MQ New
MQ New
MQ New
Dear Respondents
My name is Mohamed Abdikadir, and I am a Management student at Dire Dawa
University. The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect data on “The Role of Motivation
on Employees Productivity (In Case of Ayaan Mineral Water PLC in Dire Dawa City)”. I
sincerely urge that you spend five to ten minutes of your time filling out the questionnaire
based on your thoughts on the roles of Motivation on Employees Productivity. Your help will
be greatly appreciated, and you will be thanked when the paper is completed. I sincerely
require that you complete this form to participate in this survey. I would also like to reassure
you that any responses you submit would be kept strictly confidential and will never be used
for any other purpose.
2. Age: 18-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years 51 and above years
4. Work Experience: 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 16 & above years
Part Two:- Employee incentive strategies used by Ayaan Mineral Water
1. What are motivational packages for employees of Ayaan Mineral Water PLC?
Part Four: - The Role of Extrinsic motivation on employees’ productivity
at Ayaan Mineral Water PLC
Note: 5=Strongly Agree, 4= Agree, 3= Neutral, 2= Disagree, 1= Strongly Disagree
PART SIX: - The challenges that the management faces in motivating their
1. Do you agree that top management of Ayaan Mineral Water PLC is interested in
motivating the employee?
Yes No
3. Does the Ayaan Mineral Water PLC provide opportunities of training and learning to
further develop its employees, both professionally and personally? Yes No
4. Does the management maintain an open communication with its employees?
Yes No
Yes No
6. What are the main challenges of employee motivation in Ayaan Mineral Water PLC?
1. How do you perceive that your employees act when they are motivated?
2. Are your employees more motivated by intrinsic factors or extrinsic factors?
3. Could you tell me about the work environment in your organization?
4. Do you do anything to improve the work environment of your organization?
5. What are the common challenges factors affecting employee motivation process faces
in Ayaan Mineral Water PLC?
6. Is the management of the Ayaan Mineral Water PLC aware on the factors affecting
employee motivation?
7. How do you describe extrinsic factors that influence employee motivation in your
8. How do you describe Intrinsic factors that influence employee motivation in your
9. How do you describe the employee productivity in Ayaan Mineral Water PLC?
10. What measures do you recommend to improve the employee motivation in Ayaan
Mineral Water PLC?