Lecture Notes Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Lecture Notes Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Lecture Notes Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Nico Sneeuw
Institute of Geodesy
University of Stuttgart
1. Introduction 4
1.1. Physical Geodesy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2. Links to Earth sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3. Applications in engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1. Introduction
Geodesy aims at the determination of the geometrical and physical shape of the Earth
and its orientation in space. The branch of geodesy that is concerned with determining
the physical shape of the Earth is called physical geodesy. It does interact strongly with
the other branches, though, as will be seen later.
Physical geodesy is different from other geomatics disciplines in that it is concerned with
field quantities: the scalar potential field or the vectorial gravity and gravitational fields.
These are continuous quantities, as opposed to point fields, networks, pixels, etc., which
are discrete by nature.
Gravity field theory uses a number of tools from mathematics and physics:
Newtonian gravitation theory (relativity is not required for now)
Potential theory
Vector calculus
Special functions (Legendre)
Partial differential equations
Boundary value problems
Signal processing
Gravity field theory is interacting with many other disciplines. A few examples may
clarify the importance of physical geodesy to those disciplines. The Earth science dis-
ciplines are rather operating on a global scale, whereas the engineering applications are
more local. This distinction is not fundamental, though.
Oceanography. The Earth’s gravity field determines the geoid, which is the equipo-
tential surface at mean sea level. If the oceans would be at rest—no waves, no currents,
no tides—the ocean surface would coincide with the geoid. In reality it deviates by
up to 1 m. The difference is called sea surface topography. It reflects the dynamical
equilibrium in the oceans. Only large scale currents can sustain these deviations.
The sea surface itself can be accurately measured by radar altimeter satellites. If the
1.2. Links to Earth sciences
geoid would be known up to the same accuracy, the sea surface topography and conse-
quently the global ocean circulation could be determined. The problem is the insufficient
knowledge of the marine geoid.
Geophysics. The Earth’s gravity field reflects the internal mass distribution, the de-
termination of which is one of the tasks of geophysics. By itself gravity field knowledge
is insufficient to recover this distribution. A given gravity field can be produced by an
infinity of mass distributions. Nevertheless, gravity is is an important constraint, which
is used together with seismic and other data.
As an example, consider the gravity field over a volcanic island like Hawaii. A volcano by
itself represents a geophysical anomaly already, which will have a gravitational signature.
Over geologic time scales, a huge volcanic mass is piled up on the ocean sphere. This
will cause a bending of the ocean floor. Geometrically speaking one would have a cone
in a bowl. This bowl is likely to be filled with sediment. Moreover the mass load will
be supported by buoyant forces within the mantle. This process is called isostasy. The
gravity signal of this whole mass configuration carries clues to the density structure
below the surface.
Geology. Different geological formations have different density structures and hence
different gravity signals. One interesting example of this is the Chicxulub crater, partially
on the Yucatan peninsula (Mexico) and partially in the Gulf of Mexico. This crater
with a diameter of 180 km was caused by a meteorite impact, which occurred at the K-T
boundary (cretaceous-tertiary) some 66 million years ago. This impact is thought to
have caused the extinction of dinosaurs. The Chicxulub crater was discovered by careful
analysis of gravity data.
Hydrology. Minute changes in the gravity field over time—after correcting for other
time-variable effects like tides or atmospheric loading—can be attributed to changes in
hydrological parameters: soil moisture, water table, snow load. For static gravimetry
these are usually nuisance effects. Nowadays, with precise satellite techniques, hydrology
is one of the main aims of spaceborne gravimetry. Despite a low spatial resolution, the
results of satellite gravity missions may be used to constrain basin-scale hydrological
Glaciology and sea level. The behaviour of the Earth’s ice masses is a critical indicator
of global climate change and global sea level behaviour. Thus, monitoring of the melting
of the Greenland and Antarctica ice caps is an important issue. The ice caps are huge
mass loads, sitting on the Earth’s crust, which will necessarily be depressed. Melting
1. Introduction
causes a rebound of the crust. This process is still going on since the last Ice Age, but
there is also an instant effect from melting taking place right now. The change in surface
ice contains a direct gravitational component and an effect, due to the uplift. Therefore,
precise gravity measurements carry information on ice melting and consequently on sea
level rise.
Geomatics Engineering. Most surveying observables are related to the gravity field.
1.3. Applications in engineering
The ∆hi are the levelled height increments. Using gravity measurements gi
along the way gives a geopotential difference, which can be transformed into a
physical height difference, for instance an orthometric height difference.
iii) GPS positioning is a geometric technique. The geometric gps heights are
related to physically meaningful heights through the geoid or the quasi-geoid:
2. Approximation 1: the sphere
The Earth’s surface is a complicated manifold. For many purposes in surveying, navi-
gation and several geosciences, a spherical description is more than sufficient. With a
flattening in the order of 10−3 a spherical approximation implies errors less than 1 %.
For geodetic applications in which this error level is unacceptable, an ellipsoid of revo-
lution is used as a higher quality approximation. This chapter provides tools to perform
calculations on these surfaces.
Remark 2.1 In this chapter, the symbol φ will be used for the geocentric latitude.
2.2. From planar to spherical trigonometry
γ a
a b
b β
β α
α B
c B
A c A
When going from the plane to the sphere many trigonometric relationships between
angles and sides are similar. One must be careful, though. In plane trigonometry,
triangle sides are line segments, measured in linear units. On the sphere, however, sides
are great circle segments, or rather angles, expressed in angular units. They may be Großkreis
converted to linear units, e.g., by sa = aR, with R the spherical radius. The following
relationships exist—mostly in parallel—between planar and spherical trigonometry:
planar spherical
Further cosine formulas and sine-cosine formulas are obtained by cyclic permutation
a → b → c → a → ... and α → β → γ → α → ...
The quantity ε is called the spherical excess. According to the above formula, the sum
of angles in a spherical triangle is more than 180◦ . How much more, depends on the area
of the triangle. The formula A = R2 ε actually tells us that ε is the solid (geo-)centric
angle, subtended by the spherical triangle. The unit of a solid angle is steradian.
2. Approximation 1: the sphere
A*21 P2
ψ 12 ϕ2
Remark 2.2 Consider the extreme spherical triangle of the following 3 points: North-
pole, intersection of Greenwich meridian and equator, and the point on the equator at
90◦ longitude. All of the angles in this triangle are right angles. Thus α + β + γ = 270◦ ,
i.e. ε = 90◦ .
Exercise 2.1 Determine the sides of the triangle in remark 2.2 and check the validity of
all above spherical trigonometric formulas.
The discussion of the direct and inverse problems in the following sections is based on
the so-called polar spherical triangle, see fig. 2.3.
Anfangswertproblem The direct problem is defined as the following initial value problem:
Determination of φ2
From the spherical cosine formula:
cos (90◦ − φ2 ) = cos(90◦ − φ1 ) cos ψ12 + sin(90◦ − φ1 ) sin ψ12 cos A12
2.4. The inverse problem
Determination of λ2
From the spherical cosine formula:
⇒ λ2 = λ1 + ∆λ12
cos(90◦ − φ1 ) = cos (90◦ − φ2 ) cos ψ12 + sin (90◦ − φ2 ) sin ψ12 cos A∗21
sin φ1 − sin φ2 cos ψ12
⇒ cos A∗21 =
cos φ2 sin ψ12
From the spherical sine formula:
sin A∗21 sin ∆λ12 sin ∆λ12 cos φ1
= ⇒ sin A∗21 =
sin (90 − φ1 )
◦ sin ψ12 sin ψ12
sin A∗21
⇒ A21 = 360◦ − arctan
cos A∗21
The inverse problem is defined as the following boundary value problem: Randwertproblem
2. Approximation 1: the sphere
⇒ sin A12
A12 = arctan cos A 12
cos(90◦ − φ1 ) = cos (90◦ − φ2 ) cos ψ12 + sin (90◦ − φ2 ) sin ψ12 cos A∗21 ⇒
sin A∗21
⇒ A12 = 360◦ − arctan
cos A∗21
Remark 2.3 In the above derivations extra effort has been put into defining the angles
in the right quadrant by determining an angle both with a sine-rule and a cosine-rule.
In many cases, in which the quadrant is clear, simpler formulas like the sine formulas
would be sufficient.
3. Approximation 2: the ellipsoid
Remark 3.1 In this chapter, the symbol φ will be used for the geodetic or ellipsoidal
x a-x
a b a
But then, for a point on the minor axis, see right panel, we have a symmetrical
configuration. The distance from this point to each of the foci is a. The length
b is called the semi-minor axis. Knowing √both axes, we can express the distance kurze Halbachse
to focus and centre of the ellipse. It is a2 − b2 . Usually it is expressed as a
3. Approximation 2: the ellipsoid
a2 − b2 p
(ae)2 + b2 = a2 =⇒ e2 = 2
, or b = 1 − e2 a .
Exzentrizität The proportionality factor e is called the eccentricity; the out-of-centre distance
ae is known as the linear eccentricity.
algebraically (implicit) In case the axis of symmetry is the z-axis:
x2 y 2 z 2
+ 2 + 2 = 1.
a2 a b
One can obtain a 2d again by the following substitution:
x = p cos λ p2 z 2
=⇒ 2 + 2 = 1 ,
y = p sin λ a b
in which p = x2 + y 2 can be considered the horizontal coordinate in the meridian
parametrically (explicit) For points on the ellipsoid the transformation from ellipsoidal
to Cartesian coordinates reads:
x N (φ) cos φ cos λ
y = N (φ) cos φ sin λ , with: N (φ) = q (3.1a)
z N (φ)(1 − e2 ) sin φ 1 − e2 sin2 φ
For points above the ellipsoidal surface, we have to add the ellipsoidal height h in
normal direction as follows:
x (N + h) cos φ cos λ
y = (N + h) cos φ sin λ (3.1b)
z (N (1 − e2 ) + h) sin φ
3.1. Basic ellipsoidal geometry
A closed analytical solution for the reverse transformation from Cartesian to geodetic
coordinates does exist. Here, however, we will simply apply an iteration. First off,
longitude can be determined by: tan λ = xy . But geodetic latitude and height must be
solved iteratively together. To that end we introduce the coordinate p again (distance
to z-axis):
p= x2 + y 2 = (N + h) cos φ
iteration equation 1: h= − N (φ)
cos φ
z N (1 − e2 ) + h
z = (N (1 − e2 ) + h) sin φ =⇒ = tan φ
p N +h
z N +h
iteration equation 2: φ = arctan
p N (1 − e2 ) + h
N (φ0 ) = . . .
hi+1 = cospφi − N (φi ) from iteration equation 1.
z N (φi )+hi
φi+1 = arctan p N (φi )(1−e2 )+h−i from iteration equation 2 again.
N (φi+1 ) = and so on.
Iteration until convergence is achieved
|hi+1 − hi | < εh
|φi+1 − φi | < εφ
Geodetic and geocentric latitudes From the implicit formulation of the ellipsoid, we
can derive the surface normal vector simply by taking the gradient:
3. Approximation 2: the ellipsoid
3D 2D
x2 y 2 z 2 p2 z2
+ 2 + 2 = 1 = f (x, y, z) + = 1 = f (p, z)
a2 a b a2 b2
a2 p
∇f = 2 y ∇f = 2
z b2
x N cos φ cos λ
y = N cos φ sin λ p N cos φ
z N (1 − e2 ) sin φ
z N (1 − e2 ) sin φ
From fig. 3.3 the link between geocentric and geodetic latitude becomes clear:
tan φz = zp (see figure) b2 z
2 =⇒ tan φz = tan φ = (1 − e2 ) tan φ ≡ .
tan φ = bz2 : ap2 = ab2 pz (from ∇f ) a2 p
3.2. Curvature
Sphere An infinitesimal arc length ds on the sphere is related to its infinitesimal central
angle simply by multiplying by the sphere’s radius R, see fig. 3.4:
ds = Rdψ .
This is more or less the translation of dψ in angular measure into linear measure. How-
ever, it leads to a more fundamental concept, as the quantity
1 dψ
ρ= =
R ds
Krümmung is called the curvature. The radius R is known as the radius of curvature. In general, the
3.2. Curvature
curvature of a surface is a local quantity, that is, it depends on position. On the sphere,
though, curvature is constant. Thus, in 2 we might have added surface of constant
curvature as a definition of the sphere.
Ellipsoid On the ellipsoid, on the other hand, the curvature is a local measure. To be
more precise:
ρ = ρ(φ, α) ,
that is, the curvature is latitude and direction dependent. It is a function of latitude φ
and on azimuth α. At every point on the ellipsoid there will be a direction in which the Azimut
curvature is maximal and a direction in which it is minimal. Each direction spans up
a surface through the local normal vector. Such surfaces are called normal sections, see Normalschnitte
fig. 3.6.
As might be expected, the two extremes in curvature take place
i) in the meridian section, and Meridianschnitt
ii) in the prime vertical normal section, which is perpendicular to the meridian
section and tangent to the local latitude circle.
Note that the plane through a latitude circle by itself is not a normal section.
Let us consider the curvature and its variations in the meridian and in the equator. The
latitude dependence is obvious from fig. 3.5 (left panel). At the equator, the smaller
circle fits the ellipse in an optimal way. Its radius is the radius of curvature. It is clear
that this radius of curvature is smaller than the semi-major axis a. At the pole, though,
the best fitting circle has the largest possible radius, larger than a. Thus the curvature
at the pole, ρ(φ = 90◦ ), is minimum.
At the pole, no directional dependence can exist, as all meridian planes are normal
sections. At the equator, though, there will be a clear difference in curvature between
meridian plane (as discussed above) and in the equator plane. The equatorial normal
section of the ellipsoid is a circle, see fig. 3.5. The radius of curvature at the equator in
East-West direction is therefore a and the curvature ρ(φ = 0◦ , α = 90◦ ) = 1/a. In the
previous paragraph, we already concluded that the radius of curvature at the equator in
3. Approximation 2: the ellipsoid
Figure 3.5.: Latitude dependence of curvature in the meridian plane (left) and azimuth depen-
dence at the equator (right).
Figure 3.6.
Main radii of curvature This behaviour is not only valid at the equator. At every
latitude we will see the minimum radius of curvature (and hence the maximum curvature)
in the meridian plane and the maximum radius of curvature in the prime vertical normal
Meridiankrümmungs- section. They are known, respectively, as the meridian radius of curvature M (φ) and
radius normal radius of curvature N (φ). The latter radius is exactly the quantity that we know
Normalkrümmungs- already from (3.1). The corresponding equations and some examples are given in the
following table.
3.3. The direct and inverse geodetic problem on the ellipsoid
The table indeed confirms that the smallest radius of curvature is in North-South di-
rection: M (0◦ ) < N (0◦ ). Moreover, at the poles there is no azimuth dependence:
M (90◦ ) = N (90◦ ).
Gauss curvature The radius of a best fitting sphere at a certain latitude is the Gauss
radius of curvature: √
√ a 1 − e2
RG = M N = .
1 − e2 sin2 φ
1 sin2 α cos2 α
ρ(α) = = + . (3.2)
Rα N M
The shortest path between two points on a curved surface is called a geodesic. Solving the geodätische Linie
direct and inverse geodetic problem on the ellipsoid would require finding and describing
geodesics on the ellipsoid. This is a mathematically demanding topic, particularly if
analytical solutions are attempted. To exemplify the level of complexity on the ellipsoid,
it is remarked that a geodesic is in general not a closed curve, like the great circle on
the sphere. It suffices to say that the geodesic is described by a set of three coupled
ordinary differential equations, that may be solved numerically.
3. Approximation 2: the ellipsoid
Meridian arc A meridian arc s is a special geodesic. It is described by a single differ- Meridianbogen
ential equation:
= M (φ) ,
which is of course the reverse of the definition of a differential arc length (compare the
spherical case):
ds = M (φ)dφ .
Therefore, the meridian arc length between two points at different latitudes is
Z2 Zφ2
s1,2 = ds = M (φ)dφ ,
1 φ1
4. Approximation 3: the geoid
Remark 4.1 (mathematical model of gravitation) Soon after the publication of the Prin-
cipia Newton was strongly criticized for his law of gravitation, e.g. by his contemporary
Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727).
Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), German astronomer and mathematician; formulated the famous laws
of planetary motion: i) orbits are ellipses with Sun in one of the foci, ii) the areas swept out by the
line between Sun and planet are equal over equal time intervals (area law), and iii) the ratio of the
cube of the semi-major axis and the square of the orbital period is constant (or n2 a3 = GM ).
4. Approximation 3: the geoid
Huygens. Equation (4.1) implies that gravitation acts at a distance, and that it acts
instantaneously. Such action is unphysical in a modern sense. For instance, in Einstein’s
relativity theory no interaction can be faster than the speed of light. However, Newton
did not consider his formula (4.1) as some fundamental law. Instead, he saw it as a con-
venient mathematical description. As such, Newton’s law of gravitation is still a viable
model for gravitation in physical geodesy.
Equation (4.1) is symmetric: the mass m1 exerts a force on m2 and m2 exerts a force
of the same magnitude but in opposite direction on m1 . From now on we will be
interested in the gravitational field generated by a single test mass. For that purpose
we set m1 := m and we drop the indices. The mass m2 can be an arbitrary mass at an
arbitrary location. Thus we eliminate m2 by a = F/m2 . The gravitational attraction a
of m becomes:
a=G 2, (4.2)
in which r is the distance between mass point and evaluation point. The gravitational
attraction has units m/s2 . In geodesy one often uses the unit Gal, named after Galileo3 :
Remark 4.2 (kinematics vs. dynamics) The gravitational attraction is not an acceler-
ation. It is a dynamical quantity: force per unit mass or specific force. Accelerations on
the other hand are kinematic quantities.
The gravitational attraction works along the line connecting the point masses. In this
symmetrical situation the attraction at point 1 is equal in size, but opposite in direc-
tion, to the attraction at point 2: a12 = −a21 . This corresponds to Newton’s law:
action = −reaction.
In case we have only one point mass m, located in r 1 , whose attraction is evaluated in
point r 2 , this symmetry is broken. The vector a is considered to be the corresponding
x2 − x1
r = r 2 − r 1 = y2 − y1 , and r = |r|
z2 − z1
m mr m
a = −G 2 e12 = −G 2 = −G 3 r
r r r r
Galileo Galilei (1564–1642).
4.1. Newtonian gravitation
P1 r
r = r2 - r1
r1 r2 - r1
r y
x2 − x1
= −G y 2 − y1 .
[(x2 − x1 )2 + (y2 − y1 )2 + (z2 − z1 )2 ]3/2 z2 − z1
Gravitational formulae were derived for single point masses so far. One important prop-
erty of gravitation is the so-called superposition principle. It says that the gravitational
attraction of a system of masses can be achieved simply by adding the attractions of
single masses. The mi are the single masses and the ri are the distances between mass
points and the evaluation point.
X mi
a = −G ri . (4.3)
Real world mass configurations can be thought of as systems of infinitely many and
infinitely close point masses. The discrete formulation will become a continuous one.
N →∞
i Ω
mi → dm
The body Ω consists of mass elements dm, that are the infinitesimal masses of infinites-
imal cubes dxdydz with local density ρ(x, y, z):
dm(x, y, z) = ρ(x, y, z) dxdydz . (4.4)
4. Approximation 3: the geoid
z z
r1 P
2 P
5 3
i dz
4 dx
y y
x x
Figure 4.2.: Superposition for discrete (left) and continuous (right) mass distributions.
with r the distance between computation point P and mass element dm. The attraction
(4.5) can in principle be determined using volume integrals if the density distribution
within the body Ω is known. However, we can obviously not apply these integrals to the
real Earth. The Earth’s internal density distribution is insufficiently known. For that
reason we will make use of potential theory to turn the volume integrals into surface
integrals in a later chapter.
4.2. Rotation
4.2. Rotation
r i = RT r e (4.6a)
⇓ time derivative
ṙ i = RT ṙ e + ṘT r e (4.6b)
⇓ multiply by R
Rṙ i = ṙ e + RṘT r e
= ṙ e + Ωr e (4.6c)
The matrix Ω = RṘT is called Cartan4 matrix. It describes the rotation rate, as can be
seen from the following simple 2D example with α(t) = ωt:
cos ωt sin ωt
− sin ωt cos ωt
! ! !
cos ωt sin ωt − sin ωt − cos ωt 0 −ω
⇒ Ω= ω =
− sin ωt cos ωt cos ωt − sin ωt ω 0
It is useful to introduce Ω. In the next time differentiation step we can now distinguish
between time dependent rotation matrices and time variable rotation rate. Let’s pick
Élie Joseph Cartan (1869–1951), French mathematician.
4. Approximation 3: the geoid
⇓ multiply by RT
ṙ i = RT ṙ e + RT Ωr e (4.6d)
⇓ time derivative
r̈ i = RT r̈ e + ṘT ṙ e + ṘT Ωr e + RT Ω̇r e + RT Ωṙ e
= RT r̈ e + 2ṘT ṙ e + ṘT Ωr e + RT Ω̇r e (4.6e)
⇓ multiply by R
Rr̈ i = r̈ e + 2Ωṙ e + ΩΩr e + Ω̇r e
⇓ or the other way around
r̈ e = Rr̈ i − 2Ωṙ e − ΩΩr e − Ω̇r e (4.6f)
This equation tells us that acceleration in the rotating e-frame equals acceleration in the
inertial i-frame—in the proper orientation, though—when 3 more terms are added. The
additional terms are called inertial accelerations Analyzing (4.6f) we can distinguish the
four terms at the right hand side:
Rr̈ i is the inertial acceleration vector, expressed in the orientation of the rotating
2Ωṙ e is the so-called Coriolis 5 acceleration, which is due to motion in the rotating
ΩΩr e is the centrifugal acceleration, determined by the position in the rotating
Ω̇r e is sometimes referred to as Euler 6 acceleration or inertial acceleration of rota-
tion. It is due to a non-constant rotation rate.
Remark 4.3 Equation (4.6f) can be generalized to moving frames with time-variable
origin. If the linear acceleration of the e-frame’s origin is expressed in the i-frame with
b̈i , the only change to be made to (4.6f) is Rr̈ i → R(r̈ i − b̈i ).
RRT = I =⇒ (RRT ) = ṘR T
| {z } + R ṘT} = 0 =⇒ ΩT = −Ω . (4.7)
dt | {z
Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis (1792–1843).
Leonhard Euler (1707–1783).
4.2. Rotation
A second interesting property is the fact that multiplication of a vector with the Cartan
matrix equals the cross product of the vector with a corresponding rotation vector:
Ωr = ω × r (4.8)
This property becomes clear from writing out the 3 Cartan matrices, corresponding to
the three independent rotation matrices:
0 0 0
R1 (ω1 t) ⇒ Ω1 = 0 0 −ω1
0 ω1 0
0 0 ω2
0 −ω3 ω2
R2 (ω2 t) ⇒ Ω2 = 0 0 0 =⇒ Ω = ω3 0 −ω1 . (4.9)
−ω2 0 0
−ω2 ω1 0
0 −ω3 0
R3 (ω3 t) ⇒ Ω3 = ω3 0 0
0 0 0
Exercise 4.1 Convince yourself that the above Cartan matrices Ωi are correct, by doing
the derivation yourself. Also verify (4.8) by writing out lhs and rhs.
Using property (4.8), the velocity (4.6c) and acceleration (4.6f) may be recast into the
perhaps more familiar form:
ṙ e = Rṙ i − ω × r e (4.10a)
r̈ e = Rr̈ i − 2ω × ṙ e − ω × (ω × r e ) − ω̇ × r e (4.10b)
The latter is allowed here, since we are only interested in the acceleration effects, due
to the rotation. We are not interested in the rotation of position vectors. With great
4. Approximation 3: the geoid
precision, one can say that the Earth’s rotation rate is constant: ω̇ = 0 The corresponding
Cartan matrix and its time derivative read:
0 −ω 0
Ω = ω 0 0 and Ω̇ = 0 .
0 0 0
The three inertial accelerations, due to the rotation of the Earth, become:
Coriolis: −2Ωṙ e = 2ω −ẋe (4.12a)
centrifugal: −ΩΩr e = ω ye (4.12b)
Euler: −Ω̇r e = 0 (4.12c)
The Coriolis acceleration is perpendicular to both the velocity vector and the Earth’s
rotation axis. It will be discussed further in ??. The centrifugal acceleration is perpen-
dicular to the rotation axis and is parallel to the equator plane, cf. fig. 4.4.
Exercise 4.2 Determine the direction and the magnitude of the Coriolis acceleration if
you are driving from Calgary to Banff with 100 km/h.
Exercise 4.3 How large is the centrifugal acceleration in Calgary? On the equator? At
the North Pole? And in which direction?
4.3. Gravity
4.3. Gravity
g = a + ac .
g Figure 4.3: Gravity is the sum of gravitational attraction
and centrifugal acceleration. Note that ac is
hugely exaggerated. The centrifugal acceler-
xe ation vector is about 3 orders of magnitude
smaller than the gravitational attraction.
ω ω
ze ze
xt (North)
zt (up)
r sin θ ac
xe xe
Centrifugal acceleration in the local frame. Since geodetic observations are usually
made in a local frame, it makes sense to express the centrifugal acceleration in the
following topocentric frame (t-frame):
4. Approximation 3: the geoid
in which λ is the longitude and θ the co-latitude. The mirroring matrix P1 = diag(−1, 1, 1)
is required to go from a right-handed into a left-handed frame. Note that we did not in-
clude a translation vector to go from geocenter to topocenter. We are only interested in
directions here. Applying the transformation now to the centrifugal acceleration vector
in the e-frame yields:
sin θ cos λ − cos θ sin θ − cos θ
ac,t = P1 R2 (θ)R3 (λ)rω 2 sin θ sin λ = rω 2 2
0 = rω sin θ 0 .
0 sin2 θ sin θ
The centrifugal acceleration in the local frame shows no East-West component. On the
Northern hemisphere the centrifugal acceleration has a South pointing component. For
gravity purposes, the vertical component rω 2 sin2 θ is the most important. It is always
pointing up (thus reducing the gravitational attraction). It reaches its maximum at the
equator and is zero at the poles.
A. The Greek alphabet
α A alpha
β B beta
γ Γ gamma
δ ∆ delta
ǫ, ε E epsilon
ζ Z zeta
η H eta
θ, ϑ Θ theta
ι I iota
κ K kappa
λ Λ lambda
µ M mu
ν N nu
ξ Ξ ksi
o O omicron
π, ̟ Π pi
ρ, ̺ P rho
σ, ς Σ sigma
τ T tau
υ Υ upsilon
φ, ϕ Φ phi
χ X chi
ψ Ψ psi
ω Ω omega