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Large Electrocaloric Responsivity and Energy Storage Response
in the Lead-Free Ba(GexTi1−x)O3 Ceramics
Bouchra Asbani 1,2 , Yaovi Gagou 1, * , Said Ben Moumen 3 , Jean-Luc Dellis 1 , Abdelilah Lahmar 1 ,
M’Barek Amjoud 3 , Daoud Mezzane 3 , Mimoun El Marssi 1 , Brigita Rozic 4 and Zdravko Kutnjak 4

1 Laboratoire de Physique de La Matière Condensée (LPMC), Université de Picardie, Jules Verne,

33 rue Saint-Leu, CEDEX 1, 80039 Amiens, France; [email protected] (B.A.);
[email protected] (J.-L.D.); [email protected] (A.L.); [email protected] (M.E.M.)
2 Unit of Dynamics and Structure of Molecular Materials—UDSMM (EA 4476), MREI-1,
Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, 59140 Dunkerque, France
3 IMED-Lab, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Cadi Ayyad University,
P.O. Box 549, Marrakesh 40000, Morocco; [email protected] (S.B.M.); [email protected] (M.A.);
[email protected] (D.M.)
4 Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova Cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; [email protected] (B.R.);
[email protected] (Z.K.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: Ferroelectric property that induces electrocaloric effect was investigated in Ba(Gex Ti1−x )O3
ceramics, known as BTGx. X-ray diffraction analysis shows pure perovskite phases in tetragonal
symmetry compatible with the P4mm (No. 99) space group. Dielectric permittivity exhibits first-order
ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition, confirmed by specific heat measurements, similar to that
observed in BaTiO3 (BTO) crystal. Curie temperature varies weakly as a function of Ge-content. Using
Citation: Asbani, B.; Gagou, Y.; Ben the direct and indirect method, we confirmed that the adiabatic temperature change ∆T reached its
Moumen, S.; Dellis, J.-L.; Lahmar, A.; higher value of 0.9 K under 8 kV/cm for the composition BTG6, corresponding to an electrocaloric
Amjoud, M.; Mezzane, D.; El Marssi, responsivity ∆T/ ∆E of 1.13 × 10−6 K.m/V. Such electrocaloric responsivity significantly exceeds
M.; Rozic, B.; Kutnjak, Z. Large
those obtained so far in other barium titanate-based lead-free electrocaloric ceramic materials. Energy
Electrocaloric Responsivity and
storage investigations show promising results: stored energy density of ~17 mJ/cm3 and an energy
Energy Storage Response in the
efficiency of ~88% in the composition BTG5. These results classify the studied materials as candidates
Lead-Free Ba(Gex Ti1−x )O3 Ceramics.
for cooling devices and energy storage applications.
Materials 2022, 15, 5227. https://
Keywords: BGT; ceramics; ferroelectric; electrocaloric; energy storage
Academic Editors: Marc Cretin,
Zhenghua Tang and Sophie Tingry

Received: 28 April 2022

Accepted: 22 July 2022 1. Introduction
Published: 28 July 2022 Electrocaloric effect (ECE) is similar to magnetocaloric effect (MCE), in which the
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
temperature change of the material is achieved by the electrical and magnetic field control,
with regard to jurisdictional claims in respectively [1–3]. Therefore, ECE occurs in switchable dipolar materials, where the
published maps and institutional affil- application of electric field leads to change in the reversible polarization and consequently in
iations. the entropy [4]. Briefly, the applied electric bias induces an adiabatic increase of temperature
in the ferroelectric material. The field removal causes similarly adiabatic cooling in a
reversible process known as ECE [5–7].
Nowadays, ECE attracts scientists’ attention because of its promising frigorific appli-
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. cations and microelectronic cooling devices [8–10]. Various contributions were recently
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. reported on ferroelectric thin films, ceramic and polymers [1,7,11,12].
This article is an open access article Prototype refrigerators using ceramic ECE have been experimented with by a few
distributed under the terms and research groups [13–15]. The low ECE in these materials prevent them from being used in
conditions of the Creative Commons
efficient calorimetric applications. Therefore, high performance solid-state cooling devices
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
could be realized only using materials with large ECE, for example, in electronic elements
cooling of microelectronic devices, sensors, textile, etc.

Materials 2022, 15, 5227. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15155227 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/materials

Materials 2022, 15, 5227 2 of 19

Moreover, electrocaloric (EC) coolers based on eco-friendly materials stimulate a

resurgent focus on the development of high-performance lead-free barium titanate BaTiO3
(BTO)-based materials [12–15] due to the cancerous nature and neurotoxicity of Lead
(Pb) [16,17].
BTO is one of the most frequently used ceramic materials in electronic devices due to
its outstanding dielectric properties [18]. In particular, remarkable tailoring of functional
characteristics can be achieved by substitution with foreign ions on the A, B, or in both
sites of the ABO3 perovskite structure. Isovalent substitution ions such as Zr4+ , Sn4+ and
Ce4+ onto the Ti4+ site gave rise to enhanced material properties (e.g., dielectric, pyro-
and piezoelectric), high thermal stability in a large temperature range [2,4]. Otherwise,
substitution can induce also a decrease in polarisation [2], tunability [19] and hysteresis
loops [20]. These substitutions can also induce structural-phase transitions or polymorphic
phases overlapping for specific compositions, and sometimes a ferroelectric relaxor by
increasing the dopant concentration [21]. Substitutions with smaller radius ions such as Ge
are far less investigated and apparently do not modify the structural transition temperatures:
the room temperature tetragonality and the ferroelectric character [22]. There are only a few
reports concerning the role of Ge insertion, which has mainly been used as sintering aids to
promote better densification of BTO-based ceramics at a lower sintering temperature [23].
Chu et al. [24] reported that germanates are used in industrial applications to produce
heterophasic ceramic bodies. Köferstein et al. [25] have investigated the influence of
BaGeO3 (BGO) on the sintering behaviour and properties of fine- and coarse-grained BTO
powder density. GeO2 can be used as a sintering aid to reduce the sintering temperature of
BTO ceramics below 1000 ◦ C. Guha and Kolar [26] studied the BaTiO3 −BaGeO3 (BTO-BGO)
system, and they determined a eutectic composition of 68 mol% BaGeO3 with a melting
temperature of approximately 1120 ± 5 ◦ C. The authors did not observe any shifting of
the cubic to the tetragonal phase transition temperature in BTO by the addition of GeO2 ,
in agreement with the investigations by Plessner and West [27]. These authors noticed
a reduction in the sharpness of the permittivity maximum. In contrast, Pulvari [28] and
Baxter [29] found a slight decrease in the Curie temperature with the addition of GeO2 ,
and determined the limit of solubility of some doping elements in BTO. Consequently, the
knowledge about the effect of sintering additive materials on the dielectric properties of
BTO-based ceramics is essential for potential technological applications.
Therefore, ECE is evidenced in BTO-doped ferroelectric material using indirect or
direct methods [30]. The indirect method used in our case is based on thermal P-E hysteresis
loop data analysis using Maxwell relations [31]. In addition, the results were confirmed by
direct method using a modified high-resolution calorimeter [32].
The literature indicated that the EC responsivity ∆T/∆E is the most suitable coefficient
to highlight the electrocaloric effect [33–35]. This is supported by the aim of producing high
ECE under optimal applied electric field. The electrocaloric effect in Na0.5 Bi0.5 TiO3 –BaTiO3
(NBT-BTO) [30] and BTO bulk ceramics had recently been investigated by Bai et al. [7],
who reported a maximum electrocaloric responsivity of 8 × 10−7 K.m/V. Wang et al. [36]
obtained a ∆T/∆E value of 1.5 × 10−7 K.m/V in the Ba0.98 Ca0.02 (Zr0.085 Ti0.915 )O3 (BCZT)
ceramics. Liu et al. [37] reported that ECE responsivity in Ba0.65 Sr0.35 TiO3 (SBT) ceram-
ics prepared by spark plasma sintering was enhanced up to 2.33 × 10−7 K.m/V. In BTO
single crystal, Novak et al. [6] evidenced a ∆T/∆E value of 5 × 10−7 K.m/V by high-
resolution EC measurements in the narrowed region of transition. We reported previously
a large ECE in a much broader temperature range extended in 50 K a maximum ∆T/∆E
of 3.4 × 10−7 K.m/V in Ba0.8 Ca0.2 TiO3 Zr-doped, lead-free ferroelectric ceramics at a rel-
atively small electric field of 7.95 kV/cm [34]. Previous results demonstrate a significant
challenge to achieving high EC adiabatic temperature changes in the lead-free bulk ma-
terials with the optimal applied electric field and the best doping cation for higher EC
responsivity. It is worth noting that the optimal electric field minimises material fatigue
and Joule heating effect. Operating at low voltage could also be a suitable way to reduce
the technology cost and ensure low energy consumption.
Materials 2022, 15, 5227 3 of 19

In the present paper, we focus our investigation on the ECE and energy storage
performance in BTGx materials (x = 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.06 and 0.09). We study the influence of
germanium (Ge) doping in BT matrix on the structural, electrical, ferroelectric, electrocaloric
and stored energy properties in this system. It should be noted that ECE results obtained
using indirect methods were found to be in good agreement with data directly measured
using a high-resolution calorimeter, and the energy stored shows promising results.

2. Experimental Section
BTGx ceramics were elaborated using a conventional powder processing technique
and starting from high purity raw materials BaCO3 (99%), TiO2 (99.8%) and GeO2 (99.8%),
which were mixed in the desired stoichiometry. The mixture powder was grounded in
ethanol medium for an hour in agate mortar, followed by a thermal treatment. The obtained
powder of each Ge-content was calcined at 900 ◦ C for 4 h. Heating rate was 5 ◦ C/min. This
thermal process had been repeated three times for grain size reduction and for accurate
grain reactions to achieve a homogenous state with single-phase powder.
The symmetry phases were confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) data analy-
sis which was recorded with detector step of 0.0199◦ and waiting time of 10 s using Brucker
D8 with λCu = 1.5406 Å in θ-2θ Bragg–Bretano geometry configuration. The structural reso-
lution was carried out using the Rietveld method implemented in the FullProf software [38].
The finely granulated powder was compacted under a hydraulic press at 250 MPa pressure
to obtain circular pellet discs of 6 mm diameter and 0.4 mm thickness. The obtained pellets
were then placed into an alumina crucible and sintered at 1100 ◦ C for 1 h. The obtained
sintered ceramic samples were crack-free, and their density was found in the range 5.03 to
5.80 g/cm3 . These densities measured based on Archimedes’ method, to represent 93 to
96% of their theoretical value. Silver paste was used to form electrodes covering both faces
of the pellets to form a plane capacitor shape for electrical measurements. Measurements
can be started after 30 min heating of electrodes at 300 ◦ C constant temperature. Then, P-E
hysteresis loops were registered as a function of temperature using AixACCT TF1000 appa-
ratus, and dielectric permittivity was measured for several frequencies (100 Hz–1 MHz) as
a function of temperature using Solartron SI 1200 Impedancemeter. Temperature controller
is Linkam THMS600 with heating and cooling rate of 5 ◦ C/min. Temperature module
offered 0.01 ◦ C in accuracy. All the thermal measurements have been performed under air.
The Impedance measurements were performed every 2.00 ◦ C ± 0.01 ◦ C, under oscillator
source of 50 mV applied on ~0.5 mm sample thickness. Sample heat capacity was deduced
from heat flow measurements performed using Netzsch DSC 204F1 apparatus. SEM images
were recorded under 5 kV electrons acceleration source and a working distance in the range
10–15 mm. The Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis had been performed using the FEI
Quanta 200F apparatus.

3. Structural Studies
3.1. X-ray Studies
X-ray diffraction patterns of BTGx ceramics (x = 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.06, 0.09) performed
at room temperature were shown in Figure 1. Small displacement of the rays to high
angles can be observed in this figure versus Ge-content, which results in the contraction
of lattice parameters. No significant structural change was observed at first look based
on the diffraction lines. This means Ge-insertion in BTO matrix induces weak distortion
in the crystal lattice parameters, and the tetragonal symmetry was observed for all the
compositions. A zoom conducted on the tetragonal symmetry lines (202) and (220) showed
a weak displacement of ~0.5◦ , as presented in the inset of Figure 1. The structural resolution
was then conducted for all the elaborated compositions satisfactorily. Beginning from
profiles adjustment, the calculations led to rapid convergence. By way of the Rietveld
method using FullProf software, the atomic positions, thermal isotropic agitation factors,
occupation rates and scale factor were adjusted at room temperature to minimize the
reliability factors in a coherent way, based on BTO tetragonal matrix in accordance with
positions. A zoom conducted on the tetragonal symmetry lines (202) and (220) showed a
weak displacement of ~0.5°, as presented in the inset of Figure 1. The structural resolution
was then conducted for all the elaborated compositions satisfactorily. Beginning from pro-
files adjustment, the calculations led to rapid convergence. By way of the Rietveld method
Materials 2022, 15, 5227 using FullProf software, the atomic positions, thermal isotropic agitation factors, occupa- 4 of 19
tion rates and scale factor were adjusted at room temperature to minimize the reliability
factors in a coherent way, based on BTO tetragonal matrix in accordance with the P4mm
(No. 99) space
the P4mm (No.group
99) spaceand group
N° 05-0626.
JCPDS NWe observedWe
◦ 05-0626. globally
observeda small decrease
globally a smallof
decreaseparameters leading to leading
of lattice parameters a small todecrease
a small in lattice in
decrease volume. This behaviour
lattice volume. can be
This behaviour
expected, since the ionic radius [39] of Ge 4+ (0.530 Å ) in substitution of Ti4+ ion in the octa-
can be expected, since the ionic radius [39] of Ge (0.530 Å) in substitution of Ti4+ ion
hedral site is slightly
in the octahedral sitesmaller thansmaller
is slightly Ti4+ ionic
than radius
Ti4+ (0.605 Å ), which
ionic radius (0.605could
Å), lead
which to could
a de-
crease of volume if the substitution occurred. It is worth recalling that
lead to a decrease of volume if the substitution occurred. It is worth recalling that a a systematic micro-
systematicanalysis and the analysis
microstructural phase equilibrium
and the phase diagram for the diagram
equilibrium system BaTiO 3-BaGeO3
for the system
BaTiO3 -BaGeO3 (BTO-BGO) was reported by Guha et al. [26], in which the solubility BTO
was reported by Guha et al. [26], in which the solubility limit of BGO in limit
of BGOdetermined
in BTO wasaround 1.8 mol%around
determined but no electrical
1.8 mol%characterization
but no electricalwas performed. Inwas
characterization the
present case, structural resolution leads to several observations: (i) small
performed. In the present case, structural resolution leads to several observations: (i) small octahedra dis-
octahedrais observed,
distortion(ii) is volume
(ii) volumeweakly, (iii) Geweakly,
decreases doping(iii)
atomsGe in the octahedral
doping atoms in
site have weak site
the octahedral concentration
have weakand consequently
concentration and doconsequently
not impact greatly
do notthe structural
impact greatlysym-
structural symmetry.

Figure 1. Room
Room temperature
temperature X-ray patterns of elaborated compound BTGx (x == 0.02,
0.02, 0.03,
0.03, 0.05,
0.05, 0.06,
0.09). The inset indicates the zoom of evolution of (202) and (220) lines versus Ge-content.
0.09). The inset indicates the zoom of evolution of (202) and (220) lines versus Ge-content.

The refined lattice parameters (a == bb and c), the unit cell volume, atomic positions
and the reliability factors are summarized in Table 1, and the curves of evolution of lattice
parameter and
and volume
volume versus
the the
ing ionic radius
ionic of of
radius chemical
chemicalelements and
elements andGe-content,
calculated the
the Goldschmidt
tolerance factor
tolerance factor to characterize the perovskite structural stability. TheThe obtained
obtained values
gathered in Table 1, demonstrate progressive stabilization to pseudo-cubic perovskite
structure while Ge-content increases.

3.2. Raman Spectroscopy

To confirm the structural analysis, we performed Raman spectroscopy measurements
at room temperature. The spectra are plotted in Figure 3 and show the BTO known active
modes in its tetragonal symmetry (C4v ) for all the compositions as reported in the litera-
ture [40–43]. The active modes are covered in the frequency range 100–800 cm−1 [41,44].
Three E(TO) modes appear around 167, 304 and 518 cm−1 , which were often observed at
170, 306 and 520 cm−1 in pure BTO ceramics [44]. Moreover, the modes 260, 471 and the
somewhat broader 720 cm−1 constitute the A1 modes in this structure. An extra A1 mode
appears clearly at 800 cm−1 for composition x = 0.09. This mode is sensitive to Ge-rate,
and very close observation indicates that it occurs earlier at lower concentration with weak
intensity and evolves to be observable at x = 0.09. It was previously reported [45] that
this mode is sensitive only to B-site occupation in perovskite matrix and move to high
frequency as a function of BTO-doping rate and was affected to the A1(TO) mode. This
Materials 2022, 15, 5227 5 of 19

Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 19

confirms that Ge is inserted in the B-site of the perovskite structure [45]. Therefore, we
can conclude that no significant displacement or variation of the modes is observed with
T0 (K)  1.00 K 372.11
Ge-content 353.79 the A1(TO)359.13
until x = 0.09, where 348.63
mode appears. This 354.40by the
can be explained
TC (K)  0.12 K 400.83 which corroborates
weak Ge-doping, 399.40 400.10
the X-ray analysis. 399.73 399.53

Figure 2. Lattice
andc) c)
and volume
and variation
volume of BTGx
variation of BTGx(x =(x
0.02, 0.03, 0.03,
= 0.02, 0.05, 0.05,
0.06, 0.09)
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 19
versus Ge-content. These parameters were obtained from Rietveld structural resolution using
0.09) versus Ge-content. These parameters were obtained from Rietveld structural resolution using Full-
Prof software.
FullProf software.

3.2. Raman Spectroscopy

To confirm the structural analysis, we performed Raman spectroscopy measure-
ments at room temperature. The spectra are plotted in Figure 3 and show the BTO known
active modes in its tetragonal symmetry (C4v) for all the compositions as reported in the
literature [40–43]. The active modes are covered in the frequency range 100–800 cm−1
[41,44]. Three E(TO) modes appear around 167, 304 and 518 cm−1, which were often ob-
served at 170, 306 and 520 cm−1 in pure BTO ceramics [44]. Moreover, the modes 260, 471
and the somewhat broader 720 cm−1 constitute the A1 modes in this structure. An extra A1
mode appears clearly at 800 cm−1 for composition x = 0.09. This mode is sensitive to Ge-
rate, and very close observation indicates that it occurs earlier at lower concentration with
weak intensity and evolves to be observable at x = 0.09. It was previously reported [45]
that this mode is sensitive only to B-site occupation in perovskite matrix and move to high
frequency as a function of BTO-doping rate and was affected to the A1(TO) mode. This
confirms that Ge is inserted in the B-site of the perovskite structure [45]. Therefore, we can
conclude that no significant displacement or variation of the modes is observed with Ge-
content until x = 0.09, where the A1(TO) mode appears. This can be explained by the weak
Ge-doping, which corroborates the X-ray analysis.

Figure 3. Room
Room temperature
Raman spectra
spectra forfor
thethe studied
studied BTGxBTGx (x = 0.03,
(x = 0.02, 0.02, 0.05,
sitions. The A1The
mode at −800
800 cm cm−1 confirms
1 confirms Ge-insertion
Ge-insertion in the octahedral
in the octahedral site
site in the in the per-

3.3. Microstructure Analysis

We present in Figure 4 the SEM micrographs of the five elaborated BTGx (x = 0.02,
0.03, 0.05, 0.06, 0.09) ceramics. These images show a significant variation in grain size de-
Materials 2022, 15, 5227 6 of 19

3.3. Microstructure Analysis

We present in Figure 4 the SEM micrographs of the five elaborated BTGx (x = 0.02, 0.03,
0.05, 0.06, 0.09) ceramics. These images show a significant variation in grain size depending
on the composition. We can observe the increase of grain size with Ge-content, except from
the particular grain size obtained for the composition BTG6. The grains seem to bathe in a
lacquer, assuming the relative compacity of the structure with Ge-content. This behaviour
can explain the effect of Ge-content around the limit of solubility of BGO in BTO matrix.
The grain bonding defects disappear at the interfaces, leading to acceptable density of the
ceramics with Ge-content. Moreover, the density of the ceramics was calculated based on
the Archimedes method, and the values range between 93–96% of their theoretical values,
as reported in Table 1. A typical morphology was observed in the BTG6 ceramic, which also
exhibits particular behaviour in X-ray analysis and other results. Chemical analysis based
on Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) analysis confirmed the compositions, as we can observe
at bottom right part of Figure 4 for the composition BTG3. Experimental relative weight
values are close to theoretical ones, which are: 58, 19, 20, and 0.9% mass percentage, for the
chemical element Ba, Ti, O and Ge, respectively (see inset of Figure 4f). Furthermore, the
density values range in 5.035 to 5.801 g/cm3 and the grain sizes determined using ImageJ
software range between 3.6 to 18.7 µm. The values for each composition are depicted in
Table 1.

Table 1. Atomic positions and Rietveld reliability factors for BTGx (x = 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.06,
0.09) compositions.

Atomic Compositions
Positions 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.09
x 0 0 0 0 0
y 0 0 0 0 0
Ba z −0.0422 (4) 0.1827 (5) −0.0293 (8) 0.3342 (4) 0.1724 (2)
Occ. 1 1 1 1 1
Biso 1.664 0.795 0.586 1.074 1.581
x 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
y 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Ti z 0.4798 (5) 0.6677 (3) 0.4874 (5) 0.8681 (3) 0.7117 (2)
Occ. 0.98 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.91
Biso 2.1 1.272 1.218 1.433 1.874
x 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
y 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Ge z 0.4798 (5) 0.6677 (3) 0.4874 (5) 0.8681 (3) 0.7117 (2)
Occ. 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.09
Biso 2.1 1.272 1.218 1.433 1.874
x 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
y 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
z −0.0481 (3) 0.1413 (8) −0.0068 (2) 0.2753 (7) 0.0853 (1)
Occ. 1 1 0.9421 1 1
Biso 3.331 2.675 1 2.018 3.798
Materials 2022, 15, 5227 7 of 19

Table 1. Cont.

Atomic Compositions
Positions 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.09
x 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
y 0 0 0 0 0
O2 z 0.5064 (2) 0.7333 (5) 0.5447 (6) 0.7720 (2) 0.7306 (7)
Occ. 1 1 0.98 1 1
Biso 1.974 0.222 2.982 0.438 3.034
Symmetry Group P4mm P4mm P4mm P4mm P4mm

Unit cell a(Å) 3.9955 (9) 3.9949 (3) 3.9945 (6) 3.9941 (7) 3.9905 (5)
parameters c(Å) 4.0364 (6) 4.0350 (5) 4.0358 (3) 4.0324 (5) 4.0309 (5)
Unit cell Volume V (Å3 ) 64.4371 (7) 64.3954 (8) 64.3953 (5) 64.3282 (1) 64.1884 (2)
Nb Refined param. 45 33 37 38 34
Grain size (µm) 3.63 5.45 10.90 8.32 18.77
Theoretical Density (g/cm3 ) 6.067 6.052 6.045 6.041 6.049
Calculated Density (g/cm3 ) 5.801 5.785 5.645 5.035 5.648
Relative Density (%) 96 95 93 83 93
χ2 2.85 2.1 2.14 2.5 3.72
Rwp 5.57 3.84 3.07 3.18 4.62
RP 4.23 2.71 2.21 2.14 3.19
RBragg 4.64 6.54 5.26 3.37 3.5
Ti-O1 (c-axis) 1.8278 (7) 1.7198 (8) 1.9947 (7) 2.0302 (3) 1.8998 (6)
Ti-O2 (c-axis) 2.2086 (6) 2.3151 (0) 2.0410 (2) 2.0023 (4) 2.1311 (3)
Goldschmidt factor 0.9929 0.9932 0.9940 0.9944 0.9956
Curie C (×105 K) 3.78 3.42 3.87 3.40 3.44
T0 (K) ± 1.00 K 372.11 353.79 359.13 348.63 354.40
TC (K) ± 0.12 K 400.83 399.40 400.10 399.73 399.53
Materials 2022,
Materials 15, x5227
2022, 15, FOR PEER REVIEW 8 8of
of 19

Figure 4.4. (a–e)
SEMmicrographs of of
micrographs BTGx (x =(x0.02,
BTGx 0.03,0.03,
= 0.02, 0.05,0.05,
ceramics and (f)
ceramics andEDX
(f) anal-
ysis of the
analysis ofcomposition BTG3BTG3
the composition showing massmass
showing percentage of containing
percentage elements
of containing in agreement
elements with
in agreement
withtheoretical values.
the theoretical values.

4. Dielectric
Dielectric Measurements
Figure 5 displays
dependence of of
dielectric permittivity
dielectric measured
permittivity meas-
at different
ured frequencies
at different for allfor
frequencies theallceramics. The Ferroelectric-to-Paraelectric
the ceramics. (FE-PE)
The Ferroelectric-to-Paraelectric struc-
tural phase
structural transition
phase is marked
transition by the
is marked bydielectric permittivity
the dielectric jumpjump
permittivity at Curie temperature
at Curie temper-
(TC ). (T
ature TheC). symmetry
The symmetrychanges from from
changes tetragonal P4mmP4mm
tetragonal (No. (No.
99) to99)
cubic Pm-3m
to cubic (No. (No.
Pm-3m 221)
221) groups
space in the
groups in paraelectric
the paraelectricphase. TheThe
phase. realreal
of relative dielectric
of relative permittivity
dielectric of
the BGTx ceramics reaches at T a high value of 10,140 for
of the BGTx ceramics reaches at CTC a high value of 10,140 for the compositionthe composition BTG2 and
Materials 2022, 15, 5227 9 of 19

then decreases to 5918 for BTG9, with a very weak variation of the Curie temperature
between the studied compounds. Moreover, no relaxor effect was observed in this system,
which can be considered as classical ferroelectric material. Horchidan et al. [21] reported
that for small Ge additions to BTO x ≤ 0.10, for which the perovskite tetragonal phase is
predominant, the dielectric properties are quite similar to ones of BTO ceramics, with all
the structural phase transitions in the same temperature range and a small shift of the Curie
temperature to higher with Ge-content. This seems to be in contradiction with the present
results. TC decreases weakly when Ge-content increases. Furthermore, the structural phase
transition is of first-order type, as evidenced by the drastic dielectric permittivity jump
and the thermal hysteresis observed for all the compositions. Curie temperature remains
almost constant in-between temperature variation ∆TC = 1 K for these studied Ge-contents.
Plessner et al. [27] reported a similar result on electrical measurement, showing no signifi-
cant variation of Curie temperature with Ge-rate. We confirm this result by the specific heat
variation depicted from DSC Signal measurements that evidenced, for all the compositions,
an asymmetric peak versus temperature, in favour of first order type phase transition as
shown later in this work. Although the Curie temperature varies almost weakly, for all
the samples we observed variation of the Curie constant, reflecting the mechanism of the
different dynamics of phase transitions in these samples, especially in BTG2 and BTG9.
The Curie–Weiss temperature T0 in this system presents its low value for the composition
BTG6, as indicated in Table 1.
We also report in Table 1 the Curie constant values and the Curie temperatures
obtained from dielectric permittivity measurements. The higher gap value (~51 K) between
TC and T0 is observed for the composition BTG6. This composition constitutes that in which
metastable transformation exists in a large range temperature, one of the reasons for the
better electrocaloric adiabatic temperature variation, but not beneficial to energy storage.
Samples globally presented a real permittivity thermal hysteresis of about 2 K, as
showed in Figure 6 for the composition BTG3 recorded at 1 kHz. The inset of this figure
also highlights a global weak loss factor less than 4.1%.
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 19
Materials 2022, 15, 5227 10 of 19

Figure 5. (a–e)
Figure Temperature
5. (a–e) Temperature dependence
dependence of of dielectric permittivity
dielectric permittivity in in BGTx
BGTx (x =(x = 0.02,
0.02, 0.03, 0.03, 0.05, 0.06,
0.05, 0.06,
0.09)0.09) ceramicsin in thefrequency
frequency range
2 2 5 Hz. Insets represent the Curie–Weiss plot of each com-
ceramics the –105 Hz. Insets represent the Curie–Weiss plot of each
position. (f) Dielectric permittivity at 100 Hz for all the BTGx compositions. The inset shows TC and
composition. (f) Dielectric permittivity at 100 Hz for all the BTGx compositions. The inset shows TC
T0 variation as a function of Ge-content.
and T0 variation as a function of Ge-content.
Samples globally presented a real permittivity thermal hysteresis of about 2 K, as
showed in Figure 6 for the composition BTG3 recorded at 1 kHz. The inset of this figure
also highlights a global weak loss factor less than 4.1%.
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 19
Materials 2022, 15, 5227 11 of 19

Figure 6. Thermal hysteresis loop of real permittivity for BTG3 compound, recorded at 1 kHz,
Figure 6. Thermal hysteresis loop of real permittivity for BTG3 compound, recorded at 1 kHz, show-
showing a discard of ∆T = 2.00 K between heat and cool data. Inset the dielectric shows Loss factor.
ing a discard of TC = 2.00C K between heat and cool data. Inset the dielectric shows Loss factor.
5. Ferroelectricity and Electrocaloric Effect
Ferroelectricity and Electrocaloric Effect
Ferroelectric Properties
5.1. Ferroelectric Properties
P-E hysteresis loops were recorded on cooling in the temperature range from 473 to
273 P-E
K tohysteresis
minimize loopsthe polarization
were recordedinaccuracy induced
on cooling by temperature
in the fatigue during heating.
range fromFigure
473 to7
273 the P-E hysteresis
K to minimize loops inaccuracy
the polarization variation recorded
induced at by5fatigue
Hz in during
the BTGx samples
heating. as a
presentsofthe temperature.
P-E hysteresis These curves
loops show arecorded
variation ferroelectric
at 5 character
Hz in thefor T<T
BTGx , confirmed
C as a
function of temperature. These curves show a ferroelectric character for T < TC, confirmedC ,
by the non-linear behaviour, and then evolves towards a paraelectric phase for T > T
by the non-linear by behaviour,
the linear curve. In the
and then insetstowards
evolves of Figure 7, we present
a paraelectric the polarization
phase for T > TC,
variation versus
characterized by temperature
the linear curve.underInthree selected
the insets of applied
Figure 7,electric fields. We
we present the remark on the
decrease versus
variation of polarization
temperatureas a function of temperature
under three followed
selected applied by anfields.
electric abrupt drop
We at Tc,on
remark for
all decrease
the the compositions (Figureas7a–e),
of polarization whichofwas
a function particularly
temperature important
followed by an forabrupt
the compound
drop at
Tc, for allAtheparticularly
compositions rapid jump 7a–e),
(Figure was observed
which was at particularly
TC for the composition
important forBTG6, and
the com-
therefore, the highest value of the pyroelectric coefficient dP/dT,
pound BTG6. A particularly rapid jump was observed at TC for the composition BTG6, favouring a significant
and therefore, effect, was observed
the highest for this
value of the composition.
pyroelectric coefficient dP/dT, favouring a signifi-
In Figure 7f, we present comparative
cant electrocaloric effect, was observed for this P-E composition.
hysteresis loops for all the compositions at
room In temperature
Figure 7f, we(T = 303 comparative
present K). The lowest P-Ecoercive field
hysteresis Ec value
loops for allisthe
observed for BTG6.
compositions at
The inset of Figure 7f shows the evolution of remnant polarization
room temperature (T = 303 K). The lowest coercive field Ec value is observed for BTG6. versus Ge-content that
The a maximum
inset of Figure 7f showsat thethe
evolution of BTG3,
remnantbefore decreasing
polarization to a low
versus value when
Ge-content that
Ge-content increases. This behaviour is attributed to dipole reordering
exhibits a maximum at the composition BTG3, before decreasing to a low value when Ge- and domain wall
motion mechanism versus Ge-content.
content increases. This behaviour is attributed to dipole reordering and domain wall mo-
tion mechanism versus Ge-content.
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 19
Materials 2022, 15, 5227 12 of 19

Figure 7. (a–e) P-E hysteresis loops of BTGx ceramics (x = 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.06, 0.09) as a function
Figure 7. (a–e) P-E hysteresis loops of BTGx ceramics (x = 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.06, 0.09) as a function of
temperatureand andextracted
maximum polarization
polarization (insets)
(insets) variation
variation versus
versus temperature
temperature at at three
three ap-
applied fields.(f) (f)
plied fields. Comparative
Comparative hysteresis
hysteresis loops
loops at Tat= 303
T =K 303
andK remnant
and remnant polarization
polarization (inset)(inset)
versus Ge-content.

5.2. Indirect Electrocaloric Effect

5.2. Indirect Electrocaloric Effect
The electrocaloric effect was then investigated by an indirect method deduced from
The electrocaloric effect was then investigated by an indirect method deduced from
P-E hysteresis measurements. We extracted the upper branches from the temperature-
P-E hysteresis measurements. We extracted the upper branches from the temperature-de-
dependent P-E hysteresis loops to calculate the variation of polarization versus temperature
pendent P-E hysteresis loops to calculate the variation of polarization versus temperature
P(T). The pyroelectric coefficient ∂P/∂T is then calculated from fourth-order polynomial fits
P(T). The pyroelectric coefficient ∂P/∂T is then calculated from fourth-order polynomial
fits of the P(T) data, and the adiabatic electrocaloric temperature change (T) was deduced
from this analysis according to the equation:
Materials 2022, 15, 5227 13 of 19

of the P(T) data, and the adiabatic electrocaloric temperature change (∆T) was deduced
from this analysis according to the equation:

1 T ∂P
∆T = − dE (1)
ρ cp ∂T E

where ρ is the density of each studied material, E1 and E2 are the starting and the final
applied electric fields, respectively, and Cp is the specific heat capacity of each studied
material. Figure 8a–e show the electrocaloric adiabatic temperature change as a function of
temperature for all studied Ge-doped compounds at three selected applied electric fields:
2.00, 5.00 and 7.95 kV/cm. The absolute maximum of each obtained ∆T curve occurs at FE-
PE phase transition temperature. The insets show heat capacity Cp deduced from heat flow
measurement versus temperature, which were adjusted to their background polynomial
fits. Note that electrocaloric effect depends mainly on excess of specific heat at phase
transition. The higher value of ∆T was evidenced for the composition BTG6, which reached
the value of 0.8 K. This high value is expected at this particular composition, since a drastic
drop was observed in the polarisation at TC and also due to its particular crystallinity. A
broad anomaly in ∆T was observed for BTG9, as shown in Figure 8e, attributed to the
limit of Ge substituting in the BTO matrix that induced conductivity which appears in the
less saturated P-E hysteresis or the broad specific heat curve in the inset of Figure 8e. The
evolution of maximal variation of electrocaloric responsivity as a function of Ge-content is
plotted on Figure 8f.
In the BGTx system, the calculation of electrocaloric responsivity leads to a high value
of ∆T/∆E = 1.01 K.m/V at 400 K in BTG6. This electrocaloric responsivity was obtained
just under an applied electric field value of 7.95 kV/cm. To our knowledge, this value is
one of the higher values of electrocaloric responsivity reported in lead-free barium-based
oxides, making the BTGx system a candidate for refrigeration devices.

5.3. Direct Electrocaloric Measurement

Direct electrocaloric measurements have been performed using a modified high-
resolution calorimeter on the composition BGT6, which exhibits the highest ECE response
in the case of indirect method. As presented in Figure 9, the adiabatic temperature variation
in this compound reaches ∆T = 0.9 K under an applied electric field of 8 kV/cm. This
value is in an excellent agreement to that obtained by indirect calculation of the adiabatic
temperature variation in this compound, whose value was 0.8 K under 7.95 kV/cm. Sharp
ECE and dielectric peaks demonstrate the first order character of the ferroelectric transition
in BTGx. The latent heat enhancement can explain the relatively large ECE obtained at
small field changes at the FE-PE transition, similar to that observed in BTO [6].
Indeed, large ECE responsivity ∆T/ ∆E = 1.13 × 10−6 K.m/V was obtained by di-
rect measurements, putting this compound into the category of promising materials for
refrigeration applications.
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 19
Materials 2022, 15, 5227 14 of 19

Figure 8. (a–e) Electrocaloric adiabatic temperature change (∆T) as a function of temperature at three
Figure 8. (a–e) Electrocaloric adiabatic temperature change (ΔT) as a function of temperature at three
kV/cm). The
The insets
insets show
show corrected
corrected heat
heat capacity
Cp deduced from heat flow measurement versus temperature. (f) Electrocaloric responsivity as
deduced from heat flow measurement versus temperature. (f) Electrocaloric responsivity as aa
function of Ge-content.
function of Ge-content.

5.3. Direct Electrocaloric Measurement

Direct electrocaloric measurements have been performed using a modified high-res-
olution calorimeter on the composition BGT6, which exhibits the highest ECE response in
the case of indirect method. As presented in Figure 9, the adiabatic temperature variation
in this compound reaches T = 0.9 K under an applied electric field of 8 kV/cm. This value
is in an excellent agreement to that obtained by indirect calculation of the adiabatic tem-
perature variation in this compound, whose value was 0.8 K under 7.95 kV/cm. Sharp ECE
and dielectric peaks demonstrate the first order character of the ferroelectric transition in
BTGx. The latent heat enhancement can explain the relatively large ECE obtained at small
field changes at the FE-PE transition, similar to that observed in BTO [6].
Indeed, large ECE responsivity ΔT/ΔE = 1.13 × 10−6 K.m/V was obtained by direct
Materials 2022, 15, 5227 measurements, putting this compound into the category of promising materials for 15 of 19
eration applications.

Figure 9.9. Adiabatic

Figure Adiabatic electrocaloric
electrocaloric temperature
temperature variation
variation obtained
obtained from
from composition
composition BTG6
BTG6 by
by the
direct method under applied electric field of 8 kV/cm.
direct method under applied electric field of 8 kV/cm.

6. Energy
6. Energy Storage
Storage Investigations
Electrostatic energy storage
Electrostatic storagestudies
studieshave havebeen investigated.
been TheThe
investigated. charged
chargedenergy den-
sity (Wch(W
density ), the
ch ), loss
the energy
loss density
energy (W
loss ),
(W energy
loss ), storage
energy density
storage (W
rec ) and
(W energy
rec ) and storage
storage () were
efficiency (η)calculated from P-E
were calculated from hysteresis data. These
P-E hysteresis data. physical quantities
These physical can be
can be expressed by the following equations,
expressed by the following equations, respectively: respectively:
Z Pm𝑃𝑚
Wch = = ∫ E 𝐸dP,
𝑑𝑃, (2)
0 0
Z P 𝑃𝑚
W 𝑊𝑟𝑒𝑐
= = ∫ E 𝐸dP,
𝑑𝑃, (3)
Pr 𝑃𝑟

loss ==
𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 WW −−
ch 𝑐ℎ WW , ,
rec𝑟𝑒𝑐 (4)
η= ××100,
100, (5)
ch 𝑐ℎ

wherePPmm,, P
where Prr and E denote
and E denote maximum
maximum polarization,
polarization, remnant
remnant polarization
polarization andand electric
electric field
strength, respectively. W
strength, respectively. Wloss represents the difference of the energy brought during the
loss represents the difference of the energy brought during the
charge and
and that
that during the discharge
during the dischargeprocess,
equivalenttoto𝑊 and η isisenergy
Wrec and energystorage
In Figure10a–c,
Figure 10a–c,weweplot
storeddensity, andand
density, energy storage
energy stor-
efficiency coefficient versus temperature for all the studied compounds.
age efficiency coefficient versus temperature for all the studied compounds.
ever, the energy storage efficiency of BTGx samples was observed in the range 55 to 88%
in the paraelectric phase. The maximum value 87.67% is observed for BTG5. Only the
composition BTG9 shows somewhat smaller energy storage efficiency; this Ge concentra-
tion approaching limit of solubility. Nevertheless, these results place this family com-
Materials 2022, 15, 5227 pound in stable energy storable compounds at relatively high temperatures due 16 toofthe
energy storage efficiency.

Figure 10. (a) Energy lost, (b) energy stored and (c) energy storage efficiency for all the BTGx
compositions (x = 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.06, 0.09). Energy loss decreases globally versus temperature for
all the compositions. Maximal energy stored is obtained for BTG2. Higher energy storage efficiency
is observed in BTG5.

For all the compositions, energy loss density value plotted in Figure 10a decreases
and presents a step shape at the Curie point, dropping even more in the paraelectric phase.
At the same time, the energy storage density (Figure 10b) shows a λ-shape curve with a
maximum around the Curie point, where energy storage appears to be at its maximum.
As the energy loss seems to be minimal in the paraelectric phase, this is favourable to
a high energy storage efficiency, as shown in Figure 10c in all the studied Ge-content
BTGx ceramics.
As expected, the composition BTG6 shows the lower energy lost in accordance with its
density and its dielectric and ferroelectric responses. On the other hand, higher energy loss
was observed in the ferroelectric phase for the composition BTG3. The sample BTG2, on
the other hand, presents a higher energy stored value, and this energy decreases when Ge-
content increases. This behaviour is different to the electrocaloric responsivity behaviour,
which showed a maximum for BTG6. This result shows the decorrelation between the
electrocaloric effect and energy storage mechanism. The former depends on pyroelectric
coefficient jump and domain walls dynamic, while the latter depends on the ceramic density
and polarization value. Furthermore, as shown in Figure 10b, the higher energy storage
density 16.65 mJ/cm3 was observed for the composition BTG2 at the Curie temperature.
This global small value can be attributed to samples density, the shape of PE-hysteresis loops
and maximal polarisation value, since higher values are usually obtained from slimmer
PE-hysteresis loops, similarly to relaxor-type ferroelectrics [48,49]. However, the energy
storage efficiency of BTGx samples was observed in the range 55 to 88% in the paraelectric
phase. The maximum value 87.67% is observed for BTG5. Only the composition BTG9
Materials 2022, 15, 5227 17 of 19

shows somewhat smaller energy storage efficiency; this Ge concentration approaching

limit of solubility. Nevertheless, these results place this family compound in stable energy
storable compounds at relatively high temperatures due to the energy storage efficiency.

7. Conclusions
High ECE was evidenced in the lead-free BTGx system (x = 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.06, 0.09).
These compounds exhibit classical ferroelectric behaviour confirmed from P-E hysteresis
and FE-PE phase transition confirmed by dielectric and heat capacity measurements. The
substitution of titanium (Ti) by germanium (Ge) ions in BTO matrix in the octahedral
sites was confirmed by structural analysis based on X-ray diffraction patterns, Raman
spectroscopy and SEM images. All compositions are of pure perovskite tetragonal structure
and acceptable compactness ceramics. However, Ge-doping did not induce structural
symmetry change but the decrease of lattice parameters and volume. Electrical and heat
capacity measurements show first-order-type phase transition for all the BTGx compounds,
the TC value varies weakly and a thermal hysteresis of about 2.00 K is observed. ECE
responsivity was calculated for all the compositions from the indirect method that reveals
large values, especially for the compound BTG6 (∆T/∆E = 1.01 K.m/V at 400 K), in good
agreement with direct EC measurements result of ∆T/∆E of 1.13 × 10−6 K.m/V under
8 kV/cm applied electric field. Energy storage investigations show moderate energy
stored of 16.65 mJ/cm3 and energy storage efficiency of 87.97%. These results make the
lead-free BTGx system a promising alternative candidate for refrigeration and energy
storage materials.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Y.G., D.M. and B.A.; methodology, D.M. and A.L.; soft-
ware, Y.G. and S.B.M., validation, Z.K. and M.E.M.; formal analysis, J.-L.D.; investigation, B.R. and
J.-L.D.; resources, M.A. and A.L.; data curation, Y.G. and B.A.; writing—original draft preparation,
B.A. and M.A.; writing—review and editing, Z.K. and Y.G.; visualization, S.B.M. and A.L.; supervi-
sion, M.E.M.; project administration, Y.G.; funding acquisition, Y.G. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported financially by The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
(MAEDI) via PHC Carlos Finlay project No 47075NF and University of Picardie Jules Verne via S2R
Action 3.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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