Interview Importance

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Manual Questions:
1. What is SDLC and STLC/Difference between them?
2. What are different Non-Functional Testing?
3. What is build and build release?
4. What is smoke testing?
5. Which approach you follow in your organization while integrating?
6. What is your approach while you perform smoke testing?
7. What are different of smoke testing?
8. Difference between smoke and sanity? Can we perform both same project?
9. If you have URL of static page to read the content from that, what will be your test
scenario/Test cases and what type of testing you will perform on that page.
10. What are different testing techniques?
11. When you will perform exploratory testing, Monkey Testing, ad-hoc testing and
speed testing?
12. Where you write testcases?
13. What are the column present in HPLAM while creating the testcases?
14. If there is any logo mistake then what will be the defect?
15. Give real-time example of Priority Severity (All type)?
16. If there is cart page of flipcart and you trying to place an order, and page move on
blank page then what is priority and severity of that?
17. What is priority and severity?
18. Explain defect lifecycle?
19. What is agile?
20. Explain different meetings(ceremonies) in agile?
21. Explain agile plan for your current project?
22. What is debugging
23. What is regression testing?
24. Where you perform regression in your current project?
25. Difference between retesting and regression?
26. What is load testing and stress testing?
27. How you debug the bug?
28. If there is Friday and you have to release the module by Monday and you found bug
on Friday itself, then what will be your approach?
29. What is localization Testing?
30. What is cross Browser Testing?
31. Different testing techniques (BVA ECP Decision table)?
32. What is Check point in agile?
33. Explain agile architecture?
34. What is estimation in agile?
35. What are different agile methodology?
36. What is performance testing?
37. What is production issue?
38. Suppose your build release one week ago and after production user got defect then
what will be your approach?
39. What are different factors in Testing?
40. Which tool you for defect log/tracking? How you log defect in that tool Explain in
41. If you log defect and developer refuse to accept that defect, then what should be your
42. What are different steps to log defect?
43. What are the best practices for the test cases?
44. Is boundary value analysis provide good test cases? Tell me the result?
45. Explain what is the process of manual testing?
46. How we can check whether other module are imported or not after regression testing?
47. What are responsibilities of a manual tester?
48. Which tool you are using for the project management?
49. What is TRM and RTM?
50. Explain agile plan?
51. Difference between verification and validation?
52. Is application can be 100% defect free?
53. What is bug release and bug leakage?
54. 1. Difference between Test Plan and Test Strategy.

Test Scenarios:

1. Tell me the test scenarios for login page?

2. Tell me the test scenarios for Static page?
3. Tell me the test scenarios for pen?
4. Tell me the test scenarios for text box?
5. Tell me the test scenarios for upload file?
6. Tell me the test scenarios for apartment lift?
7. Take any two random mobiles compare them without price tell me different
8. Suppose you in the Phoenix Market city there are 3 lifts which having only one panel
to handle, Tell me the test scenarios for the synchronization of those lift?
9. I want to buy a product from amazon then tell me the test Scenarios for that?
10. Tell me the test scenarios for SIM card?
11. What will be the different testcase for any net banking application?
12. Write test scenario for Credit Cards
13. Write a creative test case for lift. Which are running parallelly.
Automation Testing:

1. Explain selenium architecture?

2. What is Web driver? Return type for that.
3. What are different oops concept? Where you used in your project?
4. Difference between get and navigate method?
5. What is abstract class? How complete abstract methods?
6. What is interface? Have you heard about implementation class? Tell me something
about that?
7. How handle Popups in selenium?
8. How to handle dropdown in selenium?
9. How to fetch text from login page?
10. Explain JDK JVM JRE?
11. What is final finally finalize?
12. When we use This and Super Keyword?
13. How to set Position (x y) coordinates for the window?
14. Difference between FindElement and FindElements method?
15. How to handle multiple windows in selenium?
16. How select checkbox in selenium?
17. What Non static variable and static variable?
18. Tell me about constructor?
19. What is method overloading and overriding?
20. Explain different access specifiers in java with example?
21. Why multiple inheritance is nor support in java? What is diamond ambiguity
22. What is casting? Explain with example?
23. What are different string methods?
24. How to maximize the window?
25. Difference between Difference () get. Title ()?
26. What are different locators in selenium?
27. Explain methods of By. Class methods?
28. What is By. Class absolute and relative?
29. How to take screenshot in selenium write code for that?
30. What is parameterization in selenium write code for that?
31. Write the code for alert popup handling?
32. How to handle Iframe?
33. How to handle multiple elements from webpage?
34. How to find multiple links at a time in selenium?
35. How to handle Dynamic element in selenium?
36. Why down casting not use in java?
37. What are different challenges are face in automation?
38. What is different assertion in selenium?
39. What is synchronization? Have you use Implicit and explicit wait in selenium?
Explain both?
40. Explain your framework?
41. What is maven? Maven repository?
42. What is Tseng explain keywords in it?
43. Consider there is one test class in that we have different tests with priorities like 0,1, -
1 the what will be the execution? And some tests do not have any priority then which
one execute first?
44. What is 1, - in detail.
45. Tell me the execution flow of testing suite?
46. What are property file in maven?
47. What is commit and pull? (Git Hub)
48. Different annotations in testNg?
49. Explain automation life cycle?
50. What are different challenges you faced in automation?
51. What is defence between assert and verify?
52. Your roles and responsibilities in automation?
53. What are different web driver methods?
54. What is page factory?
55. How to fail testcases in selenium?
56. How you run your test suite?
57. How you automate your test Suite automatically?
58. What is Jenkins? What is the use?
59. How send test report to developer in automation?
60. What is test Suite between array list list/vector list/set link?
61. What is exception array list we have multiple try in try catch?
62. Suppose we have try catch and finally block and the catch is failed finally will
execute or not? If yes then explain?
63. What is Extend reporter?
64. What is pom.xml?
65. What are Listeners?
66. Suppose u have class and abstract class in class there is a user defined constructor and main
method which one will get execute first?
67. What is HashMap? Can we store objects in hash map and how to retrieve them?
68. Primitives and Non-Primitives datatypes in java? String is primitive or non-primitive?
69. What is Jenkins?
70. What is the use of testng.xml?
71. Annotation used in page object model?
72. Ways to find broken links in selenium (except using HTTPURL Connection)?
73. How u handle dynamic drop-down list dynamically with a scenario (entire program they
asked to write)?
74. Explain How you handle exception in selenium?
75. How do we identify the web elements?
76. What is relative Xpath? How do we build it? Where do you start it?
77. How do you perform parallel testing in selenium?
78. Why do you need gecko driver (Mozilla)?
79. Class A have 3 method, class B have 2, class B inherited class A, how do you call method of
class A by creating object of class B?
80. What is the difference between build and perform?
81. What's the fastest locator in Selenium? Why you used Xpath instead of CSS selector?
82. Can we over load main method in java?
83. How to run failed test cases in selenium?
84. How to run failed test cases again without knowing which ones have failed?
85. How you done cross browser testing and how many browsers you have used?
86. Tell me columns contains in testcase template?
87. What is difference between group id and artifact id (In maven Project)?
88. what do you mean by POJO why we use POJO?
89. How u generate reports of ur Framework? how do report pass/fail of a step?
90. Why do we need to write .exe while giving the chrome driver path?
91. Order of TestNg annotations

API manual:
1. What are different status code?
2. Difference between SOAP REST?
3. what is the validation while API automation?
4. what is the difference between put and patch?
5. what is the difference between URI and URL?
6. what do you mean by UDDI .and what do you mean by WSDL?
7. what are the different type of HTTP Methods.?
8. Difference between get and post?
9. If you hit the request for, put and get what will happen?
10. Let’s assume if you hit out request then you trying to update employee resources and that
employee is present in database then what will happen it shows any error or update
11. How you debug API bug?
12. Difference between authentication and authorization?
13. What is different type of authorization?
14. How to clear cache n cookies in API?
15. What you validate in REST API?
16. What is the 409 response code?
17. What is OUTH and why company use nowadays?

1. Can you tell me about architecture of the application you worked?
2. Explain your project?
3. Tell me about yourself and Roles and Responsibilities of previous project?
4. . How you over come obstacles in the project given to you
5. What is your role in your project?

Realtime Hr:
1. As a QA where do you see yourself in next 6 months?
2. How will you resolve the conflicts.?
3. Choose anyone manual or automation and tell me reason why you choosed?
4. Define your role in your company?

Java Programs:
1. Print all the duplicate character and their count in the given string.?
2. Reverse a string preserving space positions. INPUT : "Java is a programming language" ---
OUTPUT : "egau gn a lgnimmargor pasiavaJ"?
3. Write Output for the below code: @test (priority 0) {} @test (priority 1){} @test (priority 2)
{} @test (priority -1){} @test (priority 0){}?
4. WAP for prime no?
5. WAP for Armstrong no?
6. Find duplicate element from array/String?
7. WAP for Fibonacci Series?
8. Reverse array?
9. Palindrome, no?
10. Factorial, no?
11. Star pattern programs?
12. Print the occurrence of each character if it is present more than once in a given string
13. Remove duplicate characters from a string and print
14. String = ‘AaBbCcDD’ ,In that change a lowercase ‘a’ to uppercase
15. String = ‘A23aBb5CcD9D’ ,In that addition of integer no along with index
16. String = ”Java Programming Language” print the occurrence of “a”.
17. String =”Java Programming Language” In that particular string replace “a” with “Q”
18. WAP for string palindrome?

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