Healthtalk On Newborn Care
Healthtalk On Newborn Care
Healthtalk On Newborn Care
Mrs. Sikha Mehra Priya Kumari
Associate Professor M.Sc Nursing 2nd Year
Dept. Community Health Nursing Child Health Nursing
NSCN, Palampur Roll No. 08
Title of Course : M.Sc Nursing 2nd Year
Date :
Duration : 16/minutes.
Previous Knowledge : Mothers doesnot have adequate knowledge about “Newborn Care”.
General Objective:
At the completion of health education session, the group will be able to gain knowledge regarding “Newborn Care”.
Specific Objectives:
At the end of lecture students will be able to:
Group introduction:
3. 1 min. To explain daily THE DAILY ROUTINE CARE OF Explain Verbally Group Explain daily
routine care of NEWBORNS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Listens routine care of
1min. To explain about Care of Eyes: Explain Verbally Group How to do eyes care
eyes care of 1. Eyes should be cleaned using sterile Listens of newborns?
newborn cotton swabs soaked in sterile water. Attentively
Each eye should be cleaned using a
separate swab.
2. Application of ‘kajal’ in eyes must
be avoided to prevent infection or
lead poisoning.
3. The eyes should be observed for
redness, sticky discharge or
excessive tearing for early detection
of problems & prompt management.
1 min. To explain about Clothing of the baby: Explain Verbally Group How to do clothing
clothing of newborn 1. Loose, soft, cotton cloths should be Listens of newborn baby?
used to dress the baby in summers, Attentively
you should keep in mind that the
dress of your baby must be
according to weather.
2. Large buttons, synthetic or nylon
napkins should avoided.
3. Cloths should not be tight around
neck and abdomen specially.
4. Woollen cloths of baby should not
be kept with moth balls, and should
always be washed with light
detergent and dried in proper
1 min. To explain about Handling of a newborn: Explain Verbally Group How to handle a
handling of newborn 1. Wash your hands (or use a hand Listens newborn?
sanitizer) before handling your Attentively
2. Be careful to support your baby's
head and neck.
3. Be careful not to shake your
newborn, whether in play or in
frustration. Shaking that is vigorous
can cause bleeding in the brain and
even death.
1min. To explain about Diaper care: Explain Verbally Group How to do diaper care
diaper care of 1. Use the water, cotton balls, and Listens of newborn?
newborn washcloth or the wipes to gently Attentively
wipe your baby's genital area clean.
2. When wiping a girl, wipe her
bottom from front to back to avoid
a urinary tract infection.
1min. To explain about A immunization schedule is a series Explain Verbally Group What is
Immunization of vaccinations, including the timing of all Listens Immunization?
doses, which may be either recommended or Attentively
2 min. To explain types of Types of Immunization are: Explain Verbally Group Enlisted types of
Immunization Listens Immunization.
1. Active immunization
Active immunization can occur naturally when a
person comes in contact with, for example, a
microbe. The immune system will eventually create
antibodies and other defenses against the microbe.
The next time, the immune response against this
microbe can be very efficient; this is the case in
many of the childhood infections that a person only
contracts once, but then is immune.
Artificial active immunization is where the
microbe, or parts of it, are injected into the person
before they are able to take it in naturally. If whole
microbes are used, they are pre-treated.
2. Passive immunization
Passive immunization is where pre-synthesized
elements of the immune system are transferred to a
person so that the body does not need to produce
these elements itself. Currently, antibodies can be
used for passive immunization. This method of
immunization begins to work very quickly, but it is
short lasting, because the antibodies are naturally
broken down, and if there are no B cells to produce
more antibodies, they will disappear.
Explain about clothing of newborn
Explain about eyes care of newborn
Explain about handling of newborn
Explain types of immunization
Describe benefits of immunization