CP 114 1969 The Structural Use of RC in Bldgs (Metric)

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CP..I 14 : 1969



Incorporating amendments issued August 1973 ( A M D 1241),

August 1974 ( A M D 1552), March 1976 (AMD 1923)
and July1977 (AMI) 2304)


British Standards House, 2 Park Street, London, W.1


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BSI C P * 1 1 4 b 9 9 1 6 2 4 b b 9 02945111 5 9
CP 114 : 1969

CP 1 14 has been prepared by a Committee convened by the

. Codes of Practice committee for Building. Having been
endorsed by the Council for Codes of Practice, itwas
published under the authdrity of the ExecutiveBoard on
16th January, 1969.

SBN: 580 00469 4

First published, April, 1948. .

First revision, June, 1957.
Reset and reprinted, February, 1965.

Published in metric form as Part 2, January, 1969.

This Code incorporates the amendments to CPI 14 issued in

:February, 1965 (PD 5463) and May, 1967 (PD.6151). . .
. . . .

This Code of Practice makesreference to the following

British Standards and British Standard Codes of Practice:

ES.12. Portland cement (ordinary and rapid hardening).

B.S. 146. Portland-blastfurnace cement.
B.S. 449. The use of structural stee€in buildicg. .

B.S. 648. Schedule of weights of buitding materials.

B.S. 693. General requirements-for oxy-acetylene welding
of mild steel.
B.S. 785. Rolled steel bars and hard drawn steel wire for
concrete reinforcement.
B.S. 812. Methods for sampling and testing of mineral
aggregates, sands and fillers.
B.S. 8771 Foamed blastfurnace slag for concrete aggregate.
. B.S. 882. Concrete aggregates from natural sources.
Asudded B.S. 1014. Pigments for Portland cement and Portland
July, I977
cement products.
B.S. 1047. Air-cooled blastfurnace slag coarse aggregate
for concrete.
B.S. 1200. Building sands from natural sources.
B.S. 1370. Low heat Portland cement.
B.S. 1881. Methods of testing concrete.
B.S. 3148. Tests for water for making concrete.
B.S. 3763. International systems (SI)units.

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B S I cp*l,l,4 69 Lb24bb9 0294512 7
CP 114 : 1969

As added
B.S. 3892. Pulverized-fuel ashfor use in concrete. July, 1977
B.S. 3921. Claybricks and blocks. . .
B.S. 4027. Sulphate-resisting Portland cement. As added
July, 1977
B.S. 4248. Supersulphatedcement.
B.S. 4449. Hot rolled steel bars for the reinforcement of
B.S. 4461. Cold worked steel bars for the reinforcement of
concrete. .
B.S. 4466. Bending dimensions and scheduling of bars for
the reinforcement of concrete.
B.S. 4483. Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete.
B.S. 5075. Concrete admixtures.
B.S. 5135. Metal-arc welding of carbon and carbon man-
ganese steels.
CP 3. Code of basic data for -the design of buildings.
Chapter V. Loading. Part 1 Dead and imposed
loads. Part 2 Wind loads.
CP 110. The structural use ofconcrete.
CP 111. Structural recommendations for load-bearing
- walls.
CI?116. Structural use of precast concrete.
CP 231. Painting.

British Standard Codes of Practice are revised, when necessary,

by the issue either of amendment sl@ or of revisededitions. It .

is important that users ascertain that they are in possession of

the latest amendmentsor editions.

The following B.S.I. reference reiates to tho work on this Code Of

Committee reference BLCPI7


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* BSI C P * 3 3 4 6 9 m 3621-1669 0274533 9 m
CP 114 : 1969


(Secretariat: Institution of Structural Engineers)
Dr. D.D.Matthews ( C h u h a n )
Mr.D.H.Orme Association of Constructional Floor Specialists
Mr. E. O. Measor Association of Consulting Eygìneers
Mr. C. A. Tysall British Rail Board
Mr. J. B. Oldfield British Rcady-rnixcd Concrete Association
Mr. K. Newnlan
Mr. J. J. Rendell Drìrislr Srartdards
Dr. A. M. Rurdon Brirish Steel Ituïustry
Dr. S. C. C. Bate Building Research Station
Mr. A. W.Hill Cement nrtd Concrete Association
Dr. R. E. Rowe
Mr. R. I. Lancas-ter ConcreteSteelReinforcementAssociation
Mr. R. B. Hill Federalion of Civil figineering Contractors
Mr. E. W. Bunn Greater
Mr. D.Sheriff ‘ Irrcorporated Association of Architects Md Surveyors
Professor A. L. L. Baker Imtitutiort of Civil Engineers
Mr. Ncville Borg Institution of Murricipl Qgimers
Mr. G.F. Eley
Mr. J. E. Guest
Dr. D.D. Matthews
Mr, H. C. Adams
} Institution of Structural Sgineers

Millistry of Public B d d ï q and Works

Mr. F. Boeuf Ministry of Transport
Mr. G. Isaac National
Federation of Buildirrg Trail?Ehpíoyers
Mr. J. A. Loe Road
W. Peter J. Lord-Smith Royal Xnstitute of British Architects
Mr. D.L. Hollingsworth Royal Institutionof Chartered Surveyors
Mr.C.V. Blumfìeld - TheConcrete socicry


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CP 114 : 1969

Foreword 11
101. scope 12
102. Definitions 12
103. Symbols 13


201. Cement 15
202. Agrega t e s 16

203. Maximum size of coarseaggregates 17

204. Sands for mortar 17
205. Water 11
205A. Admixtures. As added
17 July, I977
206. Reinforcement 18
207. Concrete 19
208. Nominal concrctemixes 20
209. Designed corrcrete mixes 23
2 1O. Durability 28
301. Basis of design 31
302. Loadings 32
303. Permissible stresses in concrete 32
304. Pcrmissible stresses in reinforcement 34
305. Increases of pennissibic stresscs due solely to wind
forces 37
306. Calculation of resistanœ moments of bcams and
slabs by the load-factor method 37
307. Cover 40
308. Distance ktween bars 40
309. Stiffness of rnelnben 41
31 O. Bond and anchwage

31 1. General 45
312. Bending moments 47
313. Bending moments in beams and slabs spanning in
one direction 47

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CP 114 : 1969

CONTENTS (continued)
314. Bendingmoments in slabs spanning in twodirec-
tions at right angleswith uniformly distributed
loads 45
3 15. Trimming for openings 53
3 16. Resistance to shear 53
317. Distribution of concentrated loads on slabs 54
3 18. Bearings for slabs on steel joists 56
3 19. Floors and roofs of ribbed and hollow block
construction 56
320. Floors and roofs of precast construction 58


321. Reinforcenlent in columns 58

322. Permissible loads on columns 59


339. Reinforced concrete walls 64


340. Bases for reinforced concrete columns and walls 65


341. Distribution of loading on stairs 66
342. Effective span of stairs 67


343. General 68
344. Permissible stresses in reinforcedlightweight-
aggregate concrete 68
345. Permissible
stresses in reinforcement 69
346. Stiffness of members 69
347. Permissible loads on columns 70
348. Reinforced concrete walls 70
349. Modular ratio 70
350. Cover 70


35 1. Fire resistanœ of reinforced concrete 71


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B S I CP*LL4 6 7 m L b 2 4 b b 7 C12945Lb 4 m
CP 114 : 1969


353. Stability 71
354. Ties 72


40l . General 73


SO 1. Concrete 73
502. Steel 75
503. Formwork
blocks 504. Fixing 76


601. Methods of concrete
testing . 77
602. Field method of determining the necessary adjust-
bulking of fim aggregate 79
tests 603. Bond 80
604. Inspection 82
Load of structurw - 82
701. oeneral 83
1. Proportions'md strength requirements for noninal
concrete mixes with Portland cement or Portland-
blastfurnacecement and with aggregates com-
with B.S. 882 or B.S. 1047. 21
3. Transverse
4. strengths of wncrete
Strength requirements for designedconcretemixes
5. Standard mixes 30

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CP 114 : 1969


6. Permissible srresses for nominal concrete mixes

with Portland cement or Portland-blastfurnace
cement and with aggregates complying with B.S.
882 or B.S. 1047 32
8. Permissible compressive stressesfor designed con-
crete mixes 34
9. Age factor for permissible compressive stresses in
concrete 34
1o. Permissible shear and bond stresses for designed
concrete mixes 35
11. Permissible stresse8 insteel reinforcement 36
12. Values of y for computing moment of resistance
based on the strength of the concrtte in com-
pression 33
13. Permissible values of span/depth ratio of beams
and slabs 41
14. Stress reduction coefficient for slender beams 45
15. Approximate values of bending moments in uni-
formly loaded beams and slabs continuous over
three or more approximately equal spans
. 16. Bending moment coefficients for slabs spanning in
two directions at right angles simply supported on
four sides 43
17. Bending moment coefficients for rectangular panels
supported on four sides with provision for torsion
at comers 51
18. Reduction coefficient for loads on long columns 60
19. Effective column length

20. Moments in columns 61
23. Stress increase for walls 6.5
24. Lightweight-aggregate concrete: permissible values
of the span/depth ratio of all beams, and of slabs
with an imposed load exceeding 3 kN/m* G9
25. Reduction coefficients for loads on long columns 70

1. Types of hook for mild steel bars 43
2. Division of slab into middle and edge strips 50

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BSI CP*334 b 9 I1624669 0294538 B I
CP 114 : 1969

CONTENTS (continued)
3. Diagram showing the load carried by supporting
beams 52
4. Effectivewidth of solid slab carrying a concen-
trated load near an unsupported edge 55
7. Loading on stairs with open wells 66
8. Loading stairs
on built into walls 67
9. Effective span for stairs supported at each end by
landings spanning parallel with the risers 67

This Codeof Practice represents a standard of good prrrctia urd

therefore takes theform of recommendations. Compliance with it
does not confer immunity from relevant legal requirements,including
Attention is however d r a m to the fact that in certain byelaws,
notably those building byelaws based upon one of the models iwued
for England and Wales and for Northern Ireland, andin the Scottish
BuildingRegulations,compliance with theprovisions" of certain
British Standards or British Standard Codes of Practice, W of
specific clauses therein, is deemed to satisfy ' the requirement8 Of
certain of the byelaws in the &h covered by the British Standub
Iurd Codes of Practice, or by the specifìc clnuscs refexred ta


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B S I C P U L L q 6 9 E 3 6 2 4 b b 9 0294539 T E
Previous page
CP 114 : 1969
is blank

This metric edition of CP 114, originally designated Part 2, has been prepared A s amended
Aug., 1974
in accordance with the change to the metric systemin the Construction Industry,
giving values in terms of SI units. For further information on SI units, reference
should be made to BS 3763, ‘International system (SI) units’, and PD 5686,
‘The use of SI units’.
The values represent the equivalents of the values i n imperial units in CP 114 :
1957, rounded to convenientnumbers. Although the values arenot exact
equivalents of the imperial ones, this is not a technical revision.

Recent research following structural collapses in 1973 and 1974 hascon-

siderably altered the understanding of the behaviour and sensitivity of high
alumina cement concrete. As a result of both the research and the events them-
selves there is not, at this time, the consensus of opinion necessary.for agreement
on recommendations for the structural use of this material. Appendix B of the
1969 issue of this Code has therefore been withdrawn and the Code no longer
covers the structural use of concrete made with high alumina cement. Con-
sequently, an engineerwishing to specify concrete made with high alumina
cement must rely entirely on his own engineering judgement without guidance
from this Code of Practice.
Attention is drawn to CP 110, ‘The structural use of concrete’ published in
However, clauses from this Code must not be used with clauses from CP 110 As amended
Mur., 1976
in the same design.
This Code does not cover the design of flat dabs. Structures containing flat
slabs should be designed in accordance with CP 110.


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E S 1 CPSL14 b9 1 b 2 4 b b 9 029Y520 b m
CP 114 : 1969



Part 2. Metric units


101. Scope. This Code deals with the structural use of reinforced concrete in
buildings. It is a revision of Code of Practice CP 114 (1948).
In the revision, Sub-codes CP 114.100-1 14.104 ( M l ) , ' Suspended concrete
floors and roofs *, have been merged into this code. Su b-Code 114.105, ' Filler
joist construction *, has not been included since this form of construction is
dealt with in B.S. 449,' The use of structural steel in building '.
The Code does not deal with prestressed concrete or with recommendations
for the manufacture of precast factory-made- reinforced concrete units. Other
reinforced concrete constructions of a specialized character, such as water-
retaining structures, are not included.
~ s ~ ~ This
~ Code
~ ~ does
d not
~ dcover the structura€ use of concrete made with high
1974 alumina cement.
It has been assumed in drafting this Code that the design of reinforced
concrete is entrusted to chartered structural- or civil engineers, qualifiedin

reinforced concrete, for whoseguidance its has been prepared, and that the
execution of the reinforced concrete work is carried out under the direction
of a qualifìd supervisor.
Asamended The recommendations for stability given in this Code have been prepared on
July, 1977
the assumption that allthe load bearing elements (e.g.slabs, columns, walls etc.)
are of concrete, In a-building where concrete elements such as floor slabs, walls
etc. are used in conjunction with load bearing elements of other materials, the
principles recommended for stability in Clause 353 (inserted by A M D 1241 and
amended by AMD 1.923) remain appropriate. However, the ties recommended
in Clause 354 (inserted by AMD 1241 and amended by A M D 1923) as part of
the means of satisfying the principles of Clause 353 will be required only when
adequate stability is not provided by other means.

102. Definitions. For the pu'posea of this Code the following definitions apply:
Bands Diagonal band. A band of reinforcing bars. parallel to a -
diagonal of a flat slab panel which is reinforced infour
directions (i.e. edgewise and diagonally).

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BSI C P * 3 / 4 69 m 3624669 0294521 8 W
CP 114 : 1969

Direct bond. A band of reinforcing bars parallel to an edge

of a flat slab panel which is reinforced in four directions
@e. edgewise and diagonally).
Column head An enlargement of the top of a column supporting a flat slab
so designed and constructed ;LU to act monolithidly with
both the column and the flnt shb.
Colunvls, loqy Columns having a ratio of effective column kagth, u given
in Table 19, to kast lateral dimension great#- than 15.
Columru, short Columns having a ratio of e 5 d v e c o l u m n kngth, as given
in Tabk 19, to least lateral dimension not exoasding 1s.
Core of heliccrlly The portion of the c&crete enclosed within the centre line
reinforced column of the helical reir&orœrncnt.
Drop The portion of a flat slab above and immediately surrounding
the column head and of greater thickness than the remainder
of the flat slab panel.
Eflective area of The area obtained by multiplying the normal cross-sectional
reinforcement in area of the reinforœment by the cosine of the angle at which
the diagonal bands the band is inclinedto the direction for whkh itseffectiveness
O f f i f slabs is required.
Efective depth of The distanœ between the centre of tension and the edge of -

a beam or slab the compression section.

Eflective span The lesser of the two following distances:
(i) the distanœ between centres of bearings.
(ii)the clear distanœ between supports plus t h e effective
depth of the beam or dab. .
Exterior panel A panel having at least one edge which is nonantimous.
in a@t slab
Flat slab A reinforced concrete slab with or without drops, supportaí,
generally without beams, by columns with or without flared
column heads.
Slender bearm Beams whose length between lateral restraints excecds thirty
times the breadth of their compression flange.

103. Symbols. The symbols used in this Code are as followS:

Ab = equivalent arca of helical reinforcement (volume of hclix per unit
length of column).
A, E= cross-seztional area of -concrete, excluding any finishing material
and reinforcing steel.


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BSI C P * l 1 1 4 69 L624669 0294522 T
CP 114 : 1969

Ak = moa-sectional arc. of concrete in column core, excludingmea of

longitudinal reinforoemcnt.
A,, = cross-sectional u# of steel in comprasion.
- A.& = crou-sectiondIVCI of atœ1 in tedon.
A, = c r ~ ~ O n 8 l 8 X ofe artimrp.
6 = h d t h of I ) m c t m or-breadth of bnge of 8 'I"-
y r U . b e M

or Gbam.
6, = breadth of ,the rib-of a T-beun or L-beun.
D = diuneter generally.
d = overall depth.
dl = depth to the t e d e reinforcement in 8 m=

dn -
da = &@.to the ~ r n p r a s i v ereinforcement in a W-
depth of concrete in compraion in 8 beun.
d. = depth of slab forming.the fiange of a T-beam or Gbcam.
e = eccentricity of 8 load on a column.
f,. = guaranteed yield or proof stress.
Kb = stiffness of beam.
K b l = stiffness of-& on one side of a column.
Kba= stiffness of beam on the opposite side of a colurim.
KI = stiffness of lower column.
Ku stiffness of uppx column.
L = length of a columnor beambetween adequate lateral restraints
(in flat slabs, L is the average of LI and-La).
L, = (in flat slabs) length of panel in the direction of span. .
La = (in fiat slabs) width of panel at right angles to direction of span.
I = effective span of beam or slab or effective height of column.
I. = lever arm of the resistance moment.
1, = length of shorter side of slab spanning in two directions.
I, = length of longer side of slab spanning m two directions..
M = bending moment (sufies as required).
M. = bending momentat end of beam franung intoa c o l u m n , assuming
- fixity at both ends of the beam.
M- the maximum difference between the moments at the endsof two
beams framing into opposite sides of a column, each calculated
on the assumption that the ends of the beams are and that í k e d .

one of the beams is not loaded.

M F = moment of resistance of<asaction to bending.
M. and
M. I=: maximum bending moments, for spans I. and I, re@ectively, on
strips of unit widlh in slabs spanning in two diredons.
m = modulai ratio.
o = s u m of perimeters of the bars in the tensile reinforcement.

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BSI CP*LL4 69 m L b 2 4 6 6 9 0294523 L m
CP 114 : 1969

P - pmnirsible lord on 8 short column sub+ to both direct load

- and bending.
load on a c o l u m n as defhed by equation 17.
= axial load p c d i b k on 8 short column.
p., -
= permissible stress in concrete in direct compression.
permissible compressive stress in concrete in bending.
p.& -
= permissible compressive stress in the reinforcement.
permissible t e d e rtrers in the reinforcement.

e total shear a
a8 don.
8hear s t r e u at 8 d o n of8 beam or slab.
modulus of rupture.
= 8-
- OT p i a Of 8 t h l p ß .
cube k s h i n g strength of concrete.
up = u for preliminary test.
u" = u for works test.
W = total load on beam or slab.
W, = dead load.
W. =-superimposed load.
W = total load per unit arca of slab or per unit length of beam.
a, and

a, = bending moment coefficients for the short and long spans r a p -

tively, for slabs spanning in two directions and simply supported
on four sides.
ßx and
ß, = bending moment coefficients for the short and long spans respec-

tively, for rectangular panels supported on four sides and with
provision for torsion at corners.



201. Cement. The cement used should be Portland cement, or Portland-blast- Asmended
Aug., 1974
furnace cement.
Portland œment should comply with B.S. 12, ' Portland œment (ordinary
and rapid-hardening) '.
Portland-blastfurnace cement should comply with B.S. 146, ' Portland-
blastfurnacc œment '.

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ÇP 114 : 1969

Low heat Portland œment should comply with B.S. 1370, ’ Low k t
Portland œment ’.
Asamrndcd Other cements,
such as sulphate-resisting
Portland and super-sulphated
July, 1977
slag cements, are desirable in certain circumstances and may be used provided
that any necessary modifications are made to the normal recommendations of
this Code
u. Permi.~sì6lemoteriuls. The awegaten should consist of one of the
l. fìne and c&rse aggregwtes cornplying with B.S. 882, ‘ Concrete aggregattes
from natural sources ’; in the case of fine aggregates, Zones 1-3 only
should be uscd for nominal mixes but Zone 4 may be suitable for designed

2. air-cooled blastfurnaœ slag coarse aggregate complying with B.S. 1047,
‘ Air-coolcd blastfurnace slag (coarse aggregate) ’;
3. foamed blastfumaœ stag complying with B.S. 877,‘Foamed blastfurnace
slag for concrete aggregate ’, provided that the. grading is suitable for
.-.. .
reinforced concrete; or
4. fine and coarse expanded clay, slatc, shale or slag and sintered pulverized
fuel ash, and other t p of aggregate for which there is no British Stan-
dard, provided that such materials arc suitable for reinforced concrete
having regard to the propertiu of concrete made with thest aggregates,
such as strength, density, shrinkage and..durability.
.d~-. .

6. Grad@. The grading OC the aggregates%ould be such as to produœ a

concrete of the specified proportions which will work rcadily into position with-
out “tion and without the use of an excessive water content. The p d i n g
rhould bc controlled throughout the work so that it conforms closely to that
uscd for t h preliminary tests-
As addrd c. Aggregutes containing salt or shelf. Some aggregates, particularly those from
July, 1977
marine and estuarine sources, normally contain proportions of salts, especially
chlorides, These aggregatesare suitable for use in structural concrete depending
on the type and total chloride content of the mix (seeClause 207).
These aggregates, both couse and fine, may contain hollowand/or flat shells
which, like any other flaky material if present in sufficient quantities, may affect
adversely the workability of the concrete. Some workability problems can be
eased by the inclusionof an appropriate admixture.
In hardened concrete, both hollow and flat shells in coarse aggregates may,if
present in sufficient quantities, affectadverselythequalities of the concrete,
though no limit on shell content is at present thought necessaryfor the majority
of work. Generally, shell is comparatively unimportant in fine aggregates.


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203. Maximum size of coarse aggregates, Thz maximum size of coarse awegate
should be as large as possible, within the limit specifiedin the appropriate
British Standard as given in Subclause 20241, but in -no case greater than one-
quarter of the minimum thickness of the member, provided that the concrete
can bc placed without dificulty so as to surround all reinforcemcnt thoroughly
and to fill the corners of the formwork. (See also Clause 308.) .
For heavily reinforced concrete members, cg. the ribs of main b eam s
, the
nominal maximum size of the aggregate should usually be restricted to S m m
less than the minimum lateral distance between the main bars, or 5 mm less
than the cover to the reinforcement, whichever isthe smaller.
Where, however, as inaolid slabs, the reinforcement is widely spaced, limita-
tion of the size of aggregate is not so important and the nominal maximum
size may sometimes be as great as, or greater than, the minimum cover, except
where porous aggregates are used.
204. Sands for mortar. Where mortar is used in the construction of floors and
roofs, e.g. in the jointing of blocks, the .fine. aggregate for the mortar should
cmsist of one ofthe following:
l. Natural sand or crusned natural stone sand complying with B.S. í200,
’ Sands for mortar for plain and reinforced brickwork; block walling
and masonry ’.
2. Such other types of fine aggregate as may be suitable, having regard to
their strength, durability and freedom from harmful matter.
All fine aggregates should comply with the requirements for quality and
grading in B.S. 1200.
205. Water. The water should be clean and free from harmful matter. Attention
is drawn to B.S. 3148, ‘ Tests for water for making concrete ’.
205A.. Admixtures
a. General. Suitable admixtures maybeused in concrete mixes but only with r
4 sr
4 ”
the prior approval of the Engineer. Both the amount added and the method of
use should be to the approval of the Engineer who should be provided with the
following data:
1. the typical dosage and detrimental effects, if any, of underdosage and
2. the chemical name(s) of the main active ingredient(s)in the admixture. ;
3. whether or not the admixture contains calcium chloride and, if so, the
chloride ion content expressed as a percentage by weight of admixture;
4. whether or not thk admixture leads to the entrainment of airwhen used at
the manufacturer’srecommended dosage.
An admixture should be specified as one that complies with the requirements
of the followingBritish Standards: B.S. 1014, B.S. 3892 and B.S. 5075; for
admixtures for which there is no British Standard, the type and/or proprietary
brand should be specified. 17


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CP 114 : 1969

Asadded : In admixtures for use in:

July, 1977
(i) concrete containing reinforcement and embedded metal and made with
any type of cement, and
(i¡) concrete without embedded metal made with cement in accordance with
. B.S. 4027 and B.S. 4248.
the chloride ion content should.not exceed 2% by weight of the admixture or
0.03 % by weight of the cement.
Admixtures should neverberegarded as a replacement for good concrete
practice and should never be used indiscriminately. Their suitability should
genelally beverified by trial mixes. Certain admixtures contain highly. active
chemicals and may impart undesirable as well as desirable properties to the
concrete. If two or more admixtures are thought to be required in any one mix,
the manufacturer of each should be consulted. The behaviour .of admixtures with
supersulphated cement may differ fromtheir behaviour with Portland cement and
advice should be sought before-use.
6 . Calcium chloride. Experiencehasshown that corrosion of prestressing
tendons, leinforcement and embeddëd metal usually results from a combination
of factors including excessaddition of calcium chloride due to failure to maintain
specified dosage, departure from specified mix proportions, poor compaction,
inadequate cover and poor detail design.
It is therefore strongly recommended that calcium chloride should never be
added in prestressed concrete, reinforced concrete and concrete containing
embedded metat
This recommendation does not apply to concrete that is not prestressed or
reinforced or that does not contain embedded metal because there is then no
problem of corrosion. In these cases calcium chloride may be used with cement
to B.S. 12 with the prior approval of the Engineer. In speclfying the dosage and
manner of adding the. calcium chloride, attention should be paid to specialist
literature and the manufacturer’s instructions.

206. Rehnloramenk-
o. Gmctrrl. The reinforcement should be one of the following: .

1. Steel bars complying with B.S. 4449, ‘Hot rolled steel bars for the rein- As amended
Mar., 1976
forcement of concrete’ and B.S. 4461, ‘Cold worked steel bars for the
reinforcement of concrete’.
2. Steel fabric complying with B.S. 4483, ‘Steel fabric for the reinforcement
of concrete’.
3. such other reinforcement as may bc suitable having regard to the yield
or proof stress, ductility, tensile strength and other essential properties.



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CP 114 : 1969

6. Efective diameter of u bur. For the purposes of this Code, the effective
diameter of a bar should be calculated as follows: -
1. for a bar whose cross-sectional area is constant along the length, the
effective diameter is that of a circle having the same area ai the cross-
section of the bar; ~

2. for a bar whose cross-sectional area varies along its 1ength;the effective
diameter is that of a circle having an area equal to the least area of any
cross-section of the bar; an allowance, not exceeding 3 per cent, may
however be added to the least area of the cross-section on account of
any n o n a n t i n u o u ribs.
207. Concrete. Two methods of proportioning concrete miries are permitted
by this Code. Nominal concrete mixa may be adopted in accordanm with
Clause 208, where the quality control requirements for designedmixes are
impracticable, but the proportionsshould preferably be specifiëd by weight and
correspond where- appropriate with those of thestandard mixesgivenin
Clause 209. On small jobs, however, where the concrete is mixed on the site
it is permissible to use volume batching of the aggregates for nominal mixes.
.In general, it is preferable to design the concrete mix in accordance with
C h u e 209 to produce a concrete having the desired strength. Where designed
concrete mixes are adopted, the designer may use higher compressive stresses
in the concrete; if so, the specification for the construction should make it clear
that designedmixes are to be used,with the appropriate control of quality.
Clause 209 includes the proportions for some standard mixes, which are pri-
marily intended to replace the trial mixes that are usually necessary for designed
concrete mixes, but which may also be.used as nominal mixes for the purpose
of compliance with Clause 208.
Chloride content. The total chloride content of the concrete mix arising from d
the aggregate together with that from any -admixtures and any other source
should not in any circumstances exceed the following limits expressed as a per-
centage relationship between chloride ion and weight of cement in the mix.
I ~ Maximum totalchloride
Type or use of concrete content expressed as
percentage of chloride
ion by weight of cement

Structural concrete that is steam cured -

Concrete for any use made with cement complying with 0.06
B.S. 4027 and B.S. 4248
Reinforced concrete made with cement complying with
B.S. 12 0-35for 95 % of test
Plain concrete made with cement complying with B.S. 12 results withno result
and containing embedded metal - greilter than 0.50
NOTE: % chloride ion x 1.648 = % equivalent sodium chloride
”/, chloride ion x 1.565 = % equivalent anhydrous calcium chloride


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CP 114 : 1969

20s. Noainrl concrete mixes.


(i) C'entent und uggregutes. The fine aggregate and the coarse aggregate
should be measured separately. The proportions of cement to fine
aggregate and coarse aggregate should be as set o u t in Tables 1 and. 2,
or, in the case of Table 1, in any intermediate proportions in which the
volume of coarse aggregate is twice the volume of fine aggregate.
Where, however, a denseror more workableconcrete can be produced
by a variation in the ratio of the volume of coarse aggregate to that of
fine aggregate, this ratio may be varied within the limits 1 f/2 to- 1 and
3 to 1.
The sum of the volumes of coarse and fine 2ggregate, each measured
separately, should nevertheless equal the sum of the volumes of coarse
and fine aggregate appropriate to the nominal mix (or intermediate mix
where applicable) in Tables 1 and 2.
It is moreover desirable to adjust the ratio to suit the maximum size
of the coarse aggregate and also the grading of the h e aggregate. For
example, when the h e aggregate is within Grading Zone 2 of B.S. 882 :
1954, ratios of l.%to 1, 2 to 1 and 3 to 1 may be suitable for maximum
sizes of 10 mm,' 19 mm and 38 mmrespectively. For fine aggregates
within other grading zones, the ratio should be increased as the h e
aggregate gets finer,that is, passes from Zone 1 to Zone 3. For example,
using a coarse aggregate of 19 mm maximum six, ratios of 1 4/2 to 1,
2 to 1 and 3 to 1 may be suitable for fine aggregates within Zones 1, 2
and 3 respectively. Fine aggregate within Zone-4 is unsuitable for use
with nominal concrete mixes for structural work,whatever coarse

aggregate size is adopted, but can be used in special mixes.
In proportioning concrete, the quantity of cement should be deter-
mined by weight.-The quantities of-fine and coarse aggregates may be
determined by volume, but this should preferably be done by weight. .

In the latter case the weight should be determined from the volume
required by the table and the weight per cubic metre of the aggregate.
' . The proportions given in this suklause and in Tables 1 and 2 are based
on the assumption that the aggregates are dry. If the fine aggregate is
moist, due allowance must be made for bulking (see Clause 602).
As provided for in Clause 207, the standard mixes given in Table S
may also be adopted for nominal mixes instead of those given in this
(ii) Waterlcement ratio. The quantity of water used for reinforced concrete
should be sufficient, but not more than sufficient, to produce a dense
concrete of adequate workability for its purpose, which will surround
and properly grip all the reinforcement. So far as possible, the work-

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CP 114. : 1969

ability of the concrete should be controlled by maintaining a water/

cement ratio that is found to give a concrete which is just sufficiently wet
to be placed and compacted without difficulty, with the means available.
(iii) Workability. The workability should be controlled by direct measurement
of water content, making allowance for any water in the fine and coarse
aggregates. The slump test or the compacting factor test described in
B.S. 1881, ' Methods of testing concrete *, may be used as a guide. The
latter test is primarily designed for laboratory conditions and is particu-
larly useful for concrete mixes of very low workability.


(i) Portland cement concrete or Portland-blasrfurnace cement concrete with
aggregates complying with B.S. 882 or B.S. 1047. Concrete made with
Portland cement or Portland-blastfurnace cement should comply with
the strength requirements of Table 1, Cols. 3 and 4 (works test). Where
intexmediate proportions of aggregate to œment am used, as provided
in Subclause 208a(i), the cube strengths required should be obtained
by proportion from the two nearest nominal mixes.
If the required c u b strengths at 7 days, given in Table 1, Column 4,
are not reached, the concrete may still bt'accepted if the 28 day strengths
given in Column 3 are attained.
Where difficulty is found in reaching the requisite cube strengths in
Table 1, figures lower than those given may be accepted, but not more




(3) I (4)

Cubic metres of Cube strength Alternative cube

WlWWte W within 28 days strength within 7 days
Mix 50 k g of cement after mixing after mixing
c o m test

N/m8 N/mm8 N/mm8 N/m8

1 : 1 :'2 0.035 0.07 40 30 26.7 20
0.10 34 25-5 22 a 7 17
1:2:4 0.14 21 10-7 14


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CP 114 : 1969

than 25 per cent lowcr, provided that the permissible stresses are reduced
in accordance with Subclause 3034i.i).
Where, on the other hand, the materials used for the concrete, and
the standard of workmanship employed, are such that the cube strength
requirements for both thc preliminary and works tests for any nominal
mix are consistently excceded by a certain percentage, the permissible
stresses for the concrete can be increased' in accordance with Sub-
clause 3034ii).
Sub clause (iì) and Table 2 deleted August 1974.
(iii) Concretes with aggregates not complying with B.S. 882 or B.S. 1047. No
provision is made in this Code for the use of nominal mixes with aggre
gates not complying with B.S. 882 or B.S. 1047, except where lightweight
aggregates in accordance with 3 or 4 in Subdause 202a are used, and
concrete made with these aggregates satisfies the strengh requirements
of Table 1. For other aggregates, the - t
e should be designed in
accordanœ with Clame 209.

(i) Preliminary cube stretrgth tests. Unless satisfactory evidcnce of strength

is produced from reliable sources, preliminary strength tests should be
made in accordance with B.S. 1881, ' Methods of testing concrete * (see
Subclause 6016). both prior to the commencement of the constructional
work and subsequently whenever any important change is to be made
in the materia!s or in the proportions of the materials to be used. The

strengths should comply with the requirements of Subclause 2086 for
preliminary tests.
(ii)Works cube strength tests. Works cube strength tests should be made
in accordance with B.S. 188! (see Subclause 6 0 1 ~as ) may be necessary
and particularly whenever materials or proportions =e changed. to prove
the quality of the concrete. A r&rd of such tests, identifying them with
the part of the work executed, should be kept on the work#.
(iii) Stantlard of acceptancefor cube strength tests. T h r e e test cubes should be
made for each age at which tests are required. The cube strength should
be calculated from the maximum load sustained by the cube at failure.
The appropriate strength requirement may be considered to be satisfied
if none of the strengths of the three cubes is below the specified cube
strength, or if the average strength of the three cubes is not lesi than the
specified cube strength and the difference between the greatest and the
least strengths is not more than 20 per cent of that average.
(iv) Transverse works strength tests. Check tests of the quality of the concrete
may also be made by means of the transverse tests on 406.4 mm X
101-6 mm X 101 mm* beams describedin Subclause 601d. The modulus
e 6


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CP 114 : 1969

of rupture of the concrete determined from this test m y be expected

to reach the valuesgivenin Table 3 when aggregates complying with
B.S. 882 or B.S. 1047 are used.
Where it is impracticable to make cube tests, and the transverse test is
employed as the only control on the strength of the Concrete, the figures
given in the table should be increased by 10 per œnt.
The method of testing beams described in Subclause 601d differs from
that in B.S. 1881 in respect of the length of the supporting span, the
method of loading. and the orientationof the beam under test in relation
to its position during moulding. The figures given ia Table 3 arc based
on a large number of tests obtained over many years before B.S. 1881
was published. Sinœ the two methods of test give different values of
modulus of rupture for the same concrete, it has heen thought advisable
not to introduce the B.S. 1881 method into this code until s a c j e n t
data have been collected to enable such modifications as become neces-
sary to the figures in Table 3 to be made witb confidence.
It should be noted that the modulus of rupture varies roughly with
the square root of the cube strength.


As amended
hg.. 1974 Corresponding loads from
Modulus 6f rupture test described ia
Mix proportiom Suklrlue 6old
3 d a p after 7 da S after 3 days after 7 days after

N/ma i kg
Portland cernent concretes
1:l:Z 2 -05 480 725
1:1%:3 1-90 2-75 445 645
1:2:4 1-70 2 40 400 565

It is anticipatad that there will be no rational metric sized beam to replace the 16 in X
4 in X 4 in beam, as this size is regardad as obsolete. Exact equivdent values of 16 in X
4 in X 4 in are given.
209. Designed concrete mixes.

a. General. The concrete mix should be designed to satisfy any specified

works cube strength requirement within the range given in Table 4, provided
that the mix limitations given in Column 1 of that table are observed and that
the mix is in accordance with this Clause.
In order to allow for unavoidable variations, the mix should be designed
to have a mean strength that exceeds the specified works cube strength by twice

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CP 114 : 1969
the expected standard deviation.* The standard deviation should be calculated

from at least 40 individual cube results, each representing separate batches of

similar concrete produced by the same plant and under the same supervision,
except that no standard deviation less than 3.5 N / m Sshould be used as a basis
for designing the mix,Le. the minimum margin between the specified works
cube strength and the designed mean strength will thus be 7 N/mm'. In the
absence of previous information, a standard deviation of 7 N/mma, i.e. a
margin of 14 N/mm2, should be used initially for mix design purposes.

Mix llmitatfo~u

For PortlandcementorPortlandblast-furnacc m e n t concrete,

I N'mmn
15 tQ 50
not less than 240 kg nor more than 540 kg of cement per cubic at 28 days
metre of finished concrete; and designed for the required concrete
strength at 28 days, within the range given in Column (2)

Although the strength requirement is normally related to anage of 28 days,

it is useful in the trial mixes and in the subsequent control of concrete quality
to take appropriate action on the results obtained earlier from 7-day strength
tests. The concrete mix may be provisionally accepted on the basis of the 7-day
results, when these satisfy the requirements for the 28-day results except that
the strengths at 7 days are not less than two-thirds of those required at 28 days.
Where there are sufficient data available to establish the relationship between
the 7-day and 28-day strengths for the materials and proportions used, the
7-&y results may be adopted as the criterion for control.
6. Trial mixes. Unless there are existing data showing that the proposed
mix proportions will produce the grade of concrete required with adequato
workability for full compaction by the method to be used, trial mixes should be
prepared under full-scale conditions and tested in accordance with B.S. 1881,
' Methods of testing concrete As a preliminary it may be convenientto prepare
trial mixes in alaboratory in accordance with B.S. 1881. Trial mixe should also
be made subsequently whenever a change is intended in the materials or in the
proportions of the materials to be used.
Representative samples of the materials to be uscd should be taken and a
trial mixusing the proposed proportions should be made on each of three
If the differences betwen the indivdual results and their average are s q d and added
together and the total then divided by the number of the results Íninus one, the 8tandud
deviation is the quare root of the resulting figura

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different days. The workability of each of these three trial mixes should be
determined, and a batch of six c u b from each should be made, three for test
at 7 days and three for test at 28 days. The proposed mix proportions should not
be accepted if the average strength of the three trial mixes is less than the
specified works cube strength plus the designed standard deviation. Further
trial mixes should usually be made if the range of the three cube results in any
batch exceeds 15 per cent of the average of that batch, or if the range of the
three batch averages exceeds 20 per cent of the overall average of the batches.
Where high alumina cement is used, the recommendations in this Subclause
should be modified in that only three cubes need be made for each trial mix,
and the strengths should be determined at an age of one day.
c. Works crcbe tests for control purposes. Samples of concrete &odd bc
taken at the mixer and works cubes made, cured and tested in accordance with
the requirements of B.S. 1881.
When a mix is usad for the first time it is important to get a large number
of results as soon as possible in order to establish the level of control and the
suitability of thc mix proportions. A sample of concrete should be taken at
random on eight separate occasions during each of the first five days of.using
that mix. Thereafter at least one sample should be taken each day any concrete
of a particular strength is made. The number of samples per day and the timu
at which they are taken should be varied at random.
From each sample two cubes should be made, one for test at 7 days and
4 the other fortcst at 28 days. To ensure that the mix proportions are suitable for
a particular strength of concrete, a comprehensive statistical check should bc
made continuously during the progress of the work. This requirement may be
deemed to be satisfied if the 28-day works &be
strength results am shown to
ratisfy the four conditions given below.
The works cube results should be examined both individually and in conse-
cutive (but not overlapping) sets of four, for which the average and the range
of each set is calculated. The mix proportions should be modified to n i crease
the stmngth if, in the fìrst ten consecutive (but not overlapping) sets, any of the
following conditions arc not =tisfid:

l. not more than two individual results of the 40 cube tests ahould fall
below the spe&cd Worb cube strength;
2. no value of the range in any set should e x d four times the designed
standard deviation;
3. not more than one set should have an average whicb h lus than the
rpscifieed strength plus 4/3 times the designed standard deviation; and
4. no value of the average for any set should be lus than the 8 p i W
ttrtogth plus the designed standard deviation.


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CP 114 : J969

After ten consecutive sets of results have been obtained, the ovlctall average
and the standard deviation of the forty resula ahodd be calculated and any
appropriate modifications made.
Subsequently, if anyoftheforegoing conditions am not the overall
average and the standard deviation of the previous consccutiv~forty results,
including the non-complying set, should be calculated and appropriate steps
taken if the overall average strength minus twice the standard deviation is less
than the specified works cube strength.
When high alumina cernent is used, the recommendations of this Subclause'
should be modified, in that only one cube should be made from each sample
of concrete and control should be based on the results of tests on the cubes at
an age of one day.
d. Quality control requirements. In order to maintain a high standard of
quality, the following should be observed:
1. Supenhion. A competent person should be employed whose first duty it
will be to supervise all stages in the preparation and placing of the con-
crete. All tests on materials, the making and testing of cubes and the
maintenance and calibration of all mixing and measuring plant should be
carricd out under his direct supervision.
2. Aggregates. Separate storage bins with adequate provision for drainage
should be provided for each size of aggregate used, e.g. for the following
nominal single sizes where applicable: 38-19 mm, 19-10 mm, 10-5
and 5 mm down.
The grading of the coarsc and h e aggregaks should be determined
at least onœ a week to check whether the gradings are similar to t h o s
of the samples used in the trial mixes or of those used as the basis for
the selection of the weights of aggregates in Table S and in the case of
standard mixes. Some variation may occur, and in the case of sands it
would not be unreasonable for the grading to vary by a range equivalent
to that of a single grading zone in B.S. 882. For example, if the grading
of the sample corresponded to the middle of Zone 2, then provided the
sand remaincd within Zone 2 no adjustment to the mix would be required.
Similarly, if the sample grading was close to the finer limit of Zone 2,
then it might vary from the middle of Zone 2 to the middle of Zone 3.
For any given maximum size the grading of the coarse aggregate,
provided this is within the appropriate'limits of B.S. 882, is unlikely to
affect the properties of concrete unless a high degree of control is exer-
cised. Where the range permitted by B.S. 882 for graded aggregates is
considered to be too wide, it is recommended that single-sized aggregates
are used, the relative proportions being determined on the basis of the
trial mixes.


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CP 114 : 1969

3. Batching und mixirlg pfunt. Provision should be made to measure the

quantities of cement and fine and coarse aggregates by weight. Where
the weight of the œment is determined by accepting the maker's weight
per bag, a reasonable number of bags should periodically be weighed
separately to check the net weight. Where the cement is weighed, separate
weighing plant should be provided for this purpose. The fine aggregate
and the various sizes of the coarse aggregate should be weighed individ-
ually. The amount of water added should be measured, allowance being
made for the water content of the aggregates.
The accuracy of wcighing equipment should be ZIZ2% per cent of
the required weight of the œmcnt orof the total weight of the aggregates.
The accuracy of volumetric weighing equipment should be f 2% per
œnt of the indicated quantity. All measuring equipment for water should
be maintained in a clean, serviceable condition,

4. Control of water content. It is most important to control the water/cement
ratio at the required value determined from the trial mixes in the case of
a designedmix.With standard mixes the watcr/cement ratio may be
controlled indirectly through the accurate measurement of the chosen
mix proportions and the control of the workability, or directly by the
accurate measurement of the mixingwater after preliminary trials to
determine the amount required. In determining the weights ofthe materials
to be used, allowance should be made for the water contained by the
aggregates. To this end, provision should be made for the determination
of the moisture content of the aggregates in accordance with B.S. 812,
' Methods for the sampling and testing of mineral aggregates, sands and
fillers Tests should be made on the fine aggregate at least once a day,
and on the coarse aggregate less frequently. Further tests should be made
whenever there is a noticeable difference in the moisture content of any
of the aggregates. The initial batch weights both of the aggregates and
the amount of water to be added should be adjusted to allow for the
average moisture content of the aggregates. Subsequently, unless there
are large variations in the moisture content of the aggregates, it is satis-
factory to adjust only the amount of added water to compensate for the
observed fluctuations in the moisture content of the aggregates from
the value initially assumed.
e. Standard mixes. It may be convenient in suitable circumstances to adopt
the particular proportions given in Table 5. Since these proportions have been
shown to be satisfactory-for producing concrete of the three specified strengths
h k a t e d , assuming a standard deviation of 7 N/mn12, the trial mixes referred
to in Subclause b need not be made if these proportions are adopted.
The standard mixes apply only to concrete made with cement complying
with B.S. 12 or B.S. 146, and with aggregates complying with B.S. 882 or
' 27

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CP 114 : 1969

B.S. 1047. Where aggregates in accordance with 3 or 4 in Subclause 2 0 2 ~me

used, mix proportions recommended by the producer of a partialar fightweight
aggregate may be accepted on asimilar basis, providedthat the rccomendations
have been determined from suitable test data.
The weights @ven inTable 5 arc based on the usc of a sand having a Fading
within the limits of grading Zone 2 in B.S. 882. If a crushed stone sand or a
crushed gravel sand is used instead of sand, the weight of the coarse aggregate
should be reduced by at least 10 kg without altering the weight of the sand.
The wcightof the fine aggregate should be decreased by at least10 kg if
its grading is within the limits of grading Zone 3 of B.S. 882 and increased by
at least 10 kg if its grading is within the linlits of grading Zone 1 of B.S. 882.
There should be a corresponding increase or decrease respectively in the weight
of coarse aggregate required; i.e. the total weight of aggregate should remain
the same. Larger adjustments are more likely to be required with the leaner
mixes. Fine aggregates in grading Zone 4 of B.S. 882 are not considered in these
The proportions of single-sized coarse aggregates should be chosen to pro- .

duce combined gradings within the linlits of B.S. 882 or B.S. 1047 for graded
aggregate of the appropriate size.
If the specificgravityof either the coarse or the fine aggregate differs
significantly from 2.6, the weight of each type of aggregate should be adjusted
in proportion to the specific gravity of the materials.
When the works cube test results fail to satisfy any of the conditions given
in Subclause c, the mix should be altered by using the quantities of matcrials
given in Table 5 for the next higher strength of concrete. Where there is no
higher strength included in the Table, the cement content should be increased
by10 per cent. The revisedmix should continue to be uscd until 40works cube 1

test results have been obtained and the mean and the standard deviation of
these results calculated. Lf the strength is unnecessarily high, further modifica- a
tion to the m i x can be made having regard to the data from the works cubes
of both the original and modified mixes.
210. Durability. In order to ensure adequate protection to the reinforcement,
with the cover specified in Clause 307, it is essential that it should be dense,
impermeable and of a quality suitable for the conditions of exposure involved.
The greater the severity of the exposure,thehigher the quality of concrete
required, and thus although a weaker concrete may be adequate from structural
considerations this weaker mix may not be suitable from the durability view-
point. For example, a concrete having a specified works cube strength of
25 N/mm2 at 28 days may be suitable structurally and when used in,exposed
conditions in a non industrial area; however, if the structures were sited in an
industrial area, a higher grade of concrete with a greater strength would p r o b
ably be required. (See also Clause 352 on chemical attack.)


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CP 114 : 1969

Nominai concrete mixes should not be used for structures exposed. to sea



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CP 114 : 1969




ZL 8 8

d O
cv M


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ES1 CP*K114 6 9 m LbZ4bb9 0294539 5 m
CP 114 : 1.969 .


301. Basis of design. The method of design should accord with the laws of
mechanics and the general principlesrelating to the design of reinforced concrete.
It may be assumed that:
1. at any cross-section plane sections remain plane, and
2. all tensile stressesarc taken by the reinforcement except that the concrete
may be assumed to resist diagonal tensionwithin the iimits of shear
stress specificd for concrete in Clause 303.
The strength of members may be assessedby the commonly employed
elastic theory which makes the further assumption that steef and concrete are
elastic within the range of the permissible stresses given inClauses 303 and 304,
and that the modular ratio m is equal to 15.
Alternativelythe load-factor method describedinClause 306 and Sub-
clause 322d may be adopted, in which the basic requirementis that there should
be a suitable load factor (¡.e. the ratio of the ultimate strength of the member
to its design load).
The design recommendations given in this Code may be taken as appIicablc
whichever method is used except where indicated otherwise.
For concrete made with lightweight aggregates, special recommendations
are given in Subsection 3H.
Stability. The structure should be designed to support loads caused by Aug., A s added
normal function, but there should be a reasonable probability that it will not
collapse catastrophically under the effect of misuseor accident. The layout of the
structure on plan, and the interaction between the structural members, should be
such as to ensure a robust and stable design. No structure can be expected to be
resistant to the excessive loads or forces that could arise due to anextreme'cause,
but it should not be damaged to anextent disproportionate to the original cause.

In addition, due to the nature of a particular occupancy or use of a structure

(e.g. flour mill, chemical plant, etc.), it may be necessary in the design concept
or a designreappraisal to consider the effect of a particular hazard and toensure
that, in the event of an accident, there isan acceptable probability of the structure
remaining after the event, evenif in adamaged condition.
The recommendations given in Clause 354 on tying the structure together,
and on the plan form of the building, aim at enabling the structure to accommo-
date a limitedamount of accidental loading which may occuras a result ofcauses
such as comtruction loading, differential settlement of the supports, thermal
movements, explosions, accidentalimpact etc., which-are not defined as normal
loading. These accidental loadings may produce local damage, but the recomm-
endations have as their objectivethe limitation of the extent of such damage.


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BSI C P * I b 4 6 9 W I b 2 4 b b 9 0 2 9 4 5 4 0 I W
CP 114 : 1969
As amended
M a r . , 1976 The engineerresponsible for the overall stability of thestructure should
ensure the compatibility of the design and details of parts and components.
There should be no doubt of this responsibility for overall stability when all or
some of the design and details are not made by this engineer.

Asamended 302. Loadings. The loadings should be in accordance with CP 3, ' Code of basic
Mur**19" data for the design of buildings ', Chapter V, ' Loading ', Part 1, ' Dead and
imposed loads ' and Part 2, ' Wind loads '.
For the purpose of calculating dead loading, the weights of material should,
unless otherwise agreed, be taken to be as in B.S. 648, ' Schedule of weights
of building materials '.
For ordinary construction the density of reinforced concrete may be taken
as 2400 kg/mS, but where the amount of steel exceeds 2% some greater weight
may be more appropriate. Where lightweight'aggregates are used a smaller
appropriate weight may be taken. ..-
Guidance on the distribution of concentrated loads on slabs and on the

distribution of loads on stairs is given in Clauses 317 and 341 respectively.

303. Permissible ttresses in coacrete.

B.S. 1047.
(i) Compressive, shew lutd bond stress. The compressive, shear and bond
#tresses in reinforced concrete should not exceed those shown as appro-
priate for each nominal mix of concrete in Tabla 6 . As amendel
Aug., 1974
OR B.S. 1047 .

I Permissible concrete stresses

Mix . Compressive Bond

proportions S b
Average (see Local (see
Direct Due to Subclause Sub clause
bending 3lk) 3106)

1 :-1: 2


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B S I CP*LL4 69 m Lb24bb9 0294543 3

CP 114 : 1969

For modifications to thc permissible stresses given in this Table sec:

Subclause 303a(ii) for variations in concrete strength
Subclause 303d for age at loading
Clause 305 for wind forces
Subclause 310k for bond stresses where deformed bars are used Y

Subclause 31l b for slender beams.

Where the proportiow of total aggregate to cement lie between those
given in Table 1, the pem'ssibk concrete s t r k e s should be based'on the
ratio of the sum of the volumes of the fine and coarse aggregates, measured
separately, to the quantity of œment and should be obtained by propor-
tion from the two nearest nomind mixes.
(ii) Modificntions in permissible stresses due to variations in concrete strength.
Wheredifficulty is found in reaching the rquisite cube strengths in
Table 1, figures lower than those given may be accepted, but not more
than 25 per cent lower, provided thatthe permissibleCompressive
stresses are reduced in the same ratio. -
Where, on the other hand, the materids used for the concrete, and
the standard of workmanship employed, are such that the minimum
strength requirements for any nominal mix are consistently exceeded
by a certain percentage, the permissible compressive stresses for the
concrete may be increased by the samc percentage. The irkrcasc h .
permissible s t r m on this bs should, however, not exceed 25 per -t.
The shear and bond stresscs corresponding to the modified com- .

pressive stresses permissible under this Subclause should be obtained

from Table 10 in relation to a specified works cube-strength equal to
three times the permissible compressive stress in bending.
. .
Table 7 deleted August 1974. .
B.S. 882 OR B.S. 1047. Where lightweight aggregates in accordance with 3 or 4
in Subclause 202a are used, and the quality of the aggregates is such that the
strength requirements of Table 1 are satisfied, the permissible compressive
stressesmay be determined as for concrete with aggregates complying with
B.S. 882 or B.S. 1047. For the permissible shear and bond stresses, reference .
should be made to Subdauses 3446 and c.
C. DESIGNED CONCRETE MIXES. Where a concrete mix has beenspecially Asamended
designed in accordance with Clause 209 to have a specified works cube strength Aug., 1974
uwat 28 days, the permissible stressesshould notexceed the values obtained from
consideration of the strength tests usingthe appropriate proportionsof the works
cube strength given inTables 8 and 10.


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BSI C P U L L 4 69 m 1 6 2 4 6 6 9 0 2 9 4 5 4 2 5
CP 114 : 1969

The figure of 2.73 by which the specified works cube strength must be
divided to obtain the permissible compressive stress in bending corresponds
to -anincr- of 10 per cent in this stress, beyond the value of one-third of the
works cube strength.



Specifled works cube rtrengtb
at 28 dayr after mixing
(or 1 day for high alumim
cement coocrete)
'I Pcrmlssible comprtssirc

messen .

Due to bend@

U, - 2.73~~~ 0*75P,, POB

For modifications to the pernlissibk

. . sr
Subclause 303d for age at loading
Clause 305 for wind forces
Subdause 3 1Ok for bond where high-band ban aw:
Subclause 3 1l b for slender beam.
LOADINO. Where it can bc shown that a member will not remive its fdt design
load within a period of 28 days after the casting of the member {for example,
i n foundations and the lower columns of multi-storey buildings), the com-
AS unrendcd pressive stresses given in Subclauses
303a,6 and c.may be increased by multiplying
h g . , 1974
by the factor given in Table 9.



full daipn toad b rppUed factor


1 19
2 1-10
3 1.16

6 1.20
12 1* 2 4


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BSI C P * L L 4 6 9 E Lb24bb9 0294543 7 m

CP 114 : 1969

The shcar and bond stresses corresponding to the incmud compressivG

stresses permissible under this Subclause should be obtained from Table 10 i b
relation to an effective cube strength qual to the product of the specified
works cube strength and the age factor.
e. ~ ~ ~ w s sSHEAR
l ~ i AND
s BOND STR~SSW. The relationship ofpermissible
8hear and bond stresses to the works cube strength is given in Table 10, which
however is not applicable to the nominal mix of high alumina œment concrete.

' -1

More than 20
I + 0.27
but not but not but not
more than more than more than
0.9 19 1*5

20 I 0-67
I.. -
Less than 20 -

a. General. The tensile and compressive stresses in steel reinforcement

should not exceed those shown as appropriate for each designation of stress
in Table 11.
The guaranteed yield or proof stress referredto in this Table is the guaranteed
yield or proof stress of the completed bar as produced in readiness for use in
reinforced concrete, as specified in the relevant British Standard. It is anticipated
that the British Standards for metric sized reinforcement bars will be written
in terns of specified characteristic strength instead of yield stress. The values
of the specified characteristic strength may be substituted in Table 11 for the
guaranteed yield or prQof stress.
6. Temifesrress. In determining the permissible tensile stress, regard should
be given to the need for avoidingundesirable cracking. Lower. limits than
those given in Table 11 may have to be adopted in c r
iu m sa
tn a of exposure
to corrosive-influences.


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B S I CP*LL4 b9 m Lb24bbel 0 2 7 4 5 4 4 9 m

CP 114 : 1969

c. Compressive stresses. Compressive stresses in reinforcement in beams or

slabs may be calculated as follows:
1. As giving assistance to the concrete, using the elastic theory or, alter-
natively, on a load-factor basis. In the former case the steel stress should
be IS times the stress in the concrete (or 30 timeswhere lightweight-
aggregate concrete isused) at the same distance from the neutral axis
provided the steel stress does not exceed that set out in Table 11. For
steel stresses when the load-factor basisof .calculation isused,see
Clause 306.
2. As taking the whole compression, when the stresses given in Table 11
should be used.
Permissible stress (N/mm*)
As amended Type Mild steel bars to B.S.4449
Mar., 1976 of and all plain bars All defmmed bus, and
Stress high-yield wire labric,~b8ving .
a guarantecd yield or
exceeding proof stress

Tensile stress 140 125 ~ 0.55fy,but not more than 230

other than in for bars with an effective dia-
shear meter not exceeding 20 m y
O%&,. but not more than 210
for bars with an effective dia-
meter exceeding 20 mm
Tensile stress 140 125 O.55fy, but not more than 175
in shear
Compressive 125 110 O%/, but
than 175
where fy = the guaranteed yield or proof stress or specified characteristic strength.
For modifications to the permissibletensile stresses given above, scc
Clause forces.
305 for wind . .

For modifications to the permissible compressive stresses given above, su?:

Subclause 3 0 4 4 ) for beam or slabs designed on elastic theory
Clause 305

for wind
clause 306 for beam or slab sections designed on a load-factor

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BSI C P * L L 4 b 9 m Lb24bb9 0294545 O m
CP 114 : 1969

305. Increases of permissible StressCs due solely to wind forces. The permissible
stressesin concrete and in the reinforcementmayexceed those given in
Clauses 303 and 304 respectively by not more than 25 per cent provided that:
l . such excess is solely due to stresses induced by wind loading, and
2. in no case does the stress in the reinforcement exceed-250 N/mn12.

306. Calculation-of resistance moments of beams and slabs by the load-factor

a. Basis of method. The basic requirement of this method is a suitable load
factor (Le. the ratio of the ultimate strength of the beam or slab to its working
load). This method does not involve a knowledge of or use of the modular
ratio and does not assume a linear relationship between the stress and strain
in the concrete. It assumes instead that, as failure is approached, the compressivc
stresses will adjust themselves to give a total. compression greater than that
deduced from the .elastic theory, the extent of this adjustment having been
determined from tests to destruction. These tests have shown that the stress
distribution in the concrete at failure may be assumed to be equivalent to a
constant compressive stress of two-thirds of the cube strength of the concrete
acting over a depth of the bean1 or slab sufficientto provide a total compression
which, if no compressive reinforcement is provided, is equhl to the tota-1tension
afforded by the tensile reinforcement acting at its yield stress (or proof stress,
where appropriate), provided that this depth is not assumed to exceed one-half
of the effectivedepth of the beam or slab. -
The resistance moments of beam and slab sections may be calculated to
have a load factor generally of I -8; in the calculations of the ultimate strength,
however, the cube strength of the concrete should be taken as ody two-thirds
of the actual cube strength where designed concretc mixes are used, or three-
fifths of the actual cube strength where nominal mixes are used. It is necessary
also to ensure that the stresses at working loads are not such as to cause exces-
sive cracking. These requirements should be complied with by calculating the
resistance moment (corresponding to the working loads) at any cross-section
on the following assumptions:
1. The stress in the tensile reinforcement do& not e x w the prmissiblc
stress appropriale to the particular steel, given in Clause 304.
2. The compressive stress in the concrete is two-thirds of the permissible
compressive stress in the concrete in bending, considered to be uniform
over the whole part of the area of the concrete section which is in com-
pression. The depth of concrete in compression should not, however, be
considered to exœed one-half of the effective depth.


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CP 114 : 1969

3. The stress in the compressive reinforcement does not exceed the permis-

does it exceed 380 1 - - z:)

sible stress, appropriate to the particular steel, given in Clause 304 nor
the compressive reinforcement and d,, denotes the depth of the concrete
N/mm", where da denotes the depth to

in compression.* -._
b. Simplified formulae for rectangularbeamandslab sections. For beams
and solid slabs of rectangular cross-section without compressive reinforcement
and for qualities of concrete and steel within the range permitted by this Code,
these requirements may be deemed to be satisfied if the.resistance moment M ,
(corresponding to the working loads) is assumed to be thelesser of the two
values calcu1ated.fromequations (1) and (2) as follows:
Based on the tensile reinforcement,
Mr AmtpmtL

Based on the strength of the concrete in compression,

where l. is the lever arm whichmay be taken as

d* - -
A,, is the area of tensile reinforcement;
p l t is the permissible tensilc stress in the reinforcement;
POb is the permissible compressive stress in the concrete in bending;
b is the breadth of the section;
dl is the effective depth to the tensile reinforcement.
Where it is necessary for the resistance moment to exceed bd:, com-
4 .
pcessive reinforcement should be provided so that

(3) t

At a failure of a beam or slab, the maximum compressive strain in the concrete has been
shown by tests to be such that a reinforcing bar at the surfaœ of the beam would develop a
stress of 690 N/rnm* with steel of the requisite yield or proof stress. With a load factorof 1.8,
the limiting stress to be used in design is thus 380 N/mm8 at the compressive surface. Since
tests show that the strain is r o u a l y linear across the section, the limiting compressive stress
at the depth da is therefore 380
( 1 -(I,
d') N/mm*.
N o ailowance has been made in this formyla for the small reduction in concrete arca by
theamount displaced by the compressivereinforcement, having regard to the fact that
the coefficient to P e b bdf ir deducad from experimenta, the mdt, of which PTC always rom+
what d a b l o .


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CP 114 : 1969

where A,, is the area of compressive reinforcement;

p.,, is the permissible compressive stress in the steel as given in assump
tion 3 of Subclause a,
and the area of tensile reinforcement should be such that the stress in this steel
does not exceed the permissible stress.
c. Simpl$ed formulae for T-beams or L-beams. For T-beams or L-beams
with a breadth of flange b, a rib width br and a dcpth of slab forming the
flange d., the resistance moment when compressive reinforcement is not pro-
vided may be assumed to be the lesser of the two values given by equations (4)
and ( 5 ) as follows :
Based on the tensile reinforcement,

= Apmt ( d l - );
Based on the strength of the concrete in compression,
M r = YPob bd,
where the factor Y has the values given in Table 12.


Valucs of Y for d,[dr
blbr I
2 or lesa 3 - 4 s .
1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
2 0.25 0-22 0.20 0.185 0.175 0.125
4 O-25 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.062

6 0.195 0.165
0.25 0.14 0.125 0.042
0 0.25 0.19 0.16 0.135 0.12 0.031
00 0.25 0.185 0.145 0.12 0.10 O

Where it is necessary for the resistance moment to exceed ypcb bdi, com-
pressive reinforcement should be provided so that
M r = ypob bd: Amopddr - da) (6)t +
For intermediate values of 6/br and d,/d, the value of y can be calculated from the following
t N o alhwnce has heen made in this formula for the small reduction in concrete area by the
amount displaced by the compressive reinforcement, having regard CO the fact that the coeffi-
cient to Pob bd: ir deduced from experiments, the results of which are always somewhat


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and the arca of tensile reinforcement should be such that the stress in this steel
does not exceed the permissible stress.
d. DLprcrion of beants urd s l h v , The use of the method-of design permitted
by this clause can lead to rcduced depths of beam and slab sections as compared
with those determined ft.om the method based on the elastic theory. It is there-
fore particularly important to chcck that the members possessadequate stiffness.
an provided for in Subchihe 309a.

307. Cover. Reinforcement should haveconcretecover and the thickness of

such cover (exclusive of plaster or other decorative finish) should be:
1. for each end of a reinforcing bar, not less than 25 mnl nor iess than twice
the diameter of such bar;
2. for a longitudinal ,reinforcing bar in a column, not less tlíán 40 mm nor
less than the diameter of such bar. In the caseof columns witha minimum
dimension of 200 qun or under, whose bars do not exceed 12 mm diameter,
25 mm cover may be used;
3. for a longitudinal rrjnforcing bar in a beam, not less than. 25 m m nor
less than the diameter of such bar;
4. for tensile, comprcssi've, shear or other reinforcement in a slab, not less
than 15 m nor less than the diameter of such reinforcement;
5. for any other reinforcement not]&SS than 15 nlm nor less than thediameter
of such reinforcement.
For all- externa1 work, for work against earth faces and also for internal
work where there are particularly corrosive conditions, the cover of the concrete
should not be less than 40 mm for all steel, including stirrups, links,,etc., except
where the face of the concrete is adequately protected by a suitable cladding
or by a protective coating; which may indeed be advisable where the corrosive
conditions are unduly severe.
Additional cover may be necessary where lightweight or porous aggregates
are used (see Clause 350), or to comply with fire resistance requirements (see
clause 351).

308. Distance between bars. The horizontal distance between two parallel steel
reinforcements in reinforced concrete should usually, except at splices, be not
less than the greatest of the three following distances:
1. the diameter of either bar if their diameters be equal;
2. the diameter of the larger bar if the diameters be unequal;
3. 5 mm more than the nominalmaximumsize of the coarse aggregate
used in'the concrete.
A greater distance should be providedwhereconvenient.Whereimmersion
vibrators are intended to be used, however, 'the horizontal distance between


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CP 114 : 1969
bars of a group may be reduced to two-thirds of the nomina1 maximum size
of the coarse aggregate provided that a sufficientspace is left between. groups of
bars to enable the vibrator to be inserted; this would normally be a sp~ce
of 75 mm.
The vertical distance betw&n two horizontal main steel reinfor&ments, or
the cörresponding distan& at right angles to two inclined main steel'reinforce-
ments, should be not less than 15 m m or the nominal maximum sizeof aggregate,
whichever is the greater, except at splicis or where one of such reinforcements
is transverse to the other.
The pitch of the main bars in a reinforced concrete solid slab should be not
more than three times the effective. depth of such slab.
The pitch of distributing bars in a reinforced concrete solid slab should be
not more than five times the effective depth of such slab. .,: . -

. _
309. Stiirness of members.
Q. Generol. Reinforced concrete should possess adequate stiffness to prevent
such deflection or deformation .as might impair the strength or. -efficiency of

the structure, or-produce cracks in finishes or in partitions.

For all normal cases it may be assumed that the stiffness will be satisfactory
if, for memberswithsteel stresses not more than 140 .N/mm* and concrete
stresses not more than 10 N/mrng, the ratio of span to overall depth does not
exceed"the values given in Table 13; if, for members with s t e l strqsses greater
than 140 N/mm2 or concrcte stresses greater than. 10 N/mm',:the ratio of span
to overall depth does not exceed 90 of .the values given in Table'13; and if,
for mcmbers with steel stresscs greater than 140 N/mm2 and concrete stresses
- . -

R8tio of span to
o v m l l depth

kanu . .
Simply supported beams 20
Continuous beams B .
Cantilever beams - 10
~~ ~ ~

. .
Slabs spanning in one direction, simply supported 30
Slabs spanning in one direction, continuous ' 35
Slabs spanning in two directions, simply supported 35.
Slabs spanning in two directions, continuous 40
'Cantilever slabs 1 2 '

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BSI C P * L L 4 b 9 m L b 2 4 6 6 90 2 9 4 5 5 0 4 W

CP 114 : 1969
greater than 10 N/mmg, the ratio ofspan to overall depth does not exceed 85%
of the values given in Table 13. When lightweight-aggregate concrcte is used,
these provisions may need modification (see Clause 346).
b. Momenr of inertra. For ,me purposes of calculating bending moments in
continuous structures, the moment of inertia may be estimated by considering:
1. the entire concrete section, ignoring the reinforcement; or
2, the entire concrete section, including the &nfonxrnent, on the basis
of the modular ratio, or
3. the compressior, area of the concrete section, combined with the rein-
forcement on the basis of the modular ratio.
Whichever method is adopted for the beams the same method should be
used for the colwnns.

310. Bond and anchorage.

u. BARS M TENSION. A bar in tension should extend from any a t i o n for a
distance to the end of the bar such that the average bond stress does not exceed
the permissible bond stress given in C l a w 303. This condition Wi'U be satisfied
if the length measured from such section is not less than:
the tensik stress in the bar
the bar diameter x
four times the permissible average bond stress
The bar should cxtend at least 12 bar diameters beyond the point at which
it is no longer required to mist stress.
For the purpose of this clause, the length of the bar so determined may
have deducted from it a length equivalent to the value of the hook as given
in Subclause 310e but no deduction should then be made for the length of the
bar contained in the hook.
b. LOCAL BOND STRESS. The local bond stress calculated from the equation
below may exceed the permissible average bond stress given in Clause 303, but
should not at any point exceed the pcmnissible local bond stress given in that
Localbondstress=-. (8)
where Q is the total shear across the saction,
1. is the arm of the resistance moment, and
o is the sum of the perimeters of the bars in the tensile reinforcements.
In members of variable depth the effect of.fhc change in depth should be taken
into account in calculating the bond stress.
C. HOOKS AND OTHER ANCHORAGES.' Hooks and other anchorages of rein-
f0mment should be of such form, dimensions and arrangement as will ensure
their adequacy without over-stressing the concrete or other anchorage material.


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B S I CPa114 6 9 1 6 2 4 6 6 9 0294553 b

CP 114 : 1969

d. DIMENSIONS OF H O O ~ .Where hooks am used they should be of the

U-type or Ltype shown in Fig. 1, but usually the U-type is to be preferred. In
both types, for mild steel bars:
1. the internal radius of the bend should be at least twice. the diameter of
the bar exceptwhere the hook fits over a main reinforcing or other
adequate anchor bar, when the radius of the bend may be reduced to
that of such bar; and .
2. the length of straight bar beyond the end of the curve should be at least
four times the diameter of the bar.

a. U-hook

2 0 un1ess roundmdin bdr



- 0D
,EO[JiVdlt?n! straiqht lenqt h
Strdiqht -1

6. C h o o k
Fig. 1. Typs of hook for mild steel bars

Where hooks are formed in high-yield bars, the internal radius of the bend
should be at least three times the diameter of the bar. The length of straight

bar beyond the end of the curve should be at 1east.four tim& the diameter of
the bar.

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CP 114 : 1969

e. ANCHORAGE VALUE OP BENDS. A bend in a reinforcing bar may be assumeld

to have an anchorage value equivalent to a length of bar equal to four times
the diameter of the bar for each 45 degrees through which the bar is bent;
provided that:
1. the radius of the bend be not less than twice the diameter of the bar;
2. the length of the straight part of the bar beyond the end of the curve be
at least four ti~ncsthe diameter of the bar;
3. whatever be the angle through which t.he bar is bent, the assumed anchor-
. age value should not be taken as more than equivalent t0.a length of bar

equal to sixteen times the diameter of the bar.

Thus, a U-hook as shown in Fig. l n may be credited with a resistance equivalent
. to that of a straight bar of a length of 16 bar diameters, and an L-hook as
Fig. l b with 8 diameters.
f. BEARING STRESSES IN.BENDS: In bends in reinforcing bars, the Iocal stress
on the concrete may be incrcased to three times the value permitted in Clause 303
for theconcretc in direct compressih. . .


any of the provisions of this Code, in the case of stirrups and transverse ties,
complete bond length and anchorage may br: deemed to havebcen provided
when thc bar is bent through an angle of at least 90" round a bar of at least
its own diameter; and the stirrup or.tic is continucd beyond the end of the curve
for a length of at Ie;w eight diameters or, alternatively, through an angle of 180"
with the stirrup or tie continued beyond the end of the curve for a length of at

least four bar diameters. '.
h. BARS M COMPRESSION.. A bar in compression should extend from any
Section for a distance such that the average bond stress docs not exceed the
permissible bond stress given in Clause 303 by more than 25 per cent. This
condition will be satisfied if the length measured from such section is not less
the compressive stress in the bar
the bar diameter x
five times thc permissible average bond stress
The bar should extend at least 12 bar diameters beyond the point at which
it is no longer required to resist stress.'
/. Lhps IN BARS.

(i) Generol. Laps in bars in any member should be staggered.

(ii) Bars in tension. The length of lap in bars in tension should be not less
than: . .

the tensile stress in the bar

bar x
four times the permissible average bond stress
or 30 bar diameters, whichever is the greater.

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CP 114 r 1969

(iii) Burs in compression. The length of lap in bars in ccmpression should be

not less than:
the compressive stress in the bar
the bar diameter x
five times the permissible average bond stress
or 24 bar diameters, whi¿hever is the greater.
k . DEFORMED BARS. For deformed bars, the bond stresses given in As amended
Mar., 1976
Clause 303 may be increased by d)per cent provided the bond strength exceeds
that of a plain round bar by'40 per cent or more. (See elause 603 for rqom-
mended bond tests.) .
1. SHEAR WINFORCEMENTS All bent up bars acting as shear reinforcements
should be fuUy anchored in both flangcs af the beam, the anchorage length
being measured from the end of the sloping portion of the bar.


311. General.
a. Efective spun. The effectivc:span, l, of a beam or slab should be taken
as the laser of the two following:
1. the distance bctween the centres of b r i n g s ; or
2. the clear distance between supports plus the effective depth of the beam
or slab, the- effective depth being the distancebetween the. centre of
tension and the edge of the compression section.
6. Slender beum. Where the' length L of 8 beam between lateral restraints
exceeds 30 times the breadth b of its compression flange, the maximum depth
of k a m which may be considered in design should not exceed 8 times this
breadth, and the maximum cornpressive rtrm in the concrete shoulcf not exceed
the product of the pernlissible compressive rtress due to bending. given in
Clause 303, and the appropriate coefficient given in Table 14. Intermediate
values of the coefficient may be obtained by linear inkpolation.



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CP 114 : 1969

Where a beam is subjected to load in the direction of its length, the reduction
coefficient should be modified as follows. If the ratio of the load to the bending
moment is equal to 0.5/d (where 'd is the overall depth) the coefficient should be
that given for columns in Table 18'; if this ratio is zero the coefficient should be
that for beamsgiven in Table 14; for intermediate values of the r.atio the
reduction coefficient should be determined by linear interpolation between these
In slender beams, thc shear resistance of the concrete should be ignored,
the whole shearing resistance being provided by shear reinforcement. -
c. Minumum reinforcement in sluhs.In solid reinforced concrete slabs the
reinforcement in each direction, expressed as a percentage of the gross cross-
sectional area of the concrete, should not bt less than:
0.1S where plain bars are uscd; or
0-12 where high-yield high-bond bars, or high-yield wire-mesh. are used.
d. Compression reinforcement in beams. The compression reinforcement
should be effectively anchored in two directions at right angles overthe distance
where it is required to act in compression, at points not further apart, centre
to centre, than twelve times the diameter of the anchored bar. The subsidiary
reinforcement used for this purpose should pass round, or be hooked over,
both the compressive and tensile reinforcement.
The amount of steel in compression should preferably not exceed 4 per cent
but, if it does, only 4 per cent should be allowed for in the calculation of the
resistance moment of the beam.This percentage should be calculated as follows:
1. in rectangular beams,on the total cross-sectional area;
2. in T-beams or Gbeams, on an arca q ual to the total depth multiplied by
the width of the rib.
e. T-beams. In T-beams the breadth of the flange assumed as taking com-
pression should not exceed the least of the following:
l. one-third of the effective span of the T-beams;
2. the distance between the centres of the ribs of the T-be;uns;
3. the breadth of the rib plus twelve tim the thickness of the slab.
f. Gbeums. In Gbeams, the breadth of the flange assumed as taking com-
pression should not exceed the least of the following:
1. one-sixth of the effective span of the Lbeams;
2. the breadth of the rib plus one-half of the clear distance between ribs;
3. the breadth of the rib plus four times the thickness of the slab.
When a part of a slab is considered as the flange of a T-beam or Gbeam. the
reinforcement in the slab transverse to the beam should cross the full breadth
of the flange. Where the slab is assumed to be spanning independently in the


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CP 114 : 1969

same direction as the beam, such transverse reinforcement should be near the
top surface of the slab.
The quantity of such reinforcement should be related to the shear stress
in the slab produced by its acting as the compression member of the T-beam
or Gbeam.
5. Expansion j o i m . It is recommended that the question of the provision
of cxpansion joints should be left to the discretion of the designer, owing to
the large number of factors which are involved.

h. Efect of wear. If the surface of a concrete slab is not adequately pro-
tected by a suitable finish against the effect of wear, a n appropriate addition
should be .made to the structural thickness required.

312. Bending moments. Bending moments in beams and slabs shouìd be calcu-
lated for the effective span and all loading thereon.
The bending moments to be provided for at a cross-section of a continuous
beam or slab should be the maximum positive and negative moments at such
cross-section, allowing, in both cascs, if so dcsired, for the reduced moments
due to the width of the supports, for the followingarrangements of supcrimposed
1. alternate spans loaded and all other spans unloaded;
2. any two adjacent spans loaded and au other span$ unloaded.
Nevertheless, except where the approximate values for bending moments
given in assumption 3 of Clause 3.13 are used~,the negative moments at' the
supports for any assumcd mangement of loading may each be increased or
decreased byGot more than 15 per cent, provided that these modified negative
moments are used for the calculation of the corresponding moments in the
The computation of bending moments in beams and slabs is dealt with in
Clauses 3 13 and 314, As antended
Mar., 1976

313. Bending moments in beams and slabs spanning in one direction. The bending
moments in beams and slabs spanning in one direction may be dculated on
one of the following assumptions:
1. Bcams may be designed as members of a continuous framework, with
monolithic connection between the beams and columns, and the bending
moments calculated taking into accounttherysistance of the columns
to bending. Where beams are framed into external columns they should
be designed to resist bending moments in combination with the columns
in conformity with Subclause 322.

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CP 114 : 1969

2. Beams and slabs may be designed as continuous over supports and

iapable of free rotation about them. Nevertheless, where the supports
to h a m s o r slabs are monolithic with them and stiff in relation to them,
it is preferable to design thebeams or slabs with due regard to such
3. Unless more exact cst imates are made, the bending moments in uniformly
loaded beams and slabs continuous over three or more approinlately
equal spans may bc assumed to have the values given in Table 15.

At support At middle At other

Near middle to end of interior interior
of end opro support support#

Moment due to super- Wsl

Ws1 *,r ’

imposed load +E o + 1 2 9

whcre W, = total dead load per span

W, == total superimposed load per span

Two spans may bc comidercd as approxirnatcly cqual when they do not differ
by more than 15 per ccnt of the longer span.
For the purpose o f calculati~rgmoments in beams or slabs in a monolithic
structure, it will usually Se sufficiently accurate to assume that members con-
nected to thz ends of such b c m s or slabs are fixed in position and direction at
the ends of such members remnte frow their connections with the beam or slab.

314. Bendingmoments in slabs spanning in two directions at right angles with

uniformly distributed loads. The design of solid slabs spanning in two directions
at right angles, and of their supporting beams, should be based on one of the
three methods given below.
u. METHOD 1. A purely tleoreticai analysis based on elastic theory may
be made.
The bending moments in the slabs and beams may be calculated on the
assumption that the slabs act as perfectly elastic thin plates,Poisson’s ratio
being assumed equal to zero. The resistance moment of the slab and beam
Sccfjons should also be calculated by the commonly employed elastic theory
with m = 15.


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BSI C P * 1 1 4 6 9 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0294557 7 m

CP 114 : 1969

b. “IOD 2. In this method the assessment of bending moments in slabs

and beams is based on theoretical analysis amplified and adjusted in the light
of experimental data, the resistance moments ofthe slab and bean1 sections
being calculated by the commonly employed elastic theory, with m = 15. The
recommendations given in (i), (ii) and (iii) below may be adopted:
(i) Slabs sirnpfy supported on four sides. Where, in the case of a simply
supported slab, adequate provision is not made to resist torsion at the
corners of the slab and to prevent the corners from lifting, the bending
moments at mid-span should bc assumed to have the values given by
the following equations:
Mx = (9)
M, = +wf; (10)
where M , and M , are the bending mornents at mid-span on strips of unit
width and spans l, and Ir respectively,
W is the total load per unit area,
IV is the length of the longer side,
f , is the lellgth of the shorter side,
a, and are coemcients shown in Tablc 16.



fy/Is 1.0 1.2 1.1

1.3 1.4 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.5 3-0
ax 0.062 0-074 0.084 0993 0.099 0.104 0-113 0.118 0.122 0.124

QY 0.062 0.061 0.059 0.055 0.051 0.046 0.037 0.029 0.020 0.014.

(¡i) Sfabs restrained on four sides.

1. Where the corners of a slab are prevented from lifting and adequate -
provision for torsion in accordance with 5 below is made, the bending
moments may be assumed to ’haue the values given in 3 below.
2. Slabs are considered as being divided in each direction into middle
strips and edge strips as shown in Fig. 2, the middle strip having a width
of three-quarters of the width of the slab and each edge strip having a
width of oneeighth of the width of the slab, excepl that, for slabs for
which the ratio of the sida IV//= exceeds 4.0, the middle strip in the
short direction should be taken to have a width of I, - f. and each
edge strip a width of IJ2.

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CP 114 : 1969

a. For span 1. 6. For span Iy

Fig. 2. Division of slab into middle aod edge strips

3. The maximum bending moments ptr unit width in the middle strip of
a slab are given by the following equations:

where M, and MTare the maximum bending moments on strips of unit

width in the direction of spans 1, and 1, respectively;
W is the total load per unit arta;
1, is the length of the longer side;
. l. is the length oftheshorter side;
P, and P, are coefficients given in Table' 17.
By adopting 'the relationship given in equation 12 it is possible to use
a single coefficientfor P, for all ratios of /,/lxfor each condition of edge
4. No reinforcement parallel to the adjacent edges of the slab need be
inserted in the edge strips above that required to comply with Clause 308,
Subclause 3 1 IC and 5 below.
5. Torsion reinforcement should be provided at the corners,of a slab except
at comers contained by edges over both of which the slab is continuous.
At comers contained by edges over neither of which the slab is
continuous, top and bottom reinforcement should be provided for
'torsion at the comers of the slabs. Both top and bottom reinforcernent
should consist of two layers of bars placed parallel to the sides of the
slab and extending in these directions for a distance of one-Mth of the
shorter span. The area of the bars in each of the four layers, per unit
width of the slab, should be three-quarters of the area required for the
maximum positive moment in the slab.


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B S I C P r l l Y 69 I1624667 0294559 O m
CP 114 : 1969



Type of panel
moments considered

1-0 1-1 1-2 1-3 1*J 1-5 1-75 or
Case 1.Interior panels.
Negative moment at
continuous edge 0.033 0.040 0.045 0-0500-054 0,059 0.071 0.083
Positive moment at
mid-span 0.025 0.030 0.034 0.038 0.041 0.045 0.053 0.062
edge discontinuous.
Negative moment at
continuous edge 0.041 0.047 0.053 0.057 0.061 0.065 0.075 0.085
Positive moment at
mid-span 0.031 0.035 0*04c 0.043 O.Q4€ 0.049 0.056 O - N 4
Case 3. Two adjacent
edges discontinuous.
Negative moment at
continuous edge 0.049 0-056 0.062 0.073 0.082 0.090
Positive moment at
rnid-span 0.037 0.042 0.047 0.050 0.055 0.062 0.068
Case 4. Two short.
odges discontinuous.
Negative moment at

' continuous edge 0.056 0.061 0-065 0.069 0.073 0.077

Positive moment at
mid-span 0.044 . .O -046 0.049 0.051
0.055 0*058
Case 5. Two long-
edges discontinuous.
Negative moment at
continuous edge
Positive moment at
mid-span 0.044 IO *O53 0.060 O -065
0.071 0.080
Case 6. Three edges
short or long edge
Negative moment at
continuous edge O :O58 0,065 0.071 0.077
Positive moment at
mid-span 0.044_0
.049 O -054 0.058
Case 7. Four edges
Positive moment at
- -- -
0.050 0.057 0.062 0.067

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CP 114 : 1969

At contained by -edges over only one of which the slab is

continuous, the torsional reinforcement may be reduced to one-half of
that requircd by the preceding paragraph.
Any reinforcement provided for the purpose of complying with other
clausesofthis Code may be included as part of the reinforcement
required to comply with this clause.
6. Where a slab ends and there is monolithic connection between the slab
and the supporting beam or wall, provision should be m 4 e for the
negative moments that may occur in the slab at such support. The nega-
tivemoment to be assumed in these cases depends on the degree of
fixity afforded to the edge of the slab, but for general purposes it may be
taken as two-thirds of the moment given in Table 17 for the mid-span
of the slab.
(iii) Loads on supporting beams. The loads on the supporting beams may
be assumed to be in accordance with Fig. 3.

Load included in
this shaded area
to be carried by
beam A

. B

Load included in
this shaded area
to be carried by
beam B
Fig. 3. Diagram showing the bad carried by supporthg beam

c. METHOD 3. This method is based on theload-factor method of design.

The slabs al Id beams may be designed to have a load factor generally of 14;:
in the calculations of the ultimate strength however, the cube strength of the
concrete should be taken as only two thirds of the actual cube strength where
designed concrete mixes are used, or three fifths of the actual cube strength
where nominal mixes are used. This requirement should be complied with in
the following way. The ultimate bending moments to be allowed for should be
deduced from analysis in. which the load is 1.8 times the working (dead and
imposed) load and due regard is given to redistribution of moments that would


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CP 114 : 1969

occur before failure of the slab or beam, by the use of Johansen's yield-be
theory or other acceptable method; the resistance moments of the slab and
beam sections should be calculated in a d r d a n c c with the recommendations of
Clause 306; and these resistance moments should be q u a l to at least 55 per
cent of the ultimate bending moments at failure.

315. Trimming for openings. When openings in floors or roofs are required
such openings should be trimmed where necessary by special beams or rein-
forcement so that the designed strength of the surrounding floor is not impaired
by the opening. Due regard should be paid to the possibility of diagonal cracks
developing at the corners of openings.

316. Resistance to sbear.

a. General.
(i) The shear stress, q, at any cross-section in a reinforced concrete beam
or slab should be calculated from the following equation:

where Q is the total shearing force across the section;

b is the breadth of a rectangular beam which for a T-beam or .
L-beam should be replaced by the breadth of the rib b,;
la is the arm of the resistance moment appropriate to the method
of design being used.
(ii) Where at any cross-section the shear stress, q, as calculated from
equation (13) above, exceeds the permissible shear strcss pq for the
concrete, the whole shearing force at that cross-section should be pro-
vided for by the tensile resistance of the shear reinforcement acting in
proper combination with the compression in the concrete. Moreover,
even with the whole shearing force so provided for, the shear stress q
as calculated from equation (13) above should not exceed four times
the permissible shear stress ps for the concrete. -

(iii) Where at any cross-section the shear stress q as calculated from equa-
tion (13) above, is less than the permissible shear stressp,, for theconcrete,
nominal shear reinforcement should be provided at that cross-section.
Neither the longitudinal spacing nor the lateral spacing of the vertical
legs of the nominal shear reinforcement should exceed a distance equal
to the arm of the resistance moment. The cross-sectional area of the
nominal shear reinforcement at any particular section of a member
should be not less than 0.15 per cent (0.12 per œnt for high-yield steel)
of the horizontal area of the concrete at that section, calculated on an
assumed breadth of beam or rib eclual to b-V

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' .
CP 114 : 1969

(iv) Nominal shear reinforcement-need not be provided in slabs, footings,

bases,pile-caps and members of minor importance provided that, at
. every cross-section, the shear stress; Q, as calculated from equation (13)
above, is less than the permissible shear stress ps for the concrete. A
conservative approach should, however, be usedwhen calculating the
resistance to shear of members without any shear reinforcement, as

recent research has indicated that, in some circumstances, the margin

of safety may be lower than desirable.
b. Shear reinfircement.
A stirrup inreinforced concrete should -pass round, or be otherwise
adequately secured to, the appropriate tensile reinforcement, and such
stirrup should be anchored adequately in the compression zone.
Tensile reinforcernent which is inclined and carried through a depth of
beam equal to the arm of the resistance moment wiU also act as shear
reinforcement provided it is anchored sufficiently.
Where twoor more types of shear reinforcement are used in conjunction,
the total shearing resistance of the beam may be assumed to be the sum
of the shearing resistances computed for each type separately.
The spacing of stirrups when required to resist shear should not exceed
a distance equal to the arm of the resistance moment. The resistance
to shear Q should then be calculated from the following equation :

where pat is the permissible tensile stress in the shear reinforcement;

A, is the cross-sectional area of the stirrup;
f. is the arm of the resistance moment;
J . is the spacing of stirrups.

The resistance to shear at any scction of a beam, reinforced with inclined

bars, may be calculated on the assumption that the inclined bars form
the tension members of one or more single systems of lattice girders in
which the concrete forms the compression members. The shear resistance
at any vertical. section should then be taken as the sum of the vertical
components of the tension and compression forces cut by the section.
Care must be taken that such assumptions do not involve greater stresses
in the horizontal bars than the permissible stresses.

317. Distribution of concentrated loads on slabs. Allowance should be made for

the bending moments due to concentrated loads, using methods based on the
elastic theory, such as those of Pigeaud or Westergaard, or other acceptable
method. Alternatively, allowance should be based on the load-factor method

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CP 1.14 : 1969
of design on the same basis as given for slabs with uniform loading in Sub-
clause 3 14c.
Lf a slab is simply supported on two opposite edges and carries one OT more
concentrated loads in a line in the direction of the span, it should be designed
to resist the lnaximum bending moment caused by the loading system. Such
bending moment may be assumed to be resisted by an effective width of slab
(measured parallel to the supports) as follows:
1. For solid slabs, the effective width may be taken as the sum of the load

width and 2.4 x (1 - x/!) where x is the distance from the nearer support
to the section under consideration and f is the span.
2. For other slabs, except where specially provided for; the effective width
will depend on the ratio of the transverse and longitudinal flexural
rigidities of the slab. When these are approximately equal, the value for
the effective width as given for solid slabs may be used, but as the ratio
decreases a smaller value should be taken. The minimum value which
need be taken, however, is the load width plus 4x/f(1 - x / l ) metres where
x and I have the same meanings as in 1 ;so that, for a section at mid-span,
the effective width is equal to 1 m plus the load width.
3. Where the concentrated load is near an unsupported edge of a slab the
effectivewidth should not exceed the value in 1 or 2 above as appropriate,
nor half that value plus- the distance of the centre of the load from the
unsupported edge (see Fig. 4).




1.2x (I

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CP 114 : 1969

318. fm slabs on steel joists. Concrete casingwhichwholly encases the

portions of steel frame members which project above or below the floor slab
urd which may OF may not form the support for, or be case monolithic with,
the floor slab, should be reinforced with steel binding wire not less than 2-5 mm
in thickness, not further apart than 300 mm or the equivalent in steel fabric
passing under but clear of the edges and soffit of thebottom flange of the beam.

319. Hoots and roofs of ribbed and hollow block construction.

a. GENERAL. This typeof construction consists .of a series of reinforced
concrete ribs cast in situ betwcen blocks which remain part of the completed
floor or on forms which may be removed after the concrete has set.
6. BLOCKS AND FORMS. Blocks and forms maybe of any suitable material
which will retain its shape and dimensions and is strong enough to support
the concrete when placed.
Blocks which are required to remain as part of the slab and to contribute to
its -structural strength should be of concrete or burnt clay and should have a
crushing strength of at least 17-5 N / n d m u r e d on the net section when
axially loaded in a direction corresponding with that in which they willfunction
AS amended in the floor slab, Burnt clay blocksshould also comply withB.S. 3921, Clay.bricks
Mar., 1976
and blocks.
c. TOPPING. The tops of the ribs may be connected by a topping of concrete
cast in situ over the blocks or forms. The concrete used for the topping should
be of the same quality as that used for the ribs.
d. CALCULATION OF RESISTANCE MOMENTS. In determining the bending
resistance of hollow block construction, the blocks may be neglected. Alter-
natively, theymay be assumed to act in structural combination with the ribs and
topping (when used), provided that the blocks are properly jointed with a i : 3

cement-sand mortar or that a topping of at least 30 mm is used.

Where the thickness of the top of hollow blocks composedof material other
than concrete is regarded as contributing to the structural strength of the floor
slab, the permissible working stress in the blocks should not exceed one-fifth
of their crushing strength.
For the purpose of calculation, the elastic modulus of the material forming
the,bIock may be assumed to be the same as for concrete.
e. RESISTANCE TO SHEAR. Where the blocks are considered as adding to
the strength of the floor, the thickness of one wall of the block may be added
to the thickness of the rib. Alternatively, the walls of both the adjacent blocks
may be taken into account, using a shear stress appropriate to the material.
f. THICKNESS OF TOPPINO. When topping .is used the thickness, after
allowance hf k e n made for the effect of wear if necessary, should not be less
than the thicknesses given in 1 to 3 below for various conditions:

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CP 114 : 1969

1. In floors with permanent blocks regarded as contributing to the strength

of the construction, and with a clear distance between the ribs not
exceeding 450 mm, 30 mm.
When the blocks are properly jointed the minimum thickness may be
reduced to 25 mm.
2. In floors with permanent blocks not regarded as contributing to the
strength of the construction, 40 mm or one-twelfth the clear distance
between the ribs, whichever is the greater.
3. In all other cases, 50 mm.
g. SIZE A N D S P A C M ~OP RIB. The width of the rib should be not less than
65 m m.The depth, excluding any topping, should be not more than four times
the width. The spacing should be not more than 1 m centre to centre.

(i) General. At least 50 per œnt of the total main tensile reinforcement
should be carried through at the bottom on to the bearing md effectively
In floors continuous over supports, it may sometimes be impracticable
to provide sufficient reinforcement to develop the full support moment
on thebasis of continuity. Such Boon may be treated as simply supported
and the reinforcement in the span determined accordingly. If so treated,
it is desirable to provide reinforcement over the supportto prevent
cracking; it is recommended thatsuch reinforcement should have a
cross-sectional area of not less than one-quarter of that in the middle of
the adjoining bays and should extend at least onc-tenth of the clear
spans into the adjoining bays.

(ii) Spacing. Provided that both the permissible bond and compressive
stresses in the rib (below the topping where used) are reduced by 40 per
cent, the lateral spacing of bars running parallel in the concrete ribs may
be reduced to 12 mm or the diameter of the bar, whichever is greater.
(iii) Cover to reinforcement. For hollow tile slabs having slip tiles not less
than 12 mm thick u.nder the reinforced ribs, a cover of 12 mm should be
given to the bars'above the tiles.
i. SUPPORTS PARALLEL TO RIBS. Where a slab reinford in one direction
only is built into a wall, or rests on a beam, parallel to the ribs, a rib should
be placed along the wall or beam, the minimum width of such rib being that of
the bearing, Consideration should be given to the necessity for som reinforce-
ment at right angles to the ribs.
Where a slab butts against a wall parallel with the ribs, there should be a
rib against the wall at least 50 mm wide.

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CP 114 : 1969

320. Floors and m f s of precast coastnrctioa. More detailed guidance on precast

concrete construction is given in CP 116, * The structural use of precast con-
" ..
- - ." crete *, to which reference should be made.



321. Reinforcement io columns.

u. LONOITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT. A reinforcedconcretecolumnshould
reinforcement should not be less than 0.8 per cent nor more than 8 per cent of
the gross cross-sectional area of the column requiredto transmit all the loading
in accordance with this Code.
It should be noted that the use of 8 pcr cent of steel may involve serious
practicaldifficulties in theplacingandcompactingofconcreteand a lower
percentage would be recommended. Where bars from the column below have
to be lapped with those in the column, the percentage of steel should usually
not exceed 4 per cent.
A reinforced concrete column having helical reinforcement should have at
leastsixbars of longitudinal reinforcement within this helical reinforcement.
The longitudinal bars should be in contact with the helical reinforcement and
equidistant around its inner circumference.
For laps in spliced longitudinal barssee Subclause 3101.
The bars should bc not less than 12 mm in diameter.
(i) General. A reinforced concrete column should have transverse reinforce
ment so disposed as to provide restraint against the buckling of each
of the longitudinal reinforcements. Every bar in a column near the faœ
should be properly linked and at each longitudinal bar at least one link
should have a change of direction at that bar. The ends of such transverse
reinforcement should be properly anchored.
(ii) Pitch. The pitch of transverse reinforcement should be not more than the
least of the three following distances:
1. the least lateral dimensionof the column;
2. twelve times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal reinforcement
in the column;
3. 300 mm.
(h) Helìcd reinforcement. Helical reinforcement should be of regular forma-
tion, with the turns of the helix spaced evenly, and its ends should be
anchored properly. Where an increased load on the column on account
of the helical reinforcement is allowed for under Subclause 322u (iii),
the pitchof the helical turns should be not more than 75 mm or more than

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CP 114 : 1969

one-sixth of the core diameter of the column, nor less than 25 mm nor
lessthanthreetimesthediameter of the steel bar forming the helix.
In other cases the requirements of (i¡) above should be complied with.
(¡v) Diameter. The diameter of the transverse reinforcements should be not
less than one-quarter the diameter of the main rods, and in no case less
than 5 mm.

322. Permissible loads on columns.


(i) Short columns defined. Columns may be treated as short columns where
the ratio of the effective column length to least lateral dimension does
notexceed 15. Themaximumpermissiblestresses for these should be
as specified in Clauses 303 and 304.
(ii) Short columns with lateral ties. The axial load Po permissible on a short
columnreinforced with longitudinalbarsandlateraltiesshould not
exceed that given by the following equation:
Po = p a 0 4 + p,Am (1 5)
where po0 is the permissiblc stress for the concretein direct compression;
A, is the cross-sectional area of concrete excluding any finishing
material and reinforcing steel;

p., is the permissible compression stress for column bars;

A,, is the cross-sectional area of the longitudinal steel.
(iii) Short columns with helical reinforcement. Where helical reinforcement of
any steel complyingwith Clause 206 is used, the axial loadPo permissible
on a short column should not exceed that given by equations (15) and
(la,whichever is the greater:
Po = p.cAk P r A , +
185Ab (1 6)
where A k is the cross-sectional area of concrete in the core excluding
the area of longitudinal reinforcements; and
Ab istheequivalentarea of helicalreidorcement(volume of
helix per unit length of the column).
Thesumoftheterms p..& 4- 185&should not exceed O*Su,R,
where u" is the 28-day works cube strength of theconcretegiven in
Clauses 208 and 209.
(iv) Long columrw. ?'he axial load permissible on a reinforced concrete column
or part thereof, having a ratio of effective length to least lateral dimension
between 15 and 57, should not exceed that which results from the. multi-
plication of the appropriate permissible load specified for a short column
in (i¡) or (i)above by the ccefficientshown as appropriate for each ratio

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CP 114 : 1969

of effective column length to least lateral dimension in Table 18. Inter-

mediate valuu of the coefficient may be obtained by linear interpolation.
When, in a column having helical rcinforcement, the permissible load
is based on the core arca, the least lateral dimension should be taken
as the diameter of the core.


Ratlo of ebtctlrc length
to Ieart lateral dimension cocmcient
of column

15 1-0
18 0.9
21 0.8

24 0.7
27 O *6
30 0-5

33 0.4
36 0.35
39 0.3

42 0.25
45 0.2
48 0.15

51 0.1

54 0.05
57 0.0


0-75 L

R o p e r i Y rc~trrinadat both ends in position and A value intermediate between 0.75 L

impedactl~ratrained in direction at one or and L depending upon the efticiency
both ada. of the directional ratraint.

h o p a l Y reStnirrsd at one end in position m d A value intermediate between L and

dirsction md i m p a f d y restrained in both 2L dependin8 upon the &ì&eocy of
porition and direction at the other end. the imperfect restraint,

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CP 114 : 1969

(v) Determination of ratio of efective length to least lateral dimension of a

column. For the purpose of this clause the effective column length given
in Tablé 19 should be used, where L is the length of the column from
floor to floor, or between adequately restrained supports. The effective
column length values given in this table are in respect of typical cases
only and embody the general principles which should be employed in
assessing the .appropriate value for aay particular column.

b. BENDING MOMENTS M COLUMNS. Bending moments in internal colunms

supporting an approximately symmetrical arrangement of beams and loading
need not be calculated except in the case of flat slab construction (see Sub-
section 3D).
Bending moments in external columns and in internal columns supporting
an arrangement of beams and loading not approximately symmetrical should be
calculated and provided for.
The expressionsgivenin Table 20 belowmay be uscd for estimating the
moments :
Momenta for frames of Moments for frames of
om bay two or mote bays

Exrernal ( a n d similarly
loaa¿d) columns
Moment at foot of uppcr
COlUmn I + +
Me K I Km 0-5Kb

Moment at head of lower Ki Ki

column Me Kl + K, + 0*5& M * ~ l + ~ . + ~

Internal columns
Moment at foot of uppcr

Momcnt at head of lower


where Me is the bending moment at the end of the beam framing into the
column, assuming fixity at both ends of the beam;
M- is the maximum difference between the moments at the ends of the
two beams framing into opposite sides of the column, each calculated
on the assumption that the ,ends of the beams arc fixed and assuming
OW of the beams unloaded;



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BSI CP*LL4 h 9 E Lb24669 0 2 9 4 5 7 0 T m

CP 114 : 1969

Kb is the stiffness of the beam;

Kb, is the stiffness of the beam on one side of the column;
Kb, is thc stiffness of the beam on the other side of the column;
KI is the stiffness of the lower column;
Ku is the stiffness of the upper column.
For the purposes of this table, the stiffness of a member may be obtained
by dividing the moment of inertia of a cross-section by the lengthof the member,
provided that the member is of constant cross-section throughout i t s length.
The equations for the moment at the head of thelowercolumnmay be
used for columns in a topmost storey by taking Ku as zero.
Where the bending moment is calculated in the internal columns it is per-
missible to take into account the reduction in load resulting from the beam
on one side of the column being fully loaded and the beam on the other side
being loaded with dead load only.
c. COLUMNS sumcr TO BOTH ~ m c LOAD r AND BENDING. The permissible
combinations of direct load and bending moment to which a short column may
be subjected shouldbe determined on the basis of either the commonly employed
elastic theory, with a modular ratio of 15, and the permissible stresses inbending
given in Clauses 303 and 304; or the load-factor method described in d below.
T h e permissible combination of direct load and bending moment.to which a
long column may be subjected should not exceed the values appropriate to a
short column multiplied by the appropriate reduction coefficient from Table 13.
Where, due to bending. the maximum stresses in the column occur at the
ends of the column, the permissible load may be determined without reference
to the reduction coefficient for sections within one-eighth of the coiumn
length L from the centre line of the beams.
When the elastic theory is used the load on a column subject to both direct
load and bending moment should not exceed that permissible for an axially
loaded c o l u m n .
DIRECT LOAD AND BeNDnw. In the load-factor method the c o h m is designed
to have a load factor generally of 1.8; in the strength calculations however,

the cube strength of the concrete should be taken as only 75 per cent of the
actual cube strength where designed concrete mixes are used, or 68 per cent
of the actual cube strength where nominal concrete mixes are used. It shoula
be assumed that the maximum concrete strain in compression does not exceed
0.33 per cent at failure; that the compressive stress distribution in the concrete
at failure is rectangular, parabolic or such other shape as is shown by tests to
be reasonable: and that the maximum stress in the concrete at failure does not
excecd two thirds of the cube strength of the concrete. It is necessary also to
ensure that the streses at working loads are not such as to cause excessive
cracking. 62

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CP 114 : 1969

These requirements willbe satisfied, for columns of rectangular section

with symmetrical reinforcement, if the following r u l e s are adopted:
The section should be assumed to be controlled by compression when the
load exceeds Pb given by equation (17) :
P b = Poo bdl x - A,o(p.* - p.0) (1 7)
where p.. is the permissible stress for the concrete in direct compression given
in Clause 303;
b is the breadth of the column;
dl is the effective depth to the tensile reinforcement;
A,, is the area of the compressivereinforcement, which for the conditions
of bending to which equation (17) applies is equal to one half of the
total area of reinforcement in the column;
p., andare the permissible stresses in the reinforcement given in
a u s e 304 for compression and tension, respectively; and
X= in which pst is the permissible
tensile stress in the
690 1 4pst
reinforcement given in Clause 304.
Where high-yield reinforcement is used, the denominator in the formula
for X should be increased to:
375p,t x 10'
690 c + fis
in which E, is the secant modulus of elasticity of the steel at a stress of 1 . 8 ~ ~ ~ .
At the load P b as defined by equation (1 7) the corresponding eccentricity of

load e b relative to the centre of the section is given by equation (18):

=pwbd:X(1 - % x ) AM;&,
P b
- 4 (18)
+ ;") +
where dl is the depth to the compressive reinforcement.
When the section is controlled by compression, the permissible load P on
the column is related to the permissible load Po for an axially loaded c o l u m n ,
as given by equation (15), and the eccentricity e of the load P relative to the
centre of the section, according to equation (19):

When the applied load is less than'& the'&tion is controlled by tension

and the permissible load is given by equation (20):


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CP 114 : 1969
in which

total area of reinforcement

where r =
and d is the overall depth of the column section.
Where high-yield reinforcenlent is used (whether in the as-rolled condition
or cold worked condition) the above rules may be modified as follows to give
greater permissible loads when the sectjon is controlled by compression. The
relationship between permissible loads and bending moments may be assumed
to be linear between the load Po for an axially loaded column and a load
Pb1 = 0*58p,,bdl;and linear between this latter load and the load Pb given
by equation (17). Thc eccentricity ebl corresponding to the load Pblmay be
obtained from equation (18) by replacing P b by e b by ebl and x by 0.58
(and the same substitutions in equation (19) may be used to obtain the permis-
sible loads for the range Po > P > Pbl). For loads between Pbland &, the
permissible load is given by equation (19a):


A subsection 30 deleted March I 9 76

339. Reinforcd concrete walls.
a. General. .For the purposes of this Code, the term reinforced concrete
walls means concrete walls having the minimum reinforcement required to
comply with this Subclause. Where this minimum reinforcement is not pro-
vided, the walls should be designed in accordance with CP l l l, ‘ Strucnual
recommendations for load bearing walls ’.
Where reinforced concrete walls arc intended to carry vertical loads, they
should be designed generally in accordance with the recommendations given
for columns. The cross-sectional area of the vertical reinforcement may, how-
ever, be reduced to not less than 0-2 per œnt and the lateralreinforcernent
parallel to the wall face also to not less than 0.2 per œnt. The provisions of
Subclause 3216 with regard to transverse reinforcement to restrain the vertid
bars against buckling need not be taken to apply to walls in which the v e r t i d
bars arc not assumed to assist in resisting compression and in these circumstanœa
the lateral reinforcement parallel to the wall face may be reduced to not lesr
than 0.10 per cent.
The minimumpercentages of reinforcementspecified- in this clause may
not always be sufficient to provide adequate resistance to the effects of shrinkage

and temperature effects. The wall thickness should not be less than 100 m.

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B S I C P * l 1 2 4 69 m 2 6 2 4 6 6 9 0294573 5 m
CP 114 : 1969

b. permissible loads. The' permissible load on any storey height should be .

calculated in the general manner specified for columns (omitting, however,

the contribution of the vertical reinforcement if transverse reinforcement
satisfying Subclause 3216is not provided). The permissible concrete stresses
given in Clause 303 may, however, be increasedby the amöuntgiven in Tab€e23,
using linear interpolation between the values tabulated, For the purposes of
this table, the length of the wall is the overall length or, where openings occur,
the length between adjacent openings.

Ratio of storey height to length of


Percentage increase in permissible

concrete stress

When the effective height of the wall exceeds 15- tima the wall thickness,
the permissible load should be reduced to allow for the effect-of slenderness
of the wall. The reduction coefficients given inTable 18 for columns should be
used for-rhippurpose, the value of the slenderness ratio to be adopted in the
first column of this table being the ratio between the effective height of the wall
and the wall thickness.
The effectiveheight of the wall should be determined as for columns in
accordance with Subclause 322u (v). Where, as may occasionally happen, the
wall is stiffened by closely spaced cross walls such that thelength of wall betwoen
adjacent cross walls is less than theeffective height, the slenderness ratio may be
assumed to be the ratio of this length to the wall thickness.


340. Bases for reinforced concrete columru and wdls.
u. Bending montem in h e s . The bending moments at any section of a
base for a reinforced concrete column or wall should be taken to be the moment
of the forces over the entire arta on one side of the section. The critical section
for bending in the base should be taken at the face of the column or wall.
6. Reinforcement in buses. The reinforcement provided to resist the bending
moments specified in a should be distributed uniformly across the full width
of the section; except that, in rectangular bases for columns, the reinforcernent
p a d e l to the short edge should be more closely spaced near the column.


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BSI CP*3L4 b 7 m 3624667 R 2 7 4 5 7 4 7 m
CP 114 : 1969

taken to be at a
c. Shear in buses. The critical sections for shear should be
distance from the column faces equal to the eKixtive depth of the base,
d. Bond in bases. The critical section for local bond stress should be taken
to be the same section as the critical section for bending moment, Le. at the
face of the column or wall.


341. Distribution of loading on stah. In the case of stairs with open wells,
where spans partly crossing at right angles occur, the load .on areas common
-ta any two such spans may Ge taken as one half in each direction as shown in
Fig. 7. Where flights or 1and.ingsare built into walls a distance of not less than


The load on ureas common to
two systems to be taken as

Loading t

100 mm and are designed to span in the direction of the flight, a 150 mm strip
may be deducted from the loaded are8 and the effective breadth of the section
increased by 75 mm (see Fig. 8).

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BSI CP*ll4 b 9 m Lb24bb9 0294575 9 m
CP 114 : 1969

100 mm

Hg. 8, Lmding on stain built into walls

342. E f f d v e span of stairs. The effective spansof stairs without stringerbeams

should be taken as the following horizontal distances:
(i) Where supported at top and bottom risers by beams spanning parallel
withthe risers, thedistancecentre to centre of beams. i


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BSI C P U L L 4 h 9 m 1 6 2 4 b h 9 1329457b O m

CP 114 : 1969

(ii) Where spanning on to the edge of a landing slab which spans parallel
with the risers, see Fig. 9, a distance equal to the ' going ' of the stairs
plus at each end either half the width of the landing or 1 m whichever
is the smaller.
(iii) Where the landing slab spans in the same direction as the stairs, they
should be considered as acting together to farm a single slab and the
span determined as in (i) of this clause,the going being measured



343. General. The recommendations of all the previous clauses in this Section
apply to lightweight-aggregate concrete except for the modifications required
in Clauses 344 to 350 inclusive.

344. Permissible stresses in reinforced Lightweight-aggregate concrete. The per-

missiblestresseswherelightweightaggregatesin accordance with 3 or 4 in
Subclause 20242 are used together .with Portland cements complying with
B.S. 12 or B.S. 1 4 6 , are given in 1 to 4 inclusive below:
1. Compressive stresses. The permissible compressive stresses for nominal
concrete mixes,whereapplicable, should follow the recommendations
of Subclause 3036. For designed concrete mixes the permissible compres-
sivestressesshould follow the same recommendations as those for
concrete with aggregates complying with B.S. 882 or B.S. 1047, as given
in Subclause 303c.
2. Shear stresses. The permissible shear stresses in slabs should be 75 per
cent of those recommended for aggregates complying with B.S. 882 or
B.S. 1047, as given in Clause 303, for both nominal and designed concrete
mixes. These stresses may also be used for lintels which, for the purposes
of this Clause, may be defined as a member not exceeding 2.5 m span,
and of a cross-section not exceeding about 300 mm X 225 mm and not
being mquired to resist a shearing force exceeding 13.5 kN.
For beams and principal members shear reinforcement should be
provided to resist the total shearing forœ at any cross-section but, even
with the whole shearing force so provided for, the shear stress as calcu-
lated from equation (1 3) should not exceed four times the sheat stress
permitted for lightweight-aggregate concrete alone it slabs.
3. Bond stresses. For horizontal bars, as in beam and slabs, the permissible

bond stresses should be 50 per œnt of those recommended for concrete

withaggregates complying with B.S. 882 or B.S. 1047, as given in

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CP 114 : 1969

clruse 303. For vertia bars, as in columns, the values given inClause 303
may be used without reduction. Appropriate allowancesmay be made
in either case for the increased bond with high-bond bars, in accordance
with Subclause 31Ok.
4. Agefixfor. An increase in permissible concrete stresses for age at loading
may be permitted as for aggregates complying with B.S. 882 or B.S. 1047,
in subclause-303d.
345. Peraissibk rtrcssts ia reinforcement. The permissiblestresses in steel
reinforcement, when lightweight-aggregate concrete is used, should be the samc
as when aggregates complying with B.S. 882 or B.S. 1047 are used, as given in
Clause 304, except that the permissible tensile stress should in no case exceed
200 N/mm8.
346. Stifhew of membesr.
Reinforced lightweight-aggregate concrete should
comply with the general requirementsof Clause 309. For slabs where the design
imposed load does not excccd 3 kN/mt the recommendations of that clause

regarding ratios of span to overall depth still apply. For other slabs and for
dl beams it may be assumed, for all normal cases, that the stiffness will be
satisfactory if, for members with steel stresses not more than 140 N / m s and
concrete stresses not more than 10 N / m 2 the ratio of span to overall depth
does not exceed the values given in Table 24; if, for members with steel stresses
greater than 140 N/-% or concrete stresses greater than 10 N/mms, the ratio
of span to overall depth does not exceed 90 per cent of the values given in
Table 24; and if, for members with steel stresses greater than 2-40N / m 8 and
concrete stresses greater than 10 N / m s , the ratio of span to overall depth does
not exceed 85 per cent of the values given in Table 24.
. . . .

I RatleoC8)ra
o v m U dep&


Slrk qmnin# in om direction, simply supported I

Slab spuming in one direction, continuous l 30
Slabs spannin# in two directions, simply supported 30
S l a b spanning ia two diractiom, continuous 34
CIlrtikrer aldm 10


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CP 114 : 1969

347. Permissible loads on columw. Long columns of reinforcedlightweight-

aggregate concrete should be in accordance with Subclause 322u (iv), except
that a short column isdefined as a column where the ratio of the effective
column length to the least lateral dimension does not exceed 10, andthe
reduction coefficients given in Table 18 are replaced by those given in Table 25.
Intermediate values of the coefficient may be obtained by tincar interpolation.
Table 25 should be used in place of Table 18 also for bcams subjected to loads
in the direction of their length (seeSubclause 31lb).



Ratio of effective l e e
to lcrut lateral d i m c u l o ~ camdemt
of colurna

10 19
13 0.9
16 0.8

19 0-7
22 0.6
25 0.5

28 0-4
31 0.3
34 0.2

45 0.1
56 O

348. Reinforced concrete walls.Reinforced lightweight-aggregate concrete walls

should be in accordance with Clause 339, except that when the effective height
of the wall exceeds 10 times the wall thickness, reduction coefficients as given
in Table 25 for columns should apply.

349. Modular ratio. Where the design calculations for the strengthof a member
are based on the elastic theory, the modular ratio for rightweight-aggregate
concrete should be assumed to be 15. However, the calculations of the stiffness
of members should be based on a modular ratio of 30.

350. Cover. The cover to reinforcement in lightweight-aggregate concrete

should be in accordance with Claw 307. In addition, the cover to all stacl

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CP €14 : 1969

should be at least SO m m for exposed external conditions or for particularly

corrosive internal conditions.
Where the specified works cube strength is less than 21 N/mm*, it is usually
desirable to maintain a cover of at least 25 m to all steel even for internal
non-corrosive conditions.

351. Fire resistance of reinforced concrete. Typical performances for fire resis- As amended
Mar., 1976
tance of structural elements of certain types of reinforced concrete construction
are given in CP 1 IO 'The Structural .Use of Concrete' andthe mandatory .

requirements are given in building regulations.


352. ERbcts of cbcmicrl reagents. Concrete structures are slowly attacked by
aome chemicalreagents such as vegetableoils and fats, sugar solutions and
rulphates, prolonged exposure to which will bring about gradual deterioration.
The rate of attack may be reduced by good compaction and the use of a hard
impermeable aggregate. Increased resistance to some forms of chemical attack
may be obtained by tho useof high alumina cement or sulphate resisting cernent,
or by the use of protective coatings.
Where destructive agents are liable to come intocontact withfloors or
ceilings, the finish should be designed so as to prevent-the entry of these agents
into the structural concrete.


353. Stability.
a. General. The overall stability of the building including the stability during AS added

the period of construction should be considered in the design and the engineer Aug I973
responsible for the overall stability of the structure should ensure the compati- Mur**1976 - .
bility of the design and details of the parts and components. There should be no
doubt of this responsibiiity -for overall stability where all or some of the design
and details are notmade by this engineer.
6 . Plan form. The choice of plan form is a most important consideration for
ensuring stability and, as far as practicable, the various elements of a building
should be arranged in such a wayas to reduce the effect of any local accident.
c. Vehicle impact. The provision of.bollards, walls retaining earth banks, etc.,
should be considered to obviate the possibility of vehicles running into and
damaging or removing vitalloadbearing members of the structure in the ground

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CP 114 : 1969

354. Ties.
a. General. The recommendations of this Clause may be considered to satisfy
the general stability requirement that in addition tosafely supporting all approp-
riate dead, imposed and wind bads, buildings should be designed and con-
structed so that if any one structural member (other thanone purposely designed
to resist initial damage) were considered to have been removed, the consequent
structural failure would affect only a small part of the building.
b. Interaction of membersin-the horizontal plane. To ensure a degree of
interaction between members in the horizontal plane, every building should be
provided with ties in accordance with c., d. and e. below. In general, these ties
can be provided byeffectively connecting together part of the reinforcement
provided in the members to support loads caused by normal function. It may be
assumed, when calculating the area of the tie required, that the tie has only to
resist the stated horizontal force and that the steel is otherwise unstressed.
The ties should be so placed as to provide the best assistance in resisting by
cantilever, catenary or other action, the possible results of accidental'damage to
a part of the building. At re-entrant corners, or at substantial changes in con-
struction, care should be taken to ensure that the ties are adequately anchored
into the adjacent floo; or otherwise made effective.
c. Perìpheral tie. At each floor and roof level an effectively uninterrupted
peripheral tie should be provided, located within 1.2 m of the edge ofthe building
or perimeter wall. This tie should be capable of resisting a horizontal tensile force
of 40 kN without exceeding the permissible stress in the steel.
d. Internal ties. In addition to the peripheral tie, internal ties should be
provided at each floor and roof level in two directions approximately at right
angles. The internal ties should be effectively uninterrupted throughout their
length and should, unless they continue as column or wall ties (e. below), be

anchored to the peripheral tieat both ends. Provided that the beam'or slab spans
do not exceed 5 m and the gross weight of the construction and imposed loads
does not exceed 7.5 kN/m2, the ties in each direction should be capable of resis-
ting a horizontal tensile force of 25 kN per metre width without exceeding the
permissible stress in the steel. For construction involving greater beam or slab
spans, and/or supporting greater gross weights,the ties should be proportionately
larger; the span to be considered for this purpose may, however, be limited to
five timesthe clear storey height under the beam or slab.
Part or.all 'of the internal ties may be spread evenly over the width of the
structure or maybe grouped at beams,walls or other appropriate intervals.
The ties may be in the slabs, beams, or walls; where theyare in walls they should
be located within 0.5 m of the top or bottom of the floor slab.
e. Horizontal column and wallties. All external load bearing vertical members
should be anchored or tied horizontally into the structureat each floor and roof

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CP 114 : 1969

level with a tie capable of resisting, without exceeding the permissible.stress in

the steel, a horizontal force equal to the greater of:
l . 25 kN for each column, or 25 kN per metre length of loadbearing wall ; or
2. 3 per cent of the total vertical load in the column or wall at floor level.
The figures given in 1 relate to a floor to ceiling height not exceeding 2.5 m
and should be increased in proportion for greater heights;- the increase may,
however, be limited to 100 per cent.
Corner columns should be tied intpthe structure at each floor and roof level
in each of two directions approximately at right angles, withties capable of
resisting a force equal to the greater of 1 or 2 above. Column and wall ties may be
partly or wholly the same reinforcement as that provided for the peripheral or
internal ties. Column and wallties should not relysolely onsthe bond of a
straight plain bar for their anchorage at either.end. Plain bars should be bent or
hooked so as to provide the required anchorage in bearing on sound concrete
unless welded or mechanically anchored to the main reinforcement.
f. Vertical column and wall Ties. Vertical tiesshould be provided in all columns
and walls. The area of these ties should be at least equal to the minima-given in
Clauses 321 and 339 for their main reinforcement as reinforced concrete members.
tie should effectively
be uninterruptedfrom
foundation to roof level,r . .


. .
401. Central. For reinforced concrete work, many operations can be per-
formed equally well on or olf the site and the choice is a matter of convenience.
In this Code, therefore, all workmanship is dealt with under Section Five.


501. Conmete.
u. MEASURINO. The quantity of œment should be determined by weight.
The quantities of fine and coarse aggregates should be determined either by
volume or preferably by weight. In the latter case, the weight cequird should
be determined from the volume @ven in Table 1 or 2, and the density of the
aggregate. The proportiong given in Clause 208 are based on the assumption
that the aggregates are dry.If aggregates are used wet, due allowance must bc
made for bulking (seeClause 602).
b. "o. The concrete should be mixedin an approved mechanical
Mixing should continueuntil there is a uniform distribution of the materials
and the mass is uniform in colour.
c. TRANSPORTING. a n c r e t e should be handled from the place of mixing
to the place of final deposit as rapidly as practicable by methods which will


. . _ . . .
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CP 114 : 1969

prevent the segregation or loss of the ingredients. It should be deposited as

nearly as practicable in its final position to avoid rehandling or flowing.
(i) General. The concrete should be placed before setting has commenced
. and should not be subsequently disturbed.
(ii) Construction joints. Concreting should be carried out continuously up
to Construction joints, the position and arrangement of which should be
predetermined by the designer.
When work has to be resumed on a surface which has hardened, it
should be thoroughly hacked, swept clean, wetted, and covered with
a layer of mortar composed of cement and sand in the same ratio as

the cement and sand in the concrete mixture. This mortar should be
* freshly mixed and placed immediately before the placing of the concrete.
Construction joints should be at right angles to the general direction
of the member and provided with joggles where possible.
(iii) Compacting. Concrete should be thoroughly compacted duringthe
operation of placing, and carefully worked around the reinforcement,
around embedded fixtures and into comers of the formwork.
(iv) Mechanical vibration. The use of mechanical vibrators for compacting
concrete is strongly recommended, provided that reduced water/cement
ratios are adopted. It is also recommended that where vibration is to be
adopted, the reinforced concrete designer should include a specification
for this.
Attenticm is drawn to the Joint Report of the Institutions of Civil
and Structural Engineers, ' The Vibration of Concrete '.
Asamended e. CURING. The concrete should be kept constantly wet for sevendays,
Aus ,1974
except for rapid-hardening cement concrete when it may be reducedto three days.
In hot, dry or windy climates it may be advantageous to cover the concrete-with
hessian or sacking. Alternatively, the concrete maybecovered by a layerof
waterproof material immediately after the concrete is placed and this material
should be kept in contact with it for seven days.
fi WORK IN COLD WEATHER, When depositing concrete at or near freezing
temperatures, precautions should be taken to ensure that the concrete has a
temperature of at least 4 'C and that the temperature of the concrete is main-
tained above 2 "C until it has thoroughly hardened. When necessary, concrete
materials should be heated before mixing and carefully protected after placing.
Dependence should not be placed on salt or other chemicals for the prevention
of freezing. Calcium chloride maybeused to accelerate the rate of hardening
Asamended of Portland cement concrete but the requirements of Clause 205Ab should be
July, 1977
complied with, No frozen materialor materials containing ice should be used.
All concrete damaged by frost should be removed.


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CP 114 c 1969

502. StaL
u. Cleunìng. AU metal for reinforcement should be free from loose mill
=le, loose rust, oil and grease, or other harmful matter, immediately before
placing the concrete.
b. PIIlcing. All reinforcemefit should be placed and maintained in the
position shown on the drawings, in which the bending dimensions and scheduling
of bars should be in accordance with B.S. 4466. ' Bending dimensions and umended
Mar., 1976
scheduling of bars for the reinforcement of concrete Some definite method
of ensuring the adquacy of cover should be sought by the contractor and the
designer acting in conjunction.
c. Spacing blocks. Where concrete blocks are used for ensuring the specified
cover to the reinforcement, they should be made of mortar not leaner than
1 part œment to 2 parts sand.
d. Bedìrg. Reinforcement should not be bent or straightened in a manner
that will injure the material.
where reinforcement ban are bent aside at construction joints and after-
yards bent back into approximately their original positions, care should be
taken to ensure that at no time is the radius of the bend less than 4 bar diameters
for mild steel or 6 bar diameters for high-yield bars. Care should also be taken
when bending backbars, particularly in lightweight-aggregate concrete, to
ensure that the concrete around the bar is not damaged.
e. WeMìv. Welding maybe p d t t e d under suitable conditions and with
suitable safeguards, in accordance with B.S. 693, ' Oxy-acetyleneweldingin
mild steel', or B.S. 5135, 'Metal-arc welding for carbon and carbon manganese Asamended
steels'. Mar., 1976
Welding h of two kinds:
1. tack or positional welding between rods crossing more or less at right
mglu so as to fìx them in position; and
2. butt welding between the en& of rods in line whereby 8-
ferred across the scction.

In the case of 1 no special precautions in regard to stress am d d .

In the case of 2 it is recommended that this should, at present, be allowed
only for mild steel. In the case of rods of mild steel which have their strength
increased by cold working, butt welding may be permitted, but the stress at
the weld should be limited to that appropriate to mild steel, and the additional
strength obtained by cold working should be ignored at and near the weld.


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CP 114 : 1969

503. Formwork.
u. General. The formwork should be so constructed as to remain sufficiently
rigid during the placing of the concrete and should be sufficiently tight to prevent
loss of grout or mortar from the concrete.
Attention is drawn to the importance of the design of the formwork which
can be an important factor in the economy and efficiencyof reinforced concrete
construction. The detailed design should.preferably be undertaken by an expert
and is considered to be outside the scope of the present Code. The important
qualities of good formwork relate to rigidity and strength, economy of material,
re-use, convenience of erection and striking, and good surface finish. ,

6. Strutting. The vertical strutting should be carried down to such con-

struction as is sufficientlystrong to afford the required support without injury.
c. Cleaningund treatment of forms. All rubbish, particularly chippings,
shavings and sawdust, should be removed from the interior of the forms before
the concrete is placed and the formwork in contact with the concrete should

be cleaned and thoroughly wetted or treated with an approved composition.
Care should be taken that such approved composition is kept out of contact
with the reinforcement.
d. Striking. In no circumstances should f o d be struck until the concrete
reaches a cube strength of at least twice the stress to.which the concrete may
be subjected at the time of striking.
All formwork should be removed without such shock or vibration as would
damage the reinforced concrete. BeEore the soffit and struts are removed, the
concrete surface should be exposed, where ntcessary, in order to ascertain that
the concrete has sufficiently hardened.
e. Cumber. It is sometimes desirable to give forms an upward camber to
ensure that the beams will not have a sag when they have taken up their &dao-
tion, but this should not bc done ú a l a allowed for in the design of the beams.
f. Tolerances. Formwork should be SO constructed that the dimensions of
the fìnished reinforced concrete members lie within the pcrmissibk tolerana
specified in the design.

504. blocLa Blocks for fìxing door frames, etc., may be embedded in
the concrete provided that the strength or effective a v e r of any part of the
structure is not reduced below the standard required by this Code.


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CP 1 14 : 1969


601. Methods of testing concrete.
u. GENERAL. The methods of testing concrete, with a maximum size of
coarse aggregate not exceeding 38 mm are given in B.S. 1881.
Summaries of the recommendations given in that standard for the making,
curing and testing of cubes in the laboratory (preliminary cube tests) and in
the field (works cube tests) are given in b and c below. For fullcr information
reference should be made to the standard.
A description of a works óearn test is given in d below. Where a beam test
of greater exactitude thanthat provided by the works test is desirable and
practicable, the laboratory method of test for flexural strength of moulded
flexure test specimens given in Parts 10 and 1 1 of B.S. 1881 may be adopted.
6. PRELIMINARY CUBE m.This method should be used for compression
tests on concrete in a laboratory where accurate control of materials and test
conditions is possible.
1. The concrete. The materials and proportions usedin making the test
specimens, including the water content, should be similar in all respects
to those to be used in the work. The cement on arrival at the laboratory
should be mixed dry either by hand or in a suitable mixer so 11s to ensure
uniformity, care being taken to avoid the intrusion of foreign matter,
and it should then be stored in airtight containers until required. All
materials should be brought to a temperature of 15°C to 20°C before
beginning the tests, and the aggrcgates should be dry. The quantities of
cement, aggregate and water for each batch should be determined by
weight to an accuracy of 1 part in lo00 of the total weight of the batch.
The concrete should be mixed by hand or in a small batch mixer in
such a manner as to avoid loss of water. If the concrete is mixed by hand,
the cement and fine aggregate should fist be mixed dry until the mixture
is uniform in colour. The coarse aggregate should then be added and
mixedwith the cement and fine aggregate. The water should then bc
added and the wholemixcd thoroughly until the resulting concrete
appears to be homogeneous and has the desired consistence. If a batch

mixer is used, all materials may be placed together in themixer and mixed
thoroughly until the resulting concrete is uniform in d o u r , and in no
case for less than two minutes.
2. The test specimens. The test specimens should be 150 mm or 100 mm
Cubes. 100 mm cubes should not be used when the maximum size of the
aggregate exceeds 19 mm.
The mould should be of metal with inner faces accurately machined
in order that the opposite sides of the specimen are plane and parallel.
Each mould should be provided with a metal base having a smooth

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CP 114 : 1969

machined surface. The interior surfaces of the mould and base should be
lightly oiled before concrete is placed in the mould.
Test specimens should be moulded by placing the fresh concrete in
the mould in 50 mm layers, each layer being thoroughly compacted with
a steel bar 380 mm long and having a ramming face 25 mm square and
weighing 1-8 kg. The concrete should be subjected to at least 35 strokes
per layer for 150 mm cubes or 25 strokes per layer for 100 mm cubes.
Alternatively, the concrete should be compacted by vibration, each
layer being vibrated by means of an electric or pneumatic hammer or
by means of a suitable vibrating table.
3. Storage of test specimens. Test specimens should be placed in moist air
of at least'90 per cent humidity and at a temperature of 15°C to 20°C
for 24 hours f hour, commencingfrom the addition of water to the
mix. After 24 hours the test specimens should be marked, removed from
the moulds and placed in water at a temperature of 15°C to 20°C until
required for test.
4. Method of testing. The tests should be made at the age of the concrete
corresponding to that for which the strengths are specified in Clauses 208

and 209. Compression tests should be made between smooth plane steel
plates, without end packing, and a load should be applied axially at the
rate of approximately 14 N / m * perminute.Onecompression plate
of the testing machine should be provided. with a ball seating in the form
of a portion of a sphere, the centre of which coincides with the central
point of the face of the plate. Test specimens should be placed in the
machine in such a manner that the load is applied to the sides of the
specimens ascast.
This method should be used for compression tests
of concrete sampled during the progress of the work.
1. Sumpling the concrete. Concrete for the test specimens should be taken
at the point of deposit. To ensure that the specimen. are representative
of the concrete in the structure a number of samples should be taken
from different points. Each sample should be large enough to make the
number of test specimens required and should be taken from one point
in the work. The location from which each sample is taken should be
noted. Attention is drawn to the detailed recommendations for sampling
fresh Concrete in the fieldgiven h Part 1 of B.S. 1881. .
2. TIte tesf specimens. The specimens should be prepared in accordance
with 2 of Subclause b above.
3. Sforage of test specimens. Thetestspecimens should be stored at the
site ata place free from vibration under damp sacks for 24 hours
& hour, after whichtimethey should be removedfrom the moulds,
marked and stored in water at a temperature of 10°C to 20°C until the

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CP 114 : 1969

date of test. Specimens which are to be sent to a laboratory for testing

should be packed for transit in dampsand, or other .suitable damp
material, and should reach the laboratory at least 24 hours before the
test. On arrival at the laboratory they should be similarly stored in water
until the date of the test.
4. Method of testing. The specimens should be tested in the manner pre-
scribed in 4 of Subclause b above.
d. WORKS BEAM TESTS. Method of making - transverse tests of concrete
sampled during the progress of the work.
1. The fesf specimens. The test specimens should be 406.4 mm X 101.6 mm
X 101-6 mm* beams.Thesedimensions are suitable only when the
maximum size of the aggregate does not exceed 19 mm.
Samples of concrete should be taken in the manner prescribed in
Clause 601c (i). Test specimens should be made in a similar manner to
that described for cubes in 2 of Subclause b above, except that, in com-
pacting, the number of strokes of the bar per layer of concrete should
be at least 70. One hundred strokes may be necessary for dry mixes. The
specimens should be stored as described in 3 of Subclause c above.
2. Method of testing. The test beam should be evenly supported upon two
parallel steel rollers of 40 mm diameter, the distance between the centres
of the rollers being 300 mm. The load should then be centrally applied
through a third steel roller also 40 mm in diameter, placedmidway
between the supports. The length of all rollers should exceed the width
of the beam. Test specimens should be placed in the machine in such a
manner that the load is applied to the sides of the specimens as cast.
The loading should be applied smoothly and gradually, at such a rate as
will ensure thatthe maximum load is reached in approximately five
minutes. The modulus of rupture R should be calculated from theformula:
R = 4.25 X lo-' W u (23)
where R is in newtons per square millimetre, and
Wuis the total load in kilogrammes at which the beam fails.
This formula only applies when the beam is of the specified size.
602. Fieldmetbod of determiningthenecessaryadjustment for the bulking of
b e aggregate.
a. Expfanation and scope. Sand brought on to a building or other works
may contain an amount of moisture whch will cause it, whenloosely Wed
into a container, to occupy a larger volume than it would occupy if dry. Lf,as
IS usual, the sand is measured by loose volume, it is necessary in such a case to
' It L anticipated that there will be no rationalmetric sized beam to replace the 16 in X
I in X 4 in beam, as this size is regarded as obsolete. Exact equivalent values of 16 in x
I in X 4 in are given.


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CP 114 : 1969

increase the measured volume of the sand, in order that the amount of sand
put into the concrete may be the amount intended for the nomina1 mix used
(based on dry sand). It will be necessary to increase the volume of sand by the
' percentage ' bulking. The correction to be made is only a rough approxima-
tion, because the system of measurement by loose volume is a rough method
at the best, but a correction of the right order can easily be determined and
should be applied in order to keep the concrete uniform.

b. Procedure. The procedure to be adopted may be varied, but two methods

are suggested below. Both are dependent on the fact that the volume of inun-

dated sand is the same as if the sand were dry.
(i) Put sufficient of the sand loosely into a container until the container
is about two thirds full. Level off the top of the sand and, pushing a
steel rule vertically down through the sand at the middle to the bottom,
measure the height. Suppose this is h,.
Empty the sand out of the, container into another container where
none of it will be lost. Half fill the first container with water. Put back
about half the sand and rod it with a steel rod about 6 mm in diameter,
so that its volume is reduced to a minimum. Then add the remainder
of the sand and rod it in the same way. Smooth and level the top surface
of the inundated sand and measure its depth at the middle with the
steel rule. Suppose this is h,. The percentage of bulking of the sand duc
to moisture should be calculated from the formula:

Percentage bulking = -
c:- )
(ii) Into a 250 ml measuring cylinder pour the damp sand (consolidated
1 X 100

by shaking) until it reaches the 20 mark. Then 6ll the cylinder with
water and stir the sand well. (The water must be sufficient completely
to submerge the sand.) It will be Seen that the sandsurface is now below
its original level. Suppose the surface is 'at the mark x ml. The per-
centage of bulking of the sand due to moisturc shouid be calculated
from the formula:

603. Bolrd tcsb.

u. General. The bond strength, or the measure of the effectiveness of the
grip between concrete and steel, has no standard quantitative definition. In
pullsut t a b on plain bars it is often used to mean the maximum load or bond
stress that can be developed. With plain bars the maximum load is not very

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CP 114.: 1969

different from the load at first visible slip, but in the case of a deformed bar A ~ a m r n ~
Mm., 1976
the maximum load may correspond to a large slip which may not in fact be
obtained in practice before other types of failure occur. It is prefcrable therefore
when comparing plain and high-bond bars to determine not only the maximum
load but also the loadat arbitrary amountsof slip. One such basis of comparison
is the load at first slip, which for the purposes of this clause is defined as a rela-

tive movement between steel and concrete of 0.001 in (0.0254 mm) at the free
end of the bar in a pull-out test,
b. Comparative nature of tests. It should be emphasized that the pull-out
tests described in this clause are for the comparison of different types of rein-
forcing bars for the purposes of Subclause 310k. It should not be assumed that
the average bond stress calculated from the results of such tests have any direct
relationship to the permissible bond stresses given% Clause 303.
c. Pull-out tests. The bar should be embedded vcrtically in, and pass com-
pletely through, a block of concretc, along itsaxis. This block should be a
100 mm cube for bars up to 12 mm in diameter, a 150 mm cube for bars over
12 mm but not more than 25 mm in diameter, and a225 mm cube for larger bars.
The cube should be reinforced with a helix of 6 mm diameter plain mild steel
at 25 mm pitch such that the outside diameter of the helix is equal to the size
of the cube, each end of the helix being welded to the next tum.
For the purpose of comparing the bond resistance of deformed and plain $;y;;%/
bars, the concrete used in both tests should be of the same strength, age and
curing. The bars to be tested should also be of the same cross-sectional.area
and have similar surface conditions.
Theconcrete strength should be between 21 N/m& and 27-5 at
the time of testing the pull-out specimens. The concrete quality should be care-
fully controlled throughout the series of tests and the mix and cube strengths
of the concrete recorded.
The test specimen should be mounted in a suitable testing machine in such
8 manner that the bar is pulled axially from the block. The end of the bar at
which the pull is applied should be that which projects from the top face of the
block as cast. Rubber or plywood packing should be placed between the top
face of the block and the surfaceof the test rig bearing on it.
A suitable dial gauge with 1/10Ooein* markings should be attached to the
unloaded end of the bar with the spindle in contact with the concrete in such
a manner that the gauge records the relative slip.

Metric dial gauges with markings at intervals of less than 0.01 mm are not readily available
and no rgrament has been reached on including any such gauges in the standard range.
A pugu mukod at intervals of 0.01 mm is not sufficiently accurate to give reliable reading
for dip8 of 0.001 in (0.0254 mm) and until such time a8 a suitable metric dial gauge
is available
I PUOS with 1/10 OOO-in markings should be used.
. 81

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CP 114 : 1969

The following details should be recorded:

1. the load at a slip of 0-001 in
2. the 1aad.at a slip of Or01 in
3. the maximum load and the type of failure.
d. Calculation of bond stress. For the purposes of this clause the bond stress
should be assumed to be the average value obtained by dividing the applied

load by the surface area of the embedded length of the bar.
e. Number of tests. At least three tests should be made on the proposed
type of high-bond bar and three tests on plain bars for comparison.
f. Results of tests. For the purpose of Subclause 3 10k, the comparison of
bond strengths should be made on the basis of the average bond stresses calcu-
lated from the loads at a measured slip of 0.001 in (0.0254 mm).
604.Inspection, Immediately after stripping the formwork, the concrete should
be carefully inspected. Any defectsshould be made good as soon as practicable.

605. Load testing of structures. Loading tests on a completed structure shouldbe

made if required by the specification or if there is reasonable doubt as to the
adequacy of the strength of the structure. Such tests need not be made until
the expiry of 56 days of effective hardening of the concrete.
As amended In such tests, the test load, including the dead load, should be the greater of
July, 1977
1. the sum of the dead load plus 1 % times the specified superimposed load,
2. 1% times the sum of the dead load and the specified superimposed load,
and the test loads should be maintained for a period of 24 hours. During
the test, struts, strong enough to take t h e whole load, should be placed in
position leaving a gap under the members. Where only part of the structure
is to be tested, special precuations may be necessary to ensure that all the
members actually under test are subjected to the full test load, with proper
allowance made for load sharing between members.*
If within 24 hours of the removal of the load, the structure does not show a
recovery of at least 75 per cent .of.the maximum dgflection shown during the
24 hou& under load, the test loading should be repeated. The structure should
be considered to have failed to pass the test if the recovery after the second test
is not at least 75 per cent of the maximum deflection shown during the second
If during the test, or upon removal of the load. the structure shows signs of
weakness, undue deflection or faultv construction, it should bt reconstructed
or strengthened as necessary.

*Some guidance on suitable precautionsis given in Appendix H of the Institution of Structural

Engineers' Report of the Working Party onHigh Alumina Cement.
(The Structurnf Engineer, September 1976.).

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CP 114 : 1969


701. General. In many cases maintenance will not be needed for dense concrete
constructed in accordance with thisCode.Where,however, the concrete ir
exposed to attack by weather or chemical action maintenance may kneaded.
Protective coatings will delay or prevent deterioration of the concrete i a such
cases.The protective coating to be uscd will dependupon the particular form o f .
exposure, bút it should be durable andable to adjust itself to elastic and thermal
movements of the structure. All protective coatings should be maintained in
good condition by renewed application during the life of the structure.
Any concrete paint used should be suitable for the alkaline character of
concrete. Suitable types of paint and the precautions to be taken in 'their usc
are dealt with in CP 231, ' Painting '.
A periodical check should be made (e.g. every 3 or 5 years) to detect any
excessive c'racking or other defect of the concrete.
Where corrosion of the bars has caused staining or has loosened the concrete
cover,thelife of the structure can be considerably prolonged by exposing,

cleaning and recovering the bars.
Appendix A deleted March 1976

Appendix B deleted Aug. 1974

: 1
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Licensee=University of Hong Kong/5910986001
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 02/05/2007 04:07:19 MST
AMD 4780
Amendment No. 5
published and effective from 30 April 1985
to CP 114 : 1969
(applicable only to reprinted issues, obtained since 1977,
incorporating Amendments Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4”)

The structural use of reinforced concrete in buildings

*Reprint issues can be identified by the inclusion of references to AMD 124 1

(Amendment No, l), AMD 1552 (Amendment No. 2), AMD 1923 (Amendment No, 3)
and AMD 2304 (Amendment No, 4) in the announcement on the inside front cover.

Page 64. Under ‘Subsection 3E : walls’ delete ‘Subsection 30 deleted August
1974’ and substitute ‘Subsection 3D deleted March 19 76

8504-2.6k--8 58/39


Copyright British Standards Institution

Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Licensee=University of Hong Kong/5910986001
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 02/05/2007 04:07:19 MST

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