Female Genital Tract Congenital Malformations
Female Genital Tract Congenital Malformations
Female Genital Tract Congenital Malformations
“double transverse
upper third vagina” or vaginal Uterus didelphys
longitudinal septum Vaginal agenesis
vaginal septum (TVS)
II.Unicornuate uterus
1. Unicornuate
uterus with a
rudimentary horn
with the cavity
2. Non–
rudimentary horn.
3. Rudimentary
horn without
4. Absence of
rudimentary horn.
Laparoscopic view reveals a round ligament on the left side and a normal
uterus, with no visible left tube or ovary, only a 2-cm tubal remnant. The
right fallopian tube and right ovary (with a corpus luteum) were
considered to be normal (arrow indicates tubal remnant).
III.A double uterus and vagina.
1. A double uterus and vagina without
disturbing the outflow of menstrual
2. A double uterus and vagina with a
partially aplastic vagina.
3. A double uterus and vagina with one
non-functioning uterus.
• IV. Bicornuate uterus.
1. Arcuate womb.
2. Septate/subseptate womb
A bicornuate uterus with
pregnancy in the right horn
A 33–year–old G3 P2 was seen at the outpatient The Pfannenstiel’s
clinic at 27 weeks of gestation. All three incision was performed,
pregnancies were spontaneous. The and a baby girl
ultrasonography examination prior to the weighing 3,100 gr
cesarean section revealed a live fetus with (Apgar score = 8) was
breech presentation and an expected birth delivered at breech
weight of 3,300 gr. presentation, under
spinal anesthesia.
On inspection, the
uterus was seen to be
cylindrical in shape,
with a flattened left–
side wall and no left
tubal ostium, left tube,
or left ovary.
A rudimentary horn was
detected; it was fused
to the main cavity on
the left–posterior side
of the unicornuate
uterus. With it was an
attached normal right
tube and right ovary.
V. Malformations of the fallopian tubes and
1. Aplasia of the uterine appendages on one
2. Aplasia of fallopian tubes (one or both).
3. The presence of additional fallopian tube.
4. Aplasia of the ovary.
5. Ovarian hypoplasia.
6. The presence of accessory ovaries
Illustrating the abrupt discontinuation of the left fallopian
tube and the absence of the ipsilateral ovary
Partial accessory fallopian tube was observed on right side
which was arising from the ampullary portion of main
fallopian tube. Black arrow – main fallopian tube, white
arrow – accessory fallopian tube
a congenital malformation characterized by a failure of
the Müllerian duct to develop, resulting in a missing uterus
and variable degrees of vaginal hypoplasia of its upper
Müllerian agenesis (including absence of the uterus, cervix
and/or vagina) is the cause in 15% of cases of primary
A female with this condition is hormonally normal;
development of secondary sexual characteristics including
thelarche and pubarche (pubic hair)
karyotype will be 46,XX.
one ovary is intact, if not both, and ovulation usually
Typically, the vagina is shortened and intercourse may be
difficult and painful.
ultrasonography demonstrates a complete or partial
absence of the cervix, uterus, and vagina
• Typical MRKH – Isolated
aplasia/hypoplasia (64%)
• Atypical MRKH –
aplasia/hypoplasia with
renal malformation or
aplasia/hypoplasia with
ovarian dysfunction – 24%
An extremely formidable
complication of
unicornuate uterus with a
rudimentary horn can be
an ectopic pregnancy.
Diagnosisis based on ultrasound of the pelvic
organs and kidney, if necessary, excretory
urography is performed. Final diagnosis is
established with simultaneous laparoscopy
and hysteroscopy.
Accurate diagnosis of the intrauterine
septum is difficult and is only possible with
combining modern diagnostic methods, when
the results are interpreted in the context of
a clinical situation: TVU and MRI,
- dissection of the intrauterine septum
In the presence of a thin or incomplete or on a narrow base
septum is dissected in the first phase of the menstrual