D3299 Aciy7710
D3299 Aciy7710
D3299 Aciy7710
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
1 2
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Plastics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.23 on Reinforced contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Plastic Piping Systems and Chemical Equipment. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2018. Published August 2018. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 1974. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as D3299 – 10. DOI: The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
10.1520/D3299-18. www.astm.org.
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D3299 − 18
winding). For reference, the longitudinal tensile strength of a 2.6~ E/F !~ D o /L !~ t/D o ! 2.5
Pa 5 (4)
typical 80° helical winding is approximately 2200 psi (15,168 ~ L/D o ! 2 0.45 ~ t/D o ! 0.5
6.1.3 Hoop Design:
Do = outside diameter, in. (mm), Normal Service (Structural Corrosion Barrier)— E = lower of hoop tensile modulus or axial tensile modulus,
When the product to be stored in the tank causes little or no psi (kPa),
degradation to the selected resin, the minimum required wall F = design factor = 5,
thickness shall be in accordance with Eq 1. L = design length, in., of a vessel section, taken as the Severe Service (Non-Structural Corrosion largest of the following: (a) the distance between
Barrier)—When the product to be stored in the tank may cause head-tangent lines plus one-third the depth of each
degradation of the resin over time and with the agreement of formed head if there are no stiffening rings (excluding
the purchaser, the minimum required wall thickness of the tank conical heads and sections); (b) the distance between
shall be determined in accordance with Eq 2. cone-to-cylinder junctions for vessels with a cone or
0.036*γ*H*D conical heads if there are no stiffening rings; (c) the
tT 5 (1) greatest center-to-center distance between any two
2*E T *Z
adjacent stiffening rings; (d) the distance from the
or center of the first stiffening ring to the formed head
tangent line plus one-third the depth of the formed head
S tT 5
2*E T *Z D (excluding conical heads and sections), all measured
parallel to the axis of the vessel; (e) the distance from
0.036*γ*H*D the first stiffening ring in the cylinder to the cone-to-
t T 5 t CB1 (2)
2*E FW*Z cylinder junction,
Pa = allowable external pressure, psi (kPa), and
or t = wall thickness, in. (mm) (nominal).
S t T 5 t CB1
2*E FW*Z D 6.2.2 Torispherical Heads—For torispherical heads, com-
pute the allowable external pressure Pa as follows:
where: P a 5 0.36~ E/F !~ t/R o ! 2 (5)
tT = total thickness, in. (mm), where:
tCB = thickness of the corrosion barrier, in. (mm), Ro = outside crown radius of head, in. (mm).
H = fluid head, in. (mm),
γ = specific gravity of fluid, For torispherical heads subject to internal loading,
D = inside diameter of tank, in. (mm). the knucle radius shall be externally reinforced in accordance
ET = hoop tensile modulus of the total laminate (see with Fig. 1. The reinforcement thickness shall be equal to the
Appendix X3), psi (kPa), thickness of the head as calculated above. The thickness of a
EFW = hoop tensile modulus of the filament winding only psi joint overlay near the knucle radius tangent line of a dished
(kPa), and head contributes to the knucle reinforcement.
Z = allowable strain in accordance with 6.1.2. The minimum total thickness of the tank shall be
0.1875 in. (4.76 mm).
NOTE 7—The use of an accepted analytical technique, such as laminated
plate theory (LPT), for design and analysis of composite vessels may
predict stresses, strains, and strength on a ply-by-ply basis, given some
basic lamina properties.
NOTE 8—Tanks for installation outdoors shall be designed for the effect
of wind loading and other environmental factors in accordance with sound
design practice, including tank buckling analysis.
NOTE 9—Tanks with significant physical loadings other than fluid head
(such as side-mounted equipment, violent agitation, unusually high flow
rates, and unsupported bottoms) shall be given special design consider-
6.2 Design for External Pressure:
6.2.1 Cylindrical Shells—For cylindrical shell, compute the
value 1.73 (Do/t)0.5. If the result is less than L/Do of the
cylinder, compute Pa as follows:
P a 5 2.6~ E/F !~ D o /L !~ t/D o ! 2.5 (3)
If the result is greater than L/Do of the cylinder, compute Pa FIG. 1 Jointed Head Detail
as follows: Sketch A
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D3299 − 18
6.2.3 Stiffening Rings—The required moment of inertia, Is, mm) for over 6 to 12 ft (1.8 to 3.7 m) diameter, and 3⁄8 in. (9.5
of a circumferential stiffening ring for cylindrical shells under mm) for over 12 ft (3.7 m) diameter.
external pressure or internal vacuum shall not be less than that Deflection of the flat bottom when the tank is empty,
determined by the following formula: commonly known as “oil canning,” is permissible as long as
I s 5 PLs D o 3 F/24E h (6) the requirements of are met. Bottom heads may be molded integrally with the
straight shell or may be molded separately with a straight
Do = shell outside diameter, in. (mm), flange length for subsequent joining to shell.
Eh = hoop tensile modulus, psi (kPa),
F = design factor = 5, The radius of the bottom knuckle of a flat-bottom
Is = moment of inertia, in.4 (mm4), of stiffener and effective tank shall be not less than 1 in. (25 mm) on tanks 4 ft (1.22 m)
length of shell, or smaller in diameter and 1.5 in. (38 mm) on tanks larger than
Ls = one-half of the distance from the centerline of the 4 ft (1.22 m) diameter. The minimum thickness of the radiused
stiffening ring to the next line of support on one side, section shall be equal to the combined thickness of the shell
plus one-half of the centerline distance to the next line wall and the bottom. The reinforcement of the knuckle-radius
of support on the other side of the stiffening ring, both area shall taper so that it is tangent to the flat bottom, and shall
measured parallel to the axis of the cylinder, in. A line not extend beyond the tangent line onto the tank bottom, unless
of support is the following: (a) a stiffening ring that methods of manufacture are used that maintain flat-bottom
meets the requirements of this paragraph; (b) a circum- configuration, and shall extend up the vertical tank wall a
ferential line on a head at one-third the depth of the minimum of 8 in. (200 mm) on tanks up to 4 ft (1.22 m) in
head from the head tangent line; (c) a cone-to-cylinder diameter, and 12 in. (304 mm) on tanks over 4 ft (1.22 m) in
junction, and diameter. The reinforcement shall then taper into the side wall
P = actual external pressure, psi (kPa). over an additional length of 4 in. (102 mm) (see Fig. 3).
Methods of manufacture that incorporate stiffening bands as a
Typical half-round stiffener sizes and dimensions for differ-
means of knuckle stabilization, are permissible alternatives by
ent values of Is are shown in Fig. 2. Other stiffener profiles
agreement between purchaser and fabricator, provided the
meeting the required moment of inertia may be used.
fabricator can document the validity of the design.
6.3 Contact Molded Laminates—Portions of the tank, such The tank bottom shall not have variations from a
as joints, heads, nozzles, and supports, may be fabricated by nominally flat plane that would prevent uniform contact of the
contact molding. Contact-molded laminates shall satisfy the entire bottom surface with a properly prepared flat support
minimum property requirements listed in Specification C582, surface when the tank is filled with liquid. The bottom laminate
as shown in Table 1. surface shall be a hand-work finish, and shall have no exces-
6.3.1 Top Head—The top head, regardless of shape, shall be sive laminate projections that would prevent uniform contact
able to support a single 250-lbf (113.4 kg) load on a 4 by 4-in. with a properly prepared flat support surface when the tank is
(100 by 100-mm) area without damage and with a maximum filled with liquid.
deflection of 1⁄2 % of the tank diameter at the area the load is
applied. NOTE 11—This requirement is not intended to exclude the use of drain The minimum thickness shall be 0.1876 in. (4.76 nozzles which are commonly used at the bottom of the side shell. They do,
however, require foundation cut-outs of the appropriate dimensions for the
mm). nozzle type and size.
NOTE 10—Support of auxiliary equipment, snow load, or operation
personnel may require additional reinforcement or the use of stiffener ribs, The thickness of an elevated torispherical dished
sandwich construction, or other stiffening systems. Type II tanks may also bottom, suitable for supporting the weight of the fluid head,
require additional reinforcement. shall be determined by the following equation, but shall not be
6.3.2 Bottom Head—The minimum thickness for a fully less than 3⁄16 in. (4.8 mm):
supported flat-bottom head for Type I tanks shall be as follows:
3⁄16 in. (4.8 mm) for 2 to 6 ft (0.6 to 1.8 m) diameter, 1⁄4 in. (6.4 t5
0.885 PR 0.885 ~ 0.036γHR!
or S
0.885 ~ 0.2489γHR!
S D (7)
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D3299 − 18
Ultimate tensile strength, min, psi (MPa) 9 000 (62.05) 12 000 (82.74) 13 000 (89.63) 15 000 (103.4)
Tensile modulus, psi (MPa) 1 000 000 (6895) 1 300 000 (8963) 1 400 000 (9653) 1 500 000 (10342)
Flexural strength, min, psi (MPa) 16 000 (110.3) 19 000 (131.0) 20 000 (137.9) 22 000 (151.7)
Flexural modulus of elasticity (tangent), min, psi 700 000 (4826) 800 000 (5516) 900 000 (6205) 1 000 000 (6894)
Laminates that do not meet the minimum values of Table 1 are considered acceptable, provided they are made to afford the same overall strength that would be obtained
with a laminate meeting the specified thickness.
where: PD
t5 (8)
t = thickness, in. (mm), 2S
S = allowable tensile strength (not to exceed 1⁄10 of ultimate
For Cone Bottom:
strength), psi (kPa) (see 11.6.1),
γ = specific gravity of fluid, PD
t5 (9)
P = pressure, psi (kPa), 2S· cos ~ α !
R = inside radius of dished head, in. (mm), and
H = distance from the top of the fluid to the deepest portion where:
of the bottom, in. (mm). α = 1⁄2 the included (apex) angle of the cone at the centerline
of the head. ( Not greater than 30°)
For Elliptical Bottom Head:
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D3299 − 18
NOTE 12—An alternative method for design of an elevated torispherical 6.3.3 Open-Top Tanks—The top edge of open-top tanks
dished bottom is shown in Appendix X2. shall have a horizontal reinforcing flange or other means of The torispherical dished-bottom head shall have a reinforcement sufficiently rigid to maintain the shape of the
radius of curvature that is equal to or less than the inside tank after installation, such as stiffener ribs. The flange shall be
diameter of the tank straight shell, and a minimum knuckle in accordance with Table 2.
radius of at least 6 % of the diameter of the head. 6.3.4 Joints:
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D3299 − 18 The cured resin surfaces to be overlaid shall be overlay width shall be 4 in. (100 mm). This internal overlay
roughened using 36 or coarser grit abrasive media and shall shall not be considered a structural element in determining
extend beyond the lay-up area so that no reinforcement is joint thickness.
applied to an unroughened surface. Surfaces shall be clean and The thickness of a joint near the bottom tangent line
dry before lay-up. The entire roughened area shall be coated shall not be considered to contribute to the knuckle reinforce-
with paraffinated resin after the joint lay-up is made. ment of, but shall be additive thereto. Joints between tank-wall sections shall be over- 6.3.5 Fittings:
wound to a thickness as calculated in, or they may be
overlaid by a contact-molded laminate. When contact-molded The more common method of fabricating nozzles is
laminate joints are used to join hoop segments of the straight by contact molding both the nozzle neck and flange to the
shell, or to join the bottom or top head to the shell, the dimensions shown in Specification D5421 and Table 4. The
thickness of the structural joint overlay shall be determined by corrosion-resistant barrier of the nozzle shall be at least
the following equation, but shall not be less than 3⁄16 in. (4.8 equivalent to the inner surface and interior layer (7.1.1 and
mm): 7.1.2) and shall be fabricated from the same resin as the tank
head or shell to which it is attached.
2S h
2S h
or S
2S h D (10) Acceptable alternative methods to be agreed upon
between fabricator and purchaser are the use of contact-molded
where: pipe, filament-wound pipe, in accordance with Specification
t = wall thickness, in. (mm), D2996, or centrifugally cast pipe, in accordance with Specifi-
Sh = allowable hoop tensile strength (not to exceed 1⁄10 of the cation D2997, joined to a suitable contact-molded (Specifica-
ultimate hoop strength), psi (kPa), tion D5421), or filament-wound flange (Specification D4024).
P = pressure, psi (kPa), The corrosion-resistant barrier of the contact-molded portions
H = fluid head, in. (mm), of such nozzles shall be equivalent to the inner surface and
γ = specific gravity of fluid, and interior layer (7.1.1 and 7.1.2) and shall be fabricated from the
D = inside diameter of tank, in. (mm). same resin as the tank head or shell to which they are attached. The minimum width of the structural joint overlay Nozzles 4 in. (100 mm) and smaller shall be
for bottom-supported tanks is shown in Table 3. supported by a suitable gusseting technique, using plate gussets The corrosion-resistant barrier component of the or conical gussets, as shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. Plate gussets,
joint shall be formed in the same manner as the inner surface where needed, shall be evenly spaced around the nozzle and
and the interior layer (7.1.1 and 7.1.2) and the minimum are to be added after complete assembly by the nozzle on the
H × DA = 60 100 140 180 220 260 300 340 380 420 460 500
width of
in. 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
(mm) (102) (102) (127) (152) (178) (203) (229) (254) (279) (305) (330) (356)
where: H = distance from the top of the liquid level to the joint, ft (m) and
D = inside diameter of the tank, ft (m).
Axial joint overlay widths shall be twice the width shown in table.
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D3299 − 18
TABLE 4 Dimensions for Contact-Molded Flanged Nozzles (25 psi Rating)
Nozzle Inside Minimum Wall Minimum Flange Minimum Hub Minimum Hub Length
Diameter (D), in. (mm) Thickness (tn), Thickness (tf), in. Thickness (th), (h), in. (mm)
in. (mm) (mm) in. (mm)
1 (25) ⁄ (5)
3 16 ⁄ (13)
12 14⁄ (6) 2 (51)
11⁄2 (38) ⁄ (5)
3 16 ⁄ (13)
12 14⁄ (6) 2 (51)
2 (51) 3⁄16 (5) 1⁄2 (13) 1⁄4 (6) 2 (51)
3 (76) 3⁄16 (5) 1⁄2 (13) 1⁄4 (6) 2 (51)
4 (102) 3⁄16 (5) 1⁄2 (13) 1⁄4 (6) 2 (51)
6 (152) 3⁄16 (5) 1⁄2 (13) 1⁄4 (6) 2 (51)
8 (203) 3⁄16 (5) 9⁄16 (14) 5⁄16 (8) 21⁄2 (57)
10 (254) 3⁄16 (5) 11⁄16 (17) 3⁄8 (10) 23⁄4 (70)
12 (305) 3⁄16 (5) 3⁄4 (19) 3⁄8 (10) 3 (76)
14 (356) 1⁄4 (6) 13⁄16 (21) 7⁄16 (11) 31⁄4 (83)
16 (406) 1⁄4 (6) 7⁄8 (22) 7⁄16 (11) 31⁄2 (89)
18 (457) 1⁄4 (6) 15⁄16 (24) 1⁄2 (13) 33⁄4 (95)
20 (508) 1⁄4 (6) 1 (25) 1⁄2 (13) 4 (102)
24 (610) 1⁄4 (6) 11⁄8 (29) 9⁄16 (14) 41⁄2 (114)
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D3299 − 18
NOTE 1—This design does not require lay-up of nozzle neck to exterior of tank wall. Nozzle may be penetrating type or flush type as illustrated.
FIG. 5 Conical Type Gussets Manways installed in top heads may be of the NOTE 13—Tanks over 6 ft (1.8 m) straight-shell height may need both
flanged or nonflanged design, as agreed upon between the top- and side-shell opening manways for safety and maintenance consid-
fabricator and purchaser. Side-shell manways shall be installed in accordance 6.4 Vents:
with 7.3.2, 7.3.3, and Fig. 6. 6.4.1 Vents that discharge freely into the atmosphere must Typical manway dimensions are shown in Table 5. be provided in all Type I closed-top tanks. Minimum vent size
NOTE 1—This installation method is used only when the nozzle is being installed with an integral conical gusset which would prevent application of
an exterior laminate.
FIG. 6 Nozzle Installation and Cutout Reinforcement Location Alternative
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D3299 − 18
TABLE 5 Typical Dimensions of Manways
NOTE 1—Bolt size equals bolt hole diameter minus 1⁄8 in. (3 mm).
NOTE 2—Gaskets shall be 1⁄8 in. thick full-face elastomeric material having a hardness of Shore A80 ± 5.
Minimum Minimum Diameter of Minimum Thickness of Minimum Manway Diameter of Bolt Number of Bolt Hole Diameter, in.
Size, in. Flange and Cover, in. Flange and Cover, in. Wall Thickness, in. Circle, in. (mm)ABC Bolts (mm)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Pressurized Manway—up to 15 psig
20 (508) 271⁄2 (699) 1 (25.4) 3⁄8 (9.5) 25 (635) 20 ⁄ (19)
24 (610) 32 (813) 3⁄8 (9.5) 1⁄4 (6.4) 291⁄2 (748) 20 1⁄2 (12.7)
±0.06 in. (1.5 mm) (ASME/ANSI B 16.5).
±0.03 in. (0.76 mm) center to center of adjacent bolt holes (ASME/ANSI B 16.5).
±0.06 in. (1.5 mm) eccentricity between bolt circle and center of nozzle.
shall be sufficient to handle the flow displacement of all resistant glass fiber surface mat or with an organic fiber surface
combined inlet or outlet nozzles without creating any pressure mat, in accordance with 5.2.5.
above atmospheric, or any vacuum condition.
NOTE 15—This resin-rich inner surface will usually contain less than
NOTE 14—Special vent sizing consideration should be given to the 20 % by weight of reinforcing material.
numerous operating situations that could otherwise cause a positive or a 7.1.2 Interior Layer—The inner surface layer exposed to the
negative pressure in a closed tank. Since overfilling a closed tank with the
vent on the top can cause the tank to be over-pressured, a suitably sized corrosive environment shall be followed with a layer composed
overflow, properly located, or other appropriate protection, may be of resin, reinforced only with noncontinuous glass-fiber strands
required to prevent over-pressuring the tank. applied in a minimum of two plies of chopped-strand mat
6.4.2 Type II tanks shall be designed to withstand the equivalent to a total of 3 oz/ft2 (0.92 kg/m2 ). As an alternative,
specified positive or negative pressures not to exceed 14 in. a minimum of two passes of chopped roving of minimum
(355.6 mm) of water. Special design consideration must be length 0.5 in. (13 mm) to a maximum length of 2.0 in. (50.8
given to buckling of tank wall and heads, the hold-down lug mm), shall be applied uniformly to an equivalent weight of 3
system, and top and bottom knuckle requirements. Fluid level oz/ft2 (0.92 kg/m2). Each ply of mat or pass of chopped roving
in the tank is an important consideration in the analysis. shall be well-rolled prior to the application of additional Flat-bottom Type II tanks must have all hold-down reinforcement. The combined thickness of the inner surface
lugs properly secured to the foundation, in accordance with the and interior layer shall not be less than 0.10 in. (2.5 mm).
tank fabricator’s recommendation for the design of the lugs Glass content of the inner liner and the interior layer
used and for the tank installation and operation. combined shall be 27 6 5 % by weight when tested in
accordance with 11.4.
6.5 Hold-Down Lugs—Hold-down lugs shall be a require- The degree of cure of the laminate shall be such as
ment on all tanks for outdoor service, on all Type II tanks, and
to exhibit a Barcol hardness on the inner surface of at least
on tanks subject to seismic loads or vibrations. The design
90 % of the resin manufacturer’s minimum specified hardness
number and attachment of such lugs is the responsibility of the
for the cured resin, when tested in accordance with 11.5 and
fabricator, based on the wind, seismic, and other loads speci-
Note 18, Note 19, and Note 20.
fied by the purchaser.
7.1.3 Structural Layer:
6.5.1 Hold-down lugs shall be placed on the tank in such a Filament-Wound Structural Layer—Subsequent re-
way that they do not protrude below the bottom surface of the
inforcement shall be continuous-strand roving in accordance
with 5.2.2, that is needed to satisfy the requirements of
6.6 Lifting Lugs—Lifting lugs or other provisions for lifting The thickness of the filament-wound portion of the tank shell
tanks (see Appendix X1) shall be provided for tanks over 500 may be varied with tank height (tapered-wall construction),
lb (227 kg) in weight. provided these requirements are met at any height level. If
additional longitudinal strength is required, the use of other
7. Laminate Construction Requirements reinforcements, such as woven fabric, nonwoven unidirectional
7.1 Structural Tank—The laminate comprising the structural or bidirectional fabric, chopped-strand mat, or chopped
tank (bottom, cylindrical shell, top head) shall consist of a strands, may be interspersed in the winding to provide addi-
corrosion-resistant barrier (also known as “liner”) comprised of tional strength. Glass content of this filament-wound structural
an inner surface and interior layer, and a structural layer. layer shall be 50 to 80 % by weight. Only those constructions
7.1.1 Inner Surface—The inner surface exposed to the evaluated for design properties in 11.6 shall be used.
chemical environment shall be a resin-rich layer 0.010 to 0.020 Contact-Molded Structural Layer in Top and Bottom
in. (0.25 to 0.5 mm) thick, reinforced with a suitable chemical- Heads—Subsequent reinforcement shall be comprised of 1.5
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D3299 − 18
oz/ft2 (0.46 kg/m2) chopped-strand mat or equivalent weight 7.2.5 The outer structural overlay of a joint shall be centered
of chopped roving, or shall be comprised of chopped-strand on the joint, fabricated in accordance with, and shall be
mat or chopped roving and such additional number of alter- finished in accordance with
nating plies of 24 oz/yd2 (0.81 kg/m2) woven roving 18 7.3 Fittings and Accessories:
oz/yd2 (0.61 kg/m2) nonwoven biaxial fabric to a thickness as
7.3.1 The surfaces of fittings, tank accessories, and the
required to meet the physical properties that are used for the
laminates required for their installation that are exposed to the
design. The use of woven roving is optional. The designations corrosive media, shall be constructed in accordance with 7.1.1
of these specific weights of glass reinforcement are for and 7.1.2, except for those fitting surfaces which are made by
reference only and may be comprised of other weight combi- manufacturing processes other than contact molding (see
nations of reinforcement materials, when agreed to between the
fabricator and purchaser. Each successive ply or pass of The cut edges of all laminates exposed to the
reinforcement shall be well-rolled prior to the application of
chemical environment shall be sealed with a laminate conform-
additional reinforcement. Where woven roving is used,
ing to 7.1.1 and 7.1.2. Where shape, thickness, or other
chopped-strand glass reinforcement shall be used as alternating
restrictions preclude covering the edges with the preceding
and final layers. All woven roving, nonwoven fabric, and
laminate, such cut edges and any machined flange faces shall
surfacing mat shall be overlapped. Laps in subsequent layers
be at least coated with resin. In either case, the resin used shall
shall be staggered at least 2.25 in. (60 mm) from laps in the
be that used in the equipment laminate and finished in
preceding layer.
accordance with When the outer surface of this structural layer is to 7.3.2 Nozzle and Manway Installation—Flanged nozzles
be subject to spillage or a corrosive environment, a resin-rich may be installed with the pipe stub flush with the inside of the
layer, in accordance with 7.1.1, shall be applied over the final tank shell (flush type, Fig. 4) or projecting inside the tank
layer of reinforcement. (penetrating type, Fig. 5). Tanks used for outdoor service or subject to ultra- Nozzle Projection—The installed nozzle shall main-
violet exposure shall incorporate provisions to minimize ultra- tain a minimum clearance of 3 in. (76 mm) between the back
violet degradation. Suitable methods include use of ultraviolet face of the flange and the exterior of the cutout opening
absorbers, incorporation of pigment of sufficient opacity in the reinforcement. In addition, this clearance shall not be less than
outer surface resin-rich layer, or use of resins inherently the shear distance required for proper installation of the nozzle
resistant to ultraviolet degradation. Since pigmentation makes (see 7.3.3).
inspection difficult, it shall be added after inspection or Cutout Reinforcement Laminate—When a vessel
otherwise by agreement between the purchaser and fabricator. shell or head is cut in an area bearing hydrostatic pressure, P, Where air-inhibited resin is exposed to air, full the cutout shall be reinforced on a circular area concentric with
surface cure of the inner surface shall be obtained by coating the cutout, as shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. Acceptable patterns
such surface with a coat of resin containing 0.2 to 0.6 % of reinforcement placement are shown in Fig. 2.
paraffin wax, having a melting point between 122 and 126°F Cutout Reinforcement Diameter—The outer diam-
(50 and 52°C). Other techniques such as sprayed, wrapped, or eter of the cutout reinforcing laminate, dr, shall not be less than
overlaid films are also acceptable methods to attain surface two times the nominal nozzle diameter. For nozzles less than 6
cure. in. (152 mm) in diameter, the minimum cutout reinforcement
7.2 Joints: diameter, dr, shall be the nominal nozzle size plus 6 in. (152
7.2.1 The width of the first layer of joint overlay shall be 3
in. (76 mm) minimum. Successive layers shall uniformly Cutout Reinforcement Thickness—The thickness, tr,
increase in width in that specified in Table 3 to form a smooth of the cutout reinforcement laminate for nozzles installed in
contour laminate that is centered on the joint. cylindrical shells or dished heads shall be determined as
7.2.2 A highly filled resin paste shall be placed in the
crevices between joined pieces, leaving a smooth surface for t r 5 PDK/2S r (11)
lay-up. where:
7.2.3 The cured resin surfaces of parts to be joined shall be K = 1.0 for nozzles 6 in. (152 mm) diameter and larger,
roughened using 36 or coarser abrasive grit media to expose K = d/(dr − d) for nozzles less than 6 in. (152 mm) diameter,
glass fibers. This roughened area shall extend beyond the P = hydrostatic pressure at the point of nozzle installation,
lay-up areas so that no reinforcement is applied to an unpre- psi (kPa),
pared surface. The entire roughened area shall be coated with D = inside diameter of tank, in. (mm),
paraffinated resin after joint overlay is made. Sr = allowable tensile stress (not to exceed 1⁄10 of the
7.2.4 The interior overlay of a joint shall consist of a ultimate strength of the cutout reinforcing laminate);
minimum of two plies of 1.5 oz/ft2 (0.46 kg/m2) chopped- see Table 1,
strand mat reinforcement, followed by a resin-rich layer d = nominal nozzle diameter, in. (mm), and
reinforced with surfacing mat. This overlay shall be the d r = cutout reinforcement diameter, in. (mm).
equivalent of 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 combined, and shall be centered This thickness, tr, may be applied to the outer or inner
on the joint. It shall be finished in accordance with surfaces, or be divided between them as shown in Fig. 6.
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D3299 − 18
NOTE 16—When tr is calculated to be 1⁄8 in. (3.2 mm) or less, it can be preceded and followed by a layer of 11⁄2 –oz (0.458 kg/m2) mat
disregarded, as the strength requirements will be met by t0 (see Figs. 2 and and then covered with a laminate equivalent to 7.1.1 and 7.1.2.
When the inside laminate consists only of a corrosion barrier, When reinforcing materials are cut to facilitate the length of the laminate, hr shall be a minimum of 3 in. and
placement around an installed nozzle, joints in successive hi shall be the lesser of 3 in. (76mm) or the nominal radius of
reinforcing layers should be staggered to avoid overlapping the nozzle.
and (on cylindrical shell installations) shall not be placed so Installation Laminate Lengths—The length of the
they parallel the axis of the tank. The intent of these require- outside laminate, ho, and the inside laminate, hi, shall each be
ments is to avoid orienting joints in reinforcing layers perpen- equal to the shear length, hs, given in Table 6 based on the
dicular to the maximum load-bearing direction (circumferen- thickness of the individual laminates.
7.3.3 Nozzle Installation Laminates—Nozzle installation In nozzle installations where the installation overlay
laminate dimensions are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 7. Installation is installed before the cutout reinforcement has fully cured, that
laminate placements are shown in Fig. 6. The all-interior portion of the overlay which extends onto the tank shell may be
installation laminate placement is used only when the nozzle considered to become a part of the cutout reinforcement
being installed has an integral conical gusset preventing laminate if the installation laminate length is extended to the
application of an exterior laminate. required cutout reinforcement diameter, dr. Installation Laminate Thickness—The inside and Monolithic Installation—The total bond thickness,
outside installation thicknesses (ti and to) combined shall be at tm, shall be the greater of either the cutout reinforcement
least as thick as the nozzle neck. thickness, tr, or the outside bond thickness, to. Inside Installation Laminate Construction—The in- 7.3.4 Gussets—If gussets (either plate or conical) are used to
side installation laminate shall be constructed using only stiffen the installed nozzle, gusset installation laminates are in
noncontinuous glass reinforcements, except that when woven addition to the requirements of 7.3.3. Typical plate type and
roving is included to strengthen the laminate, it shall be conical type gussets are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. Other
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D3299 − 18
TABLE 6 Shear Bond Length (see Figs. 2 and 7)
NOTE 1—When internal overlay serves only as a corrosion barrier, the total shear length must be placed on the exterior overlay.
Inch-Pound Units
Overlay thickness, in. ⁄
14 ⁄
5 16 ⁄
38 ⁄
7 16 1 ⁄2 9⁄16 ⁄
58 ⁄
11 16 ⁄
34 ⁄
78 1
hA (shear length), in. 3 3 3 31⁄2 4 41⁄2 5 5 1 ⁄2 6 7 8
SI Units
Overall thickness, mm 6.4 8 9.5 11 13 14 16 17.5 19 22 25.4
h (shear length), mm 76 76 76 90 100 114 127 140 152 178 203
h = total shear length (ho+ hi) (Fig. 4).
gusseted nozzle installations may be used as agreed upon 8.5 The standard orientation of flanges shall provide bolt
between fabricator and purchaser. holes straddling the normal centerlines of the tank. Bolt holes
7.3.5 Location of Cutouts on the Shell—For cutouts made of flanges located on the tank top or bottom, shall straddle the
within 6 in. (152 mm) of the knuckle radius area of a head or principal centerline of the vessel or lines parallel to it as shown
within 6 in. (152 mm) of a shell-to-shell or shell-to-head joint, in Fig. 8.
additional hole-cutout reinforcement is required, unless the 8.6 An alternative method of orientation of flanges on the
area of installation is at a point within the vessel that is not tank top or bottom, with the bolt holes straddling the radial
exposed to hydrostatic pressure. centerlines, shall be by agreement between the purchaser and
7.3.6 All nozzles and manways shall be installed in accor- fabricator.
dance with Fig. 2 and Fig. 7. The interior overlay shall present
the same corrosion resistance to the fluid as specified in 7.1.1 8.7 The location of nozzles shall be held to the tolerance
and 7.1.2. shown in Fig. 8.
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NOTE 1—Larger tolerances may be agreed upon between purchaser and fabricator for tanks over 12 ft in diameter.
FIG. 8 Nozzle Location and Orientation Tolerances
layer. The glass content of the separated sample shall be D1599 with restrained end closures that prevent the application
determined in accordance with Test Method D2584. of axial tensile stress, or:
11.5 Degree of Cure—Degree of cure of the laminate shall Strain-gage (hoop-elongation) tests on tanks filled
be found by determining the Barcol hardness using Barcol with water.
Model No. GYZJ934.1. Instrument calibration and method NOTE 21—Practical test methods on samples cut from filament-wound
shall be as described in Test Method D2583. specimens are not available to cover all cases of testing filament-wound
laminates. Other test methods for determination of hoop properties may be
11.6 Physical Properties: used when the fabricator can verify the validity of the selected method.
11.6.1 Contact Molded Laminates—Where required, physi-
cal properties of contact-molded laminates shall be determined 12. Product Marking
in accordance with the test methods listed in Specification
C582. 12.1 The tank shall be marked to identify the producer, date
11.6.2 Filament-Wound Laminates—Verify design stresses of manufacture, capacity, all resins used, inner surface
and moduli of elasticity of filament-wound tanks by manufac- reinforcements, specific gravity, design temperature, and the
turer’s test data based upon: words “Pressure-Atmospheric,” or the operating pressure and Strain (that is, modulus) measurements of small- vacuum, shall be imprinted on the tank.
diameter filament-wound cylinders made to the same laminate 12.2 Additional marking requirements may be needed for
construction, helix angle, glass content, liner construction, and compliance with local codes. It is the responsibility of the
resin as the full-size tank, in accordance with Test Method purchaser/user to specify additional labeling requirements for
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SUNDEEP RAHEEM (smithline reinforced composites) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D3299 − 18
the vessel, such as liquid content, operating and safety 14.3 A suitable means shall be provided at the open end of
instructions, and any other warnings necessitated by local open-top tanks to keep the loaded tank rigid.
14.4 Tanks shall be loaded to provide at least 2 in. (51 mm)
13. Packaging and Package Marking clearance between the tank (including fittings) and the bulk-
13.1 All packing, packaging, and marking provisions of heads or bed of the vehicle.
Practice D3892 shall apply to this specification. 14.5 When two or more tanks are shipped on the same
14. Shipping vehicle, sufficient clearance or padding shall be provided
between tanks to prevent contact in transit.
14.1 Since there are variations in the design of support
cradles, lifting- and hold-down lugs, and methods of shipping, 14.6 Upon arrival at the destination, the purchaser shall be
the manufacturer’s special instructions shall be followed in all responsible for inspection for damage in transit. If damage has
cases. occurred, a claim should be filed with the carrier by the
purchaser, and the supplier should be notified. If the damage is
14.2 Tanks shall be mounted on cradles if shipping
not first repaired by the fabricator prior to the tank being put
horizontally, or on a suitable skid or pallet if shipping in the
into service, the purchaser accepts all future responsibility for
vertical position. The cradles or skid shall be padded and
secured to the bed of the vehicle in such a manner that will the effects of tank failure resulting from such damage.
prevent damage to the tank with normal handling. The tank
shall be secured to the cradles or skid so that there can be no 15. Keywords
movement of the tank in relation to the skid or cradle under 15.1 above ground; atmospheric; filament wound; polyester;
normal handling. tank; vinylester
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Handling end of the tank. Tanks can be moved by positioning fork-lift
X1.1.1 The following normal precautions should be taken in trucks on either side of the tank with forks padded.
handling the tank at the destination: X1.1.1.7 Under no conditions should chains or cables be
X1.1.1.1 Proper rigging practices should be observed at all allowed to contact a tank. Full protection must be provided
times. Hoisting equipment operators should attach a guide line when using chains or cables. Do not attach lifting devices to
to prevent tank from swinging out of control. any fitting other than lifting lugs.
X1.1.1.2 The tank should not be dropped or allowed to X1.1.1.8 When storing the tank on the ground prior to
strike any other object. Damage caused by such action may installation, it should be placed on the shipping cradles and tied
result in cracking the inner corrosion-resistant liner, as well as down so that it cannot roll, due to wind or sloping ground.
the structural portion of the tank.
X1.1.1.3 The tank should not be rolled or slid on rough X1.2 Installation
ground. Never set a tank upon a fitting or other protrusion that X1.2.1 Vertical flat bottom tanks should be installed on a
may be attached to the shell. base provided continuous support and having sufficient
X1.1.1.4 In working around the tank, care should be exer- strength to support the weight of the tank full of liquid with
cised to prevent tools, scaffolding, or other objects from negligible deflection. Full support of the bottom should be
striking the tank or being dropped on, or inside the tank. obtained by one of the following:
Soft-soled shoes should be worn by workmen entering the X1.2.1.1 If the surface of the pad and the bottom of the tank
tank. Where ladders are used (inside and outside), all points of are flat and have no projections from the plane surface, the tank
contact with the tank should be cushioned to protect the surface may be set on such a surface.
from scratching or point loading. X1.2.1.2 If the conditions of X1.2.1.1 cannot be met,
X1.1.1.5 The use of a crane is recommended, both in lifting methods of support recommended by the manufacturer should
and positioning the tank. The clearance between the head be used.
shackle of the crane and the tank should be at least equal to the
span between the lugs used for lifting. If this is not possible, a X1.2.2 If the tank has a bottom drain, a hole should be
spreader bar must be used to approximate the same angle in provided in the pad with sufficient clearance so that the drain
lifting. and its flange will not contact the base at any point.
X1.1.1.6 Where tanks are not equipped with lifting lugs, it X1.2.3 Erection of Vertical Tank:
is recommended that such tanks be lifted with canvas or rope X1.2.3.1 Tanks should be handled with a crane, using the
slings (over 1 in. (25 mm) in diameter) positioned near each lifting lugs provided. Do not attempt to lift tank by attaching to
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D3299 − 18
other fittings. Prior to hoisting the top end, a suitable protection X1.2.3.3 Valves, controllers, or other heavy items connected
pad of material should be placed under the bottom pivot point to tank nozzle should be independently supported.
of tank so that as the tank rises, the strain is taken on the pad. X1.2.3.4 When agitators, mixers, or cooling/heating coils
The hoist wire should be connected to the top lifting lugs, and are to be installed, special design considerations must be used.
the tank should be raised carefully, using guide ropes to
prevent sudden swinging.
X1.2.3.2 All hold-down lugs supplied should be utilized to
secure the tank to its pad. Hold-down lugs should be grouted or
shimmied to prevent excessive loads being transferred to the
tank shell.
tc 5
PRc 0.036γ HRc
2S S or
0.2489γHRc ,
2S D (X2.1)
ti 5
PRc W 0.036γHRc W
2S S or
0.2489γ HRc W
2S D (X2.2)
tc = head thickness in area of the crown radius, in. (mm),
ti = head thickness in area of the knuckle radius, in. (mm),
S = allowable stress, psi (kPa),
γ = specific gravity of fluid,
P = pressure, psi (kPa),
Rc = crown radius of dished head, in. (m),
H = fluid head, in. (mm),
W = stress intensification factor =
S D~
31 =R c /r i , !
ri = knuckle radius of the dished head, in. (mm).
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D3299 − 18
X3.1 The hoop tensile modulus of a laminate, composed E FW = hoop modulus of filament winding,
partially of filament winding and partially of a contact molded ECB = modulus of corrosion barrier,
corrosion barrier, is expressed by: tL = corrosion barrier thickness,
tFW = filament winding thickness,
ET 5 1 (X3.1) tT = total thickness, = tCB + tFW
tT tT
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