November 2022

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FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 2100 Riverview Drive

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America …“Servants Little Falls, MN 56345

Ministers: All God’s People at FLC of All” (320) 632-6667
Beth Pottratz, Pastor [email protected]

November 2022, Newsletter November 1, 2022

Thanksgiving is a time for considering the ways that we can “go and do
likewise” by serving those in need both near and far. Each year we meet
for worship on Thanksgiving Eve and give God thanks for the many
blessings he bestows. Your offering during the month to support ELCA
World Hunger and other hunger needs is encouraged. Special envelopes
are available on the greeters’ table, or you may note “Hunger” or
Pastor Beth’s
“Disaster” on the memo line of your check. Thank you for your generous
giving to those in need around the world. Give thanks with a grateful see page 2

A few ways you can make a difference: FLC Community

+ Volunteer your time at the Morrison County Food Shelf to help Announcements
distribute food, stock shelves, unload trucks, and pick up donations see page 3
from local businesses. If you are interested in volunteering, contact
+ Provide monetary donations or deliver items from church to the Children and
Youth Ministry
Morrison County Food Shelf. Please contact the church office, 632-
see page 6-7
+ Provide a respite meal for fellow servants in need at First Lutheran.
Contact Parish Nurse Tracy Moe for more information. Parish Nurse
+ Advocate for hunger issues around the world by joining the ONE News
campaign, a non-partisan effort to end global hunger, go to see page 8 for more information.
+ Deliver meals to homebound persons in the community, contact “Children First”
Theresa at the Little Falls Senior Center, 320-632-8009, or Lutheran Preschool News
Social Services at 218-233-7521 to volunteer. see page 9

Reflections from Pastor Beth

“Rooted and Built up in the Faith

One of my favorite questions to ask children slows down. Time is intentionally taken to tell
during the children’s message in worship is, stories. Stories that shape our understanding
“What season are we in? “Often times the first of who we are and how God cares for us.
few times children have heard me ask this As winter hits, so does a very rich
question, they respond with the outdoor liturgical season come as season after
season. Spring! Fall! Winter! The more I ask Pentecost ends, Advent, and Christmas. What
the question, or the kids start to understand time in our worship life, where the stories are
that I am not asking them about the outside rich and plentiful. As we settle into winter and
season, but instead the liturgical season, that look forward to Christmas coming again, we
is the seasons of life that we pass through come to the season, and our worship life, in
throughout the year in our worship, and Faith which we tell the stories that shape who we
lives. are, how the world is, and how God creates
Often times the seasons of our and loves us.
worship and faith lives seem to lineup well As Christians, we are story people.
with the seasons outside. We are at the time of Stories about who God is, and who we are in
year when fall has fully arrived, and winter is this world have been passed on from
coming soon. The time of year in which we generation to generation, first told in an oral
close up and winterize all of our outside storytelling culture, then written down to be
things, our summer projects, and do that one preserved for future generations. We learn the
last remaining outdoor adventure before the stories, we listen to what the stories have to
snow comes. teach us today, we tell stories, and we listen
I watch the same in the seasons of our for how God is writing our own stories, as we
faith and worship life, we are settling back walk our journey on earth.
into our school year routines, Sunday school Through our Sunday worship texts
and confirmation are underway, and we are these next couple months, we enter into the
tying up our season after Pentecost with high stories told to us from the prophets that point
holy celebrations, such as reformation us to look to the coming Savior, walk us
Sunday, all through the preparation of the world for Jesus’
Saints Sunday and Christ, the King Sunday.  birth, and the celebration of God coming
As winter approaches, so does the down to walk on earth among us as Jesus. 
first season of a new church year, advent. As seasons change, winter
Advent the season, waiting for the birth of approaches, and the holidays set in, I invite
Jesus and the start of the Christmas season at you to enter into our Christian story again and
the end of December.  in new ways.  I invite you to find ways to add
For those of the Ojibwe culture, when stories to your daily life and to find yourself
the snow is on the ground is the season of in the middle of God’s story of love for the
storytelling. Winter is the season of the year world.
in which the work and the busyness of life ~Pastor Beth

Page 2
First Lutheran Community Announcements
Tuesday Morning Bible Study library and see if you have any overdue First
The Book of Acts Lutheran books. Our new Wednesday night
Bible Study with Pastor Beth continutes on activities at church provide a good
the Book of Acts on Tuesdays 9:30 am. opportunity to browse the library and check
Anyone who is interested is welcome to join out material!
us! Join us on occasion or every week,
whatever works in your schedule. Bring your Advent Craft Sale
own Bible, or use one of ours. We meet in the In just one short month the Advent Craft Sale
library. and Luncheon will be here. We trust you are
Men’s Morning Bible Study making plans to attend on Saturday,
December 3 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.! We
All men of the congregation and friends are
are looking for donations of craft and bake
invited to Men’s Bible Study! We will meet
sale items. There will be a relaxing, delicious
next on November 2 at 7:00 a.m. We meet the
soup luncheon with dessert, and lots of treats
first and third Wednesdays of the month at the
and gift items to buy! This year’s sale benefits
church for breakfast and conversation. Come
youth ministry programming at First. Your
when you are able, leave when you must.. For
support of this great annual FUNdraiser is
more info, please call the church office at

Wednesday Connect Media

Wednesday Night Connect is up and going!
We are looking for people interested in
helping with music and running media for the
Wednesday night service and choirs.
Interested? Contact Becky Nelson at
[email protected]
Pastor Parish Relations Committee
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
The Pastor Parish Relations Committee is a
Adult bible study will meet on Wedneday small group that provides support for the
evening from 6:45 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Pastor and provides a communication conduit
throughout the 2022-2023 school year. We between the congregation and the Pastor. The
will dig into selected stories that highlight
committee supports and maintains an open
God’s story from Genesis to Revelation. relationship between the Pastor and the
Library Corner
members of the congregation. Its mission is to
The library is ready for your fall reading! serve the congregation and the Pastor as an
Thank you to all who have donated books. efficient and confidential communication
Please read the criteria for donations. There conduit between the congregation and Pastor,
are a number of borrowed books which have and as an aid to the Pastor in any personal or
not returned. Please check your personal professional needs the Pastor chooses to
present. Meetings are scheduled quarterly or
Page 3
as needed. Current members are Debra First Lutheran Staff
Yliniemi-Ahlin, Matt Dahl, Darrell Larsen, Pastor: Beth Pottratz
Liz Rydeen, and Linda Weiss. They are [email protected]
available to hear your joys or concerns. Youth and Family Minister: Kylie Stewart
[email protected]
Office Manager : Ashleigh Wappler
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant : Gail Hittesdorf
[email protected]
As your staff ministry team, it is our joy and Financial Clerk : Sue Gustner
privilege to serve alongside each of you here [email protected]
at First Lutheran. We thank you for the many Parish Nurse : Tracy Moe
ways that you minister to each of us and the [email protected]
Music Director: Becky Nelson
care and love that you show us. Know that
[email protected]
you and your love for the Lord are blessings Custodian: Ken Bergren
in our lives. Happy Thanksgiving! Housekeeper : Peg Bellamy
In His abiding peace and love, Preschool – Director : Gail Hittesdorf
Your Staff Ministry Team [email protected]
Preschool – Teacher : Jessica Gustafson
Preschool – Teacher’s Aide: Jodi Stumpf
Worship and Music News
As we head into Advent and Christmas, the Holden Prayer
Music and Worship/Congregational Life We will be singing Holden Evening Prayer as
Team invites all to join us in these upcoming part of Wednesday Connect! Holden Evening
events: Prayer will be offered the first Wednesday of
Christmas in November - The Legacy Chorale each month, as well as during the season of
is coming to First Lutheran on Nov. 12, 2022, Advent. For more information contact Becky
7:00 p.m. This 70 voice choir, along with their Nelson at 320-360-0209 or
newly formed children’s choir, will entertain [email protected]
us with a concert of seasonal favorites. Festival Choir for Christmas Eve
Christmas treats will be served after the There will be Festival Choir for Christmas
concert. Eve for those who are interested in
Women’s Advent Tea - Nov. 27, 2022, 6:30 participating. Rehearsals will be held
p.m. We will enjoy dessert and sing Holden Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. starting November
Evening Prayer. Hostesses are needed for this 30, December 7, December 14, and ending on
event. Please contact Jane Knott at December 21. If interested or with questions,
[email protected] for more information. contact the church office or fill out a yellow
Ministry Opportunity sheet.

Adult Ministry Opportunities

Page 4
Fall Quilting Group
The quilters are called to make mission quilts!
We are still taking donations of cotton sheets,
fabric, and thread in any color so if you are
cleaning out the cabin or fall house cleaing,
please keep the quilters in mind, as that we Thanksgiving Eve Worship
are always looking for. Come join us on Come to give thanks to the God who creates
Thursdays from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. us and all that exists and gives us all that we
Come when you can, leave when you must; have. Following the Wednesday Night
we teach all and turn away none. Donations Connect service we share a delicious pie
are always welcome. If interested or have fellowship. The Pastor Parish Team will host
questions call the church office and ask for the dessert time. If you are interested in
Pat or Monica’s number. donating pies, supplies or helping to serve,
please contact the church office.

Prayer Shawl Group

The prayer shawl group will be meeting in
Stoltz Hall at 1:00 pm on November 7, 2022.
Come join us as we knit and crotchet God’s Women’s Advent Tea
love and blessings into every stitch for those Congregational Life and Worship Ministry
in need! team are looking for people to host Advent
Tea tables. Women’s Advent Tea - Nov. 27,
2022, 6:30 p.m. We will enjoy dessert and
sing Holden Evening Prayer. Hostesses
are needed for this event. Please contact
Jane Knott at [email protected] for
Christmas in November Concert more information.
First Lutheran invites you to “Christmas in Book Club
November”, featuring The Legacy Chorale of
Greater Minnesota, November 12, 2022, 7:00 Book Club continues! All adult readers are
p.m. This concert is free and open to the welcome to read with this group. November’s
public. Freewill donations will be accepted. book club pick is “The Sunflower: On the
Refreshments will be served by the Worship Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness” by
and Congregational Life Team after the Simon Wiesenthal, Dean Robertson & Laural
concert. Fun Facts: Karla Jensen, a former Merlington. Readers, please secure your own
member of First Lutheran, sings with the copy of the book. There will be no meeting in
Legacy Chorale. December. For more information contact
Tifanii Dahl, 320-632-8207

Page 5
Youth and Education Corner A Note from Kylie
Happy November! Wow this last day-to-day stories. Relationship building with
month went by quick. Being that November is this group has been such a blessing!
a month of thankfulness, I am very thankful I am so encouraged because of the
and encouraged by our Wednesday evening number of students that have signed up to
services, Soul Squad, and 7th & 8th grade experience God at the All Youth Gathering
confirmation. We have an amazing group that happening this month. Registrations were
has formed in the last few months attending made at Cragun’s last month for 26 youth and
the service and the Soul Squad youth group 5 adult chaperones. I am so excited to get to
meetings. worship and ‘play” with the group we have
Upon meeting for our second week going. Camps and Retreats are one of the
of confirmation, we had a total of 25 7th and most impactful experiences that can be given
8th grade students, and 4 High schoolers show to youth because they take us away from the
up to attend. I was blown away and noise of our everyday lives and help us to
encouraged that the spirit really is moving experience something we would not otherwise
here at First Lutheran Church. This year, our be able to hear. We are saturated in God’s
7th & 8th graders are walking through the story word and can truly focus on what God is
of the Old Testament, completing the Biblical telling us during that time.
narrative for our 8th graders and beginning These formative faith experiences
things for our now 7th graders. I have heard happen when we can give God our full
great things about the student responses from attention and connect with the word and one
our amazing leaders about our curriculum as it another. Getting to “play” and have fun with
has been challenging students to think and each other is also part of this experience
understand more about God’s because community is a large part of our faith.
character/plan/design. And believe it or not, so is playing!
The 22-23 school year is off to a Love, Kylie
really great start. Last month we were able to
attend the Fields of Faith assembly at the high
school, which challenged us to live out our
faith in our daily lives. It was helpful for
students to see so many others from the many
different congregations and denominations
that attend their schools here in Little Falls. It
was truly a unifying experience!
The Wednesday night connect
services have been a wonderful addition, as I
get to spend more intentional time with our
teens weekly instead of monthly, as we did
over the summer. It has been a blast being
able to keep up with what’s going on in their
lives, laughing with them, and hearing their

Page 6
Children and Youth Ministry , Soul Squad Announcements
Confirmation Sunday sheet in the gathering space, in yellow
Congratulations to the following youth who Ministry Opportunity sheet in the weekly
affirmed their Christian faith and became bulletin, or call the church office. Last day to
adult disciples (members) of First Lutheran: order is November 14. Wreaths will be
John Ahlin, Joselyn Kuehne, Stella Moe, Eli delivered to church for pickup by November
Miller, Abigail Nagorski, Lee Rone, Jacob 30. Proceeds support youth ministry
Rudolph, Adeline Sobiech, Elliot programming at First. Thanks for your
VanDenHeuvel, Emma Vavarek, and support!
Madisyn Whitford.
7th & 8th Grade Confirmation Class The All Youth Gathering!
Confirmation will be held on Wednesday For those registered, we will meet in the
evenings throughout the school year during church parking lot to depart for Cragun’s at
Wednesday Night Connect. The next class 5pm on Friday November 18th and return
will be held on Wednesday, November 2 at Saturday November 19th at 2pm. Please make
6:45 p.m. This will be as mentor night. Other sure that your child is prepared to sign the
class dates are as follows: Wednesday, participant expectation covenant upon arrival
November 16, Nov. 16, Chapter 2; and and their health form is filled out. All
November 30, Chapter 3. If you are interested participants including Adult Chaperones need
in becoming a confirmation leader, please to submit this form. This is an online form
contact Kylie in the church office. submitted to the Synod found on the All
Youth Gathering website under the “step four-
Soul Squad Coffee Crew:
collect forms” heading. Stay tuned and watch
This is a time that youth can come and
your emails for more information from Kylie
connect with me outside of our regular
regarding when to pick up a home Covid test
Sunday and Wednesday night programming
kit from the church. The Synod is requiring all
Bring yourself and a few dollars for coffee, or
participants to provide a negative test to
if that’s an issue please let me know! These
attend the gathering. The Office will provide
meetings will be on Caribou Coffee from 3:00
these tests, and a picture of your child and
p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, November, 3;
their result will need to be texted to Kylie.
Tuesday, November 7; and Tuesday,
November 15. TeamReach
We have also joined the free app “Team
Reach” as a way of getting out
announcements to parents and kids. This is for
anyone that is interested in all things youth
ministry. Download the app, add in your
Christmas Wreath Fundraiser
profile info, and type in our code FLCSS2022
Place your order for a fresh, fragrant balsam
to find our group. Here you will receive
wreath for the holidays. The 25” wreaths are
reminders about events and be able to contact
decorated with pinecones and ribbon and are
Kylie directly with questions
$27.00 each. Place your order on the order
Page 7
Parish Nurse News
Tracy Moe, RN

Mental Health vs Mental Illness

What is the difference? Everyone has mental
Caregiver Support Group health, just like everyone has physical health.
This support group is for those who are Our mental health has to do with our
providing primary caregiving for a family emotional wellbeing at any given time.
member. This gives caregivers a safe and Mental Illness is something not everyone lives
supportive environment to share thoughts, with. Nearly half of U.S. adults will
ideas, tears, and laughter. The next meet is experience a mental illness during their
November 17, 10:00-11:30 a.m. at the church. lifetime. Mental illnesses exist on a spectrum
For more info, contact Parish Nurse, Tracy in terms of severity and can be
Moe, 320-282-5928. lifelong/chronic or transient/situational.
Care Center Worship Illnesses are conditions that affect a person’s
One of First Lutheran’s ministries is behavior, mood, thinking, and feeling.
providing a protestant worship and Holy
Communion opportunity twice a month; FLC
provides this to the Little Falls Care Center Connect Virtually for Worship at:
and Saint Otto’s Care Center. Our Parish Worship services air on the following sites
Nurse, Tracy Moe, coordinates the service each Sunday. You can access as you are able.
volunteer musicians, lead hymns and special Sunday worship videos posts on Tuesday on
music, while Pastor Beth leads worship. the church website: and the
church Facebook page: “First Lutheran
Prayer List Church, Little Falls MN”. Video also airs on
Please notify the church office if you or Spectrum/Charter cable channel 180 on the
someone you know would like to be added to following Sunday at 1:00 p.m., and the
the prayer list. Due to privacy rules, we do not following Monday at 1:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
always know when one may be hospitalized, You may connect to current or previous video
please call the church office if you would like worship services at any time on our YouTube
channel: First Lutheran Church Little Falls
us to know. Also, please let the church office
know when you would like to be removed
from the prayer list. Thank you! Take-Home Communion is available in the
church office for anyone who needs it.

Page 8
“Children First” Christian Preschool Gail Hittesdorf, Director
Greetings! and/or large learning tools, materials/supplies
Where has the Fall gone? October and assist with planned field trip costs. If you
learning themes included Community Helpers are interested in supporting “Children First”
and Transportation! We enjoyed visits with with a monetary contribution please contact a
Jason Brown, Minnesota Highway Patrol; Fire current preschool family, Gail Hittesdorf,
Fighters, Craig Seelen, Eric Hegna and Lisa Director, or the First Lutheran Church office.
Lentner (Retired) from the Little Falls Fire Registration continues at “Children First”
Department and Kelcea Bue from Palmer Bus. Christian Preschool throughout the preschool
Thank you, visitors, for sharing with year. We encourage families to check us out.
“Children First!” Please friend us on Visits are welcomed! Also, current families
Facebook to see photos! November themes are welcomed to add an additional preschool
and activities will be Five Senses, day/s to their current preschool attendance.
Nutrition/Healthy Bodies, Thanksgiving and Please contact Gail Hittesdorf, Director at
Pajama/Bedtime! 320-291-4698 or the First Lutheran church
“Children First” continues to office, 632-6667, if you would like more
participate in the More Rewards program information regarding preschool!
through Coborn’s. Purchasing certain brand Preschoolers will have a few days off
items will earn points which will translate into this coming month. No Preschool Monday,
cash for our Preschool. Please sign up for the November 7, along with Thursday and Friday,
program under Once a November 24 and 25.
member, or if currently a member please click We graciously thank God for all of
“Manage my Membership” School Rewards you, our Preschool supporters. We appreciate
and select or search “Children First” Christian your kind words, your giving, your sharing of
Preschool. Every time you visit the store they talents and your prayers. God has blessed us
will ask if you are more rewards member, you with wonderful families, an awesome staff
say yes and enter your phone number/or give and very supportive congregations. Thanks be
your number to the clerk at the checkout. to God!
Points earned will automatically go into our
Preschool account. A fast and easy way to Happy Thanksgiving!
help us earn cash for our school! Yours in Christ’s Service,
Our main source of fundraising is our Gail Hittesdorf, Director
2022-2023 Gifting Campaign. We will be
sending letters home with our preschool
families to forward to friends, family “O Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!
members or anyone who they feel would like His steadfast love endures forever.” - Psalm
to support “Children First” with a financial 136:1
contribution. The donations collected are used
during our current preschool year. The
contributions are used to purchase small

Page 9
Little Falls, Minnesota 56345-4402

Evangelical Lutheran Church in

Servants of All!

First Lutheran
2100 Riverview Drive
News of the Family

Axsten Asher Adams, son of Katera and

Matthew Adams was baptized
on October 2.
+ .
August Truth and Ella Mae Nelson,
son and daughter of Kayla and
Elijah Nelson, were baptized on
October 16.
Welcome to the family of God!

Sunday Worship Schedule

8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship using a
variety of liturgical settings
9:30 a.m. Coffee Hour


10:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship led by a
Praise Band
Holy Communion is served at all services.
Wednesday Evening Worship Schedule
5:45 p.m. Community Meal
6:15 p.m. Worship with Holy Communion
Come and See!

Items for the December Newsletter

are due on November 15, 2022!


Little Falls, MN



Daylight Savings is
Sunday, November 6!

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