02A - Contoh RMK - Defining Corporate Governance 2
02A - Contoh RMK - Defining Corporate Governance 2
02A - Contoh RMK - Defining Corporate Governance 2
One of the important rights that voting shares confer to their holders is the right to appoint the members
of the board of directors. The board of directors is the ultimate governing body within the corporation.
Its role, and in particular the role of the non-executive directors on the board, is to look after the
interests of all the shareholders as well as sometimes those of other stakeholders such as the corporation’s
employees or banks.
Defining Corporate
The agency
ownership and
corporate problems of
control are
governance equity and debt
Corporate Ownership
governance Agency
and control
theory problems
Agency problems
The two main types of agency problems are perquisites and empire building.
Perquisites or perks – also called fringe benefits – consist of on-the-job consumption by the firm’s
managers. While the benefits from the perks accrue to the managers, their costs are borne by the
Empire building consists of the management pursuing growth rather than shareholder-value
maximisation. While there is a link between the two, growth does not necessarily generate
shareholder value and vice versa.
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Defining ownership and control
Ownership is defined as ownership of cash flow rights. Cash flow rights give the holder a pro rata
right to the firm’s assets (after the claims of all the other stakeholders have been met) if the firm is
liquidated and a pro rata right to the firm’s earnings while it remains a going concern.
Control is defined as the ownership of control rights.
Control determines the level and the type of corporate governance problems that are likely prevail in
a given company.
In most countries of the world it is a requirement for major shareholders to disclose their ownership
of the firm’s control rights, but no such requirement exists for cash flow rights.
Closing Remark
The definition this book adopts is that corporate governance deals with conflicts of interests between
the providers of finance and the managers; the shareholders and the stakeholders; as well as between
different types of shareholders (mainly the large shareholder and the minority shareholders); and the
prevention or mitigation of these conflicts of interests.
The main theoretical model of corporate governance is the principal–agent model.
The main corporate governance issue that is likely to afflict these corporations is the expropriation of
the minority shareholders by the large controlling shareholder.
Corporate governance problems that may prevail under different combinations of ownership and
Custom margins 2, 2, 2, 2
Font: Goudy Old Style 12 atau Arial 11
Spacing: 1.15
Maximum number of pages: 6
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