Activity 7 Clinical Supervision

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School of Gradute Studies and Research

G. Alban Street, Guinobatan , Albay



INTRODUCTION: In the field of administration and supervision, principle is accepted as a

fundamental truth. PRINCIPLE – is considered as a law, a doctrine, a policy, or a deep-seated
beliefs which governs the conduct of various types of human activities. ---- for the administrator
and supervisor, it is very important to have good principles, because these will serve as his guide
in his reflective thinking and in his choice of program of activities.
However, Principles are means by which the administrator and supervisor proceed from one
situation to another, it means that in the operation or in administering/supervising functions,
there is an organize step-by- step schedule or program of activities to be followed., Principles are
instrumental in improving teaching-learning process, since every administrator or supervisor as
well as teachers want the best learning outcomes on the part of the learner, these principles will
be of great help for the improvement of instruction and all other learning activities, principles
make for enormous economy of time and effort in choosing techniques to be used,meaning
principle directs us on what is the appropriate techniques/strategies to be used effectively in the
operation of administrative and supervisory functions.

Research on the following topics:
a) 5 Phases of the Clinical Supervision:

b) values, clinical supervision and traditional supervision.


1. Prepare an explanation of the 5 phases of Clinical Supervision, What

does the cycle means of no less than 200 – word.

2. Compare the Clinical Supervision between Traditional Supervision,

considering on the given values?

The Clinical Supervision is based on the participation of two people - the teacher and the

supervisor. It consists of four phases which can be modified according to the needs of the teacher

and the supervisor. The stages, which are described briefly are pre - observation
conference,classroom observation, analysis and strategy session and post-observation


Pre-observation conference to establish real two-way communication, to discuss and

agree on an objective of supervision cycle. To discuss and agree on what is expected of the

supervisor and the teacher during the supervision.

Classroom observation the supervisor observes the lesson and collects the agreed upon

data. The supervisor should try to avoid value judgments. Again, it is very difficult to work on all

aspects of teaching at once, so if the supervisor can focus on the limited objectives agreed upon

and collect data that the teacher feels are useful, chances for improving the teacher's teaching are

greatly enhanced.It must be mentioned here that the supervisor should never interrupt a lesson to

correct a teacher. There is a tendency, when observing a teacher who is conveying incorrect

material to offer the correct information to the students. This action only serves to discredit the

teacher and destroy any bond of trust that has been established during the pre-conference phase.

Instead, the supervisor should note the incorrect information and bring it to the attention of the

teacher only during the post-observation conference.

Analysis and strategy session this may be just a brief period after the observation when

the supervisor reflects on the class and decides how to approach the next phase with the teacher.

If the supervisor is prepared and has had time to organize the data (even if just briefly) the next

phase will go much more smoothly. The supervisor should use this time to think about how best

the data can be used by the teacher.

Post-observation session this is the time when the teacher and the supervisor meet alone

to discuss the observation and the analysis of data relative to the teacher's objectives. If the data

is collected and presented in a clear fashion, the teacher will be more likely to use the data and
evaluate his/her teaching and classroom performance. It is important to try to elicit the feedback

directly from what the teacher sees from the data.

Let us compare the clinical supervision between traditional supervision. Clinical

supervision is a method of supervision where the supervisor is involved with the teacher in a

close, helping. relationship. Ideas are shared and help is given in order to improve the teacher's

ability through the analysis of objective data that is collected during the observation. Clinical

Supervision referring to the concept of false friends in language teaching, we cannot assume that

- because of the identical origin and the identical looks and sounds of these terms - their meaning

must also be identical. In the work on the identified terms and words, the literature renders

analysis following relevant criteria, the starting point being that these words are used with

different ideas in mind about what they actually mean and even different definitions.

Clinical supervision may refer to a process, a formal role in the institution as well as a

theory-based concept. They may aim at qualified nurses as well as nurse students. There are

similar approaches to such support and advice systems.Clinical Supervision aims to promote

autonomous decision-making, valuing the individual’s protection and safe care provision through

reflective processes and clinical practice analysis, with the ultimate goal of improving

professional practice. The supervision process can also establish positive working relationships

and cooperation with other colleagues. The focus of the supervision process is the progressive

autonomy of the supervised.

The clinical supervision model is based on several assumptions:Teaching is not random

but is characterized by regularity in style and approach.The pedagogical skills used by the

teacher can be classified and studied.If the teacher is conscious of his/her behavior, the learning

environment is greatly improved as is the teacher's overall instructional ability.Through careful

and systematic observation, analysis and dialogue with a supervisor, effective teaching can be


On the other hand the traditional supervision practices leadership through compulsion,

coercion and imposition or through pressure in the use of ready- made solutions or procedures.

Traditional administrators and supervisors consider themselves as experts and work outside of

the group under their control and supervision. They also regard classroom visitation as isolated

from other school activities and projects. Early in the history of school administration and

supervision, operations were largely on a personal and practical basis. Men were selected, not

because of their special technical training, but rather because of their success in dealing with the

public, the teachers and the students.The conception of administration and supervision during

those times reflected the existing practices in business and industry whereby the manager, with

the approval of the board of directors, determined the policy and directed the operation of the

company and the work of its employees. The modern concept of school administration and

supervision on the other hand, recognizes the child and his growth and development as the center

of administrative and supervisory activities. In other words, the concept of administration and

supervision has gradually moved from the improvement of instruction to the improvement of the

learning process.

Traditional supervision all students are lumped together under one instructor, and basic

subjects read, write, arithmetic. Individuality is not promoted. There was a certain passing

number upon entrance exams to determine if students are normal. Different learning styles,

social disorders, and mental illnesses were not what the Broad of Education considered

appropriate behavior. This is probably where bullying others that are different originated.

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