Machines-1 Final

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Form No.


Philadelphia University Student Name:

Faculty of Engineering Student Number:
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Final Exam, First Semester : 2017 12018
Course Title: Electrical Machines I Date: 2S/l/2018
Course No: (610314) Time Allowed: 2 Hours
Lecturer: Dr. M. Abu-Naser, Dr. F. Obeidat No. of Pases: 7
Oaestbn 1: (gMurk)
Objectives: This question is related to multiple choices
1) Which of the following is not a necessary condition for parallel operation of
synchronous generators:
a) RMS voltage of all machines must be the same
b) A11 machines must have the same phase sequence
g) All machines must operate at the same frequency
@ Alt machines must have the same number of poles
2) We can obtain zero voltage regulation with
a) Laggrng power factor loads
@ Leading power factor loads
c) Unity power factor loads
d) All of the above
3) when the frequency is doubled, what are the change in eddy current and
hysteresis losses:
g) Hysteresis loss doubles, Eddy current loss doubles
Hysteresis loss doubles, Eddy current loss quadrapples
i) No change in hysteresis and Eddy current losses
d) Hysteresis remaining same, Eddy current loss reduced to half

4) v curve of a three phase synchronous motor is the relation between:

a) Voltage and current
b) Voltage and number of poles
c) Speed and number of poles
@ fieta current and armature current
5) A 6 pole 5 Kw, 50 Hz,3@ induction motor having a full load slip of 3%, what
will be the speed at full load:
a) 1200 rpm
b) 1164rpm
O elo rpm
d) 1000 rpm
6) A DC machine is distinguished by the presence of
@ Commutator
b) Two slip rings
c) Three slip rings
d) None of the above
7) ln DC motor the speed is
a) Proportional to flux
b) Proportional to square of flux
@ Inversely proportional to flux
d) Does not depend on flux
Which of the following statements is true
@ The armature is the rotor in DC machines and the stator in AC machines
b) The armature is the stator in DC machines and the rotor in AC machines
c) The armature is the rotor in both DC and AC machines
d) The armature is the stator in both DC and AC machines
Ouestion 2: (6Markl

A 20-kVA, 20000/480-V, 60-Hz distribution transformer is tested with the following

Open- Circuit Test Short-Circuit Test
(measured from secondary side) (measured from primary side )

Vo.c:480 Vs.c: 1130 V

Io.c : 1.6 A Is.c: 1.0 A
Po.c: 305 W Ps.c:260W
Find the resistance and reactance of this transformer (Rc, Xm, Req, Xeq)
What is the efficiency of this transformer at full load 0.85 power factor.

v"; = i 80' ? ?; f''{ ;-

(pr,,' Tloo 3a9

Ll 8P
V,. to.. ; x\"6 '458

&o. "@,?oLt-8 A

(xJ pr/ i';

V,.- L( 8o' .326-1 -a
Go, Vaq"8

)- z€L = 260-t-
(d*'+'a \\3
Z-1- G Vs'" -YW
Lro I


5 "?€ ?** r?..'"laiwJ

t '4?f n?,.,n*?,* ?.- .? r. ,z6a v-t
q 6.8 7,

uuesu0n 5:
Objectives: This question is related to AC machines
a) compare between induction and synchronous machines in terms of

lnduction Synchronous

l.ri Ih-^*
<li6 tt-!r &-*Eh^[- ^[-
Speed ofrotation
y.lU^", sft.) ;jil,;'rA
Power factor
Wa'a t''ffiru*!'u-
Starting requirement 14P -rl-.[2 rnol-rr\$rfua
rga*iaJ.- Qar^new',$
Excitation to rotor r*l-
"e1-^J ,,-j,+.- dlb,-'',"2,*L
Cost .k*f e",{z*"i"-<-

"7 Ji+&.Jt-

b) Fill in the blanks with (increases) or (decreases) or Gemd

When load is p{aced on a 3-phase induction motor, its
l) speed Ar-cre,..-r
2) slip iner*tca
3) rotorinduced emf 'tgca;t4
4) motor current'y,<*e4a4
5) motor torque "l a.crzz,ra.r
6) speed of rotating magnetic field rerr,,ad^s, ae.Gth+
Ouestion 4: 0Mark)
Objectives: This question is related to synchronous machines
A 480-V, 60-Hz, A-connected, four-pole synchronous generator. This generator has
an armaitre resistance of 0.015Q and a synchronous reactance of 0.1f). Armature rms
induced voltage (Eg) equal to 532 V and the torque angle is 5.3" at a terminal voltage
of 480 V. Ignore any field circuit losses. Find:
1) Speed of rotation.
2) Magnitude of load current (line).
3) Load power factor and determine whether it is lagging or leading.
4) Output power of the generator.
5) Air gap power of the generator.
6) Find the air gap torque.
7) If the generator's efficiency is 89 .7Yo, find friction and iron losses?
8) Find the input torque.
9) Suppose a new load drawing a line current of 1200 A at unity PF is connected
to the generator. Find the required excitation voltage (Eg) to keep terminal
voltage at 480 V? What is the voltage regulation?
10) Suppose a new load drawing a line current of 1200 A at 0.8 PF leading is
connected to the generator. Find the required excitation voltage (Eg) to keep
terminal voltage at 480 V? What is the voltage regulation?

YZo *60 ,(*

t)nr"** , rt
= t8oo

2) \1, 3-^Z
%, r-( *i '0
gjzlE! , L{ go 19* +
ur 9

= 6q2,9
4 To-= , \t =*j .\ r\

3) Pf ' *3 o'q
=- f lv?'E
I c qAq KUJ

,6 rr', T' ro6 = {ToH lo *lzsox'

r) fl,.r
j "o lS c 2\^6 gv't
, Z\: - '
il P.* Q
[ ' 820"6 Ku
?3 , ?.-** h* =
?qQ *2\^

6) \a - -?n * ^ \?{3.\ frl"^

7c{.q YvJ
+) ?u), = 8q 0.6
t = 4-:

?.,^ =
?",* - ?, . b4a'6'
8?o-€' tu
4az1 '8
gT^' +-w= \1.,'^

q) I.o. Loq'. ? 6qr.-B A

Eg, vro L7
Ll I o + 612,8 lL(or*,1'9
F qqt, z6 I 8'o4o \'l

vP = *o?t3"1'
3,\8 z

rr) To= =ffi2-817g'll

1'$ **T^4 (' orf+) '}
Li Bo 6{ t,8176 '1"
= ^.

LrEl tfr{ u
$R =ffi G -6'oLtZ
Ouestion 5: (5Mo.rkl
Objectives: This question is related to DC machines
A six pole DC generator has a flux per pole of 30 mwb. The armature has 536
conductors connected as a lap. The DC generator runs at 1050 rpm, and delivers a
rated armature current of 225 A to a load connected to its terminals. The field and
armature windings are connected in series (R.r: R" : 0 05O) Combined friction,
windage, and core losses are 2kW. Calculate:
1) Generated voltage, E,
2) The power developed by armatur€, Pd",
3) The developed torque, T6.,
4) Terminal voltage, V1
5) Efficiency

\) Ea?
* *lo9or,8*53d = ZBI'L{ V

= 6z''g
2) P^* = tA\*' 23\'Ll YLz{

3) A* ,!ff-=ffi =e1{'8 [l'nn

T*e^* lzf)
..r) $r , e'd-
* zL;(''9 *'o')
Z8\'\ '
? 299'\ V Kw
?r-* *(e-''e(i
zt'\'r'\ '€'06
?o**l** ' 8'{ x "L'l-{
, e B-L{ Vvl
, Le

q8'L{ a gq,L"/.
-|Wf *5'a6+
Ouestion 6: (6Mark)
Objectives: This question is related to DC machines
A 6.6kW, 220Y short shunt compound DC machine has an armature, series field and
shunt field resistances of 0.050, 0 3Q and 2000 respectively. Determine the total
armature power developed when working as:
Generator delivering 6 6kW
") Motor taking 6.6kW input. output
b) -*T u

-'t T, ,?,^l
o) ,@L ,3tA
Vg Z.l_t

tf Rr\ ['(Z"*Vu
7ior3 +22o 4I{- t l'.l\tA

1o , Tg* T" " l'\\9 +io ' 31'lq t A

Eb, I^ Q".uT'Q"*v't
3c)r ^i x aL'o
,3\'l'r f x' o9 +
,"JrT^"::-'ee x,r-\tt '+tso'?

D 1.,ioA
; a\ s.t,oea

Tv-T( =io -\'o]f
|n' ,-28'qqgA
c = U'- TL 8"-L€^
a-" ^: *] l1ax$ - LLgL{tx " o5
= L0q"9
6A 65.9 w
Pp, 'Ev\o = ?.a\'{fx'?-8'q'{9

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