Siprotec and Sicam: Easy Iot Connection With The Standardized Protocol Opc Ua Pubsub

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Easy IoT connection with the

standardized protocol OPC UA PubSub

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The IoT brings real added value to the power supply the industry-relevant security standards as well as recom-
The Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to be a driver of mendations from regulatory authorities for handling data in
growth in many business sectors in the coming years, cloud environments.
including the energy industry. In simple terms, IoT is about Connecting SIPROTEC and SICAM to MindSphere
networking electronic devices over the Internet.
SIPROTEC and SICAM – our products and solutions for
For power supply systems, connecting to the IoT enables all protection engineering, station automation, power quality,
components within a station to make their data available in and measurement – can be connected directly and easily
a cloud-based platform. Applications can then be used to to MindSphere and other cloud-based platforms.
consolidate, link, evaluate, and visualize this information
The connectivity is enabled by updating its communication
for application-specific purposes. You can utilize the result-
firmware with the standardized OPC UA PubSub protocol
ing benefits to:
(to IEC 62541 requirements) – no hardware extension is
• Enhance the transparency of plant and equipment status required. Devices from other manufacturers can also be
and conditions (such as electrical operating values and connected to MindSphere via an IoT gateway such as
equipment availability) SICAM A8000.
• Plan predictive maintenance and optimize services and Upgrading existing installations is simple
resources Using the IoT standard OPC UA PubSub and applying the
• Increase the availability of the power supply system highest security standards makes IoT connection of existing
legacy installations a lucrative prospect:
MindSphere – the IoT operating system from Siemens
• Continue using existing infrastructure and hardware
MindSphere is the open, cloud-based IoT operating system
from Siemens offering data analysis, versatile connectivity, • It is easy to upgrade the IoT protocol in existing hardware
tools for developers, applications, and services. with no impact on running applications
With all these functions, however, data security always • No system changes are needed to the configuration of
takes highest priority. MindSphere fulfills the basic rules of devices in substations and grids, etc.
Transparency increases

Visualize and analyze data with the applications of 2. “SICAM PQ Advisor” is a powerful application for analyz-
our Grid Diagnostics Suite ing grid quality, enabling operators to monitor and track
All relevant data are transmitted via the OPC UA PubSub anomalies and trends in the grid, among other things.
protocol to the cloud in encrypted form, where they are
available to the various MindSphere applications. These
are two examples among many applications offered by
“Grid Diagnostic Suite – Powered by MindSphere”:
1. “SIPROTEC Dashboard” is an application that allows
transparent processing of grid data in the cloud. It provides,
for example, information from the SIPROTEC devices in a
map view on a smartphone or tablet computer (iOS or
Android) with notification function.
Develop your own apps
This enables grid operators to analyze status and condition
messages, protection trips, and safety or security events, The IoT solutions from Siemens also let you develop your
and to optimize their maintenance activities – from any- own applications based on the data available centrally in
where, at any time. the cloud.
Advantages at a glance
• Simplifies processes
• Increases grid availability and service quality
• Reduces investment and operating costs
• Enables predictive maintenance
• Enables new business models
• Easy to integrate and seamless data availability
• Meets industry-relevant security standards
• No vendor lock-in due to use of IoT standard protocols

Published by:
Siemens AG 2018

Energy Management Division

Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany

Article No. EMDG-B10139-00-7600

Printed in Germany
Dispo 06200
fb 7931 WS 09181.

Subject to changes and errors.

The information given in this document only contains general descrip-
tions and/or performance features which may not always specifically
reflect those described, or which may undergo modification in the
course of further development of the products. The requested perfor-
mance features are binding only when they are expressly agreed upon
in the concluded contract.

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