Pages:51A-54A (1981)
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Alkali Refining
Refining of soybean oil is practiced as a purifying treatment
designed to remove free fatty acids, phosphatides and gums,
coloring matter, insoluble matter, settlings and miscella-
neous "unsaponifiable" materials. The treatment has little
effect on the triglycerides of the oil. If crude oil is to be
alkali refined it is conditioned with phosphoric acid to facil-
itate the purifying treatment (8).
Essentiall)T all soybean
oil in the United States0 is refined
by the continuous process. An amount of 17-18 Be caus-
tic, based on the free fatty acid content of the oil plus a
WASHING 0.10-0.13% excess, is proportioned into the crude oil and
CAR mixed in a high shear in-line mixer. The soap-oil mixture is
heated to 75-80 C and fed to a pressure or hermetic type
centrifuge for separation into light and heavy density
.Q!1.. phases. Light-phase discharge consists of the refined oil con-
CONVENTIONAL REFINING PHYSICAL REFINING taining traces of moisture and soap; the heavy phase is pri-
marily soap, insoluble material, free caustic, phosphatides
FIG. 1. Processing of edible oils. and a small quantity of neutral oil. Refined oil is washed
with 10-20% by weight of soft water at 90 C. The water-
washing proces~ rem~ves about 90% of the soap content in
the refined oil; the remainder of the soap is removed in the
Crude soybean oil is degummed for one or more of the fol- bleaching process (11). Soapstock and wash water are com-
lowing reasons: (a) to produce for export an oil substan- bined and treated with sulfuric acid to convert the soap
tially free of materials that settle out during shipment or into crude fatty acids. Most of the acidulated soapstock is
storage, (b) to recover phosphatides that can be processed used as a high energy ingredient in animal feed. Depending
to make soybean "lecithin" or (c) to remove emulsifying on market demand, acidulated soapstock may be sold to
agents (i.e., phosphatides and mucilaginous gums) that in- fatty acid producers who recover the crude fatty acid by dis-
crease loss of neutral oil when the oil is alkali refined (6). tillation as a valuable by-product of oil refining (12).
Degumming with phosphoric acid has been proposed as a Residue from this distillation is a good source of sterols.
necessary pretreatment to lower the content of phospha- Nelson and Milun (13) reported that the sterol content of
tides and metallic prooxidants sufficiently prior to physical the distillation residue was almost 30%.
refining (i.e., steam refining) of edible oil (7).
The principal method of degumming employed in the
United States is a batch treatment of the oil with 1 to 3% Bleaching of alkali-refined oils removes entrained soaps and
of water, based on oil volume (8). The mixture is agitated reduces color bodies in the oil; it is more appropriately re-
for 30-60 min at 70-80 C. The hydrated phosphatides and ferred to as adsorption treatment. Although batch atmo-
gums can be separated from the oil by settling, filtering or spheric bleaching is still used to some extent in the United
centrifuging. The sludge obtained upon degumming soy- States, batch or continuous vacuum bleaching is generally
bean oil is a mixture of several phosphatides plus an oil practiced. The process consists of agitation of the oil with
carrier and other ingredients (Table II) (9). After drying, 0.5-1.5% acid activated earth at 90-95 C for 15-30 min at
this mixture is marketed as commercial soybean lecithin a vacuum of 26-28 in. Hg followed by filtration to give a
and finds wide application as a wetting and emulsifying clean, clear oil.
agent. Optionally, the lecithin may be bleached before Although bleaching generally improves oil quality with
marketing. About 90% of the phosphatides are removed respect to color, initial and aged flavor, and oxidative sta-
from the oil by water degumming (10). Although most of bility, the technique also has other less obvious effects,
the remaining phosphatides are removed during alkali re- some of which are desirable and others which are undesir-
fining, vegetable oils often contain some phosphatides that able. Four factors have been determined to affect the
are not removed by hydration (5). These phosphatides can degree of bleaching of an oil (14). Adsorption of color pig-
have a deleterious effect on oil quality. European proces- ments by the adsorbent and a reduction in color through
sors use a phosphoric acid treatment of the degummed oil oxidation of certain pigments are two favorable factors.
before alkali refining to facilitate removal of these nonhy- Color increases brought about by oxidation of other pig-
dratable phosphatides. If phosphoric acid is employed, ments and the stabilization of these oxidized pigments
chlorophyll is partially removed from the oil. against adsorption are unfavorable factors. Bleaching earths
were shown to catalyze these oxidation reactions. Vacuum
TABLE II bleaching has mini~ized these unfavorable factors. Such
reaction; and color changes are complex, i.e., oxidation and
Approximate Chemical Composition of Natural Commercial heat can bleach carotenoid compounds; these conditions
Soybean Lecithin (9)
may also encourage the formation of new pigments (15).
Neutral earths and those activated earths that have little
Fraction or no acidity will produce little or no change in the free
fatfY acid (FFA) content of the neutralized oil. Some of
Soybean oil 35 the "more acidic activated earths may add 0.05-0.10% to the
Phosphatidylcholine 16
Phosphatidylethanolamine 14 FF A content, especially if the co~tact time is long or if
Phosphatidylinosi tol 10 moisture or soap is present.
Phytoglycolipids and other minor phosphatides 17 Good soap removal by washing the refined oil before
and constituents bleaching is desirable because the adsorption of relatively
Carbohydrates 7
Moisture 1 large amounts of soap lowers the adsorbent's capacity for
other constituents in the oil. Generally, the soap content
pesticide residues are concentrated in the deodorizer distil-
50 !- late and limit the use of this by-product as a feed additive.
"" ::::::~>~~
8. Carr, R.A., JAOCS 55:765 (1978).
9. Brekke, O.L., Oil Degumming and Soybean Lecithin, in "Hand-
book of Soybean Oil Processing and Utilization," edited by
D.R. Erickson, E.H. Pryde, O.L. Brekke, T.L. Mounts and R.A
Falb, American Soybean Association, St. Louis, MO, 1980, p.
" , 71-88.
OF. - 50 60 70 80 92 104 10. Meyer, N.W., JAOCS 34:93 (1957).
11. Mounts, T.L., and F.P. Khym, Refining, in "Handbook of Soy-
°C._ 10 21.1 33.3 40 bean Oil Processing Technology," edited by D.R. Erickson,
Temperature E.H. Pryde, O.L. Brekke, T.L. ,""lounts and R.A Falb, Ameri-
can Soybean Association, St. Louis, MO, 1980, p. 89-103.
FIG. 3. Hydrogenation of soybean oil to successively lower iodine 12. Watson, K.S., and M. Hofer, JAOCS 53:437 (1976).
values increases its firmness as indicated by the solid fat index. 13. Nelson, J.P., and AJ. Milun, Ibid. 45:848 (1968).
Hydrogenation conditions: 0.02% nickel catalyst, 15 psig pressure, 14. King, R.R., and F.W. Wharton, Ibid. 26:201 (1949).
300 F (149 C) temperature (23). 15. Swift, G.E., G.E. <'vlann and G.S. Fisher, Ibid. 21 :317 (1944).
16. Mitchell, J.H., Jr., and H.R. Kraybill, JACS 64:988 (1942).
17. Patterson, H.B.W., JAOCS 53:339 (1976).
holding at this temperature for 6 to 8 hr. The high melting 18. Zehnder, C.T., Ibid. 53:364 (1976).
glycerides, palmitic and stearic acid fractions (mainly dipal- 19. Norris, F.A, Handling, Storage and Grading of Oils and Oil
Bearing j\laterials, in "Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Prod-
mitoolein and dipalmitolinolein) called soy stearine, crystal- ucts," edited by D. Swern, Interscience Publishers, New York,
lizes and is removed by filtration. The yield of liquid oil is 3rd Edition, p. '601-635.
generally 75-85%. The dewaxing of sunflower oil is accom- 20. Frankel, E.N., P.M. Cooney, H.A. Moser, J.e. Cowan and e.D.
plished by a process very similar to winterization. Evans, Fette Seifen Anstrichm. 61 :1036 (1959).
21. !toh, T., T. Tamura and T. Matsumoto, J AOCS 50: 122 (1973).
Nonselective hydrogenation yields a physically hardened 22. Ackman, R.G., S.N. Hooper and D.L. Hooper, Ibid. 51 :42
product. The degree of hardening is determined by the solid (1974).
fat index (SF!), which is an empirical measure of the solid 23. Latondress, E.G., Shortenings and Margarines: Base Stock
fat content of an oil. While process variables can signifi- Preparation and Formulation, in "Handbook of Soybean Oil
Processing Technology," edited by D.R. Erickson, E.H. Pryde,
cantly affect the slope of the SFr curves, typical SFr curves O.L. Brekke, T.L. Mounts and R.A. Falb, American Soybean
for the hydrogenation of soybean oil are shown in Figure 3 Association, St. Louis, MO, 1980, p. 145-154.
(23). Examination of the SFr curves shows that as the 24. Chaudry, M.M., A.I. Nelson and E.G. Perkins, JAOCS 53:695
iodine value end point is decreased, the SFr values at 92 F 25. Hashemy-Tonkabony, S.E., and M.J. Soleimani-Amiri, Ibid.
and 104 F begin to rise rapidly. 53:753 (1976).
26. Chaudry, M.M., A.I. Nelson and E.G. Perkins, Ibid. 55:851
Adventitious Materials (1978).
Residues of chlorinated pesticides are adventitious materials [Received December 26, 1979]
Deodorized Deodorizer
Pesticide Crude oil Refined oil Bleached oil oil condensate