Different Types of Technical Writing
Different Types of Technical Writing
Different Types of Technical Writing
Have you ever submitted a resume for a job, written an email to your boss, created a PowerPoint
presentation or written directions for a friend on how to use an item? Then you've already
written a technical document.
Technical writing includes a wide range of documents used to inform or persuade a target
audience with a specific need.
Technical documents include memos, graphics, letters, fliers, reports, newsletters, presentations, web
pages, brochures, proposals, instructions, reviews, press releases, catalogs, advertisements, handbooks,
business plans, policies and procedures, specifications, instructions, style guides, agendas and so forth.
Technical writing opens the door to a career that simplifies complex topics and provides users with
valuable how-to guides. Think of technical writing as copy writing’s most basic, straight-to-the-point
version of organizing facts to educate and explain how to do something. To be honest: this type of
writing is tough, because writers act as middlemen between developers and consumers.
It may be easiest to understand the differences in them by grouping them into three main categories:
traditional technical documents, end-user documents and technical marketing communications.
Research results can be hard to explain, so scientists collaborate with technical writers to interpret
and organize findings. These results are published in medical journals, so the presentation of
material requires fine detail, accuracy, and organization. These papers act as learning resources for
practitioners to understand procedures and results. As with any form of research, technical writers
ensure that proper credibility is given in the text.
End-User Documentation
Almost every product you purchase has a written explanation of operation. These “how-to” pieces are
written to help users understand and operate products correctly. After all, what good is a product if
users don’t know how to properly use it? Since end-user documentation requires clear and concise
instruction, it’s important to create content that breaks down technological terms to layman’s terms.
Specific examples of end-user documentation are as follows:
3. Brochures
Brochures in technical communications are more than pretty pictures of an island you’d like to plan a
vacation to. Brochures take users to a deeper level of understanding and appeal through clear
descriptions, functions, and uses of a product.