANCE: It incorporated the
Transcendentalism ideas that mind goes beyond matter, in-
tuition is valuable, that each soul is part
of the Great Spirit, and each person is
part of a reality where only the invisi-
ble is truly real. Promoted individualism,
self-reliance, and freedom from social
constraints, and emphasized emotions.
Sent on an expedition by Jefferson to
gather information on the United States'
Lewis and Clark
new land and map a route to the Pacific.
SIGNIFICANCE: They kept very careful

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maps and records of this new land ac-
quired from the Louisiana Purchase.
an emphasis on domestic control and
Economic Nationalism protection of the economy
SIGNIFICANCE: strengthen US industry
First protective tariff in American history,
SIGNIFICANCE: created primarily to
Tariff of 1816 shield New England manufacturers from
the inflow of British goods after the War
of 1812.
Economic program advanced by Henry
Clay that included support for a national
bank, high tariffs, and internal improve-
American System ments;
SIGNIFICANCE: emphasized a strong
role for the federal government in the
A canal between the New York cities of
Albany and Buffalo, was completed in
SIGNIFICANCE: The canal, considered
Erie Canal a marvel of the modern world at the time,
allowed western farmers to ship surplus
crops to sell in the North and allowed
northern manufacturers to ship finished
goods to sell in the West.
Developed in the textile mills of Lowell,
Massachusetts, in the 1820s, in these
factories as much machinery as possible
was used, so that few skilled workers
were needed in the process
Lowell System
SIGNIFICANCE: the workers were al-
most all single young farm women, who
worked for a few years and then re-
turned home to be housewives. Man-
agers found these young women were

Mahati Sreedhara - APUSH Period 4 Terms
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the perfect workers for this type of factory
The machine for cleaning the seeds from
cotton fibers, invented by Eli Whitney in
Cotton Gin
SIGNIFICANCE: increased slavery
(1842) a landmark ruling of the MA
Supreme Court SIGNIFICANCE: estab-
Commonwealth v. Hunt lishing the legality of labor unions and
the legality of union workers striking if an
employer hired non-union workers.
The extension of the right to vote to all
males regardless of social standing or
race, whose movement had begun in the
Universal White Male Suffrage
early-mid 1800s
SIGNIFICANCE: Increases voting
turnout/political participation
(1831) The Cherokees argued that they
were a separate nation and therefore
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia not under Georgia's jurisdiction. SIGNIF-
ICANCE: Marshall said they were not,
but rather had "special status"
Supreme Court Decision - Cherokee In-
dians were entitled to federal protection
from the actions of state governments
Worcester v. Georgia
that would infringe on the tribe's sover-
SIGNIFICANCE: Jackson ignored it
A sectional crisis during the presidency
of Andrew Jackson created by the Ordi-
nance of Nullification,
Nullification Crisis SIGNIFICANCE: an attempt by the state
of South Carolina to nullify a federal law
- the tariff of 1828 - passed by the United
States Congress.

Mahati Sreedhara - APUSH Period 4 Terms
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an imagined place or state of things in
which everything is perfect
SIGNIFICANCE; attempted in social ex-
periments by transcendentalists
Belonging to a period before a war espe-
cially the American Civil War
SIGNIFICANCE: Period of political, so-
cial, and economic growth.
A nonviolent, public refusal to obey al-
legedly unjust laws;
"On Civil Disobedience"
SIGNIFICANCE: written by Henry David
A leading evangelist of the Second Great
SIGNIFICANCE: he preached that each
person had the capacity for spiritual re-
Charles Finney birth and salvation and that through indi-
vidual effort could be saved. His concept
of "utility of benevolence" proposed the
reformation of society as well as of indi-
(1817-1895) American abolitionist and
SIGNIFICANCE: he escaped slavery
and became a leading African Ameri-
Frederick Douglass
can spokesman and writer. He published
his biography, The Narrative of the Life
of Frederick Douglass, and founded the
abolitionist newspaper, the North Star.
United States freed slave and insurrec-
tionist in South Carolina
Denmark Vesey SIGNIFICANCE: was involved in plan-
ning an uprising of slaves and was
hanged (1767-1822)
Leader of a slave rebellion in 1831 in
SIGNIFICANCE: The revolt led to the
Mahati Sreedhara - APUSH Period 4 Terms
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deaths of 20 whites and 40 blacks and
led to the "gag rule' outlawing any dis-
Nat Turner
cussion of slavery in the House of Rep-
Laws that controlled the lives of enslaved
African Americans
Slave Codes
SIGNIFICANCE: denied their basic


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