10. GMAT写作强化宁立波讲义

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新 GMAT 写作课程

主讲老师: 宁立波

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第一讲 写作简介
第二讲 语言修辞
第三讲 审题方法
第四讲 文章架构
第五讲 题型分类
第六讲 专项练习
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第一讲 写作简介
一、 分数
二、 任务
三、 软件和硬件

一、 分数

二、 任务
(1)考场任务考试题目 考生任务

Argument 议论文 批 判

三、 软件和硬件
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第二讲 语言修辞

1. 多样
2. 押韵
3. 词组
4. 动词

1. 多样
Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a
company has previously provided for itself. Since a company’s chief objective is to realize the
highest possible year-end profits, any product or service that can be obtained from an independent
supplier for less than it would cost the company to provide the product or service on its own
should be outsourced.

2. 押韵
… previously provided …
paid, not played
thank you for parking beneath the park
fire __________
________ connection
________ affect
bring about

3. 词组
red herring
in a nutshell
at stake
A causes B.
A is the cause of B.
The cause of A is B.
[A], because [B].
[A]. Because [B].
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Because of A, [B].

A may result in B.

A might result from B.

The result of A is B.
A is the result of B.
As a result of A, [B].
A is the reason for B.

The reason for A is B.

The reason why [A] is that [B].
The reason [A] is that [B].
A is attributed to B.

The arguer attributes A to B.

A is attributable to B.
A contributes to B.
Sb. credits A to B.
A can account for B.

A affects B.
A may bring about B.
A gives r____ to B.
A devises B.
[A] for that [B].

[A] for [B].

[A] in that [B].
[A] in [B].

4. 动词
(1) n. (2) adj. (3) v. (4) adv.
to do

(1) n.
Doing is doing.
To do is to do.
To do is doing.
Doing is to do.
… instead of doing …
… instead of to do …
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Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a
company has previously provided for itself. Since a company’s chief objective is to realize the
highest possible year-end profits, any product or service that can be obtained from an independent
supplier for less than it would cost the company to provide the product or service on its own
should be outsourced.

(2) adj.
increasing price
price to increase
increased price
Scientists propose placing seismic stations on the floor of the Pacific Ocean to warn threatened
coastal communities on the northwestern coast of the United States of approaching tidal waves
caused by earthquakes. Since forewarned communities could take steps to evacuate, many of the
injuries and deaths that would otherwise occur could be avoided if the government would
implement this proposal.

(3) v.
to do
The argument is discussing life expectancy over the entire population of those born alive. The
argument relies on the idea that if 40 years was the average life expectancy, then the usual length
of life must have been around 40. But averages can be misleading. What if, in the nineteenth
century, the number of infants born alive but not surviving their first year was far higher than it is
today? If this were so, it would significantly …

(4) adv.
correspondingly to do
admittedly, markedly
The changing world is increasingly changing all of us once having changed this world not changed
The changing world is increasingly changing all of us once having changed this world, not
changed before.
The changing world is increasingly changing all of us, once having changed this world, not
changed before.

1. 修饰语临近
2. 主语多样
3. 平行结构
4. 平均句长
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1. 修饰语临近

Therefore, we must study hard.
Therefore we must study hard.
We must therefore study hard.
We must, therefore, study hard.
The money thus saved could be better used to replace the existing plant machinery with more
technologically sophisticated equipment, or even to build an additional plant.
We should, therefore, consider transferring our investments from Cola Loca to Early Bird Coffee.

drug preventing cancer
preventing cancer drug
preventing-cancer drug
cancer-preventing drug cost-
cutting measures revenue-
enhancing measure out-
dropping students baggage-
handling procedure lower-
priced economy

2. 主语多样性

Sb. Doing
Sth. To do
Sentence Reverse

Which point weakens the argument? First, identify a crucial underlying assumption. The argument
assumes …. What if there is another reason for the similarity? What if a culture that comes to an
already inhabited site tends to adapt its implements to the style of the resident culture’s
implements? In that case, the Mayans could have come to ….

3. 平行结构

Both in society and in our own lives, today's problems are serious and require serious solutions.
Increasingly, however, people are taught to laugh at things that aren't usually funny and to cope
with difficult situations by using humor. They are even advised to surround themselves with funny
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people. There is strong evidence that laughter can actually improve health and help fight disease.
Certain that perfection is an impossible goal, many people willingly accept flaws and
shortcomings in themselves and others.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are rights that belong to us as individuals. But our lives,
our freedom, our happiness are best enjoyed, best protected, and best advanced when we do work

4. 平均句长

1. 平均段长
2. 句子连接
3. 一致
4. 连贯

1. 平均段长

2. 句子连接
(1)连词:and, or, so, but, yet, whereas
SVO, and SVO.
SVO, but SVO.
SVO, because SVO.
SVO. Because SVO.
SVO, accordingly, SVO.
However, SVO.
SVO, however.
SVO, however, SVO.
SVO, and however, SVO.
SVO, however, and SVO.
SVO, and SVO, however.
However, SVO. SVO.
SVO; however, SVO.
SVO, however; SVO.
Though SVO, SVO.
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Though SVO, but SVO.
Though SVO, S nevertheless VO.
Though, SVO, SVO.
Though, SVO, but SVO.
SVO, though, but SVO.

3. 一致

people … they …
people … it …
peoples … they …
deer … they … deer
… it …

parents … they … children …
parents … children … they …
parents … child … they … they
… parents … children …

4. 连贯


People are often told to obey the rules. In reality, these rules are not permanent: what is right at a
given point in time may be declared wrong at another time and vice versa. The world changes so
rapidly that rules are out-of-date almost as soon as they are created. People cannot rely on
established guidelines to determine what they should and should not do.

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第三讲 审题方法

1. 背景句(background information)
2. 题干(argument)
3. 题目要求(direction)

1. background information

2. argument

2. 3. direction
Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line
of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider
what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative explanations or
counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would
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strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically
sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.

Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. This

argument is well presented, but not well reasoned. I find
that the reasoning has not been fully well founded. All
findings suggest that it sounds not that reasonable.

In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the
Further analysis on the inference operative in this editorial reveals that the speaker fails to
establish concrete connection between A and B.
The reasoning line does not align with our common life experience, as evidenced by …

For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and
what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion.
The underlying assumption is that …
The conclusion has been weakened by not ruling out all these and other alternatives.
You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes
in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better
evaluate its conclusion.
A seemingly strong argument is in fact not logically sound. It
sounds reasonable, but by itself it is not that sound.

(1)结论 conclusion
1. 道理: (2)假设 assumptions stated ~
unstated ~
2. 事实: evidence
The following appeared as part of a newspaper editorial:
“Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic
subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates have reported
some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board should use a greater
portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in the district should adopt
interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.”

Assumption 1:
Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic
subjects. At that time, many students took part in these three subjects and achieved better
performance in mastering knowledge, thereby elevating their scores. The elevated scores, in turn,
helped them not drop out, so the school dropout rate declined immediately.
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Assumption 2:
Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic
subjects. … last year’s graduates have reported some impressive achievements in college.

Assumption 3:
Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic
subjects. In future budgets the school board should use a greater portion of the available funds to
buy more computers, because …
All schools in the district should adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum,
because …

The following appeared as part of an article in a daily newspaper:

“The computerized on-board warning system that will be installed in commercial airliners will
virtually solve the problem of midair plane collisions. One plane’s warning system can receive
signals from another’s transponder—a radio set that signals a plane’s course—in order to
determine the likelihood of a collision and recommend evasive action.”

The following appeared as part of an article in a daily newspaper:

“The computerized on-board warning system that will be installed in commercial airliners will
virtually solve the problem of midair plane collisions. One plane’s warning system can receive
signals from another’s transponder—a radio set that signals a plane’s course—in order to
determine the likelihood of a collision and recommend evasive action.”
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第四讲 结构框架

1. 标题
2. 段落
3. 格式
4. 标点
5. 时态

1. 标题

2. 段落:

3. 格式:
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4. 标点:
GMAT is important. GRE is also important.
GMAT is important. GRE is also important.
GMAT is “important.”
GMAT is “important”.
GMAT is “important”; ….
GMAT is important-- that is …
GMAT is important -- that is …
GMAT is important --that is …
GMAT is important--that is …
GMAT is important- -that is …
GMAT is important - that is …

5. 时态:
The argument that this warning system will virtually solve the problem of midair plane collis ions
omits some important concerns that must be addressed to substantiate the argument.

1. 开头:Evaluation
2. 主体:MAPES
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3. 结尾:Suggestion

1. 开头:
Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion be sure to analyze the line
of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. …
Conclusion (clear)
Assumptions (detailed)
Evidence (brief)

The following appeared as part of a newspaper editorial:

“Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic
subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates have reported
some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board should use a greater
portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in the district should adopt
interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.”

C: buy more computers, and all schools in the district should adopt interactive computer
instruction throughout the curriculum.

A1: computer instruction dropout rate declined

A2: interactive computer instruction achievements in college
A3: three subjects = all other curriculum

C: This editorial suggests to buy more computers and to extend interactive computer instruction
throughout the curriculum in this district.
A1: computer instruction helps reduce dropout rate.
A2: achievements in college are attributed to computerized instruction in high school.
A3: three subjects have no differences from all other curriculum.

This editorial suggests to buy more computers and to extend interactive computer instruction
throughout the curriculum in this district. A good suggestion, however, has been based on some
unwarranted assumptions: it is computer instruction that helps reduce dropout rate; achievements
in college are attributed to computerized instruction in high school; and three subjects have no
differences from all other curriculum. So far the provided evidence fails to fully back them.

开头变化 :
Is it only computer instruction that helps reduce dropout rate? Could the achievements in college
be wholly attributed to computerized instruction in high school? Can those mentioned three
subjects represent all other curriculum? With no clear answer to any these questions, this
editorial’s suggestion to buy more computers and to extend to other schools remains moot.

Evaluation 常用表达:
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accept / embrace
It is easy to accept that … Given no supporting evidence, however, this implication is logically
It is unacceptable to accept the acceptability of this argument.
It is unacceptable to embrace the credibility of this argument.

support / substantiate / bolster / back

supporting evidence supported evidence
supporting assumption supported assumption
supporting conclusion supported conclusion

support / substantiate / bolster / back

The conclusion … then would be much less well supported.
This point weakens rather than supports the argument.
It would not have offered any better support for its conclusion.

fail / false / fallacy / failure / flaw / flawed

The argument fails to address whether it would be feasible to …
The failure to make this distinction led to the making of the flawed assumption that
… A flawed assumption underlies the reasoning: …
How is this reasoning flawed?

relevant / irrelevant / related to / have bearing on / have nothing with / have impact on
The speaker attempts to make a concrete connection between … and …, but these two occurrences
are in fact irrelevant.
… is not relevant to determining whether …
… is not directly relevant to whether or not …

The argument that the school board should buy more computers and adopt interactive computer
instruction is not entirely logically convincing, since it ignores certain crucial assumptions.

The argument concludes that in future budgets the school board should use a greater portion of the
available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in the district should adopt interactive
computer instruction throughout the curriculum. To support this conclusion, the arguer cites a fact
that two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three
academic subjects, and that the school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates
have reported some impressive achievements in college. After careful scrutiny, however, it reveals
that it is not well reasoned.

2. 主体段落:
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M: interactive computer instruction, dropout rate
decline A: the former caused the latter
P1: some, not take these three courses
P2: even took, still grade decline, causing drop out
P3: while some good, other courses improvement without computer
E: taiyouxiule, bukaopu
S: detailed data, out-dropping student GPA

M: interactive computer instruction, dropout rate decline

It is mentioned in this editorial that interactive computer instruction has been adopted two years
ago, and that dropout rate declined.

A: the former caused the latter

The reason why the speaker in this way mentions is that he or she attempts to mislead us into
believing that the decline results from the computer.

P1: some, not take these three courses

This belief may have neglected a possibility in which some students had not taken these three
courses adopting computer.

P2: even took, still grade decline, causing drop out

Even for those who took these three computerized courses, they still have great chance in not
achieving grades upgraded. And some of them maybe for this reason dropped out.

P3: while some good, other courses improvement without computer

While some other youngsters have good performance in school, the behind-the-scene reason would
lie in other courses’ improvement without computers.

E: taiyouxiule, bukaopu
These above three possibilities could help better explain the mentioned decline in dropout rate and
thus the conclusion in this article turns out to be less well backed.

S: detailed data, out-dropping student GPA

More detailed data about recent out-dropping student’s GPA may be helpful.

主体第一段 (99/155)
It is mentioned in this editorial that interactive computer instruction has been adopted two years
ago, and that dropout rate declined. The reason why the speaker in this way mentions is that he or
she attempts to mislead us into believing that the decline results from the computer. This belief
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may have neglected a possibility in which some students had not taken these three courses
adopting computer. Even for those who took these three computerized courses, they still have great
chance in not achieving grades upgraded. And some of them maybe for this reason dropped out.
While some other youngsters have good performance in school, the behind-the-scene reason would
lie in other courses’ improvement without computers. These above three possibilities could help
better explain the mentioned decline in dropout rate and thus the conclusion in this article turns out
to be less well backed. More detailed data about recent out-dropping student’s GPA may be

Mention 常用表达: mention / state / cite / say / note /

indicate / identify / tell
Stated in this argument is a fact that …
It is mentioned … But it does not mention that …
The mention of … stands for an important piece of evidence in supporting the idea that …
… is said to be used as evidence …
… tells us about the correlation between … and
… It is given that … But it gives a wrong
direction. The argument specifically refers to …

Assumption 常用表达:
assume / hint / imply / implicate / suggest / contend
This passage contends that …, and that …
What must be true about … is that …
In order to conclude …, the argument must logically assume that ….
Only if … are assumed to … can the conclusion be drawn that ….
On what assumption does the argument depend?
How is this argument developed?

Possibility 常用表达:
What if …?
If for instance …, then …
If …, … would probably …
If …, why would …?
Even if …, the argument still indicates that …
leave … open / leave open … / possible / likely
This leaves open the possibility that ….
The existence … opens the possibility that ….
It is likely that … , and thus less likely that …
In all likelihood, …
An alternative challenges the position the argument seeks to establish, and that is … At
dispute is how to account for the fac t that this claim is true. For example, if …
The accuracy of … is never questioned in the argument, but here I intend to question it. Suppose
that …
What point casts doubt on this implication? Cons ider what other conditions can result in the same
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effect. What if … ? If …, then …
What else could explain … ? What if …? An alternate explanation is that … could be well
responsible for … In particular, it is not addressed … Once again, the argument does not address

Evaluation 常用表达:
This point is said to be misleading.
It does not matter. It does matter. +
It makes sense that … +
This statement properly identifies a factor that weakens the argument.
If a factor other than …could account for …, then the
argument is weakened.
… does not have any bearing on whether …
This argument is not about …, only about ….
… plays no role in the argument.

Suggestion 常用表达:
… must eliminate these alternatives about …
If we add the information about …, this argument would be much well supported.
The speaker has to collect more data about …, which are not conflicting with other evidence.
Instead of simply relying on the evidence given so far, the arguer ought to identify more
challenging factors like …
Facing the above rejection, the reasoning must be reinforced by adding more information …
Having no obvious bearing on the argument one way or another, the evidence has to be replaced
by …

M: impressive achievements in college

A: computer college achievements
P1: achievements ≠ those three subjectes
P2: even =, other contributing factors
E: taiyouxiule, bukaopu
S: what achievements?
M: Stated in this argument is a fact that …
A: Only if … are assumed to … can the conclusion be drawn that ….
P1: What point casts doubt on this implication? Consider what other c onditions can result in the
same effect. What if … ? If …, then …
P2: The accuracy of … is never questioned in the argument, but here I intend to question it.
Suppose that..
E: … plays no role in the argument.
S: Having no obvious bearing on the argument one way or another, the evidence has to be
replaced by …
M: impressive achievements in college
M: Stated in this argument is a fact that …
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Stated in this argument is a fact that last year’s graduates reported some impressive achievement
in college after implementing computerized instruction in three subjects two years ago.

A: computer college achievements
A: Only if … are assumed to … can the conclusion be drawn that ….
As for this statement, only if computer instruction is assumed to make college achievement can the
conclusion be drawn that the instruction of computers shall be extended.

P1: achievements ≠ those three subjects

P1: What point casts doubt on this implication? Consider what other conditions can result in the
same effect. What if … ? If …, then …

What point casts doubt on this implication? Cons ider what other conditions can result in the same
effect. What if the achievements in college have nothing to do with those three subjects in high
school? If for instance Nova High School adopted computer instruction in math, chemistry and
history, but if last year’s graduates played well in basket ball, then the connection has been cut, on
one hand.

P2: even =, other contributing factors

P2: The accuracy of … is never questioned in the argument, but here I intend to question it.
Suppose that..

… on one hand. On the other, even if the achievements are related to the three subjects, the
accuracy of causality is never questioned in the argument, but here I intend to question it. Suppose
that in college, students have more time and facility to do experiments, in which case the
enrichment by college may also play a great part in achieving some impressive success.

E: taiyouxiule, bukaopu
E: … plays no role in the argument.
In either case, computer instruction may play a small part in the argument ….

S: what achievements?
S: Having no obvious bearing on the argument one way or another, the evidence has to be
replaced by …
… and having no obvious bearing on the argument one way or another, the evidence has to be
replaced by an in-depth survey on those graduates and their achievements.

主体第二段 (99/223)
Stated in this argument is a fact that last year’s graduates reported some impressive achievement in
college after implementing computerized instruction in three subjects two years ago. As for this
statement, only if computer instruction is assumed to make college achievement can the conclusion
be drawn that the instruction of computers shall be extended. What point casts doubt on this
implication? Consider what other conditions can result in the same effect. What if the
achievements in college have nothing to do with those three subjects in high school? If for
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instance Nova High School adopted computer instruction in math, chemistry and history, but if last
year’s graduates played well in basket ball, then the connection has been cut, on one hand. On the
other, even if the achievements are related to the three subjects, the accuracy of causality is never
questioned in the argument, but here I intend to question it. Suppose that in college, students have
more time and facility to do experiments, in which case the enrichment by college may also play a
great part in achieving some impressive success. In either case, computer instruction may play a
small part in the argument and having no obvious bearing on the argument one way or another, the
evidence has to be replaced by an in-depth survey on those graduates and their achievements.

M: all schools, throughout the curriculum
A1: Nova = all schools
P1: some school has no enough funds
A2: three subjects = curriculum
P2: some courses, like arts, sports, not fit computer

3. 结尾:

主三:all schools, throughout the curriculum

主二:the evidence has to be replaced by a in-depth survey on those graduates and their
主一:More detailed data about recent out-dropping student’s GPA may be helpful.
After analyzing the reasoning line and the use of evidence in this argument, it requires more
improvement in at least three aspects. First of all, try to guarantee the feasibility of computer
instruction from one high school to all schools, and from three subjects to all the curriculum. An
in-depth survey on those graduates’ achievement in college is also needed, so is the recent out-
dropping student’s GPA .
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第五讲 题型分类


1. 原因

x y
past now future
2. 结果

x y
past now future
3. 因果

x y
past now future

The following appeared as part of an article in a weekly newsmagazine:

“The country of Sacchar can best solve its current trade deficit problem by lowering the price of
sugar, its primary export. Such an action would make Sacchar better able to compete for markets
with other sugar exporting countries. The sale of Sacchar’s sugar abroad would increase, and this
increase would substantially reduce Sacchar’s trade deficit.”

sugar deficit
past now future

主体段落:先词后句 —— 先列词语提纲:
current deficit, suggest lower price of sugar
current deficit, because of sugar with high price
import – export = deficit
(1) Import
(2) export other than sugar
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current deficit, because of sugar with high price
import – export = deficit
(1) Import
(2) export other than
sugar Mention:
current deficit, suggest lower price of sugar

current deficit, because of sugar with high price

Could the reason for the current trade deficit be simply attributed to the insufficient export of
sugar? The speaker claims so and further postulates the insufficient export was due to the
relatively higher price of sugar.

import – export = deficit

After all, it is the combined effects from both import and export that finally result in a trade

(1) import (2) export other than sugar
Although the speaker’s claim reveals a possibility, many other possible scenarios might have been
consequently disguised. These possibilities, given the export of sugar remained stable, may still
involve: (1) there might be a newly increasing amount of imported merchandise that greatly
outnumbered the export of sugar; (2) regardless of sugar, other exported goods declined for some

current deficit, suggest lower price of sugar

With no regard to all these and other alternative explanat ions, this article pointing out the problem of
current trade deficit has unfairly suggested the country of Sacchar to lower the price of sugar.

从 33 个字的提纲到 150 字的段落

Could the reason for the current trade deficit be simply attributed to the insufficient expor t of
sugar? The speaker claims so and further postulates the insufficient export was due to the
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relatively higher price of sugar. While this postulation seems reasonable, it is nevertheless the
combined effects from both import and export that finally result in a trade deficit. Although the
speaker’s claim reveals a possibility, many other possible scenarios might have been consequently
disguised. These possibilities, given the export of sugar remained stable, may still involve: (1)
there might be a newly increasing amount of imported merchandise that greatly outnumbered the
export of sugar; (2) regardless of sugar, other exported goods have declined for some reason. With
no regard to all these and other alternative explanations, this article pointing out the problem of
current trade deficit has unfairly suggested the country of Sacchar to lower the price of sugar.

  
price↘ compete↗ sale↗ deficit↘
now future


1. definition

2. scope

3. replacement
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4. analogy

The following appeared as part of a campaign to sell advertising time on a local radio station to
local businesses:
“The Cumquat Café began advertising on our local radio station this year and was delighted to see
its business increase by 10 percent over last year’s totals. Their success shows you how you can
use radio advertising to make your business more profitable.”

ad 10%
past now future

profitable, success
10% = profitable, success
profit = revenue - cost
(1) cost going higher (2) the finally gained profit is lower than that of others

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10% = profitable, success
profit = revenue - cost
(1) cost going higher (2) the finally gained profit is lower than that of others
profitable, success

参考之前段落改写一个 APM 的主体段落:

10% = profitable, success
Could the 10% increase in income be fully standing for a success of annual business operation?
The speaker claims so and further postulates the success also means the profitability of Cumquat

profit = revenue – cost
While this postulation seems reasonable, it is nevertheless the combined effects from both revenue
and costs that finally result in a profitable balance. Although the speaker’s claim reveals a
possibility, many other possible scenarios might have been consequently disguised.

(1) cost going higher (2) the finally gained profit is lower than that of others
These possibilities, given the costs unknown, may still involve: (1) there might be a newly
increasing amount of expenses that greatly outnumbered the income of last year; (2) regardless of
expenditures, the finally gained profit was still lower than that of others.

profitable, success
With no regard to all these and other alternative explanations, this article only indicating 10%
increase in revenue has unfairly suggested “your business” to follow this so-called “success.”

Could the 10% increase in income be fully standing for a success of annual business operation?
The speaker claims so and further postulates the success also means the profitability of Cumquat
Café. While this postulation seems reasonable, it is nevertheless the combined effects from both
revenue and costs that finally result in a profitable balance. Although the speaker’s claim reveals a
possibility, many other possible scenarios might have been consequently disguised. These
possibilities, given the costs unknown, may still involve: (1) there might be a newly increasing
amount of expenses that greatly outnumbered the income of last year; (2) regardless of
expenditures, the finally gained profit was still lower than that of others. With no regard to all
these and other alternative explanations, this article only indicating 10% increase in revenue has
unfairly suggested “your business” to follow this so-called “success.”
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1. number ≠ ratio
2. single ≠ relative
3. average ≠ every
4. ratio = numerator / denominator
5. survey

The following appeared in an Avia Airlines departmental memorandum:

“On average, 9 out of every 1,000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines last year filed a
complaint about our baggage-handling procedures. This means that although some 1 percent of our
passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming majority were quite satisfied
with them; thus it would appear that a review of the procedures is not important to our goal of
maintaining or increasing the number of Avia’s passengers.”

主体段落: PAM
P: not average, in time and in space
A: every
M: average

P: not average, in time and in space

Common sense informs us that average number may automatically conceal much of detailed
information about real situation that, however, is not that averaged, and that the likely deviation
might be existing both in time and in space. So if this Avia Airlines has 100 air lines with 1 line
having received 100% complaint rate in baggage handling, then the on-average 1% unhappy
passengers would be a case so big that must be addressed immediately.

A: every
But the speaker might have been attempting to mislead us into believing that these unhappy
passengers are uniformly distributed in those 100 airlines and in this sense need not be paid
unnecessary attention to.

M: average
The article, to bolster this belief, puts in the first sentence a trivialized record – “On average, 9 out
of 1,000 passengers … filed a complaint about our baggage-handling procedure.” Unfortunately,
this ambiguous record could merely serve to strengthen one possibility but has failed to rule out
other possibilities mentioned above.

Common sense informs us that average number may automatically conceal much of detailed
information about real situation that, however, is not that averaged, and that the likely deviation
might be existing both in time and in space. So if this Avia Airlines has 100 air lines with 1 line
having received 100% complaint rate in baggage handling, then the on-average 1% unhappy
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passengers would be a case so big that must be addressed immediately. But the speaker might
have been attempting to mislead us into believ ing that these unhappy passengers are uniformly
distributed in those 100 airlines and in this sense need not be paid unnecessary attention to. The
article, to bolster this belief, puts in the first sentence a trivialized record – “On average, 9 out of
1,000 passengers … filed a complaint about our baggage-handling procedure.” Unfortunately, this
ambiguous record could merely serve to strengthen one possibility but has failed to rule out other
possibilities mentioned above.

The following appeared in an article in a health and fitness magazine:
“Laboratory studies show that Saluda Natural Spring Water contains several of the minerals
necessary for good health and that it is completely free of bacteria. Residents of Saluda, the small
town where the water is bottled, are hospitalized less frequently than the national average. Even
though Saluda Natural Spring Water may seem expensive, drinking it instead of tap water is a
wise investment in good health.”

Even though Saluda Natural Spring Water may seem expensive, drinking it instead of tap water is
a wise investment in good health.
? tap water = not health

Evidence 1:

Laboratory studies show that Saluda Natural Spring Water contains several of the minerals
necessary for good health and that it is completely free of bacteria.

? several of the minerals necessary for good health = health

? completely free of bacteria = health

Evidence 2:
Residents of Saluda, the small town where the water is bottled, are hospitalized less frequently
than the national average.

? water less hospitalized
? bottled = drink
? less frequently than the national average = health
? average
? residents of Saluda = other people
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第六讲 专项练习


1. simple

2. complex

1. simple complex
The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper:
“The profitability of Croesus Company, recently restored to private ownership, is a clear
indication that businesses fare better under private ownership than under public ownership.”

The following appeared in the editorial section of a corporate newsletter:

“The common notion that workers are generally apathetic about management issues is false, or at
least outdated: a recently published survey indicates that 79 percent of the nearly 1,200 workers
who responded to survey questionnaires expressed a high level of interest in the topics of corporate
restructuring and redesign of benefits programs.”

?recently published = recently conducted

? the surveyed 1,200 workers = the entire workforce
? respond to survey questionnaires = telling the truth
? express interest in two topics = pathetic about management issues

The following appeared as part of an article in a trade magazine for breweries:

“Magic Hat Brewery recently released the results of a survey of visitors to its tasting room last
year. Magic Hat reports that the majority of visitors asked to taste its low -calorie beers. To boost
sales, other small breweries should brew low -calorie beers as well.”

The following appeared as part of an article in a health club trade publication:

“After experienc ing a decline in usage by its members, Healthy Heart fitness center built an indoor
pool. Since usage did not increase significantly, it appears that health club managers should adopt
another approach—lowering membership fees rather than installing expensive new features.”

2. complex simple
The following appeared in an article in the health section of a newspaper:
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“There is a common misconception that university hospitals are better than community or private
hospitals. This notion is unfounded, however: the university hospitals in our region employ 15
percent fewer doctors, have a 20 percent lower success rate in treating patients, make far less
overall profit, and pay their medical staff considerably less than do private hospitals. …

…Furthermore, many doctors at university hospitals typically divide their time among teaching,
conducting research, and treating patients. From this it seems clear that the quality of care at
university hospitals is lower than that at other kinds of hospitals.”

University hospitals are not better than community or private hospitals.
The quality of care at university hospitals is lower than that at other kinds of hospitals.

Evidence 1:
The university hospitals in our region employ 15 percent fewer doctors,

Evidence 2:
have a 20 percent lower success rate in treating patients

Evidence 3:
make far less overall profit

Evidence 4:
and pay their medical staff considerably less than do private hospitals.

Evidence 5:
Furthermore, many doctors at university hospitals typically divide their time among teaching,
conducting research, and treating patients.

1. business
2. government
3. education

1. business
The following appeared in a presentation by the chief production manager of a machine parts
manufacturing company at a management meeting:
“Our factory in Cookville is our most advanced and efficient. It is capable of producing ten drill
bits for each dollar of production costs, whereas none of our other factories can produce more than
seven drill bits per dollar of production costs. …
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… Therefore, we can reduce our overall drill bit production costs by devoting the Cookville
factory entirely to drill bit production. Since reducing the production costs of individual machine
parts is the only way to achieve our larger goal of reducing our overall production costs, dedicating
the Cookville factory entirely to drill bit production and shifting all other machine part production
to our other factories will help us to attain that larger goal.”

2. government
The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper:
“In the first four years that Montoya has served as mayor of the city of San Perdito, the population
has decreased and the unemployment rate has increased. Two businesses have closed for each new
business that has opened. Under Varro, who served as mayor for four years before Montoya, the
unemployment rate decreased and the population increased. Clearly, the residents of San Perdito
would be best served if they voted Montoya out of office and reelected Varro.”

3. education
The following appeared in a speech delivered by a member of the city council:
“Twenty years ago, only half of the students who graduated from Einstein High School went on to
attend a college or university. Today, two-thirds of the students who graduate from Einstein do so.
Clearly, Einstein has improved its educational effectiveness over the past two decades. T his
improvement has occurred despite the fact that the school’s funding, when adjusted for inflation, is
about the same as it was 20 years ago. Therefore, we do not need to make any substantial increase
in the school’s funding at this time.”

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