PD Cen TS 14632-2012
PD Cen TS 14632-2012
PD Cen TS 14632-2012
National foreword
This Published Document is the UK implementation of CEN/TS 14632:2012. It
supersedes DD CEN/TS 14632:2006 which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee
PRI/88, Plastics piping systems, to Subcommittee PRI/88/2, Plastics piping for
pressure applications.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
© The British Standards Institution 2012
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2012
ISBN 978 0 580 74937 7
ICS 23.040.01; 91.140.60; 91.140.80; 93.030
English Version
Systèmes de canalisations en plastique pour les Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssysteme für die Entwässerung und
branchements, les collecteurs d'assainissement et Wasserversorgung mit und ohne Druck -
l'alimentation en eau, avec ou sans pression - Plastiques Glasfaserverstärkte duroplastische Kunststoffe (GFK) auf
thermodurcissables renforcés de verre (PRV) à base de der Basis von ungesättigtem Polyesterharz (UP) -
résine polyester (UP) - Guide pour l'évaluation de Empfehlungen für die Beurteilung der Konformität
This Technical Specification (CEN/TS) was approved by CEN on 20 September 2011 for provisional application.
The period of validity of this CEN/TS is limited initially to three years. After two years the members of CEN will be requested to submit their
comments, particularly on the question whether the CEN/TS can be converted into a European Standard.
CEN members are required to announce the existence of this CEN/TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the CEN/TS available
promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in parallel to the CEN/TS)
until the final decision about the possible conversion of the CEN/TS into an EN is reached.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.
© 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TS 14632:2012: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
PD CEN/TS 14632:2012
CEN/TS 14632:2012 (E)
Contents Page
Foreword ..............................................................................................................................................................3
Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................4
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................6
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................6
3 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................7
4 Abbreviated terms .................................................................................................................................9
5 General ....................................................................................................................................................9
6 Testing and inspection ....................................................................................................................... 10
6.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 10
6.2 Type testing ......................................................................................................................................... 10
6.3 Audit tests (AT) ................................................................................................................................... 13
6.4 Quality control tests ........................................................................................................................... 15
Annex A (normative) Procedures for dealing with test data provided by the manufacturer and for
witnessed tests in a manufacturer's laboratory .............................................................................. 17
A.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 17
A.2 Test data provided by the manufacturer .......................................................................................... 17
A.3 Witnessed tests in a manufacturer's laboratory.............................................................................. 17
Annex B (normative) Definitions of changes in material, design and process ......................................... 18
B.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 18
B.2 Change in materials Reinforcements ........................................................................................... 18
B.3 Resins .................................................................................................................................................. 19
B.4 Change in design ................................................................................................................................ 20
B.5 Change in process .............................................................................................................................. 20
Annex C (normative) Tests to assess the effects of changes ..................................................................... 21
C.1 Tests ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
C.2 Evaluation of test results ................................................................................................................... 21
Annex D (normative) Parameters and criteria for reduced long-term tests (RLTT) .................................. 23
D.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 23
D.2 Reduced long-term test parameters ................................................................................................. 23
D.3 Evaluation of results of destructive RLTTs (see D.2.1, D.2.2 and D.2.3)....................................... 25
Annex E (normative) Parameters and criteria for dry creep and α and β testing ...................................... 30
E.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 30
E.2 Test parameters for the creep factor under dry conditions ........................................................... 30
E.3 Test parameters for the determination of α and β factors ............................................................. 30
Annex F (normative) Additional statements for manholes and inspection chambers ............................. 32
F.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 32
F.2 Tests specific to manholes and chambers ...................................................................................... 32
F.3 Type tests ............................................................................................................................................ 32
F.4 Audit tests ........................................................................................................................................... 32
F.5 Batch release tests ............................................................................................................................. 32
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
PD CEN/TS 14632:2012
CEN/TS 14632:2012 (E)
This document (CEN/TS 14632:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 155 “Plastics
piping systems and ducting systems”, the secretariat of which is held by NEN.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This Technical Specification can be used to support elaboration of national third party certification procedures
for GRP products (glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics based on unsaturated polyester resin) to be used in
piping systems for the transport of water, drainage and sewage.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to announce this Technical Specification: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
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Figures 1 and 2 are intended to provide general information on the concept of testing and organisation of
those tests used for the purpose of the assessment of conformity. For each type of test (i.e. type testing (TT),
batch release test (BRT), process verification test (PVT) and audit test (AT), this document details the
applicable characteristics to be assessed and the frequency and sampling of testing.
A typical scheme for the assessment of conformity of pipes, fittings and assemblies by manufacturers is given
in Figure 1.
A typical scheme for the assessment of conformity of pipes, fittings and assemblies by manufacturers,
including a third-party certification, is given in Figure 2.
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Figure 2 — Typical scheme for the assessment of conformity by a manufacturer, including a third-
party certification
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1 Scope
This Technical Specification gives guidance on the assessment of conformity of GRP-UP (glass-reinforced
thermosetting resins based on unsaturated polyesters) piping products and assemblies in accordance with
EN 1796 and EN 14364 intended to be included in the manufacturer’s quality plan as part of the quality
management system and for the establishment of third-party certification procedures.
This Technical Specification also gives guidance on the assessment of conformity of GRP-UP manholes and
inspection chambers in accordance with prEN 15383. Pipes according to EN 14364 are used for
manufacturing the shafts and chamber units. Additional statements as needed to assess the conformity of
manholes and inspection chambers are given in Annex F.
NOTE 1 It is recommended that the quality management system conforms to or is no less stringent than the relevant
requirements to EN ISO 9001 [3].
NOTE 2 If third-party certification is involved, it is recommended that the certification body is accredited to
EN 45011 [1], EN 45012 [2] or EN ISO/IEC 17021 [5], as applicable.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 681-1, Elastomeric seals — Materials requirements for pipe joint seals used in water and drainage
applications — Part 1: Vulcanized rubber
EN 978:1997, Underground tanks of glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) Determination of factor alpha and
factor beta
EN 1119, Plastics piping systems Joints for glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings
Test methods for leaktightness and resistance to damage of non-thrust resistant flexible joints with
elastomeric sealing elements
EN 1447, Plastics piping systems Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes Determination of
long-term resistance to internal pressure
EN 1796:2006+A1:2008, Plastics piping systems for water supply with or without pressure — Glass-reinforced
thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP)
EN 14364:2006+A1:2008, Plastics piping systems for drainage and sewerage with or without pressure —
Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP) — Specifications for
pipes, fittings and joints
prEN 15383:2010, Plastics piping systems for drainage and sewerage — Glass-reinforced thermosetting
plastics (GRP) based on polyester resin (UP) — Manholes and inspection chambers
EN ISO 3126, Plastics piping systems — Plastics components — Determination of dimensions (ISO 3126)
ISO 7432, Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings — Test methods to prove the
design of locked socket-and-spigot joints, including double-socket joints, with elastomeric seals
ISO 7510, Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) components — Determination of the
amounts of constituents using the gravimetric method
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ISO 7684, Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes — Determination of
the creep factor under dry conditions
ISO 7685:1998, Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes —
Determination of initial specific ring stiffness
ISO 8483, Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings — Test methods to prove the
design of bolted flange joints
ISO 8513, Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes — Determination of
longitudinal tensile properties
ISO 8521, Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes — Test methods
for the determination of the apparent initial circumferential tensile strength
ISO 8533, Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings — Test methods to prove the
design of cemented or wrapped joints
ISO 10466, Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes — Test method to
prove the resistance to initial ring deflection
ISO 10468, Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes — Determination of the long-term specific
ring creep stiffness under wet conditions and calculation of the wet creep factor
ISO 10471, Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes — Determination of the long-term ultimate
bending strain and the long-term ultimate relative ring deflection under wet conditions
ISO 10928, Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings —
Methods for regression analysis and their use
ISO 10952, Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings —
Determination of the resistance to chemical attack for the inside of a section in a deflected condition
certification body
impartial body, governmental or non-governmental, possessing the necessary competence and responsibility
to carry out certification of conformity according to given rules of procedure and management
inspection body
impartial organisation or company, approved by the certification body as possessing the necessary
competence to verify and/or to carry out initial type testing, audit testing and inspection of the manufacturer's
factory production control in accordance with the relevant standard
testing laboratory
laboratory which measures, tests, calibrates or otherwise determines the characteristics of the performance of
materials and products
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Note 1 to entry: In the context of this document, the materials and products can be subjected to type testing, batch release
testing, process verification testing, audit testing, and witness testing, as applicable.
quality management system
management system to direct and control an organization with regard to quality
Note 1 to entry: Requirements for quality management systems are given in EN ISO 9001 [3].
quality plan
document setting out the specific quality practices, resources and sequence of activities relevant to a
particular product or range of products
type testing
testing performed to prove that the material, product, joint or assembly is capable of conforming to the
requirements given in the relevant standard
Note 1 to entry: The type test results remain valid until there is a change in the material or product or assembly provided
that the process verification tests are done regularly.
batch release test
test performed by or on behalf of the manufacturer on a batch of products, which has to be satisfactorily
completed before the batch can be released
process verification test
test performed by or on behalf of the manufacturer on products at specific intervals to confirm that the process
continues to be capable of producing products which conform to the requirements given in the relevant
Note 1 to entry: Such tests are not required to release batches of products and are carried out as a measure of process
audit test
test performed by a test laboratory on behalf of an inspection body or certification body to confirm that the
product continues to conform to the requirements given in the relevant standard and to provide information to
assess the effectiveness of the quality management system
indirect test
test performed by or on behalf of the manufacturer, different from that specified test for that particular
characteristic, having previously verified its correlation with the specified test
witness test
test accepted by an inspection or a certification body for type testing and/or audit testing, which is carried out
by or on behalf of the manufacturer and supervised by a representative of the inspection or certification body,
qualified in testing
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pipe, fitting, manhole or inspection chamber of a clearly identified type intended to be a part of a piping system
which the manufacturer puts on the market
product batch
clearly identified collection of products, manufactured consecutively or continuously under the same
conditions, conforming to the same specification
Note 1 to entry: The production batch is defined and identified by the product manufacturer.
clearly identifiable sub-division of a batch for inspection purposes
one or more products drawn from the same production batch or lot, selected at random without regard to their
Note 1 to entry: The number of products in the sample is the sample size.
collection of similar products from which samples are selected for testing purposes
reduced long-term test
test using shorter time periods than those specified for the long-term test
Note 1 to entry: The RLTT results are to be compared to the results from the long-term test to verify that the current
performance of a product conforms to the initially established long-term performance.
4 Abbreviated terms
To avoid misunderstanding, the abbreviations in this Clause are defined as being the same in each language.
For the same reason, the terms are given in the three languages, English, French and German.
AT audit test essai d’audit Überwachungsprüfung
BRT batch release test essai de libération de campagne de fabrication Freigabeprüfung einer Charge
5 General
5.1 The materials, pipes, fittings, joints, manholes and inspection chambers shall conform to the
requirements in EN 1796, EN 14364 and prEN 15383, as applicable.
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5.2 Pipes, fittings, joints, manholes and inspection chambers shall be produced by the manufacturer under
a quality management system which includes a quality plan.
It is recommended that the quality management system conforms to or is no less stringent than the relevant
requirements of EN ISO 9001 [3].
5.3 For the effect on water quality, attention is drawn to the requirements of National regulations.
6.1 General
Unless otherwise specified all records shall be maintained for a minimum of ten years.
Generally, testing shall be performed according to the test method referred to EN 1796, EN 14364 and
prEN 15383, as applicable.
Indirect testing may be used for BRT and PVT characteristics as given in 6.4.1 and 6.4.2, respectively. Indirect
testing shall not be applied to type testing.
The correlation or safe relationship of the indirect testing to the specified testing shall be documented in the
manufacturer's quality plan. If a third party certification is involved, the IT shall be accepted by the certification
body. The continuing validity of the indirect testing shall be checked at regular intervals. In cases of dispute,
the test methods referred to in EN 1796, EN 14364 and prEN 15383, as applicable, shall be used for BRT or
PVT, using RLTT, where applicable.
6.2.1 General
Type tests shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements and rules given in Annex A and, the
requirements given in 6.2.2 to 6.2.4, as applicable.
A pipe type test group consists of a range or family of products made such that the results of the long-term
type tests are applicable to all products in the group. A pipe type test group shall be made of products:
c) with the same pipe wall construction (i.e. the sequence of layers, layer compositions, material properties
and design method for using the results of the long-term type tests in determining the pipe wall for all
combinations of DN, PN and SN);
d) tested with the same loading condition (i.e. uniaxial or biaxial load).
The quality management system shall document all process details that could influence type test
performance. The quality management system shall document the complete product design method and
demonstrate how the results of the type tests are used to establish product designs.
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Table 1 lists the constituents which are addressed by a certificate of conformity to the pipe-manufacturer's
specification from the material producer. Table 2 lists the characteristics declared by the manufacturer.
Table 3 lists the long-term type tests to be conducted. In addition, all short-term properties listed in Table 6 for
BRT shall be tested and documented for the pipes used for the long-term type tests.
Table 1 — Characteristics for pipe type test (TT) — Constituents covered by a certificate of conformity
Glass fibre reinforcements
Thermosetting polyester resins
Thermoplastic liners
Table 2 — Characteristics for pipe type test (TT) — Characteristics declared by the manufacturers
Wall construction
Wall thickness
a The wall construction (the sequence and composition of the individual layers
comprising the pipe wall) shall be documented by the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall
translate the product design into detailed process specifications to control the amount and
placement of material components.
Table 3 — Characteristics for pipe long-term type test (TT) - Characteristics verified by testing
Characteristic Test method Minimum sampling frequency
Creep factor under wet conditions ISO 10468 one DN per pipe type test group
Resistance to long-term ultimate ring deflection ISO 10471 one DN per pipe type test group
Long-term failure pressure EN 1447 one DN per pipe type test group
Resistance to strain corrosion for sewer pipe only ISO 10952 one DN per pipe type test group General
A joint type test group is determined by the configuration of the joint and the loading condition. Joint type test
groups are the following:
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NOTE The term “uniaxial loading” refers to pressurization where there is no pressure end thrust component (the
pressure end thrust is taken by the test fixture and not the pipe) and thus the pipe is loaded only in the circumferential
direction while “biaxial loading” refers to pressurization where the pressure end thrust component is carried by the pipe
and thus the pipe is loaded in both circumferential and longitudinal directions.
The joint testing methods give the performance requirements for the various configurations of joints, but
recognizing the very wide range of diameters and pressures it is clearly impractical to test all combinations of
DN/PN. The quality management system shall document the procedures for designing and manufacturing the
joints and include the results of testing programs to verify performance and establish over what range the test
results are applicable and how the design procedures are established and how they apply across the product
range. It is likely that multiple tests will be required to qualify the full range of PN and DN for any given
combination of joint configuration and loading condition and these results shall be documented as part of the
quality management system.
For butt/wrap and cemented joints, the methodology for designing joints shall be established by conducting
type tests that can be used to establish the procedures for design of the complete range of joints. Butt/wrap
and cemented joints are evaluated according to ISO 8533. When applicable, the bending resistance of end
thrust loaded joints is evaluated according to ISO 8533 or the procedure given in of EN 1796:2006+A1:2008,
Annex A, or EN 14364:2006+A1:2008, Annex A, as applicable, as agreed by manufacturer and purchaser.
For bolted flanged joints, the methodology for design shall be established by conducting type tests that can be
used to establish the procedures for the design of the complete range of joints. Testing of flanged joints shall
also consider the type of gasket (flat face or O-ring) sealing systems. Flanged joints are evaluated according
to ISO 8483. When applicable, the bending resistance of end thrust loaded joints is evaluated according to
ISO 8483 or the procedure given in EN 1796:2006+A1:2008, Annex A, or EN 14364:2006+A1:2008, Annex A,
as applicable, as agreed by manufacturer and purchaser.
Elastomeric sealed joints have a laminate design consideration (for example how to determine the thickness
of the bell or coupling and how to contain the gasket seal) as well as many dimensional aspects e.g. the
gasket configuration, gasket size, gasket hardness and spigot to socket gap. Elastomeric sealed joints are
evaluated according to EN 1119 for uniaxial and ISO 7432 for biaxial joints. When applicable, the bending
resistance of end thrust loaded joints are evaluated according to ISO 7432 or the procedure given in
EN 1796:2006+A1:2008, Annex A, or EN 14364:2006+A1:2008, Annex A, as applicable, of as agreed by
manufacturer and purchaser.
A fitting type test group is determined by production method (fabricated or moulded) and loading condition
(uniaxial or biaxial). Fitting groups are the following:
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Because of the large range of fittings (bends, tees, reducers, etc) possible and the very wide diameter and
pressure range of GRP fittings, type testing of fabricated fittings shall be directed at evaluation of the validity
of the fitting design and construction procedures. The quality management system shall document the
fabricated fitting design procedures including materials, material properties, sequence of attaching and
reinforcing layups, the process for applying layups and quality control procedures during and after fabrication
for the entire range of fittings produced.
While typically moulded fittings are made over a smaller diameter range than fabricated fittings, the materials
and all process and design details shall be fully documented in the quality management system.
For either fitting production method, the quality management system shall also include the results of a
prototype testing and qualification program that demonstrates fitting performance over the range of available
fittings. The joint test methods may provide a framework for developing the fitting testing procedures. The
prototype test fittings and fitting test program should be selected considering:
f) fitting geometry – e.g. a tee is a far more complex design that say a reducer;
g) how the results of the testing are applied to the full fitting range;
i) use of strain gauges and FEM/FEA to correlate the test results and provide data for designing the full
product range.
Where a factory, factory A, uses the same manufacturing procedures, raw materials and design (see
Annex B) as another factory, factory B, then data from factory B may be used by factory A to demonstrate
conformity to the long-term properties subject to all the following conditions:
a) the data provided by factory B fulfil the conditions in Annex A and factory A performs RLTT (see 6.3.2) to
confirm that both factories products have the same long-term properties;
b) if a third party certifying body is involved it shall be informed prior to conducting the RLTT that these
procedures are being used to satisfy the TT requirements.
The procedures detailed in this clause may be applied to TT (see 6.2) and AT (see 6.3), but not to quality
control tests (see 6.4).
6.3.1 General
Those characteristics specified in the relevant standard, and listed in Table 4 are intended to be audit tested
at the minimum sampling frequency as given in Table 4.
Where possible the classes selected for tests should be primarily those which have not previously been
subject to audit testing.
When a manufacturer fabricates fittings using pipes of the same classification from which the fittings are to be
used, the audit test for the pipes covering mechanical and chemical characteristics cover these fittings. Where
tests have been witnessed during routine inspections additional tests for audit purposes will not be required.
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Reduced long-term type tests (RLTT) as detailed in 6.3.2 may be used for satisfying the relevant audit test
requirements, as well as proving that products still conform to the original specifications. Reduced long-term
tests can thus be used as a comparison with existing long-term data, but not as a basis for a new design.
Those characteristics that may be subjected to reduced long-term tests to show conformance to the long-term
test requirements are detailed in Table 5.
The reduced long-term test procedures and parameters together with the applicable consequences are given
in Annex E.
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The manufacturer shall describe in his quality plan the limits used to define a batch for testing purposes.
Typically, a quality control batch consists of products of a particular diameter, stiffness class and pressure
Samples for BRT can be obtained from a pre-manufactured batch, periodically from a continuous production
or other appropriate method, depending on the manufacturing process. At least 1 % of the production shall be
sampled for testing the characteristics detailed in Table 6.
A batch may be released for supply when all the relevant tests and inspections have been carried out and the
requirements have been met. If one or more items fail one or more tests or inspections, then the retest
procedures detailed in shall be performed.
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The manufacturer’s quality plan shall include a rejecting/retesting procedure to deal with non-conformities.
In the event of non-conformity with one or more characteristic(s) the following procedures apply:
Find the last product, which conforms to the requirements. Release all products produced before that point
and reject all produced after that point. Alternatively, the procedures detailed in shall be followed.
When a batch or lot is rejected, one of the following actions shall be taken:
b) all items in the batch or lot shall be subjected to the test or tests that were failed and only those that pass
shall be released;
c) the batch or lot shall be reclassified into a class where the results of the tests meet the requirements of
that class.
The manufacturer shall detail in his quality plan a verification procedure of such a nature and of such a
frequency as to ensure, with reasonable probability, that the long-term properties are maintained. The
frequency of these tests shall complement the frequency of audit tests, if applicable.
The purpose of PVT tests is to assess the conformity of the long-term properties of the product. The
characteristics listed in Table 3 shall be addressed. Test methods referred to in the relevant standard or
indirect tests and observations shall be used (see 6.1.2). Indirect tests and observations may include alternate
accelerated tests or continuous verification of the detailed process specifications. A combination of tests that
are indicative of the same property can be considered.
Where the long-term properties are verified according to the test methods referred to in the relevant standard,
RLTT is recommended when establishing the PVT procedures for use in the manufacturer’s quality plan.
When the results from PVT tests show non-compliance then the process shall be investigated and corrected
and the retest procedures detailed in the manufacturer's quality plan shall be performed. If third party
certification is involved then the certification body shall be informed.
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Annex A
Procedures for dealing with test data provided by the manufacturer and
for witnessed tests in a manufacturer's laboratory
A.1 General
Test data provided by the manufacturer may only be accepted when it has been produced under a recognized
quality management system.
NOTE Quality management systems conforming to EN ISO 9001:2000 [3] are recognised. Other equivalent quality
management systems may be used.
The manufacturer's data shall be traceable to the materials, product design and relevant production practices.
The certification body shall consider data obtained from tests performed in the manufacturer’s laboratory.
A.3.1 General
The certification body shall make an agreement with the manufacturer for type testing (TT) and/or audit testing
(AT) to be done as witnessed testing.
a) the availability of staff qualified in testing, and with experience of the material and product, and the necessary
equipment and facilities provides the most cost effective means of testing the products;
b) the approved testing laboratories, which the certification body might normally use, do not have the necessary
test equipment, e.g. for testing of large diameter pipes;
c) the approved testing laboratories, which the certification body/inspection body might normally use, do not have
the capacity for testing available within a reasonable time scale.
A representative of the certification body, qualified in testing the material and product in question, shall
witness the tests and check the state of calibration of the test equipment.
For long-term testing the certification body or its representative shall confirm the validity of recorded data.
Results of testing shall be traceable to the raw material, design and current production practices.
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Annex B
B.1 General
The objective of this annex is to define what constitutes a change in a pipeline component's material, design
or process and consequently requiring a certain degree of reassessment of conformity.
NOTE Recommendations about the component characteristics to be counterchecked are given in Annex C.
The manufacturer shall define in his quality plan the following parameters, which have been assessed and
accepted by type testing for use in production:
When more than one material, design method or process has been assessed and accepted then changing
from one assessed and accepted parameter to another does not constitute a change.
However, what constitutes a change shall be discussed and agreed upon between the involved parties
(certification body and component manufacturer assisted if necessary by material suppliers).
For products supplied for use in systems supplying water intended for human consumption irrespective of this
assessment of conformity, materials or process changes, as defined in this annex, may require notification to
the relevant national health and/or water authorities.
a) reinforcement manufacturer;
When any of the following are altered then a minor change has occurred:
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B.3 Resins
B.3.1 General
When any of the following are altered then a change has occurred:
a) resin manufacturer;
NOTE The pipe manufacturer should be satisfied that significant changes in resin characteristics are reflected in
primary code changes.
A variation indicated by a secondary code, such as inclusion of accelerators, inhibitors, paraffin, thixotropic
agents and viscosity modifiers shall not be considered as a resin change but treated as a change of curing
When any of the following are altered then a change has occurred:
When any of the following are altered then a change has occurred:
When any of the following are altered then a change has occurred:
a) adhesive manufacturer;
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NOTE If the joint system described in the manufacturer’s quality plan includes other parts, not covered by a) or b)
above, or components delivered by a different manufacturer, a change of the material type and/or manufacturer could be
considered as a change.
a) for joints, an altered component shape (e.g. gasket cross section) and dimensions (e.g. clearance
between socket and spigot);
b) for pipes and fittings, the laminate design and construction methodology.
Slight thickness and/or composition modifications of individual layers, to compensate for normal process
and/or material property variations, as defined in the quality management system, do not constitute a change
in design.
a) the type of manufacturing process is altered, then a major change has occurred;
b) modifications of process conditions other than routine adjustments and maintenance occur, then a minor
change has occurred.
For a specific process where minor modifications are known to have no influence on the product properties,
they should be declared by the manufacturer in his quality plan.
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Annex C
C.1 Tests
Tests and conditions given are given which in Table C.1 and Table C.2 should be used to assess the effect of
a proposed change in material, design or process, as indicated in Annex B.
The proposed change should be implemented only when the evaluation requirements detailed in C.2 are
The results of the initial tests given in Table C.1 and Table C.2 should fulfil the applicable requirements
detailed in the relevant standard.
The results of the RLTTs detailed in Table C.1 and Table C.2 should be evaluated according to Annex D.
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Test methods to prove the properties of the new raw materials, other than those listed in Table C.1 can be
Table C.2 — Tests to be performed for changes design, process or joint materials
Joint materials Design Process a
Component characteristic [reference to [reference to [reference to
item(s) of B.3.4] item(s) of B.3] item(s) of B.4]
Glass-/Aggregates-/ Resin content b — a), b) b)
Initial specific ring stiffness — a), b) b)
α and ß factors — a), b) b)
Initial resistance to ring deflection — a), b) b)
Initial failure pressure — a), b) b)
RLTT failure pressure — a), b) b)
Joint performance tests a), b) a), b) b)
a If it is a major change [see B.4.a)] then a full ITT/PTT is required.
b Conduct a test in accordance with ISO 7510. A difference of less than 10 % of the declared value between the results
before and after the proposed change, do not require a full ITT.
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Annex D
D.1 General
Where RLTT are being used to assess conformity to the requirements or to evaluate and, if applicable, accept
a proposed change in material, design or process according to Annexes B and C the following test parameters
and criteria shall be used.
The number of test pieces cited in this annex is a minimum to execute an RLTT test. However, a greater
number can be used.
To perform an RLTT for the resistance to long-term internal pressure the test procedures described in
EN 1447 shall be used.
Six test pieces should be cut from pipes of the same size and classification and the length of the test pieces
shall conform to the relevant standard.
The internal pressure levels shall be selected from the current pressure design curve derived in accordance
with the relevant procedures described in ISO 10928 for the following expected times to failure: 100 h, 600 h
and 2 000 h.
Two test pieces should be tested at each of the three determined pressures.
D.2.2.1 General
To perform an RLTT for the resistance to strain corrosion (see D.2.2.2 or D.2.2.3) the test procedures
described in ISO 10952 shall be used except that six test pieces shall be cut from pipes of the same size and
classification. The length of the test pieces shall conform to the relevant standard.
The RLTT shall use the same basis as that used for TT i.e. failure points or specified levels.
The test solution shall comprise sulphuric acid solution at a concentration of 0,5 mol/l. This shall be introduced
into the test pieces within 2 h of deflecting in accordance with ISO 10952. This is the zero time from which the
long-term properties are determined.
The deflection levels at the beginning of the tests shall be selected from the measured strain corrosion
regression line, derived in accordance with the relevant procedures described in ISO 10928, for the following
expected times to failure: 100 h, 600 h and 2 000 h.
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Two test pieces shall be tested at each of the three determined deflection levels.
D. General
Two test pieces shall be tested at each of the three deflections or strain levels corresponding to expected
failure periods of 100 h, 600 h and 2 000 h. All test pieces shall exceed the corresponding time period without
Using the measured deflection of the test piece, S0, and the duration of the test required, the percentage
deflection for the individual test piece shall be calculated using Equation (D.1):
(y test,t / dm ) =
3 S
ytest,t /dmis the required percentage relative ring deflection for test period t in hours calculated for the test
pieces initial specific ring stiffness;
Kt is a constant and is equal to: 260,7 for a test period t of 100 h, 245,6 for a test period t of 600 h,
237,0 for a test period t of 2 000 h;
Using the measured initial ring stiffness, S0, of the individual test piece, and the percentage deflection
calculated from Equation (D.1) determine the required relative strain, εt,test, for the individual test piece using
Equation (D.2):
4,28 × V15 e
ε t , test = × (D.2)
[1 + (VD1 / 200 )] d m
εt,test is the strain for the test time t calculated for the actual initial ring stiffness, S0, of the individual
test piece;
VD1 is the value calculated for the test piece using Equation (D.1);
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To perform an RLTT for the resistance to long-term ultimate ring deflection the test procedures described in
ISO 10471 shall be used.
Six test pieces should be cut from pipes of the same size and classification and the length of the test pieces
shall conform to the relevant standard.
The strain levels shall be selected from the measured regression line derived in accordance with the relevant
procedures described in ISO 10928 for the following expected times to failure: 100 h, 600 h and 2 000 h.
Two test pieces should be tested at each of the three determined strains.
D.3 Evaluation of results of destructive RLTTs (see D.2.1, D.2.2 and D.2.3)
D.3.1 General
The following procedures shall be used to evaluate results of RLTT tests. The method is based on the
principles outlined in ISO 10928 and can be applied to either verification of a measured regression line or a
design line.
The property value can be expressed in terms of strain, stress, deflection or pressure. If the RLTT data has
been obtained from products identical to the original data, deflection or pressures can be used directly. If not,
stress or strain values should be used for the comparison.
Using the current regression line of the relevant property, determine the property value level, vp, for each of
the three expected failure times, Te, i.e.100 h, 600 h and 2 000 h.
a) if the manufacturer’s allowable long-term deflection is different from the one assumed in the referring
standard, the RLTT deflection values shall be adjusted accordingly;
b) if the stiffness of the RLTT samples is different from the one used in the original regression line, deflection
values shall be adjusted accordingly;
c) if the pressure class of the RLTT samples is different from the one used in the original regression line,
pressure values shall be adjusted accordingly.
Using the modified property values, determine the time to failure, TRLTT, for each of the test pieces as
described in, D.2.1, D.2.2, and D.2.3. These measured times, TRLTT, shall be compared to the expected
times to failure using the following procedures:
d) establish the constants a and b in the original regression line as described in ISO 10928:
e) determine the intercept for the lower bound average line using Equation (D.4):
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f) for each of the property value levels, vp, determine the lower bound average time using Equation (D.5):
g) determine the intercept for the lower bound individual line using Equation (D.6):
A student’s t of 2,11 has been assumed to determine the multiplier 0,81. If the number of samples for the line
is different from the minimum requirement of 18 then a corresponding Student’s t value shall be used;
h) for each of the property value levels, vp, determine the lower bound individual time using Equation (D.7):
The procedure described herein is based on a coefficient of variation of 0,09. If the original initial values have
greater variance, that variance should be used instead of 0,09. The intercepts will then be
a’ = log ((1 − cvar) × 10a) and a’’ = log ((1-tv × cvar) × 10a), where cvar is the coefficient of variation and tv is
student’s t for the data.
i) for each property value level, compute the average of the measured times to failure Tave,RLTT.
the average of each of the measured times, Ta,RLTT, shall not be less than the corresponding lower bound
average time, t’;
no individual measured time, TRLTT, shall be less than the corresponding lower bound individual time, t’’.
If the results of the RLTT tests do not meet these requirements then the manufacturer shall do one of the
conduct three additional tests at the same level. If one or more of the three test pieces fails to fulfil the
above requirement then a full TT shall be conducted;
D.3.2 Example
The following example explains the procedure. The data used is fictitious and the property values could
represent deflections, pressures, stresses or strains.
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From this line, the following values are computed for the three expected times to failure:
100 h 32,26
600 h 29,57
2 000 h 27,88
Two samples are tested to failure at each of these value levels and the results are summarised in Table D.2.
Consequently from Equation (D.5) when vp is 32,26 the calculated failure time from the lower average line
is t’ = 14,5 h
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Consequently from Equation (D.7) when vp is 32,26 the calculated failure time from the lower individual
line is t’’ = 1,3 h
Using the same procedure for the other vp values the minimum values for the average and the individual
result are obtained and summarised in Table D.3. These values are compared to the actual values and the
results are given in Table D.1. A graphical representation of the data and results of the calculations is given in
Figure D.1.
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A Time (hours)
B Value
1 Property values
2 RLTT data
3 Regression line
4 Lower bound average
5 Lower bound individual
6 50 years
From the comparisons shown in Table D.3 it can be seen that the data does not fulfil the requirements, since
one of the values falls below the lower individual line. Therefore, either a further three additional samples have
to be set up at a value of 32,26, or a full TT conducted. If any of the three test pieces fails to fulfil the above
requirement then a full TT shall be conducted.
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Annex E
E.1 General
The dry creep factor and α and β factors are determined to assist in the evaluation of changes of resins and/or
curing agents.
E.2 Test parameters for the creep factor under dry conditions
The procedures described in ISO 7684 shall be used.
Three test pieces shall be cut from three different pipes of the same size and classification. The length of the
test pieces shall conform to ISO 7684 subject to permissible deviations of ± 5 % of the specified length.
The creep factor under dry conditions, θ24,dry, shall be determined for the time t = 24 h.
The results obtained from these tests shall be compared with the results obtained using the current product by
the following procedure:
a) from the current TT data compute the average specific ring stiffness θ24,dry.TT;
b) from the three test samples compute the average specific ring stiffness θ 24,dry,test
If the results of the tests do not meet these requirements then three additional tests shall be conducted. If the
results do not fulfil the above requirements then the manufacturer shall either:
E.3.1 General
The general procedures described in EN 978:1997 for determination of α and ß factors shall be used.
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E.3.2 α factor
Three test pieces shall be cut from pipes of the same size and classification. The length of the test pieces
shall conform to the relevant standard subject to permitted deviations of ± 5 % of the specified length. Care
shall be taken to ensure that the distance between sampling points shall be at least 2 m.
The α factor shall be determined as the ratio of the dry creep stiffness at 1 000 h and the initial specific ring
stiffness determined using ISO 7685:1998, Method A.
The results obtained from these tests shall be compared with the results obtained using the current product by
the following procedure:
αdry,1000,CH ≥ 0,91αdry,i,1000,TT;
If the results of the tests do not meet these requirements then three additional tests shall be conducted. If the
results do not fulfil the above requirements then the manufacturer shall either:
E.3.3 β factor
The β factor shall be determined as the ratio between the initial specific ring stiffness determined using
Method A of ISO 7685:1998 following post-curing and exposure to water of 50 °C and the initial specific ring
stiffness before exposure to water using the same test method.
The results obtained from these tests shall be compared with the three results obtained using the current
product by the following procedure:
βwet,1000,CH ≥ 0,91βwet,I,1000,TT;
If the results of the tests do not meet these requirements then three additional tests shall be conducted. If the
results do not fulfil the above requirements then the manufacturer shall either:
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Annex F
F.1 General
Manholes and inspection chambers are produced using pipes made in accordance to EN 14364 for the shaft
and chamber units. The assessment of conformity of the pipes covers those portions of the manholes or
inspection chambers. This annex gives additional considerations as necessary for the assessment of
conformity of manholes and inspection chambers.
Longitudinal compressive properties of the pipes used for the shafts and chamber units shall be evaluated
according to prEN 15383:2010, Annexes A and/or B, as appropriate.
F.2.2 Determination of the resistance of installed steps to vertical and horizontal loading
The resistance of installed steps to vertical and horizontal loading shall be evaluated according to
prEN 15383:2010, Annex C.
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[1] EN 45011, General requirements for bodies operating product certification systems (ISO/IEC Guide
[2] EN 45012, General requirements for bodies operating assessment and certification/registration of
quality systems (ISO/IEC Guide 62:1996)
[4] EN ISO/IEC 17020, General criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection
(ISO/IEC 17020:1998)
[5] EN ISO/IEC 17021, Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies providing audit and
certification of management systems (ISO/IEC 17021:2006)
[6] EN ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
(ISO/IEC 17025:2005)
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