11-Molecular Structure-2
11-Molecular Structure-2
11-Molecular Structure-2
1. How many sigma and pi bonds are there in the following molecules:
3. Which hybrid orbitals are used by carbon atoms in the following molecules?
Answer Key
Section B
Each question carries 1 mark :
8. Predict which has higher value of the property mentioned :
C2H6, C2H4 (s – character in the hybrid orbital)
C in C2H6 is sp3 hybridised while in C2H4 it is sp2hybridised. So percentage of s-character in
sp3 hybridised orbital is 25 while in sp2 hybridised orbital is 25 while in sp2 hybridised orbital
it is 33%.
9. Why free rotation about a pi bond is not possible?
Formation of π pi bond involves sideways overlap of orbital’s. When you try to rotate the bond,
π bond breaks.
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PCL₅ - PCL₅ has trigonalbipyramidal structure. Strength of axial P – Cl bond is less compared
to strength of equatorial P-Cl bond. As a result PCl₅ is reactive due to presence of weaker axial
P – Cl bond.
12. Using VSEPR Theory predict the shapes of the following molecules:
i) CO2 (ii) SF4 (iii) BrF5 (iv) NH 4+
CO2 - Linear as (C has two bond pair + No lone pair)
SF4 – Sea Saw (S has 4 bond pairs + one lone pair)
BrF5- Square pyramidal (Five bond pairs + one lone pair)
NH4+ - Tetrahedral (Four bond pairs + no lone pair)
13. Name the type of hybridisation in each carbon atom of the following compounds —
(i) 1, 2 – Butadiene (ii) Propyne
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Where as in BrF5 there are Five bond pairs + one lone pair hence the shape is Square pyramidal.
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HYBRIDIZATION in C2H2 (Acetylene molecule)
Ethyne (acetylene) can be described by the molecular formula C2H2. Each carbon atoms in
ethyne (acetylene) is sp hybridized. The two 'sp' hybrid orbitals are oriented at an angle of 180°
to each other, while the two p orbitals (py and pz) on each carbon are left unhybridized. These
orbitals are at right angles to each other as well as to the sp hybrid orbitals.
One of the 'sp' hybrid orbitals overlaps with the 'sp' hybrid orbital of the other carbon atom to
form a sp-sp sigma bond. The remaining two sp hybrid orbitals of the two carbon atoms overlap
with the s orbitals of two hydrogen atoms to form two sigma bonds. The unhybridizedpy and
pz orbitals of two carbon atoms overlap laterally to form two pi bonds. The combination of one
(sp-sp) sigma bond, and two (p-p) pi bonds gives rise to the triple ( ) bond. Two p-electron
clouds merge into each other to form a cylindral p-p electron cloud.
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Ethene can be described by the molecular formula C2H4. Each carbon atom in ethene is
sp2 hybridized. The three sp2 hybrid orbitals lie in a plane and are inclined to each other at an
angle of 120° .One of the p orbitals (say 2pz) on each carbon atom is left unhybridized.
The three sp2 hybrid orbitals form three sigma (s) bonds: two with H-atoms and one with the
adjacent carbon atom. This results in a planar structure. The two partially filled unhybridized p
orbitals of the two carbon atoms overlap side-ways to form a pi bond .
Therefore, in ethene,the carbon-carbon double bond (=) is a combination of a sigma (s) and a pi
The ground state and the excited state outer electronic configurations of phosphorus
(Z=15) are represented above. Now the five orbitals (i.e., one s, three p and one d orbitals) are
available for hybridisation to yield a set of five sp3d hybrid orbitals which are directed towards
the five corners of a trigonalbipyramidal as depicted in the Fig.
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In SF6 the central sulphur atom has the ground state outer electronic configuration
3s23p4. In the exited state the available six orbitals i.e., one s, three p and two d are singly
occupied by electrons. These orbitals hybridise to form six new sp3d2 hybrid orbitals, which are
projected towards the six corners of a regular octahedron in SF6. These six sp3d2 hybrid orbitals
overlap with singlyoccupied orbitals of fluorine atoms to form six S–F sigma bonds. Thus
SF6 molecule has a regular octahedral geometry as shown in Fig.
19. Explain the shape of PCl5 using VSEPR theory. Why are all P – Cl bond lengths not equal?
Phosphorus pentachloride
PCl5 has 10 electrons around the central phosphorus atom this meas there are Five bond pairs +
zero lone pair hence the shape is triangular bipyramidal as per VSEPR theory.
It should be noted that all the bond angles in trigonalbipyramidal geometry are not
Equivalent.Three P–Cl bond lie in one plane and make an angle of 120° with each other;these
bonds are termed as equatorial bonds.The remaining two P–Cl bonds–one lying above and the
other lying below the equatorial plane, make an angle of 90° with the plane.These bonds are
called axial bonds. As the axial bond pairs suffer more repulsive interaction from the equatorial
bond pairs, therefore axial bonds have been found to be slightly longer and hence slightly
weaker than the equatorial bond.
Thus all P-Cl bond lengths not equal.
20. Discuss the shape of the following molecules using the VSEPR model:
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BeCl2, BCl3, SiCl4, AsF5, H2S, PH3
The central atom has no lone pair and there are two bond pairs. i.e., BeCl2 is of the type AB2.
Hence, it has a linear shape.
The central atom has no lone pair and there are three bond pairs. Hence, it is of the type AB 3.
Hence, it is trigonal planar.
The central atom has no lone pair and there are four bond pairs. Hence, the shape of SiCl4 is
tetrahedral being the AB4 type molecule.
The central atom has no lone pair and there are five bond pairs. Hence, AsF 5 is of the type AB5.
Therefore, the shape is trigonalbipyramidal.
The central atom has one lone pair and there are two bond pairs. Hence, H 2S is of the
type AB2E. The shape is Bent.
The central atom has one lone pair and there are three bond pairs. Hence, PH3 is of
the AB3E type. Therefore, the shape is trigonal pyramidal.
21. Give reasons for the following
a) Covalent bonds are directional while ionic bonds are non directional.
b) Sigma bonds are stronger than pi bonds.
c) Chlorine molecule is non – polar while HCl is a polar molecule.
a) Covalent bonds are formed by overlap of orbitals. Orbital’s are directional hence bond
formed are also directional. Ionic bonds are formed by loss or gain of electrons.
b) Pi bond is formed by the sideways overlapping pf p-orbitals. The overlapping takes place
at the side of 2 lobes and hence extent of overlapping is relatively smaller whereas in
sigma bond the overlapping takes place along the axis hence there is larger overlapping
as compared to pi bonds and hence they are stronger than pi bonds.
c) Chlorine molecule consist of two chlorine atoms having same electro negativity. They
pull electrons with same strength. H-ClCl is more electronegative and attracts bonded pair of
electrons more strongly developing a small negative charge δ - and hydrogen acquire an
equivalent δ+ charge. Hence molecule becomes polar.
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Section C
Each question carries 1 mark :
22. Give the hybridization of the central atom in the following molecules :
(i) ClF3 (ii) IF7 (iii) CO2 (iv) SF6 (v) C6H6 (vi) CO 32-
(i) ClF3 –Cl undergoes sp³d Hybridization
(ii) IF7 - I undergoes sp³d3 Hybridization
(iii) CO2 - C undergoes sp Hybridization
(iv) SF6 - S undergoes sp³d2 Hybridization
(v) C6H62-- C undergoes sp22Hybridization
(vi) CO3 - C undergoes sp Hybridization
23. Explain the shape of IF7.
No of bond pairs = 7. No of lone pairs = 0
Hybridisation = sp3d3
Shape = Pentagonal bipyramidal
24. Although geometries of NH3 and H2O molecules are distorted tetrahedral, bond angle in water is
less than that of ammonia. Discuss.
25. Considering x-axis as the internuclear axis which out of the following will not form
a sigma bond and why? (a) 1s and 1s (b) 1s and 2px ; (c) 2py and 2py
(d) 1s and 2s.
26. How many sigma and pi bonds are present in the molecules of toluene and naphthalene?
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27. Which out of OCS and CS2 has higher dipole moment and why?
Both are linear molecules but in OCS, the bond polarity DONOT CANCEL out because it is not
of symmetrical nature. However they get cancelled in CS 2 molecule due to its linear and
symmetrical nature. Thus OCS is polar and has dipole moment while CS 2 is non-polar and has
zero dipole moment.
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30. Describe the change in hybridisation (if any) of the Al atom in the following reaction.
31. Why is that in SF4 molecule, the lone pair of electrons occupies an equatorial position in the
overall trigonalpyrimadal arrangement in preference to an axial position?
In equatorial position, the lone pair is experiencing repulsions from 2 shared pair of electrons at
right angle to it, while in the axial position, it is repelled by 3 shared electron pairs at right angle
to it.In order to minimize the repulsion, the lone electron pair must be present in the equatorial
position and not in the axial position.
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33. Is there any change in the hybridisation of B and N atoms as a result of the following