Effectiveness of Group Counseling On Depression Anxiety Stress and Components of Spiritual Intelligence in Student1
Effectiveness of Group Counseling On Depression Anxiety Stress and Components of Spiritual Intelligence in Student1
Effectiveness of Group Counseling On Depression Anxiety Stress and Components of Spiritual Intelligence in Student1
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Abstract: The study aims to investigate the effectiveness of group counseling with a spiritual approach to depression, anxiety, stress, and spiritual
intelligence for students in facing the final semester exam (before and after the final exam). This research draft is quasi-experimental research
conducted in Institut Injil Indonesia (I-3) Batu Malang, East Java, from March 2019 to June 2019. The student population of the Christian Education
Study Program amounted to 105 people. Samples were taken through convenience sampling techniques, and the number of samples was 64 students.
Through random sampling, the samples are divided into intervention groups (n = 32) and the control group (n = 32). Data collection is done using two
scales King's Spiritual Intelligence Inventory (SISRI-24) and Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21 & DASS-42). The results showed that
students of the Christian Religious Education study Program were able to reduce and overcome negative emotional problems, such as depression, and
more dominant stress, and anxiety and could improve spiritual intelligence through group counseling with a spiritual approach.
Index Terms: Group Counseling, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Spiritual Intelligence, Spiritual Approach
important issues for the profession of counseling [13]. This Stress Scale (DASS-21 & DASS-42). King's Spiritual
orientation, supported by the results of research that proves Intelligence Inventory (SISRI-24) is used to evaluate spiritual
spirituality as an important factor to help children overcome the intelligence in both groups. The questionnaire was created in
problems of psychology and changes in psychology so that 2008 by David King. The questionnaire comprises 24 items in
they succeed in the study [14]. The results showed a positive a sub-scale consisting of critical existential thinking, personal
correlation between spiritual health and depression, anxiety, meaning production, transcendental awareness, and
and stress among students [15]. More specifically studies have conscious state expansion. In relation to the reliability, Raghib
shown that counseling with a spirituality approach can reduce set the reliability of this scale in the population in Iran (n = 240)
the anxiety and depression of the students [16];[17], as well as using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.88 [27]. Reliability
overcoming stressful situations in their lives [18];[4]. Even coefficients (Cronbach's alpha) of the SISRI-24 in this study
spirituality can help in the reduction of student anxiety when obtained 0.918. The answer Format of the SISRI-24 scale was
competing in an exam [9]. In the framework of the thinking of changed to: strongly disagreed (STS) was rated 1; Disagree
Christian spirituality, the results of the study found that (TS) is rated 2; Quite agree (CS) is rated 3; Agree (S) is rated
effective relationships with Almighty God can reduce stress, 4; Strongly agree (SS) is rated 5. The DASS-21 questionnaire
anxiety, and depression, to improve one's mental health [19], was made in 1955 by Lovibond. DASS-21 is used to assess
For spirituality is the ultimate necessity of man and who leads oneself and show the difference in 3 conditions of depression,
them to the transcendent experience and purpose in life that anxiety, and stress. The questionnaire consists of 21 items
can be found in relation to oneself, others or creation, and or and 3 sub-scales, and each subscale has 7 items to evaluate
God, and can also found in other sources such as art, music, depression, anxiety, and stress. [28] investigate the reliability
nature, religion and the Bible [20]. Other findings also support coefficient of the questionnaire with the internal consistency of
that the theory of acceptance of Christians to God can be the depression of 0.91, anxiety 0.84, and stress 0.90. In this
healing centre of stressful situations [21];[22], and also a research, the reliability coefficients (Cronbach's alpha) gained
personal relationship with God can increase the positive depression of 0.79, anxiety 0.86, and stress 0.87. The DASS-
influence on the activation of Christian stress and can increase 21 scale response format was changed to: Never is rated 1;
a more positive outlook on life [23]. Thus, it can be articulated Sometimes is rated 2; Often is rated 3, and Very Often is rated
that religion and spirituality are often part of the client's 4. Meanwhile, the DASS-42 (full version) is used to determine
problems, and it is also a part of the solution for clients [24]. the overall state of depression, anxiety, and student stress.
Contrary research results were discovered by GhareBughloo, The DASS-42 consists of 42 question items consisting of three
that there was no significant correlation between spiritual self-report scales that are made to measure negative emotions
health and depression; and there is no relationship of such as depression, anxiety, and stress. Each scale consists
depression, anxiety, and stress with religion and spirituality of 14 question items that are divided into 2-5 sub-scale items
[25];[26]. Based on previous studies, this research aims to with the same contents.
investigate the effectiveness of group counseling with a
spiritual approach to depression, anxiety, stress, and spiritual 2.3 Procedures
intelligence on students in facing the final semester exam The research was conducted in two phases. In the first phase,
(before and after the final exam). 64 respondents were tested to determine the level of
depression, anxiety, and stress by using depression, and
2. RESEARCH METHODS Stress Scale (DASS-42 full version). As a result, 64 students
have a level of depression, anxiety, and stress are in low to
2.1 Participants and Technique Samplinng moderate category, which is dominated by stress, and anxiety
This research is quasi-experimental research conducted in (Table 2). The second stage, 64 students were selected
Institut Injil Indonesia (I-3) Batu Malang, East Java, from randomly, and then determined to be a group of interventions
March 2019 to June 2019. The student population of the (n=32), which received 7 group counseling sessions with a
Christian Religious Education Study Program amounted to 105 spiritual approach of at least 60 minutes per session, while the
people. Samples were selected through a convenience control group (n=32) does not accept group counseling
sampling technique and sampled 64 students with details of sessions with a spiritual approach. The material used in the
semester 2 (30 people), 4 (27 people), 6 (5 people) & 8 (2 group counseling session was based on Richard Bowell's
people). educational book under the title "The Seven steps of spiritual
intelligence" with an emphasis on biblical principles. The
2.2 Data Collection material from a group counseling session can be concluded in
Data collection is done using two scales King's Spiritual table 1.
Intelligence Inventory (SISRI-24) and Depression, Anxiety, and
Session Material
Participants became familiar with each other and also with the structure of group counseling sessions. In
the continuity of the same session, the concept of spiritual intelligence, depression, anxiety, and stress is
1 explained to the participants. Preceded by singing and prayer, as well as additional participants learn the
relaxation of muscles and how to breathe correctly, and how to enter the spiritual atmosphere in a state of
First, singing and praying and encourage participants to practice deep muscle relaxation and breathing.
Later researchers explained the advantages of spiritual intelligence and its components to improve daily
interactions and manage emotions when dealing with changes and stressors during the final exam and
encouraging participants to replicate the way of problem-oriented work.
First, singing and praying, and participants practice deep muscle relaxation and breathing. Then the
researcher explains Intrapersonal communication and discusses the questions like: Who am I and what is
my role in this world. In addition, researchers have also discussed how to enter into a spiritual atmosphere
with existential critical thinking. Researchers explain the influence of attitudes, moods, minds, and mental
states when faced with the final exam. Then the way to get into the spiritual atmosphere in the
Transcendental consciousness needs to be trained and practiced.
First, singing and praying, and participants practice deep muscle relaxation and breathing. Then, the kind of
effective way of working – adding a sense of holiness to daily activities, and how to get into the spiritual
4 atmosphere in producing the meaning of life needs to be trained. Researchers emphasized the importance
of praying and reading the Word of God in order to give thanks, rejoice in the Lord, and understand that
God is good in all circumstances and conditions (Romans 12:1-2; 1 Peter 2:1-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
First, participants practice deep muscle relaxation and breathing. After that, training-related behaviours such
5 as forgiveness of oneself and others, and how to manage depression, anxiety, and stress need to be
First, singing and praying and participants practice deep muscle relaxation and breathing. Training needs to
be provided in connection with the use of spiritual sources such as the Bible, prayer, or other spiritual
sources, and also how to manage depression, anxiety, and stress. Furthermore, researchers are bringing
participants to the specificity, positive interpersonal relationships, self-determination, and humour.
Researchers practiced personal management and mastery of the environment, concluded the topics after
the session, grateful to the participants and finally, the participants filled the two questionnaires.
Before beginning a group counseling session with a spiritual each variable is normal, both before the intervention or after
approach and before the final semester exam, both groups fill the intervention (P>0.05). Similarly, the results of the
the questionnaire DASS-21 and SISRI-24. Immediately after homogeneity test also show a variant of the post-test data of
completing the group counseling session (4 weeks before the both groups expressed homogeneous (P>0.05). The
final semester exam) and 1 week after the final semester Independent t-test reflects no significant difference in the
exam, both groups re-fill the DASS-21 and SISRI-24. average score of depression (P=0.044), anxiety (p=0.141),
stress (P=0.800), and 2 components of spiritual intelligence,
2.3 Data Analysis Techniques which includes critical existential of thinking (P = 0.945), and
Data obtained from questionnaire were analyzed using personal meaning production (P=0.153) between the two
descriptive statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, homogeneity, groups before the intervention while the other two
and the independent t-test measurement are required to components, namely transcendental awareness (P=0.001),
compare the score difference in depression, anxiety, stress, and conscious state expansion (P=0.000) between the two
spiritual intelligence and its components between the two groups before the intervention have a significant difference
groups using SPSS version 18.0 with P-Value <0.05 (Table 4). In the intervention group after receiving the
considered statistically significant. intervention, the three components of depression (10.28),
anxiety (12.22), and stress (11.69) experienced a significant
3. RESULTS decrease in the value of the average score compared to
Table 3 shows the descriptive statistics and demographic data depressive components (14.34), anxiety (15.19), and Stress
of both groups, whereas the results of the Kolmogorov- (16.03) control groups that do not accept intervention with test
Smirnov test in Table 3 indicate that the distribution of data for results independent t-test P<0.05.
Table 3. Comparison of Demographics and Descriptive Statistics of the Group's Second (phase 2)
Intervention Control
Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Man 8 25(%) 12 37(%)
Woman 24 75(%) 20 63(%)
18-19 0 0(%) 10 31(%)
20-25 30 94(%) 20 63(%)
26-30 2 6(%) 2 6(%)
Very High 0 0(%) 0 0(%)
High 0 0(%) 1 3(%)
Medium 1 3(%) 4 13(%)
Pre Test Depression Low 10 31(%) 14 43(%)
Very Low 21 66(%) 13 41(%)
Very High 0 0(%) 0 0(%)
High 0 0(%) 0 0(%)
Medium 1 3(%) 4 13(%)
Post Test Depression Low 7 22(%) 18 56(%)
Very Low 24 75(%) 10 31(%)
Very High 0 0(%) 0 0(%)
High 0 0(%) 0 0(%)
Medium 7 22(%) 3 9(%)
Pre Test Anxiety Low 17 53(%) 16 50(%)
Very Low 8 25(%) 13 41(%)
Very High 0 0(%) 0 0(%)
High 0 0(%) 0 0(%)
Medium 3 9(%) 6 19(%)
Post Test Anxiety Low 8 25(%) 18 56(%)
Very Low 21 66(%) 8 25(%)
Very High 0 0(%) 0 0(%)
High 1 3(%) 0 0(%)
Medium 4 13(%) 5 16(%)
Pre Test Stress Low 17 53(%) 16 50(%)
Very Low 10 31(%) 11 34(%)
Very High 0 0(%) 0 0(%)
High 0 0(%) 1 3(%)
Medium 4 13(%) 9 29(%)
Post Test Stress Low 6 18(%) 16 50(%)
Very Low 22 69(%) 6 18(%)
Very High 2 6(%) 3 9(%)
High 19 60(%) 11 35(%)
Medium 10 31(%) 12 37(%)
Pre Test Critical Existence of
Low 1 3(%) 5 16(%)
Very Low 0 0(%) 1 3(%)
Very High 17 53(%) 5 16(%)
High 14 47(%) 13 40(%)
Medium 1 3(%) 9 28(%)
Post Test Critical Existence of
Low 0 0(%) 5 16(%)
Very Low 0 0(%) 0 0(%)
Very High 1 3(%) 0 0(%)
High 15 47(%) 13 41(%)
Medium 15 47(%) 14 44(%)
Pre Test Personal Meaning
Low 1 3(%) 3 9(%)
Very Low 0 0(%) 2 6(%)
Very High 6 19(%) 1 3(%)
High 19 59(%) 11 34(%)
Medium 7 22(%) 15 47(%)
Post Test Personal Meaning
Low 0 0(%) 5 16(%)
Very Low 0 0(%) 0 0(%)
Very High 1 3(%) 0 0(%)
High 18 56(%) 16 50(%)
Medium 11 35(%) 11 34(%)
Pre Test Transcendent Awareness Low 2 6(%) 5 16(%)
Very Low 0 0(%) 0 0(%)
Very High 3 9(%) 0 0(%)
High 28 88(%) 15 48(%)
Medium 1 3(%) 10 31(%)
Post Test Transcendent Awareness Low 0 0(%) 4 12(%)
Very Low 0 0(%0 3 9(%)
Very High 10 31(%) 8 25(%)
High 15 46(%) 13 41(%)
Similarly, the intervention group on the spiritual intelligence expansion (21.91) components control group (table 4). The
component has increased after receiving interventions test results of independent t-test post-test depression, anxiety,
compared to the control group, where the critical existence of and stress (DASS-21) between the intervention group and the
thinking components for the intervention group has scores of control group indicate there is a significant difference
values An average of 32.38 and a control group of 28.84 with (P=0.000) with an average score for the intervention group of
test results independent t-test P=0.000. The personal meaning 34.19 and control group 45.46 (table 3). This results in
production component of the intervention group has an indicating that interventions have an effective influence due to
average score of 29.31 and a 26.75 control group with depression, anxiety, and student stress decreases compared
independent t-test P=0.000 test results. While the test result to no intervention. As for the critical existential of thinking,
independent t-test component transcendental awareness and personal meaning production, transcendental awareness, and
conscious state expansion has no difference between the conscious state expansion (SISRI-24) shows that the
before and after interventions for both the intervention group intervention group and control group are experiencing a
and the control group because it has a P<0.05, but there is a significant difference (P=0.000) With a score of average
difference in the average score, where the Transcendental scores for the intervention group of 117.31 and a control group
Awareness (31.69) and conscious state expansion (23.94) of 100.81 (table 4). These results suggest that effective
components of the intervention group are larger than the interventions in enhancing students' spiritual intelligence
transcendental awareness (23.31) and conscious state significantly.
Table 4. Comparison of Normality, Homogeneity, Independent t-test, Average Score Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and The
Components of Spiritual Intelligence (before and after Phase 2 intervention)
Variables Mean±SD Mean±SD BIN AIN HPICG
Independent t-test
Mean SD
Intervention Group
DASS-21 Post Test 34.19 10.888 0.226
Control Group
Post Test 45.56 8.124
Independent t-test P=0.000
Depression Intervention Group 12.13±3.362 10.28±3.154 0.243 0.203
Control Group 13.97±3.711 14.34±3.107 0.103 0.320 0.918
Independent t-test P=0.044 P=0.000
Anxiety Intervention Group 15.13±3.260 12.22±4.256 0.555 0.270
Control Group 13.94±3.110 15.19±3.685 0.561 0.958 0.588
Independent t-test P=0.141 P=0.004
Stress Intervention Group 14.84±3.886 11.69±4.358 0.057 0.240
Control Group 14.59±3.983 16.03±3.806 0.707 0.575 0.675
Independent t-test P=0.800 P=0.000
Independent t-test
Mean SD
Intervention Group 117.31 4.432
SISRI-24 Post Test 0.786
Control Group 100.81 4.146
Post Test
Independent t-test P=0.000
Critical Intervention Group 24.88±36.96 32.38±1.792 0.427 0.333
Existence of Control Group 24.94±3.473 28.84±2.411 0.376 0.460 0.184
Thinking Independent t-test P=0.945 P=0.000
Personal Intervention Group 20.88±2.225 29.31±2.007 0.182 0.260
Meaning Control Group 21.63±1.913 26.75±1.849 0.149 0.092 0.954
Production Independent t-test P=0.153 P=0.000
Transcendent Intervention Group 26.47±2.652 31.69±1.575 0.705 0.295
Awareness Control Group 24.34±2.350 23.31±2.007 0.609 0.421 0.548
Independent t-test P=0.001 P=0.000
Conscious state Intervention Group 22.00±1.832 23.94±2.501 0.330 0.117
expansion Control Group 20.06±2.313 21.91±1.467 0.689 0.241 0.084
Independent t-test P=0.000 P=0.000
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